Waitress Who Serves the Worst Customer Gets a Surprising Gift

After serving at Luby’s restaurant for several years, Melina Salazar always got stuck with the worst customer. He was mean, grouchy, and was never satisfied with the service. At least, that’s what everyone thought…

A Nightmare Patron

Any former server can tell you about their worst customers over the years. Walter “Bucky” Swords topped them all.

The Worst Table

Bucky, an 89-year-old retired veteran from World War II was a regular at Luby’s restaurant in Texas. He was known among staff as being rude, cranky, demanding, and a terrible customer. He was easily the worst table to serve…

Magical Melina

Enter Melina Salazar. A waitress known for being the friendliest on the wait staff, she was the only one who could handle the grouchy customer.

Service with a Smile

Despite his harsh treatment of the staff, Melina was always there to take his order with a big smile. This kindness didn’t go unnoticed by Bucky…

Piping Hot

For seven years, Melina always made sure that her favorite (or least favorite) customer got his food exactly how he liked it. She always made sure the food was extra hot for him.

Friendly Conversation

Coworkers said she always went the extra mile to engage Bucky in some light conversation. She’d ask him “How you doing today?”. No one knew it then, but Bucky really appreciated the gesture…

Local Celebrity

After going to the same restaurant every day for seven years, Bucky had become sort of a celebrity. He was well known to both staffers and other regulars…

A Sudden Disappearance

Which made it that much more shocking when he stopped coming to Luby’s without warning…

No Peace of Mind

Melina, his resident waitress, began to worry about Bucky. She became stressed that he wasn’t coming in like he always had. She had to wonder if he was okay, but she had no way to check.

Vanished in Thin Air

No one knew anything about him, how to contact him, or how to make sure he was okay…

Unlucky at Luby’s

That is, until the day Melina read the morning paper and saw what she had never wanted to see…

Obligatory Obituary

There, in black and white, was Walter’s obituary. He had passed away over the weekend and Melina was devastated that he was gone for good. But Bucky had something big planned…

Life Goes On

Melina continued her life as usual. She still had the same shifts, and was sad to see Bucky’s usual spot get filled by new customers.

No Cost of Kindness

But Bucky remembered her kindness to him over almost a decade and wanted to make sure her kindness was rewarded…

Bucky from Beyond

Bucky had decided to include Melina in his last will and testament. He left her a gift to honor how much she had done for him…

A Generous Gift

Bucky’s lawyers reached out to tell Melina that he had left her exactly $50,000 and his car. The gift was overwhelming but greatly appreciated. But that wasn’t all…

Tipping Point

Melina cried tears of joy. She was ecstatic to receive the money and gifts, especially after surviving on a waitresses salary…

Cayla’s Customers

Cayla Chandara was also living on a tight budget, hoping that eventually she would save enough money to change her life, until a couple decided to change it for her…

Tight Wallets

Restaurant servers in America don’t make very much money and rely on tips from customers to supplement their income. In Hawaii, Cayla made about $7 an hour.

Customer Kindness

However, in special cases like Cayla, servers are gifted large tips and gifts from their wealthy or loyal patrons.

Double Shifts

The waitress had been working for two restaurants, trying to save enough money to pay back her student loans. She had shifts at both Cheesecake Factory and Noi Thai Cuisine in Waikiki.She was starting to wonder if she’d ever save enough…

Small Talk

While working at Noi Thai, Chandara was helping a nice older couple from Australia. They made some small talk and hit it off. They loved her!

Left Behind

When their meal was over and Chandara collected the bill, she was shocked to see the tip they left for her in the black book…

A Life-Changing Tip

On the $205 tab, though the 20% standard would be about $40, the pair gave her $400! But the kindness had only just begun…

Thank-You Note

She was so grateful for the kind gesture that she sent the duo flowers and desserts to their hotel, along with a heartfelt thank you letter. This warmed their hearts, so they decided to revisit Cayla…

Not Over Yet…

The couple wasn’t done yet. They still had one final surprise for Chandara…

An Even Better Tip

The couple returned to the restaurant the next day to tell Cayla that they’d be giving her $10,000 to put toward paying off her student loans. Cayla tried to repay them…

Fifteen Minutes of Fame

Chandara was speechless. She could not believe that one of those crazy “big tip” stories was finally happening to her. She thanked the couple profusely. But who were these generous, wealthy donors…

Being Your Best

The duo asked to remain anonymous, hoping that their generous act would speak for itself. They said their best repayment would Cayla becoming her best self, which she strived to do…

Back to School

Cayla Chandara was in tears. She said she was going to return to school to study business.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.