The Ultimate Human Body Quiz

The one thing that all humans have in common is our bodies. Everyone has one! But, how much do you know about yours? 

How much of the human body is water?


The human body is 66% water! That's why it's so important to stay hydrated and drink lots of water. 


You chose:

The human body is 66% water! That's why it's so important to stay hydrated and drink lots of water. 

True or False: A human's thumb is as long as their nose. 


It's true! You probably just tried this, didn't you?


You chose:

It's true! You probably just tried this, didn't you?

True or False: The speed of a sneeze is 100 miles per hour.


This is true! Coughs travel at about 60 miles per hour. Don't forget to sneeze and cough into your elbow!


You chose:

This is true! Coughs travel at about 60 miles per hour. Don't forget to sneeze and cough into your elbow!

Which part of the body has cells that divide faster than any other cell in the body?


It's hair! The cells of hair divide every 23 to 72 hours, which is much faster than any other cell in the body. These cells are the reason why your hair grows. 


You chose:

It's hair! The cells of hair divide every 23 to 72 hours, which is much faster than any other cell in the body. These cells are the reason why your hair grows. 

The smallest bone in the human body is the size of which of the following?


The smallest bone in the human body is around the size of a grain of rice. This bone is called the stapes bone!


You chose:

The smallest bone in the human body is around the size of a grain of rice. This bone is called the stapes bone!

True or False: The smallest muscle in the body is in the ear. 


This is true! The stapedius muscle is the smallest muscle in the body and helps the stapes bone move in the middle ear.


You chose:

This is true! The stapedius muscle is the smallest muscle in the body and helps the stapes bone move in the middle ear.

Where are calcium crystals found?


Calcium crystals can be found in the inner ear. They help regulate balance!


You chose:

Calcium crystals can be found in the inner ear. They help regulate balance!

True or False: Sweat is the main cause of body odor.


This is false! Although sweat is a factor of body odor, the main cause is bacteria. 


You chose:

This is false! Although sweat is a factor of body odor, the main cause is bacteria. 

How many taste buds are on your tongue?


There are 9 thousand taste buds on your tongue. Interestingly enough, we lose a lot of taste buds as we grow older.


You chose:

There are 9 thousand taste buds on your tongue. Interestingly enough, we lose a lot of taste buds as we grow older.

What is the largest organ of the human body?


Skin is the largest organ of the body. Altogether, your skin weighs about six pounds. It regenerates every 27 days.


You chose:

Skin is the largest organ of the body. Altogether, your skin weighs about six pounds. It regenerates every 27 days.

How many bones are humans born with?


Babies are born with approximately 300 bones. As babies grow, the bones fuse together. At full maturity, humans only have 206 bones. 


You chose:

Babies are born with approximately 300 bones. As babies grow, the bones fuse together. At full maturity, humans only have 206 bones. 

True or False: Humans get an entirely new skeleton every 12 years.


Weirdly enough, this is true. Every 12 years, the body will replace bone cells of the skeleton so we have a "new" skeleton. 


You chose:

Weirdly enough, this is true. Every 12 years, the body will replace bone cells of the skeleton so we have a "new" skeleton. 

The smallest bones in the human body are found where?


The smallest bones are found in your ears! Long with the stapes bone, other tiny bones are the malleus and the incus. 


You chose:

The smallest bones are found in your ears! Long with the stapes bone, other tiny bones are the malleus and the incus. 

True or False: One foot can sweat the equivalent of half a glass of water in just one day.


It's true! A pair of feet contains 250k sweat glands. Just one foot could sweat up to half a glass of water per day. 


You chose:

It's true! A pair of feet contains 250k sweat glands. Just one foot could sweat up to half a glass of water per day. 

How many cells are produced each second?


Your body produces 25 million new cells each second. You probably produced around 125 million new cells since you first read this question! 


You chose:

Your body produces 25 million new cells each second. You probably produced around 125 million new cells since you first read this question! 

What is the largest bone in the human body?


The femur is the largest bone in the human body. This is also known as the thigh bone. 


You chose:

The femur is the largest bone in the human body. This is also known as the thigh bone. 

True or False: Your fingernails continue to grow after you pass away.


This is false! Your fingernails are made up of cells, so they die off when you do. It's just a myth!


You chose:

This is false! Your fingernails are made up of cells, so they die off when you do. It's just a myth!

What percent of your body weight is made up of blood?


Blood makes up 8% of your body weight. So, if you weigh 200 pounds, then you have 16 pounds of blood on you! 


You chose:

Blood makes up 8% of your body weight. So, if you weigh 200 pounds, then you have 16 pounds of blood on you! 

True or False: The word "pain" is rooted in a Latin word that means punishment.


This is true! The word "pain" comes from the Latin word "poena" which means punishment. 


You chose:

This is true! The word "pain" comes from the Latin word "poena" which means punishment. 

How many muscles are in a human tongue?


The human tongue is made up of 8 interwoven muscles. They are similar in structure to an elephant's trunk or an octopus's tentacle!


You chose:

The human tongue is made up of 8 interwoven muscles. They are similar in structure to an elephant's trunk or an octopus's tentacle!

Where are the body's fastest muscles located?


The fastest muscles are located in the eyes. They are called extraocular muscles and are responsible for moving your eyes. 


You chose:

The fastest muscles are located in the eyes. They are called extraocular muscles and are responsible for moving your eyes. 

On average, how much does human hair grow per year?


On average, human hair grows six inches per year. Hair is the fastest-growing part of a human!


You chose:

On average, human hair grows six inches per year. Hair is the fastest-growing part of a human!

True or False: The human brain has a memory capacity equivalent to 3 GB of a hard drive.


This is false! The human brain has a memory capacity of nearly four TB on a hard drive. That's a good amount of memory! 


You chose:

This is false! The human brain has a memory capacity of nearly four TB on a hard drive. That's a good amount of memory! 

The human skull is made up of how many diffferent bones? 


The human skill is made up of 29 different bones. Nope, the skull isn't just one big bone!


You chose:

The human skill is made up of 29 different bones. Nope, the skull isn't just one big bone!

When do human embryos acquire fingerprints after conception?


A human embryo will grow fingerprints three months after conception. By the second trimester, they should have all of their fingerprints ready to go to unlock their own little smartphone. 


You chose:

A human embryo will grow fingerprints three months after conception. By the second trimester, they should have all of their fingerprints ready to go to unlock their own little smartphone. 

Where do humans lose most of their body heat?


Humans lose about 80% of their body heat from their heads. This is why your caretaker always wants you to wear a hat when you have a fever!


You chose:

Humans lose about 80% of their body heat from their heads. This is why your caretaker always wants you to wear a hat when you have a fever!

True or False: The lining of your stomach turns red when you blush.


This is true! Next time your cheeks turn red, maybe distract yourself with the thought of your stomach turning red, too. 


You chose:

This is true! Next time your cheeks turn red, maybe distract yourself with the thought of your stomach turning red, too. 

If they were all combined, what would be the total length of all blood vessels in a human body?


All of the blood vessels in a human body would be 100,000 km long, which is around 62,000 miles. That could wrap around the Earth almost three times!


You chose:

All of the blood vessels in a human body would be 100,000 km long, which is around 62,000 miles. That could wrap around the Earth almost three times!

Which mineral is not found in the structure of a human body?


Magnesium is not found in the structure of a human body. It's an essential mineral to improve the body's function, but it does not make up the structure. 


You chose:

Magnesium is not found in the structure of a human body. It's an essential mineral to improve the body's function, but it does not make up the structure. 

How many litres of blood does the average human heart pump in a lifetime?


On average, the human heart will produce 182 million litres of blood. 


You chose:

On average, the human heart will produce 182 million litres of blood. 

True or False: A person passes on 280 different types of bacteria to another person when they kiss. 


This is true! We all know that swapping spit can be a bit gross, but no worries here. 95% of the bacteria are not harmful.


You chose:

This is true! We all know that swapping spit can be a bit gross, but no worries here. 95% of the bacteria are not harmful.

How many facial muscles does it take to smile?


It takes 17 facial muscles to produce a smile. That's not so bad!


You chose:

It takes 17 facial muscles to produce a smile. That's not so bad!

How many facial muscles does it take to frown?


It takes 43 muscles to frown. That seems like a lot of work, you're probably better off turning that frown upside down.


You chose:

It takes 43 muscles to frown. That seems like a lot of work, you're probably better off turning that frown upside down.

What body part never stops growing?


Your nose (and ears) never stop growing. On the other hand, your eyes stay the same size through out your entire life.


You chose:

Your nose (and ears) never stop growing. On the other hand, your eyes stay the same size through out your entire life.

How much smaller is your left lung than your right lung?


On average, your left lung is 10% smaller than your right lung. In fact, your right lung does a lot of the work for both of them!


You chose:

On average, your left lung is 10% smaller than your right lung. In fact, your right lung does a lot of the work for both of them!

True or False: Your heartbeat syncs to the rhythm of the music you're listening to. 


Indeed it does! Your heart regulates itself to the beat of the music which then helps us to match the feeling of the song. 


You chose:

Indeed it does! Your heart regulates itself to the beat of the music which then helps us to match the feeling of the song. 

How does a newborn baby see the world when it's first born?


A newborn baby first sees the world upside down. The brain has to work on erecting the convex eye lens in the retina. 


You chose:

A newborn baby first sees the world upside down. The brain has to work on erecting the convex eye lens in the retina. 

What percentage of all bones in the human body are in the feet?


Nearly 25% of all bones in the human body are located in the feet. 


You chose:

Nearly 25% of all bones in the human body are located in the feet. 

Which organ "float" in your body?


It's your lungs! They are the only organ in your body that floats.


You chose:

It's your lungs! They are the only organ in your body that floats.

About how many humans are in the United States?


There are around 300 million people living in the United States. The U.S. Census says that there are 310,828,459 people in America as of Dec. 1, 2021. 


You chose:

There are around 300 million people living in the United States. The U.S. Census says that there are 310,828,459 people in America as of Dec. 1, 2021. 

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.