These Are The Most Massive Animals On Earth

The world is filled with amazing and interesting creatures. Some of them are larger than life in more ways than one. Read on to find out about some of the earth’s biggest animals, from crazy cows to extreme ants, these are the most massive creatures on earth…

Radical Rodent

Melanie and Richard are parents to the world’s largest rodent pet, located in Texas. He’s about the size of a dog and loves swimming in the pool. His name is Gary the Capybara.

XL Cow

Chilli is a big cow, like, a huge cow. This beast is 6 foot 6 and weighs a staggering total of 2,750 pounds. His caretaker, Jenny Wheadon says that he grows bigger and bigger every day. Currently, he’s about 18 inches taller than a regular cow.

Amazing Anaconda

The green anaconda can weigh up to 550 pounds and reach 30 feet in length. It is the largest snake on earth. They are typically found in water regions of South America, close to the Amazon Rainforest.

Oarfish Are Fish?

This is the longest fish we bet you’ll ever see. Nicknamed ‘sea serpents’ because of their size, these guys reach 110 feet long and can weigh up to 600 pounds.

Mastering the Mastiff 

This dog is big in more ways than one. In some cases, Tibetan Mastiffs can weigh over 280 pounds. One of this breed was sold for $1.5 million in 2011. Big bucks for the big dog!

The Ocean Sunfish

The Mola Mola, also known as Ocean Sunfish, are massive animals. They are the heaviest (and rather boniest) fish in the world weighing typically about 2,200 pounds. One particularly big fish weighed a shocking 5,100 pounds and had 14 feet of fin length.

Double the Donkey

There exists a lucky donkey out there named Oklahoma Sam living his best life after being named the “Tallest Living Donkey.” At age four, she had surpassed all other donkeys eligible for this coveted namesake. She was 15.3 hands long, while most donkeys are only 8.


Brutus isn’t your typical giant saltwater crocodile. He’s chomped down on a bull shark! This big boy is 18 feet long and a celebrity spotting on the Adelaide River Cruises. Just don’t get too close!

Huge Hog

That’s not a log, it’s a hog! In 2011, an 11-year old named Jamison Stone got the biggest catch of the hunt: a 1,051 pound, nine-foot-long hog. The hunt took three hours, but once the animal snarled at him, Jamison shot his shot and lived to tell the tale.

Long Longhorn

Bug haters, beware. These South American rainforest dwellers are the most impressive beetles on earth (sorry John, Paul, George, and Ringo) and measure typically at 6.6 inches. Their mandibles are so powerful that they can cut pencils in half.

Big Boy Bull

Field Marshall, an English Bull, made waves in 2009 when he stepped on the scale and weighed 2 tons (3,682 pounds to be exact). His owner, 80-year-old Arthur Duckett theorized the beast would only get bigger, as he’d been steadily growing since age 8. Wow!

The New Spiderman?

Dinner anyone? The Japanese Spider Crab is the largest species of crab at 18 feet claw to claw. The monster can even weigh up to 42 pounds.

Hold Your Horses

The Percheron Stallion named Windermere’s North American Maid (or as his friends call him, Moose) is 19 hands tall and is the complete package. He’s also a draft horse and Perchon supreme world champ.

I Prefer Small Dogs…

This is a good boy. Giant George earned his name by being 3’7″ from shoulder to paw and 7 feet long. He was named the tallest living dog by Guinness World Records. He recently passed away at age 8, but at his peak, weighed 245 pounds.

Pounds on a Pig

This Chinese Pig weighed 1,984 pounds until his death at age 5. For context, most pigs weigh 100-240 pounds. What was this guy eating!

Massive Rabbit

The Flemish Giant Rabbit is about as big as a dog, and the biggest breed of domestic rabbit. The biggest one ever seen was 4’3″ long, seen here resting with his BFF.

Coco-nuts Crab

This hermit crab (yes, it’s in the hermit crab family) looks like something out of a horror movie, but for the species, it’s not unusual. They can weigh almost nine pounds and grow over 3 feet long. They eat fruits, nuts, and seeds, though they look like they might eat you!

Vicious Vulture

The Cinereous Vulture weighs 31 pounds and has a wingspan of 8-10 feet, so stand clear! They are the world’s largest preying bird. They eat mostly carrion, but still, stay away.

Jumbo Jellyfish

The Lion’s Man Jellyfish is as terrifying as it is beautiful. The tentacles appear like a lion’s mane, hence the name. The bell can be seven feet and the tentacles can reach 121 feet. Scary!

Amazing Ants

The Amazonian Ant is one to be feared. They can reach up to 1.2 to 1.6 inches in length and are known to be very poisonous. Don’t worry though, unless you’re in the South American forests, you’re probably safe.

My Main Maine Coon

Stewie is the largest cat, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. He is a Maine Coon, the oldest and biggest breed of domestic cats. Stewie is 48.5 inches long.

Lengthy Land Snail

The largest gastropod is the Giant African Land Snail that was two pounds and 15.5 inches long. They live between five to seven years.

Catching the Catfish

A Thai fisherman caught a catfish in the Mekong river in 2005. Weighing 646 pounds, this was the largest freshwater fish ever caught.

Stingray Spotting

Whoa! This 1,300-pound stingray is also found in the Mekong river, just like the giant catfish. Though they are large, they are also largely endangered. They are hunted for meat and sport. 

Bismarck Flying Fox

In Papua New Guinea, the Bismarck flying fox is actually not a fox at all, but the biggest bat in the world. At 5.25 feet across, their wingspan is wide. The bats of this species are one of the few species of mammals in which males lactate.

Bunny Business

Who knew that there was a world record for the longest bunny? Well, apparently Jess, who holds the record at 4’5”. They’re so big, they have to stay in dog crates.

Largest Carnivores

Polar bears are one of the two largest carnivores, next to Kodiak bears. The polar bear can weigh anywhere between 772-1,543 pounds, probably from eating so much seal!

An Inch to a Foot

How long would a goldfish have to be to make you uncomfortable? What about Big Bob, the one foot long goldfish? He has grown out of five fish tanks and keeps growing. His owner, a woman named Anne Cooper, never expected this when she bought him at 1 inch!

Cool Kodiaks

The Kodiak Bear is another carnivore known for its size. Residing in Southwest Alas, these creatures have a wide variety of foods in their diet depending on the time of year. They are largely endangered, as almost 90% are killed by hunting.

Supersized Salamander

The largest amphibian in the world is the Chinese Giant Salamander. The adults can get up to 55-66 pounds typically, but the biggest one on record was 110 pounds and 5.9 feet in length. Wow!

Enormous Invertebrates

The Colossal squid is the largest invertebrate on Earth. The length of these is 43 for females and 33 for males, but the weight is what really sets them apart. Females can weigh over 606 pounds while males only weigh about 300.

Biggest On Earth

The biggest animal on earth is the blue whale, as many people might already know. It’s the largest that’s ever lived and can weigh over 190 tons and be 98 feet long. They typically eat 40 million krill a day. Stay out of their way!

Celebrity Tortoise

Sammy the Tortoise is famous in his own right, weighing 115 pounds, but he’s also owned by famous athlete Colin Kapernick! Sammy is one of the largest kinds of turtle on earth and will live up to 150 years.

Hoppy to Be Here

If you travel to Cameroon and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, you might run into a Goliath frog, the largest frog species on earth. They can live for up to 15 years and will weigh an average of 7 pounds.

Bird Eating Spiders

The bird-eating spider (yes, you read that correctly) is also known as the Goliath spider, is the world’s largest spider for its mass/size. The female spiders might live up to 25 years, and they reside in South America.

Supreme Spiders

If we’re talking leg span, we’re talking the Giant Huntsman Spider. This spider’s legs can be a foot long. They don’t build webs and are found in Laos.

Whale or Shark?

The Whale Shark is the largest fish in the world. On record, the largest ever is 41.5 feet in length and a staggering 47,000 pounds in weight. These creatures aren’t dangerous, and are actually considered to be quite playful!

A Huge Turtle

The largest sea turtle is the Leatherback Sea Turtle, known for it’s exposed skin in place of a bone shell. They measure up to 6-7 feet in length and weigh between 550 and 1,540 pounds on average.

Bigger than the Beetles

The largest insect on the plant is the Goliath Beetle, which can become 2.4-4.3 inches in length. You can find them in Africa’s tropical rain forestry.

Elephant Ears

The African Elephant is a beast to be feared, weighing in at nearly 6 tons. They radiate excess heat through their ears, an important feature underneath the hot African sun.

Giraffes Are Too Tall!

Did you know that giraffes are the tallest terrestrial mammals on earth? Males can be 16 feet tall, have blood pressure pumping three times fast than humans, and have hearts two feet tall! That’s a wild animal.

Putting the Great in Great Dane

There is a Great Dane named Frankie living in England who holds the world record for largest dog in the world. He’s seven feet tall and 210 pounds, but was later dethroned from his title in 2017.

Spreading Wings

Found in Papua New Guinea, the female Queen Alexandria butterflies are much larger than the males. Their 11-inch wingspan is impressive, but the males have much more beautiful shimmering blue and green wings.

Earthworm Rope

Uh, gross. This 9.8-foot long earthworm is known as the Australia Giant Gippsland earthworm. It can live for up to five years, but we sure hope it doesn’t, yikes!

Big Fish Finds

Fish in captivity usually stay pretty small, but those in the wild can get pretty big. A four-pound goldfish was found by researchers recently, much bigger than the typical tiny ones at the store.

Killer Komodo

The Komodo Dragon dates back to when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Weighing at about 300 pounds and 10 feet long, this creature is the largest lizard on earth.

A Long Tail Tale

The Irish Wolfhound, Keon, broke the record for longest tail on a dog. Residing in Belgium, this good boy has a tail 30.2 inches long. Wow!

Total Tortoise

Goliath the tortoise certainly earns his name. The animal was hatched in the late 60s and now weighs 919 pounds. He nows lives in the Seffner Life Fellowship Bird Sanctuary.

Steer Clear

Steer clear of this guy. Lurch is an African Watusi Steer that has 37.5 inches in horn circumference. The horns did more hurt than help, as he developed cancer at the base of the horns which led to his death.

Where in the Wool?

Meet Chris: the Australian sheep who was near death because he was carrying over 88 pounds of wool, making him five times the average size of a merino sheep. Never skip gym day!

Buff Kangaroo

This is the most buff kangaroo on earth. Roger weighs 200 pounds, so strong that he could crush metal. Red Kangaroos are both strong and extremely aggressive, so stay away.

Rampant Raccoon

Bandit the raccoon is the largest known raccoon. He weighs a shocking 75 pounds but lives a very luxurious lifestyle among a family who raised him like a dog.

That’s One Tall Horse!

Big Jake certainly is big. In 2012, he won the world record for the world’s tallest horse at 6 foot 9 inches and 2,600 pounds. He was raised at a farm in Michigan.

Supreme Stingrays

Giant stingrays are impressive and close to their demise. They are greatly endangered. This one is 1,300 pounds and over 6 feet wide.

Giant Goliath

The Goliath frog is known for its huge hind legs. They are 13 inches in length on average and reach about 7 pounds in weight. They eat anything from insects and worms to other frogs and even snakes.

Jelly Giant

This jellyfish is no laughing matter. At almost 7 feet in length and 400 pounds, these guys are out to kill. They’re capable of capsizing a ship! They can be found between China and Japan.

Footlocker Fears

In New York City, a massive rodent was found in the back of a Footlocker store. The creepy crawler was about the size of a medium dog. That is, without a doubt, the scariest thing I’ve ever heard.

The Fox Face Bat

The Bismarck Flying fox, who appeared earlier, earned its name because of the fox-like features on its face.

Cane You Believe It?

In South America, you can find a Cane Toad that lays over 2,000 eggs in a single nest. He has very few predators and is known to be an annoying pest. They grow to massive sizes.

What’s a Weta?

The Giant Weta Cricket is one of the biggest insect creatures on earth. It can fill a human hand and chirps loudly and annoyingly.

The Bizzare Batfish

What lipstick does she use? The Galapagos Islands house this strange-looking fish, the Red-Lipped Batfish. It propels itself along the ocean floor and attracts attention with its bright red lips.

Pounds on a Panda Ant

The biggest ant in the game is the Panda Ant. The ant shares a name with the bear on account of the coloring. They can be found in Chile and can kill as big as cattle with their painful sting.

Enormous Isopods

The biggest isopod was found in the depths of the sea in 2010. At 2.5 feet in length, this anomaly is carnivorous and loosely related to the crab and pill bug, as you might guess from the appearance.

A Great Great White

Great White Sharks can be about 20 feet in length according to the all-knowing Guinness Book of World Records. The largest-ever was 36 feet long, found in Port Fairy, South Australia.

Catastrophic Crabs

The formerly mentioned Colossal Coconut Crab is about nine pounds and 3 feet long. Their claws are enough to destroy a coconut, hence their tropical-themed name.

Legit Ligers

Napoleon Dynamite wasn’t bluffing when he mentioned Ligers. These big cats are real, and Hercules is a 922-pound example. He resides in the Myrtle Beach Safari Wildlife Preserve. He is also 131 inches long and 49 inches tall at his shoulders.

Enormous Earthworm

In 2013, Mickey Grossman got the surprise of his life. After finishing a 5,000-mile trek across South America, he found a giant earthworm in the Sumaco National Park. Reports suggest that the worm might either be Caecilian (a legless amphibian) or a Glossoscolex Giganteaus.

Massive Maine Coons

Maine Coon’s are the biggest cat breed on earth. Ludo is the biggest of the biggest, a length of nearly 4 feet. Stewie held the record previously, but after Stewie passed away, Ludo took the record.

A Sizeable Siamese Carp

In Ban Pong, Thailand, six fishermen caught this Siamese Carp after 90 minutes of struggle. It weighed 222 pounds. They relocated the fish and he’s still alive today in a fish sanctuary!

The Long and Large Lobster

In 2017, a giant lobster was released into the wild after 20 years in captivity. The beast was 22 pounds, and his owner didn’t want him to get eaten. Hempstead Maine celebrated the 132-year-old lobster with a ceremony as he was released.

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The More You Know

  • Frogs can freeze without dying.
  • Ostriches can run faster than horses, and the males can roar like lions.
  • The lifespan of 75% of wild birds is 6 months.
  • Adult lions pretend to be hurt by the bites of their young to encourage their strength.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.