Wholesome and Heartwarming Photos That Will Brighten Your Day

Feeling a lot of negativity lately? Whether it’s in your own life or in the news, there are a lot of negative stories and situations floating around. This gallery is here to pick you up from that rut and remind you that there is so much goodness in the world. These stories and experiences will melt your heart and restore your faith in humanity.

Adopting Engelbert

The page Humans of New York capture tons of heartbreaking, silly, and upbeat stories. This one really warmed the hearts of many as the person in the photo recalled his first meeting with the little old pup in the photo. Anyone who adopts a senior dog is a saint!

Clear The Shelters!

Obviously, this clear the shelters day was a success! All the animals went to a good home.

Doggie Weight Loss

This dog belongs to a 90-year-old woman who was not able to walk her dog. Her kind neighbor decided to take him out to get some exercise and he ended up losing that weight!

Magic Dollars

Little siblings can either be the devil or pure at heart (most of the time, they are both!) This is enough to get us to cry, too.

One Last Note

This is a note that a husband left attached to his will for his wife to read. He knew that he wanted this to be his last words to her.

Wishes are Answered!

This paraplegic man and his wife were worried about having children together. After months and months of trying, they were able to get pregnant, completely defying the odds! Obviously, there was a little more to be happy about, too!

Raffle Winnings

The kindness of people doesn’t go unheard of! The fact that the school staff even offered to cover it up means that these kids were truly cared for, even if it was difficult.

Taking Things Into Your Own Hands

This Walmart employee was so moved by this story that she took things into her own hands and painted the woman’s nails herself! This is true kindness.

Generations of Peaches

This may just look like an ordinary photo of a boy eating a peach, but there’s much more too it. His father first visited his girlfriend (now wife) in college and brought her a peach from a local nursery. He would always tell her, “someday we will eat peaches from this tree years from now because we will still be together.” Now, they have their son eating from this tree!

You Go, Willie!

Sometimes, relying on the selflessness of others can pay off. Willie, obviously moved by this desperate attempt at finding a kidney donor, made an effort and saved this daughters life. More people should be like Willie!

That Smile Says It All!

Even after the worst months of her life, she still has an adorable and hopeful smile on her face!

The Tree That Owns Itself

Two generations of trees, many more to come! The townspeople obviously care deeply about this tree, so here’s hoping it will continue to thrive!

Nike’s Surprise Contract

The runner in the photos has cerebral palsy. Justin Gallegos had just learned that he scored a contract with Nike, making him the first ever cerebral palsy to sign with the iconic brand! Needless to say, he is overjoyed.

A True Hero

In 1982, a boy was hit by a foul ball. Baseball player Jim Rice immediately took action, scooped him up and hurried him to the dugout where the boy was able to get immediate attention until the EMT’s arrived. If it wasn’t for Rice, this little boy would not have made it. With his quick thinking and actions, he saved this boys life.

Easy To Read Perscription

Doctors really do care about their patients’ needs! This doctor coded his illiterate patient with stickers so they know which medicine to take at what time. Honestly, most doctors should do this for everyone!

Finally Meeting!

These gamer friends had known each other for 5+ years but had never met. They all got together to meet Joe, who is terminally ill with Ewings Sarcoma.

The Best Answer

All dogs deserve to live forever, that’s just the facts.


Your Talent’s Don’t Go Unnoticed!

The musician in question was playing Ukulele on his back patio. Later that night, he found this note on his front door. It was truly sweet of the neighbors to tell him that his talents didn’t go unnoticed!

Then and Now

These recreations always get people crying. This really is just the sweetest!


The Face of Confidence

This boy struggles with his autism, but mowing the lawn is always the highlight of his day! His mother writes that his smile is that big until he finishes.

Recreating The First Photo

First of all, how awesome of a photo is this to have as your first? This is definitely worth recreating, especially on your wedding day! There are six years between the two photos.

Baby Steps

This person decided to document his depression and his steps as he came out of it! Cleaning is always the hardest step to make as it is usually the first. He writes that he now feels “pretty good” about himself. Here’s to more growth!

Tackling the Nuclear Crisis Head On

This is Tasuteru Yamada. He is leading a group of more than 200 Japanese pensioner volunteers to help with the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Power station. “Even if I were exposed to radiation, cancer could take 20 or 30 years or longer to develop. I probably have 13 to 15 years left to live.” Such a powerful statement!

A Photo Worth Recreating!

This may just look like your average photo recreation, but it’s much more. The couple in this photo had been divorced for 15 years and then reconnected. They moved to Texas and bought a farm, so they knew that they had to recreate this on their new wedding day!

The American Dream

The man pictured came to America 32 years ago as a Muslim Arab. He learned English, assimilated to the culture, and obtained full citizenship in 1995. Then, he married “the most beautiful girl in America,” had two children, and lives on a ranch in Texas! He also has his own business and a commercial pilot license. He ends his story with, “I love this country will all my heart.” If this isn’t motivational, then I’m not sure what is!

Chester the Clownfish

Little Chester seems to have given his all in keeping this soldier safe!

McDonalds Party!

This woman was a regular at Mcdonald’s. She went in for coffee every single morning. The employee’s found out about her birthday and decided to throw their favorite regular a party! This is why we need to become regulars at places, people! Free cake!

Origami Lessons

While waiting in the airport terminal, these two men got to talking and somehow decided to do some origami! If there’s one way to spend some time waiting for your flight, this is it.

Good Samaritans Everywhere

The person who took these photos noticed that this man was struggling to catch a cab. They then realized that he was blind and just needed some help. Luckily, this woman saw that he was struggling and stood with him, helping him out. She was there with him until one pulled up. This is a true act of selfless kindness!

Cynical Grandad

At his 95th birthday party, he told the guests, “At least now I can stop worrying about dying young.” Even in his old age, cynicism and humor hasn’t left him!

Cat Savior

Terry really is the mean. Obviously, he is the cats’ favorite human!

Matching Hairdo’s!

This mom decided to get a matching haircut with her four-year-old son. He just started chemo, and she wanted to rock the hairdo just as much as he was! There’s always solace in solidarity.

Want Free Apples? Head to Norway!

Apparently, when there is an apple surplus, they just bag up the apples and hang them around so people can just take them.

We Love You, Phoebe

Along with some incredible words is some fun tennis balls for your pooch! This pup really must have left an impact on her family.

Thank You, Richard!

Everyone needs someone like Richard in their life!

Kind-hearted Strangers

A shopping center caught fire in Russia and killed 64 people, including 11 children. There was a long line for blood donations!

There’s A Story Behind Everything

This gazebo was almost demolished before someone found a dirty old plaque. Instead, they chose to refurbish it! Jack and Victoria owned the ranch that it was on, and Victoria sold the ranch after Jack died in 2016.

Always a Good Start to the Day to See This!

This is the cutest way to celebrate a last day of chemo! They were probably on their way to the hospital to get it done. There’s always hope!

Stand-In Dad

The smile and pure joy on her face are what makes it all worth it! That man is a keeper.

Saying Goodbye

These kids are saying their goodbyes from daycare as they go into separate elementary schools! True friendships.

Best Friends

Rico and his baby friend were watching Peppa Pig before they were interrupted to take a photo. Dogs really are your best friend!

Instead of A Ticket…

User Chy-Niece Thacker wrote this about her experience with the officer: “So this happened just now. I’m on my way to go to my interview this morning when I get pulled. Both brake lights decided to go out this time. As he walked to the car and I was pulling out my stuff, he quickly said, “Don’t worry about pulling anything out. I just want you to know that your brake lights are out.” So I’m immediately upset, because I just got them replaced like last month. So I explained to him how Firestone wants to charge me $600 just to run a test on the wiring of the car. He looked at me like 😨 and told me to pop the trunk. He checked the lights in the trunk and tapped them, but they didn’t come on. So he told me to pop the hood to check the relay box then asked me to get out to check the other one. He could’ve easily given me a ticket, but Officer Jenkins stepped out of officer role and into a mechanic role to make sure I was straight.”

Hummingbird Rescue

First responders found a lifeless hummingbird outside of their station. Instead of declaring it dead, they decided to pour some sugar water in a cap and have it drink it. Eventually, the little bird recovered and was able to fly away!


A daughter and mother went to the grocery store where they caught Dad buying flowers for Mom! Surprise ruined!

Friends From Miles Away

User MMAguy101 had to tell his Xbox friend that his controller was broken and he couldn’t afford a new one, so it was no gaming for a while. Then, he received this in the mail a few days later…

Missing Mom!

A couple adopted this pup two weeks before college classes started. When Mom left, her baby just sat there the whole time! Sorry, college is canceled, time to be with your dog forever.

Nurses Are Gifts

A little boy went into surgery, and when he came out he found that his stuffed animals must have gone through the same procedure! His nurse decided to dress up his stuffed friends in the same bandages that he would be getting. Too cute!

Just Like His Old Self

This grandad moved to a nursing home when his Alzheimer’s got really bad. Whenever his great-granddaughter came to visit, he reportedly acted like his old self the whole time!

They Tried

These two parents wanted to stay up to see their daughter when she got home at 11 pm after a long shift. They couldn’t quite do it, but it’s evident that they tried! At least the cat made sure she was greeted.

Crouton Missed The Other Dogs

Crouton was too sick so he had to be quarantined at the vet. He missed his friends in the waiting room and had to be comforted by Mom. Too cute!

Secret Flowers

In a long line at the grocery store, the man in the photo said he had to use the restroom. He was gone for a few minutes and came back with flowers. Turns out, he went through the self-checkout and bought his wife flowers in secret!

Dream Smile!

This is a photo that proves true happiness is in the eyes. He was smiling in the first photo, but truly smiling with his whole soul in the second! Those teeth look good! The little boy has said that he always wanted a smile “like his classmates.”

Dad To The Rescue

This proves that parents get superpowers after their first kid. This Dad left his hand there for nearly 45 minutes while his daughter slept on the plane. I’m not sure why anyone can endure that!

Pure Joy!

It’s so important to make things accessible for wheelchairs and disabled persons. This look proves it!

From Birth To Coworkers!

Vilma Wong saved a baby’s life as a NICU nurse. 28 years later, she found out she was working beside him!

Army Medic Boyfriend To The Rescue!

The little girl was extremely nervous about getting an IV in her hand. Her mom’s new boyfriend, an experienced Army Medic, calmed her down by showing her exactly how it was going to happen. When that didn’t work, he said he would get it done, too.

Two Countries Battling A Fire

In a bizarre occurrence, Candian and American firefighters met at the border of a fire that was crossing border lines.

This Is Love

The user writes, “I’ve looked at him the same way since 1975.”

Dream Come True!

This bookstore was this guy’s favorite place as a kid. Along with fun books were even more fun games! In his adult life, he started up a Kickstarter, quit his job, and worked hard on making his dream a reality. A year later, he was able to visit his favorite bookstore to see his very own board game!

Donate Plasma!

This bottle helps a person with a compromised immune system to stay healthy and away from death’s door. Inside of this bottle is the plasma from 10,000 donors. The person who posted it was so moved by this that they had to share!

You Got Any Games On Your Phone?

Subway rides can be long and annoying, but not when you make a friend!

The Credit He Deserves

Making pizza is an art. A lot of the time, restaurants have one or two chefs just to make the pizza. Victor has finally been recognized at this college cafeteria!

Drink Up, Bunny!

This rabbit was feeling the heat. Luckily, this woman was able to stop and get some water for the little fella!

Love Notes

This sweet note was left right where his fiance would find it! The cutest part? He wrote it “just because.”

Where’s My Dino?

This little boy was in a Coma for two months. Luckily for him, his mom made sure his favorite toy was in his reach. The first thing he did when he woke up was to grab it!

Friendly Reminder

Road Rage is a huge issue out on the road. This man took time out of his day to try and save some lives as a reminder to be kind to one another!

True Love

This 98-year-old man had been walking 12 miles per day to visit his wife who had been battling brain cancer. True love knows no bounds.

The Best Decision Drunk You Can Make

He looks great and now some kid has a beautiful wig!

Lend A Helping Hand

When you forget the photographer, ask for the help of strangers! This is the cutest card ever!

Panic During Vows

During their wedding ceremony, a boy began to drown in the water behind them. That’s when the groom jumped into action to save the kid! This man is a keeper.

Keeping In Touch No Matter What

This sister went to go visit her brother, but she can’t climb the stairs and neither can he. So she sits in the car and he sits on the balcony and they hang out and talk!

Random Act of Kindness

You never know who is listening! People do have kind-hearted tendencies.

Last Wish Granted

21-year-old Chris Taylor wanted to play an E3 demo of Smash Bros Ultimate. The terminal cancer patient got his wish and was able to play it for three hours in his home in Ontario, Canada.

Look At My Zucchini!

This grandfather grew this gigantic zucchini and wanted to show the world. He wanted to take pictures in his “cool sunglasses” and pose with his most prized possession. Also, the last picture is “what he will do” to people who call his zucchini ugly. So, watch out!

Regular Antics

A couple of 65 years comes into this place regularly, and the husband leaves this on the chalkboard every single time!

Cigarette Free Celebration!

This Reddit user shared something pretty special! If this wasn’t a reason to continue this no-smoking streak, then I’m not sure what is!

He Could Get Whatever He Wanted…

So, he got soap! Whatever floats your boat, dude! We love it.

Friends Through Thick and Thin


We’re not sure what the story is, but we do know that this is a friendship that will last forever!

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The More You Know

  • In 1993, San Francisco held a referendum over whether a police officer called Bob Geary was allowed to patrol while carrying a ventriloquist’s dummy called Brendan O’Smarty. He was.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. had a C in public speaking.
  • "E" is the most common letter and appears in 11 percent of all english words.
  • Find a tall pitcher about the height of your wine bottle and get cooling. Immerse the bottle in ice water with a small handful of salt and turn every few minutes or so.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.