These Sunburn Fails Hurt Just To Look At

All of these sunburn fails could have so easily been avoided by just being a little but more thorough about where you're spraying that lotion...

Not-So-Happy Birthday

This is probably the quickest way to ruin a great birthday. She looked thrilled in the first photo, and then probably spent the entire party out in the sun without realizing how she'd look when she came in. Yikes!

The Last Airbender

Okay, you have to admit this is hilarious. Any other person without hair would probably also try this and we can't blame them. Though it would definitely be easier to just draw the arrow on instead.

Great Minds Think Alike

These like-minded pals are now similar in more ways than one. Look at those matching "socks." It's an adorably painful way to tell your pet that you really, really love them.

No, This is Patrick

Patrick Star aesthetic, matched. No, this isn't the Krusty Krab. It's just a guy who forgot his sunscreen for hours and is paying the price.

The Athletic Burn

Your cute leggings can't protect you from an awful burn. That pattern left this woman looking pretty scaley. Who's to say how much worse it'll look when it starts to peel. 

At Least It's a Symmetrical Pattern

This intense burn is at least even, so she can't be too upset. If the lines were messed up, then it would look really dumb. She got a nice temporary tattoo out of this.

Who's Got Spirit?

Not him anymore. One way to ruin a pep rally is to realize that marker is actually sun-proof. He's got a perfect copy of that burn on his whole face and body. Have fun at school!

The Dumbest Couple On The Beach

These two probably just intended to get their base tan, but took it way way way too far. Those tan lines look hot to the touch. There's no way they'll be able to move for at least a few days. Hopefully, they packed some aloe.

Ripped Jeans Aren't For Summer

Lesson number one: wear shorts in the summer. If you're going to burn your legs, at least commit and burn them all the way. Burnt knees just looks ridiculous.

A Stark Contrast

The tanned leg compared to the untanned foot in this pic is... unbelievable. You'd think from afar this person is just wearing socks. Nope. They're just the tannest person ever.

Spray-On Fail

The trials of using spray sunscreen on a windy day affected this entire family. Though they might have really bad patchy burns, at least they're suffering the consequences of not being more thorough together. 

Don't Try To Even It Out, Whatever You Do

If you do, you'll end up looking quite Neopolitan. It's a tried-and-failed method that we've all attempted. Just let the burn look bad for a little while instead of making it worse.

Popsicle Aesthetic

That's a new one, right? When your burn is the same shade as your favorite summer treat, it's probably time to reflect on what you've done. People, stop forgetting your sunscreen already.

An Unearthly Resemblance...

The way this burn appeared resembles a creepy alien from any given sci-fi movie. The burn itself isn't too bad, but the weird shading from the Henna tattoo she (one) had revealed itself in the strangest way. She should probably just keep her shirt on.

Tramp Stamped

This guy spent all day painting a deck until to go back inside and realize all that time spent on his hands and knees in the sun left him with a semi-permanent reminder of a hard day's work. Don't worry, it'll fade.

The Even-It-Out Attempt

There's no way this will work when you're that far gone. At least the top half of his body is super nicely tanned and not lobster-red. He better be careful with his legs...

Yeah, Laugh For Now...

He's definitely only laughing now because the sting hasn't set in yet. A burn that intense is going to have him down for the count for days. It almost hurts your eyes to look at.

That Necklace Probably Feels White-Hot

Lose the necklace, girl. Why put yourself through any more pain than you have to? Look at how intense those lines are. Go lay down with an icepack for a day... or five.

A Rollercoaster Of a Photo

Where to start with this photo? The insane Pokemon design burned on his back or the attire? Or the setting? Wherever he is, he seems to be having fun...

Kim Kardashian Looks Crispy

Kim unintentionally aged her skin 20 years thanks to this burn. Fortunately, she's probably since retouched her face enough times to make up for this. Either way, that's one embarrassing tan line. 

Spray Evenly Next Time

There's also a downside to spray sunscreen though, as you can see here. If you don't spray evenly, this is exactly what will happen. The only sure solution to avoid bad burns is to stay inside.

SPF 1000 For Her

It's no myth that if you're very fair-skinned you'll burn extra badly. This girl had to learn the hard way. Next time she probably won't even lose the shirt.

Nope, Not a T-Shirt

This burn resembles a neon pink t-shirt almost too perfectly. From afar, he almost looks normal. But up close you can see the pain in his eyes.

You Missed a Spot

How are people missing entire parts of their body? Your chest is right there, come on. Now she's left with an embarrassingly vibrant burn so everyone knows it, too.

Caught On Camera

This guy's mugshot let the whole town know that he was out in the sun in a bandana for too long. The police probably gave him a special nickname about his two-toned face. 

Bikini Top Dare

He looks mighty pleased with himself for earning that bikini top tan line. How long do you think it took for that to imprint itself on his chest? The correct answer is way too long.

The X-Men Are Hiring 

Dr. X called and said they're hiring a new mascot... and here's someone perfect for the job. Can we also take a moment to acknowledge how ridiculous this bikini top is? Look at all those unnecessary straps.

Safety First

At least he wore a helmet, right? He must have been biking for a long time to get a burn that intense, even through his helmet. He should avoid the bike (and sunlight) for at least a week.

How Did He Even Do This?

This burn has to be 100% intentional. There's no way, otherwise. What exactly was he going for here? Like, just pain?

Superman... Maybe?

Remember when everyone in middle school was drawing that Superman "S"? This guy doesn't. It's a nice effort, but it's not good enough. He also forgot to sunscreen his face from the looks of those bright red cheeks.

An Unintentional Roast

She won't be showing her midriff for a long, long time. that's a completely perfect burn, and the pain of those lost hours in the sun will stay with her for days afterward. At least it's just in the one spot.

She Forgot To Take The Tags Off

Looks like that brand new bikini wasn't the perfect choice for a day out in the sun after all. If she was planning on returning the swimsuit after, she could probably get a lot of money back if she includes her pain and suffering on the receipt.

The Shiniest Burn

He's probably covered in what one can only hope is Aloe cooling gel. That's a horrendous burn that looks like covers his entire body. Seriously, he must have been trying to do this.


This is a classic "dad at the beach" sunburn. He should probably consider leaving the hat on for a couple weeks, or at least remember to spray the back of his head next time.

Put Him In, Coach

His baseball tee burn looks like he's ready for the big game. However this happened, it's kind of hilarious. Hopefully he scored that home run.

Happy To Be Here

He's super pleased with his work. The classic smiley faced burn is a tried and true prank. The form is pretty good, you have to admit.

It's What You Think It Is

Ha, ha. Another stellar prank played by some exceptionally juvenile friends. At least he doesn't look too upset about it. Just... keep your shirt on, bud.

Nice Shirt?

From afar, you'd think she was wearing a white halter top. Upon closer inspection, it's actually the worst burn she's probably ever had. Hopefully the peeling isn't too intense or she'll even need a new tattoo.

"Knot" So Lucky

This woman definitely fell asleep for a couple of hours too long. At least she just has one tan line to worry about. Imagine how unbearable it would be if the bathing suit had any more straps involved.

The Strongest Man 

We're not talking strong muslces, but a strong will if he's going to let this burn recover... Hopefully his friend is helping him out and getting him some Aloe and lots (and lots) of Advil.

Are These Lines Tribal?

Since he's flexing in the photo, it's can only be assumed that this "design" was totally intentional. How he did it is completely a mystery. This looks looks like it took way too much time and effort.

Shoulders Only?

Nobody wanted to help this guy out it seems. A lower back burn is one of the worst places to get scorched. He won't be able to sit back for a while.

Did She Say Yes?

For the sake of his skin, hopefully, she said yes. This is certainly one way to prompose that probably hasn't been done yet. And if she said no, he can always ask someone else. It's not like he included a name!

Can't Ignore This Bat Signal

Holy SPF, Batman! Was it really worth it? Sure it looks cool now, but it's going to be super painful for a long, long time. A Batman tattoo would have hurt less!

Did She Fall Asleep Eating Ice Cream?

Not only did she get an awful burn on her thighs, but whatever she was eating probably melted all over herself as well. That's two discouraging situations wrapped up in one. Her skin probably sizzled for days.


It's Miss America

Did he win the title? He'd put all the other Miss America contenstants to shame with this burn. The downside is that you can't see that magnificent sash burn with his shirt on. 


This unfortunate burn looks more like an awful skin condition. They probably didn't think the sun would burn right through the holes in the shoes, but it most certainly did. This person won't be wearing shoes for a long time. 

Inverted Farmer's Tan

At least the burn didn't get his entire body, right? He most definitely fell asleep on the beach and his friends weren't nice enough to wake him up. That's the most painful-looking burn so far.

Even His Hair Looks Fried...

Every part of this image is tragic. The fading burn up this guy's arm to the absolutely tomato-red face. Even his hair looks a little crispy. Poor dude needs to go inside for a while.

A Neopolitan Burn

However this happened, it looks extremely painful. If there's a consolation, she did at least get a tan. There's just one extra painful stripe that will make sitting down super uncomfortable.

Sun Sticks Don't Work

This burn is so bad he should complain to the sunscreen company. However, someone should have probably told him that sunscreen sticks are usually reserved for the face. Better luck next time, pal.

Not A White Swimsuit

At first glance, you probably thought this was a swimsuit. It's just another horrific burn. This one has to be as embarrassing as it is painful.

He's Just Asking To Be Slapped

If he has any friends who don't know when not to joke around, he'd better steer clear. He must have fallen asleep with his hand on his stomach, but now he's definitely just asking to be slapped. 

Forwards Hat From Now On

He's definitely learned his lesson after letting the sun burn through the hole in his hat. If he was smart, he would have just... you know... applied sunscreen. They can't all be winners.

This Guy's Friends Suck

What a mean prank. Even though no one will see this unless he takes his shirt off, it's likely he didn't realize what was written on his back for some time. It's likely that he doesn't actually suck... you know.

A Hat and Sunglasses Don't Cut It

He looks pretty pleased with himself even though someone definitely told him to put sunscreen on his face. Listen — just a hat and sunglasses are never enough. Let this guy be the lesson. 

Wardrobe Change

This woman didn't take into account the fact that if she'd already started to tan in one bathing suit, she probably shouldn't switch to another with such different straps. This burn is going to be a disaster.

Not a Care In The World

At least he didn't lose his sense of humor along with that layer of skin the sun burned off. He's just really happy to be here. If someone else got a laugh out of this, that's probably all that matters.

The Pain of Roll-On Sunscreen

The downside of roll-on lotion is presented here. Look at those streaks! Not only did she completely miss her entire chest, but her stomach is totally uneven. Buy the spray next time.

Artful Tattoo Shading

That isn't some intentional shading from the artist. This is 100% natural color from the sun. I just happened to frame that tattoo a little too perfectly.

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The More You Know

  • The first pieces of gold at Fort Knox arrived by mail.
  • Only two national flags have the color purple on them.
  • Both volleyball and basketball were invented in Massachusetts.
  • The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.