The Weirdest Things You Could Only Find at Your Grandparents House

In the thick of the holiday season, you're bound to be making some trips to visit your grandparents. Before you even make your way over the river and through the woods, check out this list of surefire things you will find in just about every grandparent's house.

From odd little figurines to plastic covered couches and hard candies, this list will have you feeling all the nostalgia...

Embarrassing Family Photos

Just when you finally got over that Middle School awkward stage, you're aggressively reminded about it when you enter grandmom's house and come face to face with an 8" x 10" of your acne-covered brace face. Yeah, she loved you no matter what, but those were some rough times you wish you didn't have to relive again and again.

Tomato Pincushion

This must be the thing women are given on the day they pass their Grandmother's acceptance exam because literally every single one had this strange little pincushion. There's actually an interesting story behind it, though. According to folklore, placing a tomato on the mantel of a new house guaranteed prosperity and repelled evil spirits. If tomatoes were out of season, families improvised by using a round ball of red fabric filled with sand or sawdust. The good-luck symbol also served a practical purpose—a place to store pins.


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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.