Side-Splitting Fishing Fails Captured at the Perfect Time

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A two-for-one deal never looked better. This guy made quite the lucky catch. If he decides to toss one back into the sea, he better choose carefully... Does anybody know what he used as bait?

Stay Grounded

Whoever was on the other end of this rod put up quite the fight—they proved to be quite the match. No matter how badly our guy wants to win, it doesn't appear as though he's going to have much luck. Who said fishing wasn't an endurance sport?

Fish On The Brain

Oh, to be a snorkeler swimming through a school of fish. Even if he wasn't aiming to catch anything, this incredible fish photobomb speaks for itself. This is certainly a once-in-a-lifetime photograph.

Eyes on the Prize

This lake seems to have drawn out multiple fishermen, meaning the fish around here must be pretty good. That, or something else caught their eye... Either way, these fellas better concentrate on what's in the water.

City Fishing

Who needs rivers, lakes, or the ocean? Even if you live in an urban environment, you have the sewer system right at your disposal. Let's just hope that he doesn't reel in a rat... or something worse. To be fair, it's hard to imagine that city sewer fish are safe to consume.

Just Chillin'

Fishing is generally pretty depedent on weather conditions, but it's always worth a shot to see what you can reel in. These guys are pretty confident that this slab of ice won't melt in the heat of the sun. A better question is... how did they even post up there in the first place?

Some people take up fishing as a way to relax, but they'll quickly learn that it isn't always a soothing experience. These fishing fails might shed some light on the reality of fishing. You never really know what could happen in the great outdoors...

The Face of Satisfaction

All the beautiful shades of blue in this photo only serve to amplify her joy. It seems like she may or may not have gotten a little more than she bargained for with this catch—it's practically the same size as her! That's going to make one tasty meal.

Doing His Best

When his friends said to bring beer, this probably isn't what they meant. It's pretty clear that no fish were caught that day... mostly due to the fact that the boat never made it into the water. Someone better get this guy some water and dry toast.

Rolling in the Deep

This takes fishing to a whole new level. Of course, this man's approach is a little more "hands-on" than most, but it must be very effective—especially since he can see exactly what he's reeling in from below the surface of the water. Don't try this at home unless you happen to have diving gear and an oxygen tank on hand. Oh, yeah, and you should probably be a certified diver.

Fresh Fish, Anyone?

Cut out the middleman for the freshest sushi around. It may not seem like the safest method for consuming raw fish, but this woman still channeled her inner bear and did what she had to do. Even if she didn't actually eat the fish (we hope not), that's a lot of dedication for the photo op.

Can't Stop Me Now

The best thing about fishing is that it serves as a unifying link between every generation. Age is no boundary for this sport, and besides, once you cast your first line, you're hooked for life. Even if this man needs a little extra help getting around, it won't keep him from his passion.

Do You Accept This Mackerel As Your Lawfully Wedded Husband?

From the altar to the ocean, fishing is an activity that can be universally enjoyed by anyone. When the feeling calls, there's no resisting—even if it's on your wedding day. Hopefully the other party didn't mind that their bride ran off to cast a line in the ocean.

Smooth Sailing

Just guys being dude, eh? These men deserve a pat on the back; they managed to bring their whole living room onboard! What's better than the comfort of your own home without compromising your view of the great outdoors?

Make Up Your Mind

Imagine arriving at a place literally called "Fishing Bridge" only to learn that you are indeed not allowed to fish there. The disappointment would be endless! Maybe it's time to take a leaf out of the "No Fishing On Bridge" people's book and bend the rules a tiny bit.

Father-Daughter Fishing Trip

What a cute little rod! It also made an effective tool. If your daughter doesn't want to paricipate in a fishing trip, getting her a rod like this might help persuade her. This just proves that if you're a skilled enough fisherman, it doesn't matter what you use to get the job done.

Quite Inconspicuous

Generally, a rod is the best thing to use if you want to catch a fish. This guy seems like he's in the wrong place—he's wearing camouflage and carrying a giant stick. Hunting season is over. Unless he plans to hit the fish out of the water like a baseball, he might want to reconsider his tool.

Rules Were Made to Be Broken

This must be a prime fishing location, or these guys wouldn't have risked getting in trouble. Even so, the sign was put in place for a reason—probably to make sure nobody falls over the railing. Hopefully, the catch was worth it.

Nothing But Net

The net is certainly the most popular tool used for catching fish, but you can use other tools as well, like a rod. However, for this fisherman, the net seems like her favorite tool. She's even sporting one on her head!

Get Your Head in the Game

What's down there, buddy? Dropping your favorite lure in the water can be a major disappointment, but luckily, this guy had a good pal on board that agreed to help out with his deep-diving expedition. Unfortunately, we'll never know if he found what he was looking for.

Where's His License?

People say that there aren't many differences between a operating a boat and a car, but it turns out that there's a world of difference when it comes to driving land vehicles and water vehicles. Just take this guy, for example... turns out that speedbumps aren't as easy to bypass when they're actually just rock formations in the middle of the ocean.

Sweet Dreams

They say that you should keep what you love close to you, but perhaps this guy took things a tad too literally. Although the odds of someone stealing those rods in the right are slim, at least now he knows they're definitely not going anywhere. Whatever helps you sleep at night, dude.

Fish Flops

Talk about unique footwear. If you were looking for a type of shoe that also serves as a conversation-starter, this is the product for you. Do you like shoes? Do you like fish? Voila! Introducing the next big trend: fish flops.

Fruit of the Earth

Everyone hates potholes for a reason... unless you're a fisherman, that is. Hey, you can't blame the guy for making the best of a bad situation. Even though the likelihood of getting any bites is probably low, it's still a pretty creative idea.

Baby On Board

Kids crashing your romantic getaway? No problem! Life happens to everyone. It's not the safest idea, but you could always take a leaf out of this family's book when it comes to quick thinking.

Gone Fishing

Talk about making the best of a bad situation. If there's ever a flood in your area, it might actually make a great excuse for some casual fishing—all from the comfort of your favorite lawn chair.

Two Steps Ahead

Smarter than the average fish, huh? Whoever had this sweet setup must have thought they were pretty clever... until this big guy saw right through their plan. He earned his escape fair and square.

Say "Cheese"

Different species, same smile. This fish has a very particular set of pearly whites (well, pearly greys), which match his new human companion's almost perfectly. A match made in heaven—or maybe 20,000 leagues under the sea.

Thanks for the Advice

Well, in order to fish, one necessary component is required: water. Unfortunately, this crater seems to be lacking. Maybe it was dry season, but either way, nobody should be diving off this bridge in the first place unless they're looking for a serious injury.


Look, fishing is a serious hobby only meant for serious guys. From this picture, you can clearly gather that only the most talented experts engage with such a high-intensity sport. It isn't suited for everyone.

Lobster on the Brain

Not many people could handle what's going on in this photo, even if they only had to pose for a few seconds. This woman is actually one of the most popular female fishermen (yes, that's the technical term), and she obviously has a few tricks up her sleeve when it comes to catching certain crustaceans.

Sick Ride

Fly fishing is one of the most popular fishing techniques. However, it demands a fair amount of waterproof gear. This guy truly stepped up his game—he didn't want to stray too far from the shore, so he brought a giraffe-shaped float to get him further out into the water. What a sweet ride.

Now That's Dedication

This is some major follow-through. Learning how to cast correctly is no easy feat, but perhaps he took it a step too far. Sadly, he forgot the cardinal rule of throwing a cast: follow through with only your arms, not your whole body.

Pun Intended

Like any sport, fishing can be therapeutic. Sometimes all you need after a long day is a few hours on your boat in the open water. The owner of "Reel Therapy" understands.

Aerial View

If you think you've found the perfect fishing spot, try this one on for size. You must have quite a few connections to access a crane at your disposal. Fishing from a higher ground is sure to give you some sort of advantage.

Fish or Snake?

This albino catfish looks more like a boa constrictor than a fish. Chris Grimmer reeled in this 8-foot-long albino catfish, which tipped the scales at an incredible 194 pounds—two pounds heavier than the previous heaviest albino catfish, which was caught by a blind angler called Shelia Penfold. Grimmer spent 30 minutes trying to reel it in. He and his pals celebrated the unbelievable catch by drinking champagne on the riverbank.

Sticky Situation

It's safe to say that this photo isn't real, but the boots sticking out of that catfish's mouth are sure to offer a moment of hestitation. Don't mess with any animal unless you're significantly larger than it. That's the rule.

Where the Fish Go, the Cats Follow

Local cats can sometimes be a burden for fishermen, but these two fishermen don't mind the company. They're happy to share their finds with these feline friends, feeding the cats scraps from their catches.

Putting Up A Fight

What happens when the biggest catch of the day decides it doesn't want to be caught? Well, this, for starters. You have to respect the fish's determination to stay firmly below sea level. Unfortunately, it might be taking this guy down with it.

Cruising Comfortably

If you don't have a boat, this is the next best option. The seat might not be a La-Z-Boy recliner, but it's surely more comfortable than standing, and it allows you to cast further out into the water than if you were on the shore.

Fishing in a Flash Flood

Don't want to wade in the dirty, gross floodwater? No problem. Just follow in this guy's genius footsteps. He was clearly prepared for the weather. Next time there's a flood, stock up on beer, grab your fishing rod, fill up the inflatable pool, and get comfortable.

Romance Isn't Dead

Modern chivalry lives on. Although heels seem a tad impractical in terms of speedboat attire, at least this couple gets to enjoy a day on the water. Regardless of where you're into fishing yourself, you can't deny that this seems like a pleasant way to spend time together.

Reel Important

A reel is one of the most essential fishing tools—without it, you couldn't fish in the first place. It turns out that this fishing accessory also makes for a useful addition to the bathroom. Who knew?

Instant Regret

You'd think one look at this thin board extended from the dock would have informed this guy that it wasn't strong enough to hold him up, but alas, he learned the hard way. That's what happens when common sense escapes you, it seems.

Makeshift Ruler

When you leave home without a ruler, you have to make do with what you have. Competitive fishing is a huge element of the sport, which means that it's usually a good idea to carry some sort of ruler or tape measurer with you. Even if you find yourself without a ruler, all you need is a pen and some skin to measure the size of your catch.

Sustainable Lure

Whoever thught of these cool, environmentally-friendly lures should get some credit where credit is due. It's a great idea for people who want to fish a little more sustainably. Next time you want to get creative with your beer bottle caps, this is a great idea.


It's Tangled minus all of the fairytale. Of the several varieties of rods one might use to fish, among the most popular is the bait caster. However, because the spool isn't automatic, you have to make sure to apply the right amount of pressure when controlling it. One wrong move and you might end up like this guy.

It's a Boat! It's a Car! Wait, Yeah, It's Definitely a Car

During the offseason, boats have to be stored safely and kept out of inclement weather. When the weather is nice, boats can return to the water via loading ramp. Unfortunately, it wasn't clear to this driver that the boat has to go in the water first... not the truck.

Quick Nap

This is quite an unconventional place for a quick lie down, but at least his rod's still in the water. Perhaps if you're this exhausted, it's best not to go out fishing in the first place. Stay home and rest, instead.

Strictly Business

The author of this sign wasn't playing around. Listen up: no funny business from dog owners, don't bike near the water, and only go swimming if you have the appropriate bodily accoutrements. It can't be that hard to follow these directions.

Human Rod Stand

Gearing up for a day of fishing often means spending many hours on the dock. If you want to let your arms rest, it's a good idea to invest in a rod stand, which holds up your rod in the event that you need a few minutes to yourself. What happens when there are more rods then rod stands? Well, you might be forced to improvise...

Look Behind You

This guy's great catch is about to be rudely interrupted. Hopefully the person snapping the photo told him to haul his butt out of the water. That bear wanted an afternoon snack—but it's hard to say whether that meant the fish or the person holding it.

Watch Your Step

You might not believe it, but this teenager from Texas refers to himself as the pioneer of sewer fishing. The technique might seem crazy, but it works for him. One YouTube video even features the teen catching a largemouth bass from the sewer! Unfortunately, his buddy isn't having such a great time. Either that, or he's planning to get up close and personal with the catch of the day.

Let the Lake Come to You

If the road floods and you have nowhere left to go, take a leaf out of these guys' books. What better way to pass the time than tossing a line and seeing if the floodwaters brought in any decent catches? Don't forget the cooler, either.

Questionable Water

A dip in the pool on a hot day might be exactly what you needed... but not when the water is that mysterious shade of green. It's no surprise that this guy might think something is lurking below the surface of those murky waters.

Head in the Sand

This is quite an interesting technique, but hey, don't knock it 'til you try it. Maybe he lost a bet... or maybe he's just plain crazy. Either way, there's no way to tell what might be down there. It might be more effective to stick to the fishing rod, next time.

Too Close for Comfort

Fishing fails are sometimes funny, but they're almost always preventable. This is what happens when you think you spotted a juicy catch in the water and lean in too far. Hopefully, this person's companions were able to make a catch of their own: fishing their fallen pal out of the water.

Road Fishing

Ideally, fishing involves casting your line into a body of water, but this is what happens when you have to improvise. What was this guy hoping to catch? A squirrel? Because if so, he's in the right place.

Brunch on the Water

If you're prone to snacking, fly fishing might not be the activity for you—unless you're this guy. In order to fly fish, one has to be in the water, which makes it harder to multitask. This is simply the best of both worlds.

Unique Fishing Technique

This method of fishing originated in the Caribbean; it allows fishermen to literally "post up" anywhere in the water and cast their lines. Although it doesn't look incredibly comfortable, this is certainly one of the more innovative ways to catch a fish.

Take Your Pick

This is every fisherman's dream come to life. This enormous school of redfish was spotted right off the coast of Jacksonville, Florida near Fernandina Beach. These guys better have come home with the jackpot. Otherwise, it might be time to hang up their rods...

Ice Fishing Extravaganza

The largest ice fishing competition in the world is held annually in Brainerd, Minnesota. Thousands of people from all over the globe come out to compete. The Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza sends the winner home with $150,000; it is the largest charitable ice fishing competition on Earth.

Unwelcome Surprise

A pleasant day on the lake soon turned into this guy's worst nightmare. What would you do if a crocodile suddenly launched itself out of the water? It's reasonable to imagine that anyone might react the same way as the man in the picture, who appears to be getting out of there as fast as he can.

Master of Disguise

Seagulls are known for their fishing skills, but they usually manage to make a catch sans the rod and bucket hat. This seagull is really pulling off the human look. You can hardly tell the difference between him and a real live person.

Real River Monster

Angling explorer Jeremy Wade considers himself an "extreme angler" in search of the biggest and most dangerous freshwater fish. Evidently, Wade prefers the kind with a taste for human flesh. On the show River Monsters, Wade introduced us to this terrifying creature, which can be found in the Congo River. We recommend you avoid at all costs unless you want to be bitten by its 32 razor-sharp teeth.

Two-Person Job

A friend in need is a friend indeed, right? Luckily, this guy had his buddy around to help him reel in whatever gargantuan fish he had hooked. If all went according to plan, all that effort paid off, and the pair went home with one spectacular fish.

Biggest Bass Around

This monstrous bass clocks in at a whopping twenty-two pounds and five ounces. It was caught near Kyoto, Japan by Manabu Kurita in 2009. Kurita used live bluegill as bait. The catch was ruled legitimate after six months. Kurita even had to pass a polygraph test in order to prove that he really caught the fish himself.

Cursed Toilet

This has to be someone's worst nightmare. The toilet is the one place nobody should endeavor to catch a fish. Even so, this guy had to be seriously lucky to reel in a catch from the comfort of his own home.

Manifesting Your Desires

Don't you hate it when you cast a line into the water and pull out a whole car? This guy might be a little sweaty, but that's probably from the amount of effort exerted in reeling in a two-ton vehicle from the water. Forget the fish—next time you're out on the lake, keep your eyes peeled for a Honda Civic.

Hard Day's Work

We hope this guy slathered on the sunscreen before taking a nap in the bright morning light. Either way, he's got an impressive station set up. If you don't have rod stands, rocks will do just fine, it seems. Is this working hard or hardly working?

Big Uglies

Don't worry, we're not talking about the guys in this picture. These enormous fish are called opahs, moonfish, or "big uglies." They were caught on the southern coast of California during the summer of 2014. The largest one is smack dab in the middle, weighing 180 pounds. These fishermen better have thrown one heck of a fish fry.

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The More You Know

  • A species of squid has been observed to leap from the ocean by using pressurized water jets to achieve flight, going as far as 98 feet!
  • Arkansas hosts the annual World Championship Duck Calling Contest.
  • Female bats give birth while hanging upside down, catching the baby in their wings as it drops.
  • The hippopotamus is born underwater.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.