This Bride’s Announcement at Her Wedding Left Everyone Speechless

Marriage is a major decision in a couples life. It’s a mutual decision where the individuals commit to each other for the long haul. Sometimes though, later in life, the marriage doesn’t work out, which can happen as people grow in different directions.

But, what about marriage that failed on the day of the wedding?

This is Casey’s wedding story, or wedding horror story, rather. While she has remained mostly anonymous, her story has reached all ends of the internet. Some guests have commented on the wedding as well but kept Casey’s identity secret. Be prepared for a baffling ride…

The Big Day

It was Casey’s dream wedding. For so long she had looked forward to marrying her partner in life in front of all of her friends and family. But that day, when Casey walked down the aisle in her white wedding dress, her hands were shaking. But she didn’t have nerves about marrying her best friend, she was shaking for an entirely different reason…

Everything Had Changed

Instead of this being the happiest day of her life, this day was marred with heartbreak and anger, as she watched her dreams get crushed in front of everyone she loved…

Alex & Casey

Alex, whose name has been changed for the story, and Casey had been together for six years. In that time they had accomplished and experienced so much together. Their lives were truly “entwined,” as Casey described. Unfortunately, for Casey, the reality was not what it seemed…

So Much Excitement

The past six years had been wonderful in Casey’s mind. They had been through a lot together—deaths and achievements, new jobs and insecurities. They tackled everything together and Casey always thought that meant they were a strong couple, but she was mistaken…

One Day Before

Casey was relaxing in her glamorous bridal suite the day before her wedding surrounded by her friends and family. They partied and enjoyed Casey’s last night as a Ms.

The Phone Call

Casey had heard her phone buzzing from across the room, but she thought nothing of it, figuring it was simply congratulations and well wishes coming in. When she finally took a look, she was very wrong…

Until Later

She ignored her phone most of the night, wanting to be in the moment with her bridesmaids and friends. Later, when she was finally alone, she had a nagging urge to check on her phone…

The Screenshots

Casey’s stomach immediately dropped when she saw the texts. The messages contained tons of screenshots of messages sent between her fiancé and another woman…

From A Stranger

Casey had no idea who had sent her these screenshots, but she did recognize the number in the screenshots, it was Alex’s. There were so many screenshots it took her a while to read through them all and figure out what was going on…

Six Words

The screenshots were sent from an unknown number, and six words from that number said it all: “I wouldn’t marry him. Will you?” As her world crashed around her, she had to figure out what she was going to do now…

Concrete Evidence

The messages contained screenshots of risqué messages and photos of her fiancé with another woman. The woman in question was someone Casey had never seen before. She was in total shock…

The Other Woman

This mysterious woman had dark, long hair and beautiful olive skin…the complete opposite of Casey. She tried to clear her mind and make sense of all of this, but all she felt was anger and hurt. The content of the messages they exchanged broke her heart…

Crushing Texts

Reading the words they exchanged killed her. They ranged from, “This weekend. You and I. It is on, hot stuff. Bring your A game,” to, “I miss you so much. I can’t stop thinking about you. I’ve never had this kind of connection before.” Did he really feel this strongly about this woman? She had to find out…

Total Shock

As much as she wanted to believe this was all a hoax, this situation was very real…too real. As she scanned through the text exchanges, her bridesmaids watched in heartbreak. She hadn’t said a word, but the look on her face told them everything…

Just Days Before

Casey continued to investigate and looked at the timestamps and dates on the messages. These texts were dated from months ago to just days ago. She had no idea what to do. The wedding was less than 24 hours away…

Unanswered Questions

Before she filled her bridesmaids in, she took a deep breath and tried to figure it out in her own head. She had to act fast here because time was of the essence. But she wasn’t exactly sure what her next move would be…

Ready To Attack

When she told them what she was reading, their jaws dropped to the floor, and they had quickly begun conspiring with each other to bring Alex some real pain. They told Casey to call off the wedding, but Casey was hesitant…

Her Whole World

Up until just moments ago, she believed Alex was her soulmate. They had plans. Big plans. But now, she felt her whole world crumbling down around her. This was a huge decision…

Should She Call Alex?

Her first thought was to call Alex and confront him. She loved him still and thought that maybe there had been some kind of misunderstanding. But in the back of her mind, she knew the truth. This was a life-altering choice she was about to make…

Trying to Sleep

Since this was such a huge decision, she decided to sleep on it. Sleep was not easy, though, as her mind raced all night, sick to her stomach over the thought of Alex betraying her this way. She could not believe this was how she was feeling the night before her wedding day…

Wake Up Call

Casey hadn’t sleep one bit. When she woke up, she told her bridesmaids what her decision was: The wedding was on, but not quite in the way everyone else was expecting…

The Big Day

The day carried on as planned. She got ready and went through the motions, somber and robotic. Casey put on her gown for no other reason than to be embarrassed in front of everyone she loved, at least, that’s what the bridal party thought…

Down the Aisle

Casey described her trip down the aisle with sadness. “I walked down the aisle with leaden feet, my dream dress now just a costume.” Then, she saw her soon-to-be ex-fiancé, grinning at her ear-to-ear. She could barely look him in the eyes…

Locking Eyes

Casey’s face was obviously not that of a blushing bride. She could tell that he knew something was off, but he really had no idea what she had planned…

The Announcement

She made it to the end of the aisle, but instead of facing her “husband”, she turned to face the crowd instead. “There will be no wedding today,” she began…

The Truth is Revealed

“It seems Alex is not who I thought he was,” she told the crowd. Everyone was in shock and awe, a heavy silence falling over the church. Casey put down her flowers revealing her phone, hidden behind them…

Story Time

Alex tried to reach for her hands, or her phone, but she nudged him away. She unlocked her phone and began to read aloud. Periodically she would look up at their faces, watching as everyone stared in horror and shock…

Caught in the Act

Casey recalled that Alex’s face went ghostly white and he began to sweat and panic. Still, she continued to read, tears streaming down her face. When she looked at him, his reaction was not something she was expecting…

Running Away

Alex took one look at his former bride and immediately ran out of the building. His best man ran out behind him. Casey then put her phone down and looked to his family…


His family was totally horrified, clueless as to how he could have been so hurtful. Casey began to speak, “All of you have been so good and kind to me over the past four years. My respect and love for you have not changed. Please join all of my family and friends at the reception for a celebration of truth, love, and freedom to make the right decisions even though they hurt.” The wedding continued on…

A Different Kind of Celebration

After she addressed his family, she then turned to the rest of the guests and said, “I love all of you and as horrible as this is I’m glad you all are here. There will not be a wedding reception today, but instead, there will be a celebration of honesty, finding true love and following your heart even when it hurts.” And she invited them back, gracefully attempting to salvage the day…

Continuing On

Some people awkwardly applauded and cheered, but other than that, there was silence. When everyone finally snapped out of their state of shock, they began to stand and most headed to the reception…

A Big Party

But it was no wedding reception, instead just a big party. According to a wedding guest, Nikki Travis, everyone in the church attended except the groom’s brother and two friends. Casey said, “It was certainly not the wedding day I had planned but to our credit, it was one hell of a party.”

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.