Woman Faints from Shock After Seeing Her Baby for the First Time—But It's Not Why You Think

Two weeks shy of delivery, one woman learned that something was seriously amiss with her pregnancy. When she finally saw her baby boy, she passed out on the operating table...

Expecting Parents

Now in her thirty-fifth week of pregnancy, Babita Ahirwar and her husband arrived at the Vidisha Sadar hospital in the Madhya Pradesh district. They were there for a routine ultrasound to verify that their baby was healthy. The newlyweds had always dreamed of starting a family together...

First Ultrasound

Babita, only 21 years old, had been married for just over eighteen months; they were looking forward to the birth of their first child. Babita and her husband, Jaswant Singh Ahirwar, 25, were unable to afford an ultrasound earlier than thirty-five weeks into Babita's pregnancy.


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The More You Know

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  • Sony’s PlayStation 4 costs $381 to manufacture.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.