This Cat’s Reaction To An Intruder Will Shock You

George made an excellent guard cat when his home received an unwelcome visitor late one night. He’s a hero! Find out what this intruder wanted…

A Quiet Night At Home

The Fryer family was having a relaxing night at home. The kids put a movie on and the five of them sat back with some popcorn and spent a quiet night in. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary…

It Was Quickly Getting Late

When the movie was over, the family noticed their cat, George, sleeping by the front door as usual. They thought nothing of it, and the kids began to get ready for bed. It was nearly midnight…

George Is Just Your Average Cat

Cats are notoriously indifferent to their owners. They love their time alone, and George was no exception. He liked to explore the house on his own volition, and his favorite place to be was close to the front door…

A Fan Of The Outdoors

George loves being outside. He takes daily walks with one of the Fryer’s, and he has fun chasing birds when the family isn’t around. Later, he retires to the indoors and finds the snuggest spot on the sofa for a nap. He’s a big, spry boy who can look out for himself…

Everyone Is Fast Asleep

Around 1 a.m., the entire Fryer family, even George, was sound asleep. It was winter, and George had wandered up to sleep with the daughter, Emma, as he usually did when he was cold. However, nobody realized that they’d forgotten to do one very important thing before turning the lights out…

An Open Window

Kim Fryer forgot to close a kitchen window before bed. If you live in a remote area, it’s never a good idea to leave a window open when you aren’t aware of it. You never know what kind of danger you could be inviting inside…

Something Enters

Eventually, something noticed the open window, and decided to slip inside. Completely unnoticed, it slowly began to explore the house. What was it? And what did it want?

Making Itself At Home

The creature freely roamed the house, completely at ease. It knew it wasn’t afraid of the people that lived there…

An Unwelcome Surprise

In the early hours of the next morning, Kim woke up to the sound of her daughter shouting from downstairs. What was going on? It was a Sunday, and nobody was supposed to be awake this early…

A Close Bond

Kim and Emma were incredibly close, and hearing her yell so early in the morning sent Kim into a panic. What was happening? Was she okay? Kim quickly jumped out of bed and raced downstairs…

Someone Else Had Been Awake

Kim’s oldest daughter was used to rising early and taking runs when the sun came up. She’d quickly slipped outside before any commotion, and she hadn’t noticed the visitor, even though it had noticed her…

Finally Spotted

When Kim went downstairs, she noticed a dark figure sitting in the kitchen. At first she just assumed it was the cat, George, but then remembered that he’d been asleep upstairs. If it wasn’t George, what was it…

How Had They Missed This!?

“As I was passing the kitchen, I noticed these rather large ears. I startled, because those are not cat ears.” What Kim had actually seen was a fox sitting right in her kitchen!

Completely Shocked

So this was why Emma had been shouting. She was standing on the other side of the kitchen, pointing at the fox. It was sitting there, just as confused, watching everyone…

The Floor Was Filthy

Obviously, the fox was responsible for the mess. He’d climbed in through the open kitchen window and tracked in dirt from the outside. He must have been having lots of fun because the floor was covered in paw prints…

The Suspect

The little fox was curled up on top of the microwave now, unbothered by the scene before him. It was late fall, and he was probably just glad he’d found a warm spot to take a nap, away from the outdoors…

A Close Call

Now that Kim and Emma knew the fox was harmless, their next thought was how would their cat, George, react to their visitor?

Would They Be Friends?

The rest of the family was awake by now, just watching the fox. He got up to wander, and while the family wondered whether they should call animal control or let him outside, the cat slid downstairs to see what all the fuss was about…

It’s Not Unheard Of

Foxes are commonly domesticated. People can keep them as pets if they’re aware of how to properly care for and train them. However, this fox was completely wild, so its behavior could have been erratic…

They’re Not As Harmless As You’d Think

Foxes have deceptively sharp bites and strong jaws, even though they’re on the smaller side and can be domesticated. The Fryer’s tried to keep George in another room as the fox, but it didn’t go as planned…

What If He’s Hungry?

Everyone’s first thought was, “Is the fox hungry?” Will it eat George? She had to protect her small children and her cat…

Time To Go

The fox was still for a moment, so Kim decided it was time to distract him and lead him towards a door to the backyard so he could escape. But the fox wasn’t having it, and stayed put, watching Kim make noises and quietly listened to other noises through the house…

Fearless Visitor

This fox just wasn’t having it. Most wild animals go into protect mode when they’re around humans, but not this one. He was completely content to stay put and enjoy his time in the house…

A Call To The RSPCA

Kim made a call to the local RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). Kim knew that they’d be able to get the fox safely out of the house and back into the wild where it belonged…

Now He’s REALLY Comfortable

When Kim got off the phone, she noticed that the fox had gotten even more comfortable, laying in George’s bed! To this, George took notice…

A Standoff

George got closer, trying to protect his bed from this fox he’d only just met. He was not happy about this intrusion, and he was going to do something about it…

A Fight Ensues

George and the fox were apparently not going to be friends. The cat kept hissing and leaping at the fox, who just sat there tamely and watched him. George was just trying to protect his family…

A Rescue Mission

Eventually the RSPCA showed up, and the fox was convinced into a cage, though he wasn’t too happy about it. George, on the other hand, was. His home was now fox-free once more…

A Quick Visit To The Vet

The RSPCA volunteers took the fox off the Fryer’s hands and took him to the vet right away. He was sleepy and in need of a checkup, just to be on the safe side…

He’s Ready To Go Home

The fox was as healthy as ever, just the run in with the Fryer family made him a little uneasy. Maybe next time he won’t climb into open windows where he doesn’t belong.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.