These Students Risk Their Lives To Walk To School Every Day

You won’t believe how these children living in Vietnam have to get to school every day, and why they believe putting their lives in danger is worth the risk to get an education…

Their Scenic Home of Huoi Hua

The village of Huoi Hua is one of the most remote and difficult villages to get in and out of in the Muong Cha district of the Dien Bien province in northwestern Vietnam…

A Secluded Life

The whole village of Huoi Hua has about 75 households, with the whole population containing only 500 people…

The Flood Season Brings Great Difficulties

Flooding causes the bamboo bridges that people have built over the rivers to get swept away, which forces everyone to resort to using bamboo rafts to cross the rivers. This can be incredibly dangerous…

The Rope-And-Raft Method Is Risky

Traveling on a raft while using stretch ropes to cross the river is difficult even for a strong adult. The currents are very powerful and children aren’t allowed to make this journey to school alone…

It’s Not Your Typical Walk To School

Their mornings start off like any other kid’s. They wake up, have breakfast, pack their school bags, and get ready for the long walk to school. However, their long walk takes them about 5 hours to get to school and 5 hours to come home…

They’ve Created A System to Stay Dry

They gather their things together in bags, but that’s not enough to keep them from getting all of their belongings wet. Their system will shock you…

The Precious Cargo Isn’t The School Supplies…

The kids are given large plastic bags to store their belongings in once they reach the river, but that’s not all the bags are for…

A Dangerous Trip

The bags are used to transport the children across the river. They’re afraid, understandably, but this is unfortunately the most efficient way to get them to school until the flood season passes. They know that an education is a key step they need to take in order to escape poverty some day…

All Hands On Deck

Each healthy, able-bodied villager is assigned a child, and they are responsible for helping drag the child across the river…

One Wrong Move…

If the man loses his grip even a little, the child could get swept away in the strong current and suffocate or drown inside the plastic bag if they aren’t rescued in time…

They Risk Their Lives Daily

For the children, this is the least favorite part of their day. They are anxious as they wait to put their lives on the line, but they know how valuable an education is for them. So they willingly step into the bags…

Everyone Is Here To Help

The villagers all gather together to guide the children safely through the stream by whatever means necessary. The more people there are supervising the journey, the better the chances are at survival…

Hopefully This Journey Is Temporary

A sturdier bridge was proposed by the village’s principality, but the community doesn’t have enough money to fund the project. The village can’t justify spending that much on a suspension bridge if they will just end up in debt afterwards…

It’s Not Ideal, But It Works

Most kids, though scared, are grateful for the help of the villagers when they successfully make it across the river relatively dry. It’s not an ideal situation, but for now, everyone is safe and the kids are able to have a full day at school before doing it all again…

The Parents Knew Something Had To Be Done

While the parents obviously would prefer that the village fund the suspension bridge, they are relatively comfortable with their children finding alternate ways to cross the river as long as they are constantly supervised…

There’s Nothing More Valuable Than Education

Most kids would be too intimidated to make this journey to school, but not this group of devoted students. They know education is more important than hanging out with friends, no matter how risky…

There Is One Other Way…

Another equally as dangerous method to cross the river is by using a raft made of bamboo. However, a strong current could easily tip the raft, and everyone would go right into the water…

A Beautiful, Perilous Journey

While the raft is also dangerous, in any other situation it would be a great opportunity to relax and explore nature before a tough day at school…

The River Is Only The First Part Of The Journey

The river is only the half of their journey. Though it is the more dangerous part, the hike that follows is just as exhausting…

After The River, They Have a 5 Hour Hike

An intense five hour hike ensues after the river, and because it’s so time consuming, parents won’t allow them to make this journey every day. They live at school during the week and return home on weekends.

These Aren’t Your Average Students

I can’t think of a single kid who would willingly float across a dangerous river in a plastic bag and then hike ten miles each week to get to school. Next time your own kids complain about hopping on the school bus, tell them this story…

These Children Aren’t The Only Ones With Dangerous Commutes

These children climb on unsecured wooden ladders in Zhang Jiawan, Southern China. I hope none of them are afraid of heights…

Freezing Temperatures And Treacherous Ice

These children cross treacherous ice caps and endure freezing temperatures during their walk to school through the Himalayan mountains.

A Damaged Suspension Bridge Is The Only Way Across

In Lebak, Indonesia, these children are forced to cling to a damaged suspension bridge across a massive river because they don’t have access to rafts. The bridge is also unable to be mended.

I Hope They Don’t Mind Heights

This might be the most dangerous one yet – these children zoom over the Rio Negro River in Colombia using a steel cable 400 meters above the ground.

More Efficient Than A School Bus

I mean, maybe. Depends if the bull also ate breakfast. I wonder what Myanmar’s laws are about acquiring a bull license at age 8?

A Broken Bridge In A Snowstorm

Harsh conditions are the usual climate in the Sichuan Province, China. The journey across this broken bridge is made daily, and the structure could fall at any minute.

A Horse Cart Is Their School Bus

In Delhi, India, school busses aren’t common, but horse carts are plentiful! It’s their most efficient form of travel.

They Hike These Mountains For 125 Miles

The dangerous mountain ranges through Pili, China are an unavoidable part of this group’s journey to school. They have to free-climb on incredibly small footholds, though they always have an adult with them.

Tightrope Walkers

These kids don’t even have a bridge to cross the river through Sumatra, Indonesia. They have to carefully balance across a tightrope that is really just a stick-apparatus. Highly dangerous!

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.