Time Travelers Show Bizarre Proof Of Their Journeys

Not only do these two-time travelers have proof, but they offer extremely bizarre insight on what life will be like in the future. Some of it is a little scary…

The Year 6000

A random Youtube video has surfaced with a strange man claiming that he time-traveled to the year 6000. Initially, it sounds pretty ridiculous. But then, he pulls out some of his facts…

His Facts

The man, who’s face has been blurred and voice has been altered, begins to talk about his experience with the government, time travel, and what the year 6000 will be like. The video is… Pretty revealing.

Hiding Time Travel

Since time travel has allegedly been a thing since the 90s, that means that the government has been allegedly hiding this technology for decades. His goal of sharing his story is to tell everyone that the government has been lying to them…

Top Secret

The man claims that he was chosen for this top-secret program in the 1990s. The government took him under their wing as an experiment…

Very Bizarre

He never disclosed how many people were in the program, but did say that everyone went to different time periods. For him, he was tasked with going to the year 6000.


Apparently, the government will release the technology of time travel in 2028. That’s less than 10 years from now! The information he revealed is quite interesting.

It’s Hard To Believe

The anonymous time traveler knows and understands that people probably won’t believe him, but he wants to tell his story in order to bring awareness to this topic. Plus, if time travel really is released 10 years from now, maybe it’ll be more obvious that it’s true…

Why Should We Trust Him?

If he can’t give us any details, then why should we trust him? Turns out, he claimed to have physical proof…

A Photo

According to the mysterious man, he has a photo of the year 6000. It shows us a very blurry landscape that definitely looks futuristic

So Blurry

The photo itself is extremely blurry, but he does have an explanation for that!

Time Traveling Effects Photos

Since time-traveling obviously has harsh effects on materials, the photo suffered a bit through the experience.

More Info

Due to the photo and how bizarre it is, a lot of people decided to hear him out. The other information he gave us is just as insane…


In the year 6000, teleportation is all the rage. It’s a common technology that many people have access to. That could be convenient!

Time Travel Is Common

The idea of time travel is also common, but it’s only readily available for the higher-ups. Seems like capitalism is still tried and true 4,000 years from now.

Invisible Technology

Apparently, invisible technology is also a thing of the future! The time traveler said that they can use invisible technology to spy on the people of the past. He even said someone could watch the signing of the Declaration of Independence!

The Government

Instead of being governed by fellow humans, the worlds government is controlled by AI. The reasoning, apparently, is because AI is smarter and less emotional than humans. Seems like a lot could go wrong with that, but okay…

Apparently, It Works

The time traveler has said that AI can predict things with 100% accuracy. Since humans make decisions off of feelings, AI can make decisions based on logic and fact.

What Was It Like?

The year 6000 is extremely advanced, obviously, but the info that he gave us was interesting. The first thing he said that that cancer was cured… And that it will be cured soon.

A Cure For Cancer

The man claimed that the cure for cancer will be available sometime in the 2000s, which could be soon! Of course, when asked for details, he claimed that he couldn’t give any…

This is a Wild One…

Apparently, and this is crazy, humans are learning how to spread their consciousness across the universe. The time traveler did not go into detail about that or what it means, but it seems pretty… Advanced. That’s not all…

Living Forever

The idea of living eternally is not just of science fiction novels. Humans have developed a technology where they can “upload” their consciousness to computers so that they can live forever.

It’s Not All Amazing

This all seems like it’s too good to be true, but things are just about to get really, really weird.

Time Travel Isn’t Perfect

Even though time travel is prevalent, it is not at all perfect. In fact, people can get really hurt by time travel… They can even lose limbs.

He Lost a Friend

Within his program, the time traveler made a friend. His friend got stuck in the year 6000 and can’t travel home… It was basically a freak accident.

VR in 6000

His friend tried to upload his brain into a “VR server” but since he was time traveling, his consciousness ended up getting stuck there. He’s forever suffering in virtual reality with no way of getting home. Sounds like it’s right out of a movie!

Small Humans

Obviously, the population of the world continued to grow. It grew so much that people had to “shrink” in order to save up some space. That sounds terrifying.

People Don’t Die

Since there’s a cure for basically every disease, people don’t die anymore. So, with the growing population and lack of death, it only makes sense to shrink everyone! Right?

When He Left…

The time traveler only stayed for a certain period of time so that he could report back. He observed these tiny people, brand new technology, and even atom-sized computers. Surprisingly, there are others with similar experiences…

Another Time Traveler

There is another woman who claims to have been a part of the same crew who traveled to the year 6000. Her name is Chloe and she lives in Finland.

Chloe’s Experience

When Chloe went to the year 6000, she claims to have brought back a different type of proof… One that could be proven by scientists.

A Plant

When she went into the year 6000, she saw so many different types of plants that no one has seen before. She plucked one out of the ground in order to take it back…


She said that it’s called Roklorulo and that it was around when dinosaurs roamed the planet. It was revived and now thrives in the future. That’s not the only thing that’s revived…

Dinosaurs Return

Apparently, dinosaurs return to Earth in 4529 and are kept in zoos! That seems kind of inhumane. Her descriptions of the world are fascinating…

How She Traveled

She described how they strapped her to a chair, fixed her arms and legs to the chair, and placed a metallic tube on her head. Then, they put an electric current through her body and lost consciousness

Green Everywhere

“The ground was entirely green with trees and flowers, skyscrapers were peeking out of the trees. One of the most interesting facts was that plants were not similar to those which we used to see because of genetic engineering. Also, I wanted to say that there were a lot of animals. Walking around I saw cats and foxes. I saw snakes and slithers in the plants of skyscrapers.”

Is It All True?

In truth, there’s no way for us to know if these people are telling the truth or are just crazy. They do have weird, unexplainable proof… But only that can go so far.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.