You Won't Believe What the Former World's Strongest Little Girl Is Up To Now

Varya Akulova was using her arms before she could even walk. Find out how this gift of strength lifted her into her adult life.

Born in Ukraine

Varya Akulova was born in Kryvyi Rih in 1992. Her parents were Larisa, a part-time school teacher, and Uri, a retired circus performer. She was an only child and the center of her parent’s lives.

Disappointing Results

Uri was distraught because he thought he was going to be having a boy. He was planning on returning to his life as a circus performer, and he wanted to have a father-son act. His dreams were crushed at first, but as Varya grew older, she began to surprise him…

A Strong Bloodline

The Akulova family believed that they were granted a divine gift of strength from God, that has been passed down to each child to come into the family. Uri and his father were both exceptionally athletic, and as Varya grew older, she began to show promise.

Getting Started Early

When Varya was just an infant, she was able to push herself into a sitting position using just her arms. Before she could walk, she was already showing incredible dexterity in her upper body. This filled the parents with joy, they truly had a miracle child on their hands…

Push It to the Limit

Uri’s preconception of wanting to do a father-son circus act began to melt away when he discovered how innately talented his daughter was. By only a year old, she was balancing on one of his hands with ease. His dreams of building an act starring Varya seemed like they were going to happen organically.

Time for the Circus

By the age of three, Varya joined in her parent’s circus act. She started as a gymnast and contortionist, but slowly she started stealing the show from her parents. Her world-class athleticism was mindblowing, and by the time she was five-years-old, she was training to best her parents…

Hitting the Gym

When Varya turned five, her father started taking her to the gym to build her muscle mass. Much to his surprise, Varya was a natural in the gym. She was completely self-motivated to get stronger, and with the help of her father, she developed healthy lifting habits.

In the Face of Adversity

With her mother being a teacher, and her father being a circus performer, Varya grew up fairly poor. When the economy of Ukraine collapsed in the 90s, Varya’s parents were forced to move into a cramped one-bedroom apartment with no bathroom, no stove, and no refrigerator. This did not deter Varya, her family supported her with everything they had, they knew Varya had a gift…

Hard Work Pays Off

Through hard work, perseverance, and determination, Varya continued to train on a very strict schedule. When her parents did not have enough money to get her into a weightlifting gym, she would improvise by doing calisthenics until she couldn’t move.

A Star Student

On top of being a budding athletic star, Varya was an excellent academic achiever. Even though her parents were barely able to support her financially, she had a clear goal and wanted to repay her parents for the kindness and dedication they showed her. Varya learned this lesson very early on in her life and had goals to become a world-class athlete…


As Varya grew up, their living environment became unsafe for a young girl. The Akulova family lived above a seedy bar, and since they did not have a bathroom in their apartment, they had to use the one that was in the bar. One night, Varya went to use the bathroom and was harassed by two men sitting at the bar, when they confronted her, she disabled both of them, possibly breaking one of their arms.

Making a Decision

To focus on her training, Varya and her parents struck a deal with the owner of the gym that Varya worked out at. They were allowed to live in the stairwell of the gym, and their rent went to Varya’s gym membership. The owner of the gym could see something in Varya, he knew that she was special…

One for the Books

At eight years old, Varya shattered the Guinness World Record young women’s weight lifting record. She was merely 88 pounds, but she deadlifted 220 pounds, that’s a full beer keg and a half! Once the press caught onto this feat, Varya and her parent’s lives changed forever.

Only Up From Here

With the money from breaking the Guinness World Record, Varya and her family were able to move into a comfortable apartment. This newfound comfort did not distract Varya, she was obsessed with training, and she rarely spent time in the house, which was conveniently right across the street from the gym that she had always trained at. Varya got her first taste of success, and she wanted more…

Defying Possibilities

Uri believed that Varya had peaked in her physical ability, but she continued to push herself and impress him. By the time Varya was 10, she was lifting as much, if not more than her own father. On top of that, she was flexible, intelligent, and had an iron will. Varya continued to defy conventions and she did it because she knew if she worked hard, she would be the best.

Smashing the Competition

When Varya was 14 years old, she broke another Guinness World Record by lifting 660 pounds. Just so you know, that’s about as heavy as a horse. At the time, she weighed about 140 pounds, that’s more than four times her body weight. After completing this feat, she just could not stop pushing herself.

Back to the Circus

Varya used the circus to get paid to train since she was attracting such a large crowd. She would receive a commission based on how many tickets she would sell, which was always the most, and generally, people would tip her and the rest of the performers. The money she was raising for her family brought her mother and father so much pride.

Standing Up For Herself

Men would constantly harass Varya, quite possibly out of jealousy. Some men would even pay to get into her shows just to harass her from the crowd. This never fazed Varya whatsoever. She knew she was born to be a strong woman, and that was exactly what she wanted to be

The Top of Her Game

In 2012, Varya was granted the opportunity to qualify for the Olympics. She was by far the strongest competitor to come out of any country, despite her small stature. Her power and precision did not come from fancy workout programs and dieting, it came from grit, will, and determination. Despite her outstanding numbers, the Olympic Committee had some other ideas…

Oh, How the Mighty Fall

After receiving decades of accolades, training for countless hours, and sacrificing her entire childhood to chase the dream of being the strongest woman who ever lived, Varya was denied entry to the 2012 Olympics because her father was her coach. The Olympic Committee thought that her training style was too unorthodox and that she would not be a good fit to represent her country. After her denial, Varya was crushed. However, as always, she picked herself up and moved onto the next chapter of her life…

Making the Best of a Bad Situation

Varya stopped powerlifting competitively and started training for overall fitness. With the money she earned from her life escapades, she enrolled in college and now works as a part-time personal trainer

Life Goals

Varya now wants to become a personal trainer full time, so that she can be part of the next world’s strongest woman’s success. Her training and childhood were very unorthodox, but she claims that she would not be the person she is now without her upbringing.

New Prospects

Now that Varya’s career is over, let’s take a look at the new fleet of female powerlifters that are holding up the world.

Jessica Buettner

Buettner is lean and short, just like Varya, but she is currently making waves in the powerlifting world. At just 21-years-old, Buettner is on the fast track to becoming an Olympic qualifier. In 2016, she won the IPF Raw World Championship and is currently a collegiate athlete.

Jen Thompson

This recently turned powerlifter is a full-time mom. Thompson has posted world records and is also an IPF World Champion. Despite her ferocity in the gym, she has been known as a quiet and patient person, and is a renowned “cool mom.” You can usually find her in the gym, getting spotted by her son.

Kelly Reece

A big name for female CrossFit and powerlifting, Reece splits her time between the two disciplines and focuses on fitness instead of intense individual training. That doesn’t mean that she is unprepared for either event, she wants to make sure that she is properly training her body to be as healthy as possible.

Kaitlyn Harlan

Harlan is a beast. She got into powerlifting and CrossFit to lose fat and build her physique, which has worked out for her massively. Harlan is setting goals, recently lifting 1,200 pounds only two years into her powerlifting experience. She also lost 84 pounds and is happy with her fitness since her entry into the world of lifting, which was her initial and ultimate goal.

Bonica Lough

Lough is one of the sweetest and bubbliest people on Earth, which seems odd to think when you watch her lift 1,400 pounds at her max. Lough is the best lifter in her gym, and she is often found giving pointers to other women.

Heather Connor

Connor is the smallest person on this list, but that does not mean she isn’t a world-class lifter. Connor is an inspiration for smaller women who want to get into competitive athletics, as well as an inspiration for hard work and determination overall.

Leeann Hewitt

Hewitt is just a teenager, but she can lift more than most grown men who powerlift. Powerlifting is her life, she has the same drive and confidence as Varya. When you can squat 600 pounds, anything is possible. Hewitt has an incredibly bright future, it’s almost certain that you will see her winning something in the upcoming Olympics.

Sarah Robles

Robles might be the most successful female powerlifter of all time. She is the first American to win a medal for weightlifting in the Olympics in 16 years, she also has three IWF championship gold medals.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.