Spring Cleaning Hacks You'll Wish You'd Found Out Years Ago

Steam Vegetables in the Dishwasher

You can place fresh cut veggies in a mason jar with one cup of water on the top rack of your dishwasher. You can run it on a normal cycle and your veg will come out steamed and ready to eat. Again, don't add any soap.

Clean Makeup Brushes in the Dishwasher

You shouldn't do this every time you run your dishwasher, but once a month it wouldn't hurt to throw your cosmetic brushes in the utensil holder and run a normal cycle. You'll be amazed at how sparkly clean they'll be when they come out.


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The More You Know

  • To make it easy to stow and reuse plastic bags, make a dispenser from a discarded 2-liter soda bottle. Cut off the top and bottom with a razor knife. Then screw the dispenser to a cabinet door or closet wall (or attach with hook-and-loop tape).
  • If you accidentally got permanent marker on a piece of furniture, don't lose hope just yet. Using a small dab of non-gel toothpaste, rub the marker stain in a circular motion with a soft cloth and it should buff right out.
  • By folding shirts KonMari- or military-style and sandwiching (instead of stacking), you can fit more into each dresser drawer and have a better visual of what's inside.
  • Here's a great way to keep track of your daily water intake. Draw lines on your water bottle with a marker pen, and then write the time beside the marked level.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.