This Couple’s First Dance Was Interrupted In The Best Way

A lot of effort goes into planning a wedding. Sometimes, things can take an unexpected turn. This couple was in for the shock of their lives when their reception didn’t exactly turn out the way they thought it would…

The Shock Of A Lifetime

When planning a wedding, the couple must be ready for absolutely anything to happen. If something can go wrong, it truly might. While a wedding should be the happiest, most exciting day of your life, it’s okay if things don’t always go as planned…

An Unforgettable First Dance

When the time came for the couple to have their first dance at the reception, they knew it had to be memorable, both for themselves and for their guests. However, little did the bride know that someone was planning something big…

Melissa Was A Fashion Model

Melissa Baker was from Akron, Ohio. Her biggest goal in life was to be a gymnast when she grew up, and when she was 17 she started working as a fashion model. She posed for lots of brands until she got her big break…

Sports Illustrated Brought Them Together

Melissa posed for “Sports Illustrated,” and the image got her lots of popularity. With the rise in fame, she said all that truly mattered to her was her family and home life, and when she met the man of her dreams, she knew he’d love her for her…

The Countdown Begins

Melissa proudly made many of the decorations for the reception herself. She posted pictures on social media of all the hard work that went into creating the center pieces with the help from friends and family…

Her Hard Work Paid Off

The ceremony was perfect, and when the time came for the reception, Melissa’s first dance with her father got things ready for what ultimately would happen next…

Something Wasn’t Quite Right

As Melissa and Brad were about to get ready for their first dance, Melissa could tell something wasn’t quite right. The band wasn’t playing anymore, and all eyes were on the couple as they stood on the dance floor in silence…

The Song Holds Sentimental Value

Melissa had chosen a very special song for their first dance, and the DJ announced to the guests that she’d handpicked it specifically. In a video later posted to YouTube, you can hear the song begin to play after a few moments of confusion…

“Like There’s No Yesterday”

In the video, you can hear “Like There’s No Yesterday,” a song by country singer Mark Wills. However, this song was never released as a single. It’s an unsung gem on Wills’ discography. He had lots of hits, but this song for whatever reason wasn’t one of them…

It’s “Their” Song

Melissa and Brad love this song. It holds a special place in their hearts because it really speaks to their relationship, and it makes them think of each other whenever they hear it. In the video, they dance, and then suddenly, the music cuts…

Was It Just A Technical Error?

When the music stopped, Brian and Melissa stop dancing and look at each other. What was happening? Was it a technical error? The DJ then cut in and apologized because the music wasn’t working anymore…

You Can’t Have A Wedding Without Music

Don’t worry, Melissa. Someone showed up to help you do the song live. The DJ says, “We do have a keyboard, so we’re going to do the song this way instead,” Brian and Melissa start to sway again when all of a sudden, none an unexpected guest shows up onstage…

It Was Mark Wills All Along!

Melissa can’t believe her eyes! Her favorite, Mark Wills, is standing onstage serenading her and her new husband while they dance. And to THEIR song, too! Melissa realized the problem with the music was all a setup and that Mark was a planned surprise the whole time…

Truly The Happiest Day Of Their Lives

Melissa’s reaction was priceless! Overwhelmed with joy, she screamed and ran from Brad and directly up to Mark by the stage, so he could sing only to her. With tears in her eyes, she rejoined her husband and they continued to dance…

The Song Closes

The two continue to dance, both crying and smiling at the same time. What a day! When the song ends, the bride goes back to the stage…

A Dance Seen Round The World

Melissa and Brad are completely beside themselves. Who did this for them? Who got Mark Wills at their wedding? They rush over to him to thank him for the beautiful performance…

The Wedding Video Went Viral

Their wedding video hit YouTube, and gained over 26 million views! What did the couple have to say about the aftermath of their special day?

Full Of Gratitude

In a response to the popular video, Melissa shared that she and her husband will “never forget” Mark Wills crashing their wedding and singing their favorite song for them…

How Did They Pull It Off?

You won’t believe who was actually behind the surprise. Melissa took to social media to hank everyone who puled off this incredible moment and somehow managed to keep it a secret…

Three Years Have Since Passed

Three years have passed since Brad and Melissa got married, and every year she shares a photo from their wedding day with Mark Wills singing in the background. This tradition will be a tough one to top…

Another Lucky Surprise

The Hewitt’s celebrated the arrival of a new family member, a baby boy! Their son turns three this year, and you won’t want to miss their adorable photos…

A Happy Ending

The Hewitt family really got the happy ending they deserved, and they owe it all the Mark Wills and his sweet country voice. Check out these other big wedding surprises…

This Bride Announced a Pregnancy

At their wedding reception, this bride surprised her new husband with some big news: they’re having a baby! He opened a photo of an ultrasound in front of all their guests.

This Bride Shut Down Some Drama

This bride, probably a fan of the dramatics, chose to read aloud her husband’s cheating text messages instead of their vows. OUCH. What do you do in this situation? She shut down the wedding as it was happening. Bold move if you ask me.

This Bride Shaved Her Head

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Most brides spend a lot of time fussing over how to wear their hair on their wedding day… but not Joan Lyons. In a loving tribute to her terminally ill groom, this blushing bride decided to shave her head at her very own wedding reception. Craig and Joan Lyons have known each other since they were 14 years old, but unknowingly to Joan, Craig had always been in love with her. "I've loved her since the moment I laid eyes on her." said Craig. After 30 years, Craig finally admitted to Joan how he's felt about her his whole life. "I was a bit shy about it and Joan has been married previously, but she was always the only one for me." Finally, Craig proposed to Joan with a milkshake in hand inside a McDonald’s. “That is how we are,” Joan said. “That is our little heaven enjoying the simple things, as long as we’re together.” When Craig was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and given 9 to 12 months to live, the couple decided to move up their wedding date and turn their big day into a fundraising event. In an act of solidarity with Craig and others affected by life-limiting illnesses, Joan shaved her head in front of all of their guests. Her hair was donated to Little Princess Trust- a charity that makes wigs for severely sick children. @thestruthsphoto who captured these beautiful images said the wedding was one of the happiest she's ever shot. It was very emotional…but the love these two have for each other filled every inch of the room. *Craig passed away just before Christmas. My heart goes out to Joan and the rest of Craig's family.

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This bride shaved her head in solidarity because her husband was at the time suffering from stage 4 pancreatic cancer. She decided to shave her head at her own wedding reception as a gesture of love. They moved up the wedding date, but unfortunately, he passed a few months later.

Who Needs Flowers?

This bridal party used rescue puppies instead of flowers in their photoshoot! The best part? All of these little guys found homes afterwards!

This Groom Better Watch Out For Adam Levine

One Of Us Is Gonna Have To Change

These women were not bridesmaids. Apparently, Forever New was in vogue because these six guests showed up all wearing the same dress. Well, five of them are gonna have to change…

This Man Learned To Walk Again

This man, injured in a terrible accident, learned to walk again just in time for his wedding day as a special surprise for his wife.

This Woman Accidentally Missed Her Own Wedding

Nichola woke up on her wedding day and decided she just could not show up. She had a panic attack over all the things that had to be done and decided she could not show up. She still wanted to marry him, but a big wedding was a mistake.

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The More You Know

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  • Maine is the only state that has a one-syllable name.
  • "E" is the most common letter and appears in 11 percent of all english words.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.