These Crazy Parents Went Way Too Far Trying to Control Their Kids

Sometimes, living under the same roof as your parents can be difficult, especially when you’re a teenager. It’s no secret that raising a child is a Herculean task, but these parents behaved so unforgivably that they may never have a normal relationship with their kids ever again. From tracking locations to asking for money to hiding cameras in their child’s room, here are the most ridiculous things parents have ever done to alienate themselves from their children…

What Do You Do When You 8-Year-Old Is Smarter Than You?

This petty father should be proud of his son, not finding ways to dampen his intellect and “make him dumb.” Parents should always encourage their children to strive for greatness. Imagine being this jealous of your own kid!

Someone Has Trust Issues…

How is your daughter old enough to get married, but she’s not old enough to be trusted in the same room as the man she’s marrying?

Creepy Mom Alert

Asking for photos of children is probably not the brightest idea. There’s a difference between being protective and acting like a prison guard. Would you be comfortable with this request?

Mind Over Matter

Apparently epilepsy can be cured with positive thoughts. Having to deal with someone this ignorant must be exhausting…

Judgy Mother

Oh, no! An Aries baby? Whatever will this expecting mother do? Perhaps… resign love her unborn child regardless of its astrological sign.

Employee of the Month

All these credentials for… $10 an hour? Seriously? A bachelor’s degree in childcare should earn you more than $10 an hour, especially if one of the stipulations is “no history of traffic tickets.”

Controlling Dad

This father was tracking their kid while they were out on a date. Controlling your child like this is a surefire way to make them leave the house as soon as they can and never look back.

Big Brother

This Reddit user revealed they had “already confronted” their mother “with the argument that what she’s doing is illegal and an invasion of privacy.” The user has since taken down the cameras and plans to keep taking them down if she installs any others. This kind of behavior is beyond inappropriate, especially if the child is a teenager.

Rage Issues

This parent seems entirely unhinged and also extremely dangerous. The school should be seeking compensation for their property.

Parent of the Year

This user works a minimum wage job and had to decline when their mom asked them for $600. They stated that since the above argument transpired, the two tried talking about the situation, but “all it accomplished was her thinking I was a selfish piece of s***.”

Liar, Liar

How can you do that to a child? Public shaming like this is a manipulative and abusive bullying tactic. What’s the point in destroying his self-esteem?

Constant Updates

This is monitoring to the extreme. This Reddit user’s parents force them to update everything they do and verbally abuse them if they forget. What kind of trust issues do you have to have to need photographs of your child eating and cleaning every 15 minutes?

Why Become a Parent in the First Place?

Your kids deserved better than you, anyway. This is probably the best thing that could have happened to them.

Homophobic Mom

This girl’s mother kicked her out after finding letters her girlfriend wrote to her. She’s calling the cups! Oh, no! Hopefully they won’t take a mugshot.

Magic Oils

The best advice in this situation is perhaps to stop secretly rubbing oils all over your children, you freak.

Time for Bootcamp

This person’s dad is sending them to Bootcamp because they didn’t get the haircut he wanted them to get. However, he never told them what he wanted. “I was sobbing in the back of my work when he sent me these messages,” the Reddit user said. How cruel can one person be?

Impossible Task

Even the strictest of parents need to make their goals achievable. Otherwise, they’re simply punishing their children because they want to. It’s all about power.

This Is Stealing

This mother impersonated her child to Bank of America and withdrew $1,400 of scholarship money from their bank account as punishment for her ex-husband not paying for her vacation.

Indebted to Their Parents

This person forgot to do a chore while they were rushing out the door and now their parents are changing them money. There are other ways to teach your kid the value of money!

Google University

Yeah, everyone hates when doctors act like they have a degree in medicine, right?

Yes, You Are

Your 14-year-old son’s happiness is far more important than the weight of his girlfriend. How can you fat-shame a 14-year-old girl to the point of not allowing your son to be with her?

Devil in the Cards

Watch out, it’s time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel those demons.

The Last Reply…

There’s no better way to distance yourself from your kids by denying them technology as basic and necessary as a cellphone.

Should We Be Concerned?

Imagine seeing your mom post this on Facebook…

They Live on Different Continents

Ah, the typical controlling parent. Good luck with maintaining a healthy relationship.

This Mom Took Away Therapy

This person’s mother stopped paying for therapy for her college student because she couldn’t see them “getting better” even though it had only been less than a year and she refused to allow them medication.

Measles? Mumps? Who Cares!

Homeschooling your child because the public school administration is concerned that he could spread entirely preventable diseases? You don’t know how minds and bodies work if you think pulling your kid out of public school and refusing to vaccinate him is a good idea.

Grade A Narcissist

This daughter stopped responding to her abusive mother’s messages and received this at the tail end of a 10-paragraph narcissistic rant.

Evil Stepmom

This person got a tattoo and sent their dad a photo. Three days later, they received this text… An exit date? Is that a threat?

Past Your Bedtime

This girl told her parents where she was going right before she left. After she didn’t respond to his last text, he called her three times, and she woke up to six missed calls the next morning. Her dad also drove past her friend’s house twenty minutes away to see if her car was there. It was in the garage. The kicker? She’s 24 years old.

Crazy Expectations

What’s the point of going to college if you’re not allowed to have any fun?

Disappearing Food

This person’s stepmom fed their lunch meat to the dog.

Time is Money

What’s with all these parents charging their children money for being minorly inconvenienced?

She Was on Active Duty

This 19-year-old was on duty over the holidays. Her father was not happy about it.

No Fun Allowed

This mom confiscated her daughter’s sketchbook for completely unrelated reasons. Why deny your child a creative outlet?

Drama Queen

She tried to guilt-trip him after he spent time with his other legal guardian. Someone is being a bit dramatic…

Stealing From Your Own Kid

There’s no way to justify the idea of stealing from your 15-year-old daughter.

Mom Knows Best…?

This is what happens when your mom thinks she knows better than a licensed psychologist.

This Isn’t Normal

They started to work at a sandwich shop and had to leave early due to illness. Her mother’s response? Puking 3 times a week is normal and also a lawsuit and endangering the lives of others is totally fine.

His Girlfriend’s Mother

It’s one thing to want to know what your kid is up to. It’s another to demand that they have their location services on so you can see where they are at all times.

When Are You Old Enough to Be Who You Want to Be?

Why does it matter how your kid identifies? If they’re brave enough to come out to you, the last thing you should do is dismiss them.

Bankrupting Your Kid Because They’re Having Fun

Why would this father resort to moving all the money out of their kid’s accounts just because they’re not answering him at the beach? Talk about paranoid.

Pandering to an Audience

Mom posted this a few days after she threatened to call the cops on her own daughter because she didn’t feel comfortable talking to her. The daughter had an anxiety attack and her mother looked her straight in the eyes and told her to “quit the act” while she was hyperventilating.

Maybe… Don’t Do That

Why would you leave your child in a hot car in the first place?

Bringing Up Ancient History

This woman’s mother kept commenting “Delete” on photos of her ex-boyfriends on her profile. She’s married, by the way.

Her First Time Standing Up to Her Mom

This 20-year-old finally told her mom that she didn’t want to attend the family reunion, which took place in a different city than where she lives.

Big Scary Concert

Can’t a 30-year-old go to an Iron Maiden concert? No need to throw your dad under the bus, though…

Thoughts and Prayers

Listen to the first person and your son might be in the E.R. for something much worse than a tetanus shot.


They wanted to go for a walk to clear their head and instead were accused of doing drugs.

Parents from Outer Space

How are you supposed to make a diorama of something that apparently doesn’t exist?

Sorry, What?!

These must be some very interesting people. Priorities, priorities…

Parents Thought They Were Trans Because of Their Roommates

Yeah, because living with straight people makes everyone straight, right…?

She’s A Good Mom, But…

You know, she has her moments.

A year ago, this person’s stepmother used her younger sister’s phone to ask for money, but she knew it wasn’t really for “field day.”

Surprise: Modern Medicine is Good

Although it’s terrible to think that this kid needed to beg her parent to take her to the emergency room, but at least she got the help she needed.

A Tad Bit Dramatic

All this girl wanted to do was go to Waterworld with her dad, who divorced her mother 10 years ago. Somehow, it escalated to her mom thinking she never wanted to be part of the family again and posting it all over Facebook for everyone to see.

You Know He Had to Do it to ‘Em

His mom texts him and all his siblings every Sunday reminding them to go to church.

Bitter Mom

This mean mom is acting bratty toward her own daughter because she finally saved up enough money to move out…

Cruel Rules

Dealing with depression isn’t easy, especially when you’re forced to pay your parents on top of the guilt you already feel.

That Kid Looks Sad

Do these parents believe that kids deserve privacy and respect? What do you think?

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.