These Photos Perfectly Sum Up Life With Babies

Welcoming a new baby into the world can be a very exciting albeit very stressful time. New parents have to learn a lot and adjust their lives around their new little one, and it's often easier said than done. These pictures hilariously sum up what life is like with a baby on board...


Who's having a better rest, father or son? Honestly, there's no way to tell. Working parents have to balance being parents and bringing home the bacon. It only makes sense that someone would need to take a nap, so why not get two things done at once? And the little one is strapped in, so everything is safe and least until one of them wakes up!

Diaper Duty

No one ever accused babies of being too clean. While this photo is just a gag on how tiny this baby looks in the bean bag, there's a very real possibility that her diaper is actually full. Someone's got to go change it, and the chances are that it's the person who took this photo. Sorry parents, there are no days off from diligent diaper duties, unfortunately. 

A Shocking Twist

Being a parent means expecting the unexpected. You might have some Taylor Swift level reactions to things you never thought you'd encounter, like poop in a diaper. Although, you probably won't look as happy as someone who's about to win a major music award. That doesn't mean there aren't small victories though like now you only have to change one diaper instead of two. 

Unhappy to Be Here

You might be thinking that this baby was caught in the middle of well...using the restroom. However, this little guy wasn't going number two, but just looking at his number one fan, and well, he wasn't impressed. As the photo taker said best, "He's not pooping... he's just judging me." And who's a more honest critic than your own flesh and blood? He's doing you a favor. 

Worst Moment Ever

Even if you triple check that you have everything you need, it's almost a guarantee that you'll forget something vitally important. Having an inner panic attack when you realize the diaper bag isn't in the back of the car like you thought? That's one of the most common. That means it's time to think fast and figure something else out because things are about to go downhill really fast. 

Love Lies

Your little one loves you, but you probably won't have proof of that for a few years. This infant is crying, or rather screaming, while it's two loving parents shower it with affection. Just keep giving him all the attention in the world, because one day he won't want any of it. You'll definitely want these crying kid days back, but it's hard to see that at this point. 

Ticking Time Bomb

Everyone knows putting newborns to bed is an impossible task. Becoming a new parent is almost a guarantee to lose sleep for at least two years. Even though it's just laying a child into the crib, it can feel like something so much bigger. One wrong move and the next few hours will be spent back in the rocking chair lulling them back to sleep. Proceed with caution...

Who's Who

This kid is destined for a few different careers. Maybe taking inventory, maybe babysitting, maybe robbery, the options are endless! It kind of looks like she's reading the diapers. All those diapers probably say is "Please wake your Dad up before something goes wrong." Also though, he looks like he might really need to rest. There's no way this photo ends well...

Matter of Time

Parents know that living with a newborn baby is pretty much just waiting for the alarm to go off (and by alarm, that means the baby crying). It usually happens right as you are about to fall asleep. You never know when it will happen, or for how long, but you do know that you won't get to sleep a full eight hours. That's parenthood for you, never getting enough sleep.

Foot Rest

Look, mom, no hands! This little tike is old enough to walk around, and because of that, she can wreak havoc wherever she goes. This mom is putting a stop to the reign of toddler terror by stopping this disaster before it happens. Little kids love pulling toilet paper entirely off the roll, but this guardian isn't letting that happen today. That's a mom's footrest for you. 

Dish Duty

Doing chores is a responsibility that starts young. This cheetah print number might look ready for the runway, but she's more excited about helping out with unloading the dishware. She's clearly more than happy to be put to work! Unless... she's planning on something sinister, like smashing the plates. With small kids, you never really know their master plan...

Grumpy Grocery Shopping

Even with a cart full of Chef Boyardee, Totinos Pizza Rolls, and hot dog buns, this infant is not having a good time. Totally unprompted, this little guy wants to sing you the song of her people. The song just so happens to be random, out of nowhere crying and screaming. No one ever said raising kids was easy, but they also never said it hurt your hearing so badly.

Master Chef

This little girl is taking the phrase "so cute I could eat you up" a little too literally. Who doesn't want to be cooking on a place where a baby's butt once sat? She looks so cute trying to help her parents with the dinner plans, but there's just no way she's making things easier. Kids are definitely cute, but not exactly the best sous chefs in the kitchen. Maybe stick to plastic playsets for now...

On a Roll

The face says it all. Just when you're about to sit down and finally relax, this evil genius figures out another way to keep you up and moving. The easiest way to do this is just to keep you on the edge of your seat. Pulling toilet paper out is the easiest way to annoy mom or dad while also having a ton of fun. Alert everyone, there's going to be a party in the potty!

Foot Face

Love is patient, love is kind, love is slowly losing your mind. This unlucky mother knows the struggle of driving a baby around, and it's definitely not easy. Sometimes you have to end up with a foot in the face. Like, directly in the mouth. Gross! This gives an entirely new meaning to putting your foot in your mouth, and it's a meaning that only busy parents can understand. 

Duck Face

Good selfies start young. This little girl completely destroyed her food but made sure she looked good doing it. Duckface selfies are usually reserved for teenagers with a Snapchat account, but there's never a bad time to start learning. She'll have to clean up her act though, literally! No one is going to give their Instagram likes to a girl who's covered in her breakfast.

Time Out

A time out might be more for a mother than for the child. This mom is clearly taking a much-needed break from raising this rambunctious kid. His pants are slightly pulled down, his toys are everywhere, and she could not look more exhausted if she tried. It seems like everyone in this photo could use a moment to recover. That being said, he's bound to start up again soon. 

Picky Eater

Leave it to children who can barely speak to form harsh food opinions. While kids seemingly have an attention span of a few seconds, they can surprise us in a lot of ways. This Twitter user's daughter has no problem being a picky eater, but she has a problem with almost everything else. If it's not chicken fingers or mac and cheese, really why bother eating it at all?

Don't Play With Your Food

To be fair, eating without a fork and knife is bound to be pretty messy. This toddler is pretty upset with the meal he's been given, but not mad enough not to wear it. Everything about this photo is pure chaos. His chopped up food bits, his angry scream, and being completely covered in brown sauce. Babies can be really terrifying if they want to be, and this guy certainly is...

Hanging Out

This baby girl is grocery shopping in luxury. A comfort-lined shopping cart cover is a life every adult wishes they could live, but only babies get to relax while bargain hunting. She looks so relaxed that she might fall asleep in the middle of the aisle. Give it time though, once she rests up in the cozy zoo animal cradle, she'll be wide awake and ready to cause some more trouble. 

Too Tired

Being a baby is a lot of hard work! There are television shows to watch, tears to be shed, words to be said, and so much more. Sometimes, for these little guys, it just becomes too much to handle. The perfect solution is one more naptime though, and this baby didn't even wait to hit the bottom of the playpen. Number 22 is down for the count, and he's not getting up soon. 

Spitting Up

Kids say the darndest things, but they spit up some even crazier ones. This adorable baby somehow spits up all over their body and face and doesn't look too happy with the results. This will take some serious cleaning up on the parent's part, but in comparison to some other bodily functions that require a parent's helping hand, a little spit doesn't seem too bad. 

Highs and Lows

Though you might not believe it, these pictures were taken only seconds apart. This baby goes from "good vibes only" to "get that camera out of my face" very quickly. Babies' emotions can change quickly, and if you don't have the proof on your phone's camera roll, you might not even believe it for yourself. Happy to sad so quick, what went wrong?

Dog Daughter

Little kids are a lot like owning a pet, but much higher stakes. they can't really talk yet, they have to constantly be watched over and will become very annoying if they're unhappy. That being said, they also add a lot of good and happiness to your life. One will be an adorable snuggle buddy and one you get to watch grow up right before your very eyes. 

Eating Good

Once the baby has eaten, it's really just a ticking time bomb to the next disgusting explosion. This guy was caught on the wrong end of a baby's dinner and doesn't look too pleased about it. It even got in his mouth, too gross! Your best bet is just to clean up quickly, and try to dodge as best you can the next time this happens. That's right, this is almost guaranteed to happen again. 

Captain Awesome

Somehow, this tiny baby got his breakfast on his forehead and his shirt, but not in his mouth. Captain Awesome here is really trying his best, but he's just making a mess. However, his big blue eyes and happy expression make him easy to forgive. He looks so excited for the next serving of cheerios, or as he sees them, works of art for his next big costume change. 

Hungry Helper

If you're wondering where the cereal went, you might want to check the general area around your youngest. Toddlers can get their hands into the strangest places, and for some reason, they love dry cereal. Though this might seem like an issue, just know that these hungry hands are happy to help when the box inevitably ends up on the floor. That's fine dining... 

Family Effort

When you have a baby, it's not just the parents who gain some new responsibility. As this parent put it, "Babies are a family blessing, so it takes a family effort!" Even better? this family gets along great. "She adores her big bro," said the user. A close family dynamic makes raising a new member much more bearable, at least in the beginning. Remember, the older kids are kids too!

Love is Blind

Love is blind. It also has no sense of smell. Or touch. That's the only logical explanation for photos and experiences like these. Kids are adorable on the outside but don't forget how nasty they can actually be when push comes to shove. You have to like your kid quite a lot to be able to put up with this kind of stuff, and really love them to be able to clean it up... 

Drooling Daughter

The unbreaking eye contact with the camera says it all. This baby is completely drooling all over herself, and this mom has no words in response. Babies can be a little gross, but they make disgusting look like the cutest thing ever. Plus, the bear pajamas and bald head tugs even harder on the heartstrings. If only she learned how to close her mouth, then this would be perfect. 


Nothing like that upper angle to show off this cute selfie taker. Of course, they got a little bit of a mess on their...well everything. Whatever that green juice is, it got all over this baby. His big eyes are not full of regret, but his parents are probably upset that they're the ones cleaning up the mess. This pudgy little guy is in for a long life of making more messes. 

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

This little girl knows how to have a birthday party worth remembering. A cake piece meant for smashing is a guaranteed good time for every little kid. She doesn't look like she's having the time of her life though, she looks like she ate too much cake (as if there's such a thing). As long as she's eating and making a mess, it's definitely a successful birthday. 

Chew Through

Kids don't want to eat the expensive food or home-cooked meals you prepare for them. Why would they, when they could alternatively chow down on something like a spoon. This little baby found their way into the silverware drawer and got their next favorite snack. Just make sure someone is watching, otherwise, they might seriously hurt themselves eating. 

Perfect Portrait

Kids grow up so fast, but family photographs last a lifetime. This family knows what it means to make the best if a bad situation. This is a photo that will become a cherished memory for years to come after this shoot. Look at how much fun they're having, the father can't even contain his laughter. This family will proudly display this hilarious goof in their home, and eventually, this baby will be happy about it!

Word Search

Brain games keep your mind sharp, but one mother saw that it exposed her son's thought process. She thought it was hilarious, and evidently, so did her followers. Kids might be gross when they're young, but that doesn't necessarily go away once they get older. It just comes out differently, like in a school-issued homework assignment. At least he's learning...

Every Time is Nap Time

By the look of that name tag, this mom made the mistake of bringing her little one to work with her, and he capitalized on the bonding time. Working parents have a different struggle in parenting. How can you manage to balance both raising a child and working a full-time job? It surely must take a lot of scheduling and patience to get through both of these big responsibilities. 


In case you don't know what you're looking at, this is a photo of a mother's pumping room. A pumping room is used in professional settings when a mother needs to pump breast milk but can't do it in public. However, this isn't enough of an excuse to miss work, so often mothers will be doing work as usual while hooked up to this machine. Time alone, wherever you can get it!

Kids Help Kids

First-time parents don't know the luxury of having a built-in babysitter. Older kids might not be fully ready to take on the responsibility of caring for a newborn, but they can be a big help with their younger siblings. Sometimes all it takes is someone else to hold the little one or someone to set the table and lift a huge weight off of a new parent's shoulders.  

Small Business Owner

This little girl is setting up for what can only be a very successful lemonade stand (with her parent watching just behind a window, of course). She's got orange and traditional options, a cash box, and a very fashionable hat to fight off the hot sun. The only thing to do now is waiting for some thirsty customers and sell them this top-notch homemade lemonade!

Office Assistant

Wow, these interns are starting younger and younger every year! One working parent wasn't able to take off from their full-time job, so their little one had to join them in the office, which looks like it's been converted into a fully functioning makeshift daycare. It has all the amenities like a few spots for sleeping, playing, and of course, an adorable collection of toys. 

iPad Pro

In this modern digital age, kids are learning to use technology at the same age that they're learning to read and write. It can be helpful for parents who need to occupy their kid's attention for a little while. This little kid has a pretty sweet gig going. They've got their games, some snacks, and a drink. Honestly, it looks like a pretty good way to spend the work day. 

On the Clock

Dolly Parton said it best. Working nine to five, what a way to make a living. This kid has got a fairly good office though. She's got her own workspace, some snack amenities, and casual office wear. Does it get any better than that? Although her quarterly report might need a little more work, don't think the boss will like to see "ittti1qiq19wsq22qwotitoqitoj" on the memo. 

Working Together

Homework doesn't stop for several generations, so if you're a parent who's still in school, you might have a few years overlapping with your youngest family member. This person is working on a school paper while the daughter is working on her own homework, presumably some times tables or practicing cursive writing. Just wait until she gets older and asks you for math help!

Moody Mom

What's worse than a crying baby? Two crying babies. What's worse than two crying babies? Two crying babies and a screaming mother. This poor dad is stuck in the middle of a family breakdown and there's no obvious way to help. Sometimes the best medicine for a stressful moment is just taking a step back from the situation. Get out of the way, Dad!

Super Girl

When kids get obsessed with something, it's all they can think about. For this little girl, it looks like she's a big fan of the superhero Wonder Woman. She's even got the matching t-shirt and crown set. This will be one of the best Halloween costumes in the schoolyard, even when she picks a new favorite franchise in a few more months. Always on to the next one... 

Team Meeting

Bring your kids to work day can be a fun time, but probably not a functional one. Even if you work straight through lunch as these people did, you might not get all the work done that you need to, but it's all right. Your office will be the most fun place to be for your kids, and they'll fill the boring cubicles with laughs. Maybe they'll even fetch coffee for you...

Beds In the Office

Chilling out, relaxing taking a quick power nap, what a way to work. This parent couldn't get out of the office, so the office had to adjust. All it takes is a comfortable sleeping bag and the rest of the day's plans are set in stone. He won't be waking up anytime soon (unless the fax machine starts running). He's never too far from mom or dad, so it's surely going to be a good nap. 

News Anchors

Fox 4 News hired some pretty young news anchors, huh? These are two kids of someone who works on the set, and they were ecstatic to get a chance to sit in front of the cameras behind the very official desk. The station is one of the biggest in the country, and the news channel is watched by millions, so it was quite a surreal experience. Who knows, in a few years, they could be back there for real. 

Baby Burrito

Whatever you have to do to get the baby to fall asleep, you do, even if it's wrapping him up in a tiny burrito wrap. This mom isn't moving any time soon with her sleeping angel on her stomach. Plus, she's got a laptop, so she can at least get some work done or watch a Netflix show (not too loud though, stretch this baby sleeping for as long as physically possible...)

Math Teacher

In case you don't understand the remainder theorem, there are tutors available to help you at your convenience. He's got the pointer, the problems, and most importantly, the confidence. If you need help finding the function of x when it equals, well, all of that, then you know who to talk to. He might even let you have some of his lunchtime cookies, but only if you pay attention. 

Gamer Kid

You're never too young to learn how to be a gamer. This mother strapped her little one to the front of her while she was in the middle of an epic online gaming session. His face says it all, and her face says she's been staying up long hours with him. Neither of them looks like they're having much fun. Maybe this computer game just really isn't any good...

Little Helper

This certainly wasn't in the job description. This crying little girl is sitting with her mother while she does some work, and is clearly over her daughter's temper tantrum. She's got spreadsheets open, which might be why she's so upset. Hey, at least she's got a baby doll in her lap to help calm her down...eventually...

Accountant In Training

While most people rely on coffee to survive their workday, this young man is chugging an A&W cream soda to truck through his work. It might be difficult to do your own taxes, but imagine having to do them when you haven't even started learning times tables yet. He's got a real knack for pressing buttons though, and that's more than half the profession...

Tired of Grading

You might be tired of homework and tests, but imagine how bored your teachers are of grading them. Even their families are put to sleep by writing. This dad looks like he's about to pass out as soon as he puts the final C- on the last paper. Are there any grades given to great parents? Because this dedicated parent-teacher definitely deserves an A+!

Double Trouble

Two sleeping babies means that there is one very tired mom raising them. This family got a quick team nap in before the chaos erupts again. Naps like these can come at a moment's notice, so it's important to capitalize on the rest while you can. All it takes is one wrong move before these cuties become menaces again, but right now, aren't they just adorable?

Work-Life Balance

Raising kids while working a full-time job isn't just difficult, some people say it's nearly impossible. How can you decide how much time goes to what?  For many parents worldwide, this is a very upsetting but relevant issue. Some people are fortunate enough to have help, but such is not the case for everyone. Creating a balance can often be very hard work. 

Hindsight Is 20/20

When you welcome a new child into the world, it can seem like the most glorious thing in the world. You might be looking through rose-colored glasses though, as most babies kind of look like little aliens.  Still, though, your little ones will always be beautiful in your eyes, just not as beautiful in the lens! At least you'll always have the newborn stage to look back on...

Chaotic Home Life

If you like your house, prepare yourself for a baby-home-makeover. Your house will become an infant play zone, with toys under every couch, diapers in every trash can, and colorful distractions around every corner. Guests will come over and be amazed at the transformation your house has undergone but don't worry. Soon these little ones will be all grown up and you'll have space back.

Too Friendly

This little girl's face says it all. Some people think it's okay to just reach out and say hello to someone else's child, but is there anything weirder? Getting a little too friendly with a stranger's kid is very unsettling, and yet people do it all the time. If you find yourself in this situation, shoot them a look like this girl in the picture has, and hopefully they can take the hint...

Too Close for Comfort

New parents know this struggle of baby maintenance all too well. Clipping baby fingernails can be frustrating and increase heart rate. Just one slip and you accidentally clip your precious newborn's fingers. As long as you complete the process with caution and care, you should be safe. Slowly but confidently cut their fingernails. Now if only they would sit still...

Tiny Claws

When newborns are discovering the world around them, it can be truly enthralling to watch. They think everything is so interesting and worth investigating. Once they get this idea in their head, they can lock onto anything, both metaphorically and physically. Their little fists can and will grip anything they can get their hands on. Stay away from those claws...

Instant Classic

Any parent can tell you that certain skills are learned through trial and error, like storytelling. This mom, known online as Momma Jessie C, is a little over her 7-year-old's long-winded stories. There's no character development, too much backstory, and just not enough plot. Surely no 7-year-old story would make waves on Netflix. Certainly not enough to get to 14 seasons. 

Evil Thoughts

Picture this: you just spent the better part of the night preparing your newborn baby for bed. Right when you lay them down in their crib, they spit up all over themselves. If that wasn't bad enough, you can also smell something foul. The worst part is how happy they look with themselves. While you restart the entire clean-up process, remember this hilarious picture. 

It Adds Up

Having a child is very expensive. They're your responsibility for almost eighteen years, and all that time really starts adding up. If you can't afford to have a child, you could always try what this person did and just place them in a toy store, but the employees probably won't be too enthused with the new responsibility. New and improved, this doll walks, talks, and eats!

Diaper Disasters

No one ever said it was easy to raise a child, but they also never said it was clean. Honestly, wrestling an alligator might actually be less messy than changing a full diaper. Every diaper change has the potential to end in disaster, but someone needs to do it. Being a parent means you have several jobs. You're a therapist, doctor, pest control, teacher, and sometimes, alligator wrestler. 

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The More You Know

  • If you heat up a magnet, it will lose its magnetism.
  • The chance of a coin landing heads-up is not 50-50
  • Nearly 15 percent of Los Angeles is used as a parking lot.
  • Google's founders were willing to sell to Excite for less than $1 million in 1999, but Excite turned them down.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.