The Most Notorious and Deadliest Roads In The World

Are you brave enough to travel on these roads? From mudslides to steep drops, all of these highways have something in common: They are notoriously deadly.


This is probably the ricketiest bridge you’ll ever see. No railings, wooden planks, and it’s only wide enough to fit one vehicle.

Not A Fun Time

If you ever get stuck in a snowstorm here… Forget about it. You’ll be stranded at least for the rest of the. way.


It’s a little hard to tell, but there is a road on the side of this huge mountain! This road was built using hammers and chisels by 13 villagers in 1977.

Good and Bad!

Since this stretch of road has been opened, the village nearby has become quite popular! It’s just a bit of a hike to get there.

Atlantic Road

Don’t let these beautiful views distract you! This road is basically like a rollercoaster with crazy hills and hairpin turns.

No, Thanks

There are a total of eight bridges on this stretch. Pair all of that up with the bizarre Norway weather, and you’ve got one of the most dangerous roads in the world!

Stelvio Pass

Where else would this be other than Switzerland? This is one of the highest roads in Europe with an average elevation of 9,000 feet… Yikes.

Drive Slow!

Also, there are 48 hairpin turns on this route. Try not to fall off of the mountain!

Highway 1

Highway 1 runs through Central Florida along the east coast. It stretches about 545 miles.

You’re Stuck!

It is a long time to be on a bridge with absolutely no exits… This is basically most people’s worst nightmare. What if you were stuck in traffic and also on this bridge with no exits? Woof.

Pan-American Highway

This highway network is a whopping 19,000 miles long from start to finish. It runs through 15 countries and multiple different climates! It’s quite the journey.

Desolate Area

Because of that, there are miles and miles of road where there is absolutely nothing. It’s completely desolate. And in that case, it can be dangerous. If you have an emergency, you’re probably out of luck.

Paso de Los Libertadores

This road runs along the Chile-Argentina border and is absolutely perilous. This is definitely a scenic route, but it’s also one route where you’d want to keep your eyes on the road!

Those Darn Turns

There are about 20 hairpin turns on this route. Naturally, speedsters love this road and are known to crash on here.

Col Du Chaussy

Not only is this a super twisty and windy road, but it’s also extremely narrow. Also, this photo doesn’t do it justice.

Take It Easy

Going down the hill is actually a pretty significant slope. No, thanks! This is not for people who are terrified of heights.

Fairy Mountain

As you can probably tell, this stretch of Pakistan is named after the fact that it looks like fairies live there!

Is It Magical?

Obviously, it’s pretty terrifying to look at, and even scarier to drive. The road is basically just unmaintained gravel with no safety rails… Eep!

Sichuan-Tibet Highway

Spanning over 14 mountains, this highway is more than dangerous. Even the oxygen levels are half of what they are at normal sea level.

Watch Out For Landslides

Naturally, landslides are prevalent on this stretch of highway as well. Take it easy out there.

Cat and Fiddle Road

Cat and Fiddle Highway is famously known for being a “widow maker.” Meaning that many people, especially motorcyclists, have perished here. There are a lot of sharp inclines and declines along with hairpin turns that are impossible to take when doing too fast.

Yunga Road

At one point, this road was known as the deadliest road in the world. Between 200-300 people have lost their lives trying to make the hike. Mudslides, scary weather conditions, and tight turns are definitely to blame. This road isn’t used as much anymore, but people still travel the road “for fun.”

Zoji La Pass

After each winter, it takes around two months for people to clear the roadways of snow. Then, it’s a perilous journey that can reach up to 11,000 feet high. These roads are actually so narrow that only one car can usually get by… Barely.

Kabul-Jalalabad Highway

This sketchy road was built in 1969 in order to connect two Afghan cities. Although this road has never been maintained and is slowly deteriorating, people still use it daily. It’s a high traffic area with no speed limit… Definitely a recipe for disaster.


This highway is also known as the “Highway of Death” for some pretty good reasons! It’s the busiest highway in Brazil. Many criminals hang out around the bridge to attack unsuspecting motorists. On other parts of this highway, tall mountains and heavy fog make things hard to see. It’s not fun anywhere!

Commonwealth Avenue

Yep, this is an 18-wide road. It’s flat and paved, so what could be the problem? Well, human error. People simply drive like animals on this road! There are, on average, 3-5 accidents every day.

Adriatic Highway

Pretty! And dangerous! This road has an extremely steep drop off that would take you straight into the sea. There are only two lanes and horrific sightlines, so don’t think you can pass any slow-poke.

Karnali Highway

Once the sun sets, no one is allowed to drive on this road. It’s illegal! Most people use Jeeps to get through this road because of the falling rocks and unmaintained parts.

Dalton Highway

This road in Alaska can get very icy and the weather can change very quickly. Most of the time, giant trucks are the ones who can weather this route.

Ruta Nacional 5

Not only does this road drive through vast deserts, but there are also extremely sharp drops that can be jolting.

Cotopaxi Volcano Road

This road leads right up to the top of an active volcano! Since 1738, it has erupted 50 times. That’s about 49 more times than I am comfortable with.

Trans-Siberian Highway

This road is about 7,000 miles long. Many parts of it are unfinished/unmaintained, so it can get a little bumpy! It can be very dangerous to drive through at points, especially if it’s snowy.

Skippers Canyon Road

Are you interested in a 140-year-old unpaved road that’s teetering on the side of a mountain top? No? Yeah, me neither.

Bayburt of Yolu

Not only is this road unpaved, but it’s also a GRAVEL ROAD. Going too fast? The gravel will probably move out from under your car and hurdle you down the mountain.

Furka Pass

Even though it’s a pretty terrifying road to drive or bike on, it sure is beautiful! This road can be found in the Swiss Alps.

Oh-My-God Road

Located in Colorado, this road is pretty popular among hikers. The road is barely wide enough for two cars, and some of the turns can be pretty blind. Accidents often occur here.

Tianmen Shan Big Gate Road

How can a car even navigate those turns?! Making it to the top of this mountain might be worth it since the views are gorgeous, but I’d rather take the cable car that scales the side of the mountain!

Gorges du Dadés

Only the most experienced driver should try and tackle this road. Based in Morocco, it’s usually used for the transport of random goods since there aren’t any nearby towns. Although, there is a nice view!

Amalfi Coast Highway

The Almalfi Coast is absolutely beautiful all year round. This coastal route does show off the beautiful water and mountains, but it can be a bit tricky to navigate!

Leh-Manali Highway

This road is actually very important and useful to the Indian Army. The road itself is nicely maintained, but there are other outside factors that make it dangerous, especially landslides. Plus, some people experience altitude sickness at some points.

Colorado 550

Also known as the “Million Dollar Highway” because it famously costs at least a million dollars per mile to maintain. It travels high into the mountains and can get pretty narrow at times!

Karakoram Highway

Located in a very remote area, this highway is known for its gorgeous views, border-less cliffs, animals, and of course, landslides.

Road to Heaven

The Roadway To Heaven sounds nice, but it’s actually called that because it’s a quick way to get to heaven. Whoops.


In a bizarre turn of events, this road isn’t all that dangerous… But, it is very deadly. There’s a high rate of head-on collisions on this stretch of highway.

Trollstigen, Norway

Also known as the “Troll Ladder” this highway is a beautiful highway sculpted into the natural landscape. It’s the country’s most visited tourist road (and for the right reasons!)

Kotor Road

Can you tell why they call them “hairpin” turns? It’s impossible to go over 20 mph without hurtling your car over the edge.

Killar to Pangi Road

How is this place even real? This photo is totally horrifying! It looks so easy to just fall off…

Carretera Federal 1 Highway

Blind corners and lack of shoulders is what makes this road pretty dangerous. It’s often to see broken guard rails from when people missed their turns…

Nairobi-Nakuru Highway

Drivers love speeding down this and acting like it’s a raceway. Drunk driving is also very common to see on this highway. 320 people were killed in one year.

Transfagarasan Road

This highway is actually a shortcut between Transylvania and Walachia. The oxygen on this highway can falter greatly and many feel altitude sickness.

Le Passage du Gois, France

This is very unique because this is the only road that is literally in the ocean! There are a few hours a day when this road is completely impassable because of high tide!

Patiopoulo-Perdikaki Road

It’s hard to maintain this road just because of how out of the way and long it is. Potholes are common and some of the roads has even fallen away. It’s a pretty drive, but very stressful.

US Route 431

This is one of the deadliest highways in America. On any given day and any given part of the highway, you’ll see a cross dedicated to someone who lost their life on that road.

The Barton Highway

This is known as the worst highway in Australia. There were around 300 deaths in 2015. Although this isn’t a very long stretch of road, there is a lot of human error that happens on here.

Luxor-al-Hurghada Road

Driving straight through the desert sounds kind of cool, but really think about it. Unpaved roads, risky weather, intense heat… That’s kind of a recipe for disaster, isn’t it?

Halsema Highway

Obviously, this road is prone to landscapes. There aren’t many safety guards along the road, although they have tried to implement some. Buses commonly travel this road, and many have fallen over the edge.

Strada delle 52 Gallerie

Hope you’re not claustrophobic! There are about 52 tunnels on this route. Pairing that with the unpaved roads, this is an easy “Nope!”

Taroko Gorge Road

While this road is in a beautiful part of Taiwan, it can get really dangerous. The roads can get flooded, mudslides can happen, and the sharp turns can be deadly.

Canning Stock Route

Road signs? Nah. Guard rails? Forget about it? Mile markers? For chumps! This is a road that definitely shouldn’t be a road.


This road is only one car wide and full of steep drops. A lot of people like to speed down this road, which causes a lot of accidents and deaths in the middle of Morocco.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.