These People Have Undeniable Proof That They Time Traveled

Looks like time travel isn't just reserved for Marty McFly... These everyday people have some mind-blowing stories that they traveled through time and experienced other dimensions. There are their firsthand accounts...

YouTube Has The First Clue

The conversation regarding time travel surfaced when a random YouTube video was discovered. The man on camera claimed he'd visited the year 6000. Most of the comments state their disbelief, but the guy has some pretty hard facts about what he saw...

A Revealing Story

The man's face was blurred and his voice was altered, but you can still make out exactly just how unbelievable his tale is. He talks about his experience with the government, time travel, and what exactly the year 6000 was like. The video is unlike anything we've ever seen...

Keeping This Secret

Apparently, time travel has been around since the 1990s, which means it might be the government's best-kept secret. If they've been trying to hide this for decades, then that means there's a lot to uncover. The man's goal in sharing his story was to let it be known that the government has been lying to us all about this discovery...

Highly Classified

The man said he was chosen for a top-secret program in the 1990s. The government apparently enlisted him as a top agent in time travel so he could take part in this mission. At this point, people were sort of starting to believe it...

An Odd Crew

Apparently, there were many people involved in this time-traveling crew, and they were all from different eras. He never disclosed how many people were involved exactly, though. Everyone was also tasked with traveling to a different time, and his assignment was 6000...

What's Special About 2028?

In 2028, it's likely that the government will release the time travel technology. That's less than a decade from now, so we're going to see whether this is true or not very soon. The further information he revealed is pretty intense...

Pretty Hard To Wrap Your Head Around This

The man in the video understands that he might not be taken seriously, but he wants to share his story so people are aware of the issue. If time travel really is revealed in less than 10 years, we'll all have known about it. He believes that understanding the depths of the government is the most important part of the story...

But Is He Trustworthy?

Even if he didn't give us concrete details of his time in the year 6000, he did have something even better. It turns out, this man had physical proof of his travels. You won't believe it when you see it...

The Photo In Question

The man claims that the photo pictured above was taken in the year 6000. It's a very blurry landscape, but if you look closer, it certainly has the makings of a futuristic city. But is this enough proof?

There's a Reason Why It Isn't Clear

Of course, naysayers commented that this photo is doctored or just simply taken in our current time. But the man in the video has an explanation for why it looks the way it does. He seems to have an answer for everything...

Time Traveling Effects Photos

It's common sense that time-traveling would affect photos. Right? This picture weathered the harsh chemical changes from the act of time traveling itself. That definitely adds up.

Explaining His Case

Because the photo honestly was pretty weird, viewers still decided to hear him out. Despite the skepticism, the story was just so unbelievable that they couldn't stop watching. The more he told, the weirder things got...

Teleportation Exists Too?!

Apparently, people in the yar 6000 teleport with ease. It's a common form of technology and travel that everyone has access to. It's like literally living in a sci-fi movie. This era sounds pretty amazing...

Time Travel Is Just As Accessible

While time travel exists in 6000, it's not readily available for normal people. Only government officials have access to the technology. Even capitalism is still a thing 4,000 years into the future...

Okay, Even Invisibility?

The future sounds great. Invisibility technology is just as common in the future. The time traveler said he used invisibility technology to spy on people during his missions. If you wanted to, you could go back and watch the signing of the Declaration of Independence without risk of being caught...

The Truth About the Government

The futuristic government is controlled by — you guessed it — AI technology. The reasoning is that AI is smarter than people and less emotionally invested in hot-button issues. That seems... risky...

It's Been Proven To Work

The time traveler also claimed that AI has predictive capabilities. They can foresee events with 100% accuracy. Because humans base most decisions on emotions, AI takes that out of the equation and use logic and facts to solve problems.

His Description of 6000

The world the man described existing in 6000 sounds absolutely utopic. Aside from explaining the advancements in technology and the shiny appearance of the world, he also made one groundbreaking claim. He said cancer will be cured very soon...

A Cure For Cancer

The cure for cancer is apparently coming in the 2000s, so if we're lucky, that could be soon. But when asked for details, of course he said he couldn't provide any. So how credible is any of this information?

It Gets Weirder

This claim might be totally baseless. According to the time traveler, humans are learning how to spread their consciousness across the universe. He didn't go into any detail about this, either, but that seems pretty unbelievable. There's just no way that's possible...


The video gets a little off the rails at this point. He continued to claim that scientists discovered how to ensure humans can live forever. It will be possible to upload consciousness to a computer and ensure immortality. That seems positively dangerous...

Technology Can Be Harmful

It should be evident that all of these claims are starting to get pretty disturbing. The video just continues on and on with these fantastic claims. However, it hadn't gotten truly frightening until now...

Time Travel Isn’t Perfect

Time travel isn't a foolproof science. In fact, it can be positively dangerous if done improperly. Some people have reported even losing their limbs...

Some People Have Even Died

While in the time travel program, the man said he made a friend who traveled to the year 6000 with him. But while they were attempting to travel home, there was a freak accident. His friend got stuck and was unable to travel back to his proper time...

VR in 6000

His friend apparently tried to upload his consciousness into a "VR server" but since he wasn't from that time and had to travel back, his consciousness ended up stuck there. He's stuck in virtual reality with no way home. That is positively frightening...

A "Growing" Population

Of course, the world's population has steadily been increasing, and that goes for the year 6000 as well. The time traveler said that the people in the future shrank in order to make room on the planet. It just doesn't get any weirder than that...

No More Death

Because medicine has basically found a cure for all diseases, people in the future don't die. With a growing population and immortality, the world is going to run out of room. Shrinking people only makes sense, right?

How He Left 6000

The time traveler only stayed long enough to collect information. He observed these tiny people, brand new technology, and even atom-sized computers. As it turns out, he's not the only one with these fantastic stories...

The Story of Billy Meier

Billy Meier was a man who claimed to have been abducted by a race of aliens called the "Plajaren." The Swiss man was apparently sent on a mission through time, and that the aliens were friendly. He claimed to have seen prehistoric species as well as the surface of Mars...

Struggle For the Truth

Meier was a photographer and had some photos he claimed were "evidence" of his travels. However, he was debunked as a fraud and the photos were proven to be doctored. That flying saucer is actually a carefully-placed garbage can...

John Titor the Time Traveler 

A man named John Titor claimed to be from the year 2036, but disappeared. He made some illuminating claims about the future, many of which actually happened. “Food and livestock are grown locally. People spend much more time reading and talking together face to face. Religion is taken seriously and everyone can multiply and divide in their heads,” were some of his claims...

He Knew About Y2K

Somehow, he knew about Y2K and made some interesting claims about the 2004 Olympics. However, in 2001 he disappeared. He said he needed to return to his own time, and no one ever saw him again...

Rudolph Fentz

The urban legend about Rudolph Fentz is pretty miraculous. In the 1950s, a Victorian-looking man appeared in the middle of Times Square out of nowhere. He was completely startled, and when approached, it was revealed that he had 19th-century money in his pockets and a document with the date 1876...

A Very Curious Case

Rudolph Fentz Jr. claims his father disappeared one day in 1876 and never returned. How is that possible? Many people in that time actually believed him. But it turns out, the whole tale was a short story crafted by Jack Finney, who also wrote "Invasion of the Bodysnatchers."

The Philadelphia Experiment

The curious case of the U.S.S. Eldridge is one of the most unexplainable phenomenons to ever exist. The navy ship seemed to have vanished from thin air, and every account of the incident claims the ship was transported through time to form Norfolk, VA to Philadelphia and back. Even with years and years of research, the case has remained open...

Beyond Our Wildest Dreams

Though time travel is beyond the scope of our own technology, who's to say whether or not it might be possible in the future? Though many of the stories recounted are made up or just too fantastical, don't count anything out. Technology is capable of some crazy things...

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The More You Know

  • The Netherlands has the tallest population.
  • Earth is 4.54 billion years old.
  • Lightning can heat the air it passes through to 50,000 degrees.
  • Reed Hasting started Netflix after receiving $40 in late fees when returning Apollo 13.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.