The Craziest Movie Mistakes You Never Noticed

The movies we love are not without their flaws. Whether it’s an extra in the wrong scene or a continuity error, there are tons of ways our favorite films can make mistakes. Read on to see the hilarious ways some flicks messed up…

Independence Day

There is no way the Empire State Building center shot could have been done. The building is on a street corner and can’t be framed as perfectly as in the final film.


Though the movie is set in a fictional Illinois town, there are some scenes featuring palm trees in the background. Which Northern town can sustain palm trees!

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

The moment of Dr. Jones rushing to save his father’s book from burning isn’t very timely. The book burnings took place in 1933, while the movie is set 5 years later.

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Indy gets through an immeasurable number of traps, but as the audience sees him standing over the treasure, he is illuminated by sunlight. Why didn’t he just go through the hole in the ceiling?

The Goonies

The 1973 Topps baseball card in the corpse’s wallet is one of the most memorable scenes in the film, but the body is mentioned to have been there since 1930.

The Hurt Locker

Taking place in 2004, it doesn’t make any sense that a solider would mention putting a video on Youtube, which was not launched until the year 2005.

Malcolm X

When Malcolm shouts for someone to call 911 during the firebombings on his home, he’s a little early. The 911 service wasn’t around until 1968, 3 years after the murder of Malcolm X.

The Patriot

The many children in the film don’t ever age, though the movie takes place over the course of 5 years. You’d think they’d look a little different…

The Aviator

The scene with Howard Hughes ordering 10 chocolate chip cookies is completely unrealistic. The chocolate chip cookie wasn’t introduced until 1930, two years after the film is set.

Django Unchained

Django has a pretty cool look in the movie, but the sunglasses are probably a little out of place. Sunglasses weren’t popular across the nation until 1929, only really used for a medical reason.


William Wallace is often seen sporting a kilt, but the movie takes place in the year 1300. Kilts weren’t introduced until the 16th century. Oops!


Jack mentions fishing with his father on Lake Wissota, but Lake Wissota was dam-formed almost 5 years after the sinking of the famous cruise ship.


Though Russell Crowe’s character is nicknamed “The Spaniard”, the word wasn’t around until the 14th century. Gladiator is set in 180.

Back to the Future

The DeLorean’s license plate reads ‘OUTATIME’, one extra character than is permitted on California plates. Good try!

Forrest Gump

The letter that Forrest Gump receives from Apple applauds him on his investment, dated 1975. Apple wasn’t publicly traded until 1981. Guess this one does not check out!

Panic Room

When the intruders flood the room with propane, Jodie Foster hides beneath the flames, but propane is heavier than air. Realistically,t they’d be burned by the fire.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End

The characters go to Singapore, but Singapore didn’t even exist until 1819, making this fictional movie even more fictional!

Saving Private Ryan

Captain Miller is leaned up against a motorcycle after being drastically injured, but that exact model was first produced in 1963, 20 years after the film is set.

Public Enemies

Did anyone else think it was strange that Pretty Boy Floyd and Baby Face Nelson die before John Dillinger in the movie, despite both outliving him in real life?

The Green Mile

In a fatal scene, John Coffey is sent to death by electric chair. Kind of hard to do when the electric chair was made in 1940, 5 years after the movie’s set time.

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

The telescope Azeem shows him is drastically out of its time zone. The movie is set in 1194, and the telescope isn’t around until the 17th century.

Sherlock Holmes

The sewer chase scene stars at Parliament and ends on the top of the Tower Bridge, but these locations are several miles apart!

Pirates of the Caribbean

Granny Smith apples weren’t popularized until 1868 in Australia. However, Captain Barbossa eats a Granny Smith apple. Weird!

The Sound Of Music

The Von Trapp family trapped hearts of many as they crossed the Alps to escape Austria, but Salzberg doesn’t border Switzerland. It borders Germany!


Envious of the chariot’s beach umbrella? Tragically, they’re unrealistic for the time and place. Parasols were first found in 5th century BCE, 800 years after when Troy is set.

Top Gun

In one scene, the pilots wave to each other when one plane is over the other, but if these planes were really that close, the back wings would collide and the planes would crash!

Teen Wolf

In a climatic Teen Wolf moment, viewers spotted an extra fixing their fly before the camera pans away. Family Guy even referenced it in an episode!

The Passion of the Christ

Jesus is portrayed by white actor Jim Caviezel, but historically, Jesus would most likely have been Middle Eastern, not white.

Cast Away

The FedEx packages are in remarkably good shape, but after floating in the ocean for a while, those letters and items would be inevitably destroyed.

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

The stolen dolphin in Ace Ventura makes noises outside of the water, but dolphin noises can only make that signature squeaky sound when they’re underwater.

Schindler’s List

In the film, papers are stamped with a plastic stamp pad. Too bad that metal was the norm during the time.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Though it looks like they’re set in New York, there’s a scene in the film that makes it obvious that the film was made in Los Angeles. Yikes!


Can you spot the gas canister in the back of the chariot? In case you didn’t know, chariots are horse-powered, no gas required.

Spider-Man 3

The film is famously set in New York City, but fans can check the background for the Terminal Tower, which is only located in Cleveland, Ohio.

North by Northwest

Some people are scared of gunshots, just like one extra in the background of the shooting scene who’s covering his ears before a shot even rings out.

Wizard of Oz

Though Dorothy is supposed to be wearing the envied ruby red slippers, a few scenes show Judy Garland in plain brown shoes on the yellow brick road.

Pulp Fiction

The red mark on Uma Thurman’s chest is meant to be used as a marker. The dot disappears after she’s injected with the revival medication.

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Though the film is set in the 1930s, the audience can spot someone wearing modern 2000s clothing in the background.

Reservoir Dogs

Though the characters handcuff Marvin Nash behind his back, the next shot shows the opposite, with handcuffs in the front.

Gone With the Wind

Though the classic story is set during the Civil War, a single scene shows lamps powered by electricity, not gas!

Pirates of the Caribbean

The 1700s setting might have some unusual characters, but none more unexpected than the crew member spotted in the background of one scene!

Jurassic Park

When climbing the electric fence, the sparks flying out from Timmy’s hands are pretty far away. Doesn’t make sense that he’d fall away from that shock!

The Avengers

At the end of the final battle, Captain America’s suit suffers a terrible tear in the center of the outfit. However, only a few scenes later, it’s completely fine!


The bus in Speed has to jump over a missing highway. However, the highway is still in the scene, or at least the shadow is! Oops!

The Dark Knight Rises

We’re all reliant on autocorrect, including this film. In one scene, there’s a misspelling in the newspaper. It’s spelled “heist” not “hiest”.

The Goonies

Yes, the Goonies has already been on this list, but there’s more than one mistake. In one scene, the guy on the toilet doesn’t pull down his underwear to use the restroom. Strange!

Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Hobbits are supposed to be much shorter than the elves, and for the most part, the actors showed that. In one scene, however, you can spot that the two are the same height!

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

The dining hall of Hogwarts is iconic with its floating candles, but in some shots, you can see the wires keeping them afloat. Oh, the wonders of filmmaking!

Star Wars

Fans of the series might have noticed this slip-up. One of the stormtroopers hits his head on the doorframe, though a thud sound was added to the DVD release.

American Sniper

The baby at the end of American Sniper might look cute but look again. That’s a CGI fake baby!


The waitress who turns off the lights before “Beauty School Dropout” does so with a quick hit of her hip. The only problem was how much she missed the switch!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Throughout the book series, Harry Potter is told he has his mother’s green eyes. In the movie though, she has brown eyes.

Dirty Dancing

The gearshift in Dirty Dancing shows that while Johnny is supposedly driving, the car is clearly in park positioning. Hard to drive that way!

Dallas Buyers Club

The Lamborghini Aventador wasn’t invented until 2011, but the movie (set in 1985) shows one on a poster behind Ron Woodruff.


During Cher’s disastrous driving test, she smashes her Jeep into the side of a car, taking off her side mirror. In the next scene though, it’s back on the car!

Pretty Woman

In one scene, the pretty woman herself, Julia Roberts, is munching on a croissant. From a cutaway and cut back, and now she’s chomping on a pancake!

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Grandpa Joe hasn’t left his bed in allegedly 20 years. Somehow though, he managed to get out an buy a chocolate bar? It doesn’t add up…

She’s All That

Taylor boldly decided to get a tattoo on the back of her shoulder. In the prom scene later, viewers can see that the heart tattoo has disappeared.

Pulp Fiction

Another repeat offender, Pulp Fiction shows the bullet holes already in the wall before a certain famous shoot-out scene happens. A classic mistake by a cult classic!

Bad Boys

In one of the most obvious mistakes on-screen, a cameraman is in full view during this Sean Penn film. Get out of the shot!

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The More You Know

  • Shooting for No Country For Old Men was interrupted for a day due to a smoke cloud from the set of There Will Be Blood, which was also filming in the area.
  • The first film kiss happened in 1896
  • The Candyman, played by Tony Todd, had to put real bees into his mouth to film the movie’s climax.
  • The code in "The Matrix" comes from sushi recipes.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.