This Young Woman’s Extraordinary Pregnancy Only Happens Once Every 500 Years

When Alexandra and her new husband decided they wanted to have a child together, they joked about having twins just to get two kids out of the way at once. Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for…

Happy Family

Alexandra was twenty-three years old and ready to grow her family by one more. She already had one beautiful child from a previous relationship. She and her husband, Antonin Kroscen, decided to try for a baby.

Having Fears

While the couple was looking forward to the adventures of parenthood, Alexandra felt nervous. Her first pregnancy had resulted in extremely difficult and complicated labor and the thought of going through the same thing terrified her…

Difficult Pregnancy

Alexandra’s experience giving birth to her first child had been traumatizing for her. She was worried that the same thing might happen this time around…

Hoping For The Best

Every pregnancy is unpredictable. Even if someone goes through pregnancy without a hitch, the next one might not be so easy. Alexandra had no idea what was coming in the next few months…

Trying Once More

Alexandra’s first pregnancy was truly horrible. Antonin admired his wife for wanting to try again. They were hopeful that their baby would be less of an ordeal than her first…

Hold It Together

Despite their fears, Antonin and Alexandra continued to try for a baby. They had no idea how this was about to test the limits of their relationship…

Lovely Couple

When Anton and Alexandra first met, they quickly fell in love. Two two lived in Milovice, Czech Republic. Alexandra already had a young son from her prior relationship, but he and Antonin immediately clicked.

Wanting More

Even though their family was small, it was sturdy, and the two didn’t want to waste any time before deciding to grow it by another…

High Hopes

Since they already had a boy, the two were hoping for a girl to complete the nuclear family image…and that wasn’t all they wanted.

It’s A Stretch…

Even though they were both prepared for a baby, neither of them were sure that it would go smoothly. Still, that didn’t stop them from hoping for something a little more special.

Two Birds, One Stone

Because Alexandra’s former pregnancy was so awful, she and Antonin were hoping for twins! The two wanted three kids in total, but they also wanted this pregnancy to be her last to avoid any further complications.

Not Far-Fetched

The thought of having more than one child at once wasn’t out of the question. They had special circumstances which meant it could be a real possibility…

Family History

Both Alexandra and Antonin had a family history of twins. In fact, both of them had cousins, brothers, and sisters who were twins.

Can’t Escape Genetics

Honestly, Alexandra and Antonin were expecting a multiple birth due to its prevalence in both of their genetics. They never could have prepared for what was about to come their way…

More Than Likely

Coming from a family full of twins meant their genealogy lent itself to having a set of twins themselves—especially if both parents had twins in their family.

Good Chances

It’s also proven that if a mother has twins in her genes, it’s significantly more likely to occur rather than if twins were just on the father’s side. Because Alexandra had twins on her side as well, there was a much higher chance of this occurring…

Unpleasant Symptoms

Similarly to Alexandra’s first pregnancy, she began to have symptoms early. She was experiencing nausea, mood swings, and restlessness. Alexandra had a feeling that she was pregnant, especially after she missed her period…

Amazing News

Alexandra took a home pregnancy test, which came out positive! She and Antonin were thrilled, but they still felt nervous because so much had the potential to go wrong. They went to the doctor…

Baby On Board

After months and months of trying, it was officially confirmed: Alexandra and her husband were going to have a baby! They went back to Alexandra’s gynecologist who delivered her first son.

Professional Opinion

The gynecologist was excited to see them back. They decided to get some bloodwork done…

Test Results

The routine tests came back, informing the couple that Alexandra was indeed expecting a child. Alexandra’s bloodwork was healthy, too. But the two had no idea what was about to happen…

Time For The Ultrasound

Alexandra and Antonin were excited for the ultrasound. They would finally be able to see their little bundle of joy on the screen…

8 Weeks Later…

They had to wait for eight weeks until the fetus was large enough to see. Even though the couple was nervous, they would soon learn what was waiting for them…

Every Parent’s Dream

When Alexandra and Antonin arrived at the clinic for the ultrasound, they couldn’t wait to get a glimpse of their baby…and what they saw made them leap for joy.

Just Like They Predicted

The couple was having twins! They both wanted this more than anything. However, this meant that Alexandra would need to be even more closely watched. Her doctor suggested another ultrasound in a few more weeks to make sure everything was going to plan…

Something Was Unusual

The second ultrasound revealed that Alexandra’s pregnancy had progressed enough to give the doctor a better idea of what the babies looked like. But her belly appeared larger than it should have been, which made the couple concerned…

Unbelievable News

As the doctor went over the ultrasound, her eyes widened. “I knew it!” she said, before turning back to face the couple with a concerned smile…

Worried Doctor

The doctor clearly had something to tell the couple, but she didn’t know how to phrase it. They watched anxiously as she struggled with her words.

Double The Trouble

The doctor didn’t know how to tell them the news, but she did her best…they were pregnant with more than twins. Alexandra was going to have quadruplets.

Getting What They Wanted

They got what they had wished for and more, but carrying four children was harder than she could have ever imagined. She had agonizing back pain, insomnia, and severe bloat. She was in so much pain…and then she went back in for her third ultrasound.

This Can’t Be Happening

The doctor was checking to make sure both Alexandra and the babies were happy and healthy. Then she noticed something else on the ultrasound. It couldn’t be…but it was. Alexandra watched her doctor’s jaw drop in disbelief.

Another One!

The doctor said she had counted five babies. She was speechless. She had never seen so many babies in a natural pregnancy before. “When we found a fifth head, I started to cry,” Alexandra said.

No Way Of Knowing

It was still too early to tell the sexes of the babies, but Alexandra hoped she would have at least one girl…

Impossible Pregnancy

Alexandra quickly became everyone’s favorite patient. Her case was so rare and fascinating to all of the doctors. Carrying quadruplets was unusual enough, but quintuplets were even less likely—especially through natural conception.

Joys of Parenthood

Even though they were terrified at the prospect of going from one child to six, they both were up for the challenge…

A Moment In History

In the Czech Republic, no other woman had ever given birth to five babies at once. Alexandra would be the first person to deliver quintuplets in the country’s history.

Once In A Lifetime

The doctor in charge of Alexandra’s delivery, Alena Mechurova, said that quintuplets are born in the Czech Republic on average once every 480 years. This means that it would take half a millennium for Alexandra’s circumstances to happen again! Unfortunately, Alexandra’s pregnancy wasn’t going to be all smooth sailing.

Hard Times

Just like the couple had anticipated, the pregnancy had taken an enormous toll on Alexandra. She was on permanent bedrest and had to cease living her life in order to carry her babies to term. Alexandra even had a special team of doctors on call at all times…

Taking Precautions

Alexandra’s team was equipped with forty specialized doctors, midwives, and experts who were all prepared to help with her journey. When she finally went into labor, everything seemed to happen so fast…

Intensive Care

Thankfully, Alexandra’s labor went as well as anyone could have hoped! She successfully gave birth to quintuplets. She was now the mother of four baby boys and one girl. However, they were born extremely underweight and had to be under immediate observation in the NICU…

Healthy Babies

It turned out the babies only needed one month of observation in the hospital before Antonin and Alexandra could bring them home. Their names were Deniel, Michael, Martin, Alex, and Terezka. Parenting all the new babies was a huge job. Luckily, they weren’t alone…

Coming To The Rescue

Raising six children was an expensive and exhausting endeavor, but their community and family all pitched in to help.

In The End

Even though having six young kids was tiring, Alexandra and Antonin got exactly what they wanted. It was all the love they could imagine and more!

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.