Things You'd Wish You Hadn't Seen At The Supermarket

There's no telling what kind of characters you'll spot at the grocery store. Who among us hasn't had to do a double-take in the middle of Walmart? These are some of the craziest supermarket experiences ever...

Mazel Tov!

This probably isn't quite what they meant by a "backyard wedding," but to each their own. Lowes is actually a great venue for nuptials. All of the seating is free!

Sleeping Cowboy

Style-wise, there's a lot going on here. The bottom half says naptime, the top half says day job, and both ends are capped with cowboy paraphernalia. Either way, one thing's for sure—this guy loves his Doctor Pepper.

Casual Day at Walmart

Hey, furries deserve excellent customer service, too. Maybe they were looking to exchange their pink fursuit for something a little less flashy, like pants and a shirt.

Pikachu, I Choose You

Whether or not it was Halloween, this family probably made the cashier's day dressed up as Ash, Misty, and Pikachu. There's nothing more adorable than a toddler in a Pikachu costume!

Tough Plague Season

The other customers were probably avoiding this guy like the plague. At the very least, it's pretty ironic that he's checking out with a sixpack of Corona and limes.

All the Single Ladies

That's quite the bold move. Girls, take a good look, because this guy knows exactly what he wants. Besides, who knows... maybe his t-shirt made him some new connections!

New Kid on the Block

Well, that's certainly one kind of "kid" to bring to the grocery store. It looks like they're picking out another outfit for their goat-child. That baby bjorn can't be too comfortable for him!


This couple's first thought after walking down the aisle was how much they wanted to walk down another aisle... the dairy aisle, that is. Hey, when you have a craving for cheese, nothing can stop you. Not even a wedding ceremony.

You're a Wizard, Harry

Well, this is certainly a fashion statement like none other. What better time to break out the bespoke boots than on a pilgrimage to the promised land of Walmart?

It's Called Fashion, Mom! Look It Up!

Somebody needs to get this guy a belt pronto, or else his basketball shorts are at risk of sliding all the way down to the floor. At a certain point, it's worth asking—why bother wearing pants in the first place?

Transformers Go!

Michael Bay is going to be furious that one of the crewmembers stole this costume from the set of Transformers. We wonder if he can really turn into a car. More than meets the eye...

Fashion Statement

We have to assume this woman's shirt ripped in the parking lot and she simply did not have time to replace it before entering the store. That, or she's making a very bold fashion statement. Unfortunately, this trend did not catch on.

Watching You

Hey, her eyes are up there! And also down there. Wait, what? Well, she can't exactly be surprised if people are caught staring.

Michael Jackson Lives

Michael Jackson has returned from the dead, and he really needs jalapeño Cheez-Its. It looks like even MJ is wearing a mask. Follow the King of Pop's lead!

Baring It All

Hey, guy, save a little for the imagination! Although, to be fair, even at his age, he's still got it. Just look at that toned bod.

Superman 2.0

The core strength required to successfully plank on a wheeled grocery cart is enough for us to declare this man the most powerful Superman of all time. Clark Kent is shaking in his boots.

Feeling Fancy

This girl must have come straight from the club, and that's okay. The store is always more relaxing at night. What better way to wind down that perusing the aisles in five-inch stilletos?

Fancy No-Pants

It looks like this girl stepped out of the shower moments before entering this store. When the snack food cravings hit, you gotta do what you gotta do.

There's Something On Your Head

Excuse me, ma'am, but it appears as though there's something in your hair... oh, that's your pet iguana? Absolutely, yes. Makes perfect sense. Move along.

Grateful Dead Fan

This girl broke out the Grateful Dead memorabilia for her trip to the store. Maybe she was hoping to meet another Deadhead in line at checkout...

Burnt to a Crisp

Hello, has this girl ever heard of sunscreen?! We've all had a terrible sunburn at one point in our lives, but sheesh, she's red as a lobster. That must be painful.


That feeling when you've just applied your face mask, but you really need to grab some stuff from the store. Hopefully, that mask isn't one of the peel-off ones. Otherwise, that poor woman probably has no skin left on her face.


On your way to the market, but you forgot to bring a mask? No problem! Just put a gigantic plastic bucket over your head and call it a day.

T-Rex Party

Either it was Halloween, or these three people were just really, really bored. Regardless, they probably made someone's night a little bit better... unless they were trying to maneuver around them in a narrow aisle.

Cat Lady

They always warn people that staying single forever will cause them to become a cat lady, but this woman looks like she's living the dream. And, for the record, so do her cats. She even gave them a cup for water!

Bold Hairstyle

Obviously, this young lady was not concerned about standing out in a crowd. Her hair looks amazing, and we hope people gave her lots of compliments.

Court Jester

Did you guys know that Walmart has a court jester? We didn't either. Maybe he's there to find some new clothes.

Festive Spirit

This man is clearly a fan of Easter, or perhaps he just loves arts and crafts. That kid is loving his unique get-up. Who needs the Easter Bunny when you could have the Random Old Guy at Walmart?

Raccoon Hair

Anyone who was a teenager in the early aughts is familiar with this style of hair... or maybe you were the parents of a teenager. Either way, no offense, but we're glad this particular design went out of fashion.


Reunited, and it feels so good! This lost Cheeto finally found her way home. We hope that Chester Cheeto greeted her with open arms.

Down Under

No mask? Perhaps take a deep dive into your home's garage and see what you find. This guy gets some points for creativity, even if it's not the most functional accessory.

It's Raining, It's Pouring

This woman is dressed like Josh Hutcherson in Bridge to Terabithia. Hopefully, she wasn't planning on crossing a river later.

Sharknado 7

The seventh installment in the Sharknado series is looking a lot different than previous ventures. For instance, this time around, they've included a gigantic bunny. Quite the dynamic duo...

Content header

This guy was intent on stretching the "no shirt, no shoes, no service" rule as thin as it could feasibly go. Clearly, it worked in his favor, since he made it all the way to checkout. We'd like to know what's going on with his blue friend, too.

Violet Beauregarde

Well, it looks like we finally know what happened to Violet Beauregard turned into a blueberry in Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. She's looking great!

Making A Statement

This person isn't shying away from bold fashion statements. At least it's easy enough for them to reach the top shelves. How's the weather up there?

Final Boss of Tie Dye

Someone is certainly proud of their tie-dying skills. Either that or they took the Skittles tagline a little too seriously. This guy knows how to taste the rainbow!


Hey, maybe this person actually did this on purpose, hoping to set a new trend. At least, that's what we have to imagine, given that they look put-together in every other way. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to have caught on.

Ramen Enthusiasts

When you really love ramen, you've got to let the people know! It's no surprise that the guy in the beef ramen outfit is, in fact, buying a pack of beef ramen.

Fresh Out the Ocean

Did this woman come to the fish market along with the fish? That's the only explanation as to why she's still wearing a towel on her head. Quite a smelly photoshoot, indeed.


Get you a woman who can navigate the grocery store in a pair of sky-high pleasers. Who said you couldn't get a leg workout while shopping for canned goods? Let's hope she doesn't twist her ankle.

Setting an Example

This is a rather extreme way to set an example for your young girls, and probably not a very effective one, considering those jean shorts are actually pretty cute. Sorry, dad, better luck next time.

Don't Wanna Taco-Bout It

This taco is looking a little sad... maybe it's because she has some of her brothers in her cart. Isn't that cannibalism?

Back to School: Parents Edition

Technically, this could be true, depending on what type of school to which you're returning. Bartending classes? Sure. College? Probably. First grade? Well, maybe just for mom.

Safety First

Technically, this is a face covering. Does it meet CDC guidelines? Probably not.

He's Had Enough

This person may have gotten caught sniping by Granmda, but come on. That kid has absolutely given up on life. He belongs to Walmart now.

Tempting Offer

As enthusiastic as this offer might be, we'd be surprised if they had any takers. They say that nothing in life is free, but clearly, they've never met the Harris Tester Pharmacy.

Well, They're Not Wrong

Gwen Stefani would be disappointed in the person who made this sign. Haven't they listened to "Hollaback Girl"? B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

Free Show Tonight

Bored at home for the millionth night in a row? Well, we've got the solution for you. It might seem a little fishy, but just trust us.


The placement of this ad was a bit of a strange choice, design-wise. What are they implying? Should we be afraid?

Important Disclaimer

Okay, in all fairness, this note is extremely necessarily. Upon first glance, this does appear to be... well... milk from a cat. Fortunately, that is not the case. (No kitties were harmed in the making of this beverage).

Neither Delicious Nor Nutritious

Either this couple loves their dog enough to share their food, or they're having a really unfortunate dining experience at home. For goodness' sakes, just order a pizza.

Maybe Not

Unless you're going to culinary school, this is not recommended. Whoever set up this stand sure has a dangerous sense of humor.

100% Not Kosher

If there was a picture in the dictionary for the opposite of kosher, this would be it. 20% more bacon for Passover? Good luck getting that one past Bubbe at the seder.

Sure, Why Not

These are ready meals for people who are single and alone on Valentine's Day, and that's about it. Next time, try a Lean Cuisine instead.

We Have Questions

Alright, there's a bit of mixed messaging going on here. Make up your mind, citrus aisle. Either way, they've invented a new answer to the whole "when life gives you lemons" thing.

 Baby Needs AA

If the baby in question here is actually just very tired adult, then sure, this is an accurate sentiment. We do not recommend giving your baby beers and wines. Milk should work just fine!

Are You Sure?

Someone had to be very confident in this for them to paint on the wall of a grocery store. Who is out there believing there are nine days in a week? Have they ever seen a calendar?

All Leather, All the Time

Dominatrixes must get pretty hungry after a session. That's the only explanation for this much leather in the daytime. Either way, she's rocking it!

Message Received

Well, the message here is loud and clear. One thing is for sure—this guy is never going to have a problem biking in the dark as long as he's wearing that shirt.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.