Surprising Facts that the FBI Wants You To Know

The Drug Policy

Like most employers, they want you to be clean and clear of all drugs. In order to become an FBI agent, you have to pass a drug test. In addition, you have to answer a series of questions honestly and if you're found to be lying, then you can't make the cut. According to the tests, you cannot have consumed marijuana in any way in the previous three years. You also cannot have consumed any other illicit drugs in the last 10 years. Trust me, they'll know if you're lying. 


Fingerprinting is an extremely useful technology. Fingerprints are unique to each person, so it makes someone easily identifiable. The FBI already has millions of fingerprints. People who get arrested get theirs taken, but there are also four states in the US that require fingerprinting to get a driver's license. In order to work with children or other vulnerable populations, you need to get fingerprinted. This information goes into the FBI database where it stays forever


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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.