Woman’s Childhood Nightmares Become A Horrifying Reality Years Later

When a child complains of scary nightmares or seeing things in the dark, it’s easy for adults to brush it off as an overactive imagination. For Kate, that wasn’t the case…

Childhood Dreams

Have you ever had a bizarre childhood experience that you’re still not sure what to make of it? You’re not alone. One Reddit user found out that her weird childhood dreams might not have been her overactive imagination after all…

Kate’s Experience

An anonymous Reddit user wrote about her freaky childhood experience. She kept her name private, so she’ll be referred to as Kate. After some reflection, she realized that these weren’t normal experiences


Kate would sleepwalk as a child. It’s pretty common in children, but her case was a bit different. She would often have full-on conversations with her parents and sister while she was asleep. A lot of the time, she would wake up screaming after a sleepwalking spell.

They Were Constant…

As she grew older, she began to remember her bizarre dreams. Usually, she would dream of a dark figure in a black cloak. Afterward, she would always wake up feeling scared and anxious with the feeling of someone watching her…

The Dream

In her dreams, the figure would often be in her sister’s room. She would be running down the long hallway and then stop dead in her tracks when she saw the scary figure…

They Plagued Her

The dreams occurred frequently throughout her childhood. Her parents assured her that they were just dreams, and there was nothing to be scared of. Eventually, Kate would start her day and get over the dream from the night before, But soon, things began to escalate…

It Became a Reality…

One night, Kate was walking past her sister’s room to get to her own. She glanced into the dark bedroom and met cold, lifeless eyes…

In A Trance

Kate says that the figure was blocking the streetlight that usually flows into the room. She couldn’t look away, and only broke eye contact when her sister asked came up behind her and yelled, “What are you doing? Get away from my room!”

Never Going Back

Since then, Kate would sprint past the bedroom every time it got dark. That experience haunted her for years to come.

One Dream Was Extremely Detailed

The last dream Kate had about the figure was extremely bizarre. She remembers that she was watching a CCTV video of a parking lot. The figure that she saw in her sister’s room was there, except it was all the way across the parking lot, looking at the camera…

It’s Like a Horror Movie

The figure quickly approached the camera and stared at Kate. Its dark, emotionless face filled up the entire screen and pulled down the hood of the cloak to reveal long, black, stringy hair. The figure took off the rest of the cloak and revealed a long, black dress…

Looking at Dead Eyes

Her face was the worst part. She had dark, beady eyes with a gaunt face. Her dead eyes were looking right at Kate through the camera…

Things Died Down

After that last dream, things got quiet for Kate. She said she didn’t see the woman in her dreams or in person anymore, and she soon forgot about her.

But A Few Years Later…

Fast forward to 15-year-old Kate. Her sister was in college, so Kate moved into her room since it was bigger. The scary woman was long gone from her dreams at this point, but that wasn’t going to last much longer…

The Night That Everything Changed

She was at a friends house. They were watching a movie in his living room. The TV was situated between two large windows that you can see the street from. It was a nice suburban neighborhood. Quiet.

They Heard Something…

Over the loud movie, they heard the door open. They couldn’t see into the entryway from the living room, so they were immediately alarmed. Her friend grabbed an empty glass bottle of coke as a weapon and approached the entryway…

Time To Investigate…

Kate followed behind him. They didn’t see anything in the entryway. Kate went up and looked through the peephole… Nothing. They checked the door… It was locked.

They Were Terrified

All of a sudden, they jumped at the sound of his mother’s shrill voice. “Stop messing with the door, the both of you!” Blood still rushing from being scared, they both assured her that it wasn’t them…

What Was That?

The two of them sat back down in the living room and eyed the windows… They didn’t see anyone, but they definitely heard something at the door. They talked about what it could have been or what happened. After an hour, they decided to call it a night.

Out Of Nowhere

As Kate was leaving, she was still spooked, so she looked through the peephole of his front door. She was startled at what she saw…

The Woman

A blonde woman stood on the porch. Kate remembers jumping back and screaming. Her friend opened the door, but it was just a friend of his mothers. They asked her if she came around an hour ago, but he said that she didn’t…

Something Felt Off

Overall, Kate said it was a weird experience. She wasn’t sure what was going on that night but didn’t really think much of it, until she got home and video-chatted her new friend from school…

Video Chatting

They had been talking for a little bit when Kate got a text from her grandmother asking for a copy of Kate’s birth certificate. Kate had to go downstairs to ask her Dad about it since her Mom was away on a business trip…

Leaving for a Minute

Leaving her friend on the video chat, she left the room and hopped downstairs. She spoke to her Dad for a minute before heading back upstairs. It was then that her friend said something chilling…

I Saw Your Mom

Kate sat back down in front of her laptop and greeted her friend. Her friend said, “Your mom was looking for you, did you see her?”

My Mom?

Kate was obviously confused–her mother was away. “What are you talking about?” she remembers asking. Her friend looked just as confused…

Who Was It?

“Your mom walked in the room looking for you. When she looked at the camera, I covered mine so she wouldn’t see me… I didn’t want to make it weird. I looked down at my phone for a second, and then she was gone.”

“My Mom Isn’t Home”

Kate told her friend that her mother wasn’t home. When she asked what the woman looked like, her stomach sank…

Long Black Hair and a Long Black Dress

“She had long black hair and was wearing, like, a black dress,” her friend said. Kate had no idea what to do. She was terrified, feeling captive in her own home. She tried to play it cool in front of her friend and ignore it…

It’s Calmed Down… For Now

After that, the woman with the black hair never came back. Kate is now 19 and her family has moved from that home. She doesn’t have the dreams, and she hasn’t seen the woman. It’s unclear what was happening, but Kate is a skeptic… Although, she can’t explain how a random person saw the woman in her nightmares.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.