These Wild Student Pranks are Bold and Hilarious

Sometimes, it’s easier to get through school by not taking it seriously. These students have done exactly that and usually end up leaving their teachers in stitches over their hilarious attempts at simply getting through the day.

Once You See It…

We’re guessing she really must have lost that leg during her college years… At least she’s getting a pretty good joke out of it!

It Was Just Too Tempting

They really did just post all the Bills! Technically, they didn’t post any bills, they just posted Bills. So, they didn’t do anything wrong!

In A Perfect World, This Would Work

Sure, if someone was looking to break your into to steal something, then hopefully this would fend them off. But sometimes, there are evil people in this world that just want to break windows… And this sign gives them the perfect excuse. Whoops!

A Final Word

This teacher was handed this on a final for the class. I mean, he’s not wrong! Half credit for enthusiasm and obviously not knowing the actual answer (and not spelling it right).

Wow, What Kind of Name Is That?

This kid decided to see just how on top of it his school district really is. Apparently, they were absolutely not on top of it. Jaffar from Aladdin is such a unique name!


Is This Laziness… Or Genius?

A class was given the prompt of picking a Marvel character and writing their resume. In a creative writing class, the opportunities are endless. This student either just took it all home or totally gave up, we really can’t decide.


The prompt from the teacher was a 16 line poem about whatever they want. Well, this student definitely took a risk for two reasons. One is that they completely scapegoated it and didn’t actually write a poem, and two being that they literally handed in a photo of cocaine for their assignment.


Harmless Fun

This is what an editor of a college newspaper did all of the time. He claims to have hidden things in it before the final press and it would always get a laugh out of the people who noticed. Here is one of his masterpieces. Yes, his name is Sean.

College Preacher Bingo

If you went to college, you probably had a college preacher. They stand on a busy part of campus with a megaphone and signs telling everyone that they are a sinner. A lot of students just are not appreciative of that since they are literally just trying to get through the day. Sometimes, college students really know how to brighten things up a bit.


A Hard Truth?

This student thinks that she’s too ugly to be a trophy wife but also too dumb to make her own living… This is an interesting studying incentive! It sure did make people laugh, though.

Hand Sanitizer, Better Known As…

Students especially know this pain as they are constantly dealing with papers and paper cuts. It’s a hard life.


Casual Pencil Case, Nothing Out of the Ordinary

Honestly, who would have thought that a pencil case could be so risky to have? At least it caused some chuckles!

This Is A Well-Earned Shirt

This Is A Well-Earned Shirt

Dealing with incessant dabbing, fidget spinning madness, and the horrific ‘water bottle challenge,’ all teachers of the 2016-2017 school year should be given a raise. This shirt was a gift from a second grader! Someone’s parent gets it.


The Best Prank Ever

10,000 cards hidden all around the school… People will be finding these in the years to come. They’ll probably even turn up when the school gets demolished in the next hundred years or so!

A Math Professor Found This Protest Taped To His Office Door

Apparently, someone didn’t find his test very easy. This must be the new-age alternative “I need some help” email!

They’re Not Wrong!

It is pretty risky to blatantly not provide the correct answer to the question. We’re just glad that the teacher appreciates his sense of humor and the fact that it is technically correct. Maybe not what they were looking for… But, correct.

They Found The Best Spots

It seems that the only way to have a successful game of hide and seek is to do it in a place that you’re not allowed to and find a spot so good that literally no one can find you… Especially the people who are trying to kick you out!


April Fools!

Students at a high school hired a mariachi band to follow the principal for a day. Probably the best prank yet!

A+ Art Project

In college, a student decided that, for an art project, he would draw a stamp that is so realistic on an envelope that it could be sent through the postal service. He drew the stamp, mailed it to himself, and received it. Needless to say, that’s an A!

Online School Ceremony

Don’t forget to thank you mailman – He’s the one that’s giving you your degree!

When You See An Opportunity…

Always take it. This student probably got this idea after staring at this door during a horribly boring lecture.

Watch Your Back!

This teacher found a tiny toy dinosaur on her windshield one day after school. Then, she recalls a student telling her that a dinosaur will crush her car because she failed him. At least he’s true to his word!

How Did They Get The Time For This?

With a lot of materials and tape, this student made their locker a dino sanctuary. The one thing that the teacher couldn’t figure out: How did they get that chandelier to work?

Graduating Class of 2015

We can’t tell if this was intentional or a bizarre mistake. Either way, this graduating class will always be remembered for this one!

Someone Took Advantage Of The Wired Windows

Engineering students are special, unique creatures. It makes the most sense to not bother them. No tapping on the glass, just observe quietly.

Someone Got Creative

Who doesn’t love a good chemical structure joke? This is one way to get your students to pay attention in class! Jokes aside, keeping things casual and funny is definitely the kind of classroom environment you should have.

Pineapple Shirt Day

A group of guys passed around this horrendous pineapple shirt on picture day so that it would show up tons of times in the yearbook. They did not disappoint!

What Graduation Day Really Means

This girl kept it real with her graduation cap. It’s funny and relevant but also speaks a harsh truth. Those six months go by fast!

A Social Experiment

What happens when someone hangs a cheeto in the classroom below? Nothing, apparently.

Dorm Life

What, did you really think we act mature in college? Absolutely not!

You Can’t Not Do This, Though

Maybe he should just change his name? Or go with the joke? Because there’s no escaping it.

This Would Totally Mess Me Up

Although, eventually you would just be like, “Oh, it’s Wednesday,” once you saw the shirt. It’s his Wednesday shirt!

Sacrifice Your Baby To The Bathroom Gods

Maybe it’s best to keep your babies away from this particular changing station for the time being!

When You Can Use a Notecard For An Exam

Some students are really wild with getting creative for their ‘open notes’ exams. This student used red and blue technology to have as much info as possible. If anything, this is pretty anxiety-inducing!


Maybe the 100% isn’t warranted, but at least he tried! We wonder if this teacher actually accepted the fact that they had been duped…

Graph Portraits

A student spent the period drawing his Calculus professor on his graphing calculator. Maybe he’s in the wrong class and should move to art to focus on his true talents!

The Horrors of a 3-D Printer

Sometimes, things should just live in the creative mind instead of seeing the light of day… This Kim Jong The Hutt is one of those things.

Gigantic Flask Or Clutch?

Somehow, parents oversaw this High School seniors gigantic flask and didn’t as questions. If you’re trying to sneak something around, maybe the best answer is the most obvious one!

Still An Answer!

How doesn’t appreciate a little humor? It’s still smart! I’d say that student deserved the +1 that they got.

At Least You Tried

The most hilarious part is that they really did try, as you can tell from the eraser marks, and then they gave their next best answer. Technically, it’s not wrong!

A Good Use of Paper

A mystery student placed this paper on the gong in the band room… If it were the gong player, then that would make sense!


A student gifted their teacher his very own snack pack fitted with his favorite snacks. It was a thoughtful and creative gift that hopefully warranted some extra credit! The teacher looks pretty stoked on it.

Does This Even Count as a Short Story?

This student was given the simple prompt of writing a short story… Well, it’s more like a ‘one-word’ story. This was risky, and it probably wasn’t worth it! Still pretty funny, though.

Parking Spot Art

This is probably the most accurate depiction of most people’s senior years… And, she killed it on making it look just like Drake’s album art!

A Scary Day For All College Students… Graduation Day

Yes, because you’re graduating and walking in front of hundreds of people that you spent the last four years with and you really really don’t want to trip… But also, the debt that you’re facing in six months. This guy has pinned it down perfectly!

When A Prank Gets Way Too Real

The story has it, this senior prank was so real that someone actually called the police to report the ‘accident’. Unfortunately, the person did not get too close to the crash site because if they had, they would have quickly realize it was very much not real. It’s still super elaborate, though!

Keep It Humble

The prompt for this was to have students write their cover letter to their dream job… This kid wrote to the owner of the Dallas Cowboys for his dream position: Being the waterboy. Keeping it real!

The Best Senior Photos

This kid killed it with his senior portraits alongside his incredible pup. They have matching t-shirts of each others faces, which is something that all pet owners should have.

Angry Toilet Thoughts

Honestly, this really makes you think. Most schools get $20-$50,000 a year per student. They should at least be able to afford to buy the two-ply!

A Green Alternate Senior Prank

These seniors in Ohio decided to plant a baby tree in the middle of the baseball field. It’s a pretty harmless prank, and now they have more trees on campus!

Focus On The Good Things!

This student decided to highlight that their school had not had a grizzly bear attack in 95 years. I think that’s a pretty positive reminder, right?

Peek-A-Honey Boo Boo

Someone in this school had been hiding Mama June’s face all around the school to scare some of the students… It’s been working!

This Is What Happens When You Don’t Send that Chainmail

If you didn’t forward that email five years ago… It’s going to come for you. It happened to him, don’t let it happen to you.

Sensationalist Thesis Titles

This student was told to make their thesis title ‘as compelling as possible’, so he did. Hopefully, it worked!

Prank Or Gift?

This teacher came back from lunch to a “prank.” His students put his desk behind a water bottle fort but honestly… This is more of a gift to him!

When You Confiscate A Note…

But then you get Rick Rolled.

College Is Fun!

What an uplifting, fun message to the graduating seniors.

Future Sportscasters In The Making

These kids are getting themselves ready for the big leagues starting small.

Watch Your Grammar!

Even if its on a math test, someone is gonna get ya! I’d say that’s at least a +1 on the final grade. And yes, it’s supposed to be “axis.”

How Did You Get Into College With That Name

Do people just not question things anymore?

Let’s Play A Game!

This poor students roommate thought it would be funny to hide the flash drive with her thesis paper on it in one of these balloons. Pop ‘till you drop!

The Thoughts of a College Student

This person snapped a picture of their classmate’s notes because they realized he had something pretty hilarious written on it…

Anyone Can Graduate!

Literally. This kid bought a cap and gown and gave the announcer his name and went up. He wasn’t even a student there!

The New Flat Screens Finally Work!

And someone already hacked them with the intent of displaying this photo for all to see.

Intense Notes

If you really want to know what the true college experience is… This is it.

This Was Somehow A Project

This person ended up comparing Jesus to John Cena. Not really sure what else is there to the story but… Time well spent!

Double Entendre, Biology Style

I wonder if the teacher even realized what they wrote on the board?

Fight At School? No Problem

This kid figured that the best time to sell his Jordan’s was during a pivotal fight at his school. Kids will be kids!


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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.