Trivia, The More You Know

Whether you are a trivia buff, or just want to learn about some random stuff, this is the place for you.

How Tik Tac Mints Were Named

Did you know Tic Tac mints are named after the sound their container makes? In 1970, Ferrero was looking to replace "Refreshing Mints" as the name of its now iconic mini mouth fresheners. Instead of going with a similarly straightforward approach, the brand says the name we all know now was inspired by the tic and the tac sounds heard when you open and close the little plastic container the mints come in.

People Write Love Letters to Trees

In 2013, The city of Melbourne, Australia, assigned each tree an email address so that the public could report any problems. If you see a fallen branch, send an email. However, instead of sending messages about issues, people began writing love letters to the trees.

We Have 2000-4000 Taste Buds

The average adult human has 2000-4000 taste buds and despite what you may have been taught, they are not visible to the human on. Those bumps on your tongue are what the taste buds are on, but those aren't actually the taste buds themselves

NASA invented the Super Soaker

NASA engineer Lonnie G. Johnson not only developed the U.S. Air Force's stealth bomber program, but he also invented the Super Soaker water gun in the 1980's. Inspired while trying to develop an eco-friendly heat pump, Johnson eventually licensed his design to Larami Corporation. He reportedly made so much money from the toy that he was able to fund his own research and development company, which focuses on clean energy.

An 11-year-old Named Pluto

In 1930, the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) was struggling to come up with a name for a newly-discovered planet. They considered Minerva, Zeus, Atlas, and Persephone—but it was 11-year-old Venetia Burney Phair who suggested Pluto, inspired by the god of the underworld

Peanuts Can Make Dynamite

Obviously, peanuts are a tasty snack, but did you know they can also be used to make dynamite? When extracted, peanut oil can be turned into glycerol, which can then make nitroglycerine.

Ben Franklin Was An Amazing Swimmer

Benjamin Franklin wasn't only a skilled writer, politician, and scientist, he was also an avid swimmer. Franklin began swimming as a child in Boston, which led to one of his first inventions the oval palletes. These were worn on the hands so he could swim faster

Fear of Buttons

There's such a thing as a fear of buttons. Those who suffer from koumpounophobia will do their best to avoid anything and everything to do with buttons. If you suffer from this affliction, you're repulsed by buttons of every shape, size, color, and material.

You Can't Lick Your Elbow

It's physically impossible to lick your elbow. The reason being that from any angle that you take your tongue is instantly too short to reach the tip of your elbow. There has been known claims of people possessing the talents to do this task.

Planck Length Is The Smallest Unit of Measurement

If you want to find the very smallest things around, you'd need to track down something that's the size of the Planck length. It's the smallest possible size of anything in the known universe at a mere 1.6 x10-35 meter across. That is the equivalent of around a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a centimeter.

A Ten-Gallon Hat Holds Less Than One Gallon of Liquid

A 10-gallon hat holds approximately three-quarters of a gallon of water. According to, most experts argue that the name “10-gallon hat” is actually an import from south of the border.

Worlds Largest Barbie Collection

Bettina Dorfmann managed to get her hands on more than 15,000 different versions of the iconic Barbie doll. Her collection includes a rare original Barbie from 1959. In addition to collecting them, Dorfmann also runs a hospital for broken Barbies where she fixes or replaces broken limbs and untangles matted hair.

France is the #1 Visited Country

It should come as no surprise to know that France is the world's most popular tourist destination. With near 90 million visitors every normal non-covid year, France is a head and shoulders above Spain, which comes in second, receiving 82 million visitors per year. The number 3 spot goes to the USA with 78 million.

Honey is Essentially Bee Vomit

When a bee takes nectar from a flower, the tiny creature stores it in its "crop," an enlargement at the back of its esophagus, where the nectar mixes with enzymes. "A nectar-foraging bee returns to the hive and pumps out the nectar to a receiving bee," says now retired extension apiculturist Eric Mussen of the University of California, Davis. The nectar is passed to processing bees that blend the incoming nectar loads, mix them together, then pump out a bit of solution.

Holding In A Sneeze is Dangerous

Researchers reported that a 34-year-old British man was hospitalized after attempting to contain his sneeze, trapping air in his trachea, and essentially ripping a hole in the soft tissue of his throat. "Halting sneeze via blocking nostrils and mouth is a dangerous maneuver," the scientists concluded.

You Can See Russia From Alaska

You actually can see Russia from Alaska. Given the correct weather conditions in the Bering Sea, you can see the island of Big Diomede, Russia, from the smaller island of Little Diomede, Alaska.

Finland Has More Saunas Than Cars

Finland has more saunas than cars. Sounds like a pretty great place. In fact, it's consistently ranked as one of the very happiest countries in the world, which makes sense.

Your Brain Can Be More Active in Your Sleep

Your brain is sometimes more active when you're asleep than when you're awake. Even when you fall into a deep sleep, the activity inside your head is still buzzing. This happens to keep your body running while processing your subconscious thoughts.

The Term 'Soccer' Came From Britain

The term “soccer” does not originate in America. The word is from Britain, where it was derived from a short form of “Association Football.”

Americans Are Cookie Monsters

Americans love cookies. So much in fact the average American will eat 35,000 cookies in their lifetime.

The Average Raindrop Falls At 20 mph

A smaller raindrop of radius 0.15 cm has a terminal velocity of about 7 meters per second or 16 mph. In general, depending upon their size, raindrops fall between 15 and 25 miles per hour no matter how high they are when they begin their descent.

Asteroid Worth $95.8 Trillion

The market price on asteroids is astronomical. Up in space there is an asteroid that's 100-miles wide and holds plenty of resources. On Earth, those materials, includeing hydrocarbons such as oil, would be worth around $95.8 trillion.

China Owns All The Pandas

China owns nearly all of the pandas in the world, even the ones you see at zoos. They rent them out for about $1 million a year.

Cows Produce 200,000+ Glasses of Milk

In the US, the average dairy cow produces more than 7.5 gallons of milk per day. If she was producing just enough to feed her calf, a dairy cow would only produce about one gallon of milk per day. A single cow can make roughly 200,000 glasses of milk in a lifetime.

Americans Eat 150 Million Hot Dogs on July 4th

A hot dog is a food consisting of a grilled or steamed sausage served in the slit of a partially sliced bun. Americans consume around 150 million hot dogs on 4th of July each year.

Lightning Bolts Heat Up To 50,000 Degrees

Lightning can heat the air it passes through to 50,000 degrees. In addition to electricity, lightning generates an unbelievable amount of heat. In fact, according to the National Weather Service, lightning can heat the air it passes through to a sizzling 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, which is five times hotter than the fiery surface of the sun.

England Gets The Most Tornadoes

America definitely experiences its fair share of dangerously blustery weather, but England is considered to be the tornado capital of the world. The country, on average, gets hit with 34 tornadoes each year, which is about 2.2 every 3,861 square miles. The U.S., on the other hand, experiences about 1.2 every 2,970 square miles.

Coin Flips Are Not 50/50

The way a coin lands is not ‘random’; it’s easy, with a little practice, to manipulate your coin flip so that it lands the way you want it. What’s more, if you’re spinning a coin, it’s more likely to land tails up, since the heads side weighs slightly more.

Crocodile Thumb Defense

If you're ever attacked by a crocodile, stick your thumb in its eye. Easier said than done, of course, but wildlife experts agree that this is the best way to save yourself in the event of a crocodile attack. The eyes are the most sensitive part of its body, and jabbing at them should, ideally, cause them to loosen their jaws.

Only Humans Blush

We are believed to be the only animal that feels embarrassment. Charles Darwin called blushing "the most peculiar and most human of all expressions," while Mark Twain said, "Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to."

Greenland is the Biggest Island in The World

Greenland has a total area of 2.16 million square kilometers which most of the landmass is totally covered by an ice cap! Now that's a fact not many people will be able to guess as this isn't a well-known fact.

Henry VIII Had 6 Wives

Henry VIII was commonly remembered for his succession of wives: Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, and Catherine Parr. Moreover, Catherine, his first wife, was his brother widow. He has quite a controversial life.

Most Lipstick Contains Fish Scales

It turns out, the stuff that makes fish scales flash also makes one's lips shiny. Most pearl essence comes from commercially fished herring. Synthetic versions are available, but they are not widely used.

Most People Fall Asleep in 7 Minutes

The average person takes around seven minutes to fall asleep. This stage of sleep is called the Alpha stage, and isn't limited solely to sleep. Those who practice meditation often drop into this range of brainwave activity while meditating, as do those who pray often.

The U.S. Supreme Court Balls

The U.S. Supreme Court has its own private basketball court. It’s been nicknamed, “The Highest Court in the Land”.

S.O.S Has No Meaning

S.O.S. does not stand for anything. It was created as a universal distress signal because it is a simple, unmistakable message when sent via Morse Code.

Sesame Street is Real

Sesame Street has been a beloved part of children's lives ever since it premiered on November 10, 1969. That's why, in May 2019, the city of New York made it a real place. So, if you live in the city that never sleeps and someone asks you, "Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?" you can tell them that it's at the corner of West 63rd and Broadway.

95% of The Ocean is Unexplored

Only 5% of the ocean has been explored. The intense pressure at the deepest depths of the ocean makes it virtually impossible to navigate.

The Sahara Desert Can Reach Up To 136 Degrees

The Sahara Desert can reach up to 136 degrees. Its average temperature is actually about 100 degrees Fahrenheit, so it's pretty much always hot.

Australia's Wider Than The Moon

Australia's diameter is 600km wider than the moon's. The moon sits at 3400km in diameter, while Australia's diameter from east to west is almost 4000km. The moon, as a sphere, has more surface size, but it's still pretty amazing.

Freddie Mercury Had 4 Extra Teeth

Freddie Mercury has a pretty memorable smile. But did you know it's because he had four extra teeth in his upper jaw? That's why Rami Malek had to wear prosthetic teeth while working on Bohemian Rhapsody.

The University of Florida Invented Gatorade

Gatorade was invented at the University of Florida, named after the mascot of the school, the Gators. The university receives 20 percent of the profits from the beverage.

Canada Eats The Most Mac & Cheese

Contrary to what you might think, Canada actually eats more macaroni and cheese than any other place. Belgium east the most fries. Germany eats the most bread.

Mushrooms Can Glow

Mushrooms can glow in the dark. In fact, there are more than 70 varieties of mushrooms that do this. There are also 70-80 varieties of mushrooms that are poisonous to eat.

Skin is The Body's Largest Organ

The skin is the largest organ of the body, with a total area of about 20 square feet. The skin protects us from microbes and the elements, helps regulate body temperature, and permits the sensations of touch, heat, and cold.

Strawberries Are Not Actually Berries

Strawberries are not actually berries. They're actually "a multiple fruit which consists of many tiny individual fruits embedded in a fleshy receptacle," according to the Carnegie Museum, which is kind of a disturbing way to describe a strawberry but accurate nonetheless.

Honey Doesn't Expire

When it's stored properly, honey never goes bad, Grad said in an interview with Allrecipes. "Honey will darken and/or crystallize, but it is still safe to eat," she said. Metal or plastic containers can oxidize the honey, and heat can change its flavor.

Most People Don't Refridgerate Their Eggs

Most countries don't refrigerate their eggs. In the US, they are considered a perishable item and therefore have to be refrigerated, but they have a surprisingly long shelf life.

Hair Grows 6 Inches Per Year

On average, hair grows about 6 inches per year. As we age, some of these hair follicles stop producing hair, which is why hair loss and balding is common in older people.

Barbara is Barbie's Real Name

The Barbie doll’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, from Willows, Wisconsin. Her birthday is March 9, 1959, when she was first displayed at the New York Toy Fair.

World's Tallest Man

The tallest living man is 37-year-old Sultan Kosen, from Turkey, who is 8 feet, 2.8 inches, who set the record in 2009. His growth is also due to a pituitary issue.

The Oldest Person of All Time

The oldest person ever to have lived (whose age could be authenticated), a French woman named Jeanne Louise Calment, was 122 years old when she died in 1997.

Fingers Do Not Have Muscles

Fingers do not contain muscles (other than arrector pili). The muscles that move the finger joints are in the palm and forearm. The long tendons that deliver motion from the forearm muscles may be observed to move under the skin at the wrist and on the back of the hand.

The Human Nose Can Distinguish Trillion of Odors

Humans can distinguish more than 1 trillion scents, according to new research. The findings show that our sense of smell is far more discriminating than previously thought.

Play-Doh Origin

Play-Doh started out as a wallpaper cleaner before the head of the struggling company realized the non-toxic material made a good modeling clay for children and rebranded it.

Flamin' Hot Cheetos History

Flamin’ Hot Cheetos were developed by a janitor at Frito-Lay, Richard Montanez, who got the idea after putting chili powder on some reject Cheetos and then pitched it to the CEO. He’s now a successful executive and motivational speaker, and a movie is in the works about his life.

Australia Contains Pink Lakes

On Middle Island in Western Australia, you will find one of the country's most-visited tourist attractions, Lake Hillier. People flock here by boat or helicopter ride to see its unnatural bubblegum-pink color, which starkly contrasts the deep blue waters of the Indian Ocean beside it.

No Ashes At Disney World

Visitors are not allowed to scatter loved ones’ ashes at Disney World or Disneyland. This is apparently a problem, particularly around the Haunted Mansion attraction.

There Are Over 200 Corpses on Mt. Everest

There Are Over 200 Bodies on Mount Everest, And They're Used as Landmarks. More than 200 people have died in their attempt to scale Mount Everest. The mountain offers seemingly endless options for kicking the bucket, from falling into the abyss to suffocating from lack of oxygen to being smashed by raining boulders.Nov

Mosquitoes Have 47 Teeth

Mosquitoes do not have teeth, they have 47 sharp daggers that run along each side of a long, piercing proboscis. With a weapon like that, who needs teeth? The proboscis is an elongated mouthpart that is used like a hypodermic needle to pierce the skin.

Millions Live in Nuclear Bunkers

Underneath the streets of Beijing, there are over a million people who live in nuclear bunkers. The Underground City is a Cold War era bomb shelter consisting of a network of tunnels located beneath Beijing, China. It has also been referred to as the Underground Great Wall since it was built for the purpose of military defense.

Mosquitos Are Attracted To People Who Just Ate Bananas

A study published in 2018 found that mosquitoes were also drawn to people after they consumed bananas. That study tested people who ate bananas and grapes. It found the mosquitoes were more attracted to people who ate bananas, rather than those who consumed grapes.

Garlic is Known To Attract Leeches

Results showed leeches attached to the garlic arm in 14 seconds. On the clean arm they dilly dallied around for 44.9 seconds before they latched on to feed. This goes against everything we've heard about vampires avoiding garlic. Apparently they love it.

Tailgating Doesn't Speed Up Your Commute

Research out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 2017 suggests that if we all keep an equal distance, similar to how birds in flocks fly, we'd get to our destinations twice as fast. The study confirmed that maintaining an equal distance between cars on either end of you gets you to your destination significantly faster than if you tailgate the car in front of you. Of course, you can't control the car behind you, which is why we all need to get on the same page and stop tailgating.

Omphalophobia is The Fear of Belly Buttons

When you think about the fact that they're responsible for providing us nourishment in the womb, belly buttons are pretty incredible. But not everyone is amazed by the tiny dots in the middle of our bodies. In fact, some people are downright freaked out by them. And if that's you, you now know the official term for it: omphalophobia

Every Day We Take About 22,000 Breaths

According to the Lung Foundation Australia, the average person breathes around 22,000 times each day. However, women and children have a higher breathing rate, which means that they breathe more times than men.

"Huh?" Is Considered A Universal Word

It's seemingly impossible to be fluent in every language used around the world. However, it turns out that you might be able to get by with at least one word (or sound?) no matter where you are on the planet. Research from a 2014 study published in PLOS ONE suggests that "huh?" is the closest thing humans have to a universal word. The questioning expression is understood in almost every language.

The Tomato is Legally A Vegetable

In the Supreme Court decision, the justices distinguished between science and everyday life. The justices admitted that botanically speaking, tomatoes were technically fruits.

Icelanders Believe in Elves

Though Jónsdóttir's belief in elves may sound extreme, it is fairly common for Icelanders to at least entertain the possibility of elves' existence. In one 1998 survey, 54.4 percent of Icelanders said they believed in the existence of them.

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The More You Know

  • J.K. Rowling became the first person to become a billionaire by writing books. However, she also lost her billionaire status because she donated so much money to charity!
  • Stephen Hawking is 73 years old and has outlived his shortened life expectancy due to ALS by over 50 years.
  • The world record for the tallest stack of doughnuts totaled more than 3,000.
  • The glow around the moon is called a "broch."

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.