The Greatest Diamond Heist of All Time Was Foiled By a Salami Sandwich

Dude, Calm Down

Speedy begged Notarbartolo to pull over the car, he was having a panic attack and he felt like he needed to get the incriminating objects out of the car. Notarbartolo wanted to keep driving, he knew the best plan of action would be to continue going forward, but his friend was freaking out. He reluctantly pulled the car off of the motorway onto a dirt trail most likely only used by hunters and the police. 

Just Toss It

The duo dumped the trash bag full of evidence onto the ground, got back into their car and sped the opposite way. Notarbartolo knew that this was the absolute worst thing they could have done, but they could not change the past. He knew that if they got caught now, the year of effort they put into pulling off this heist would have been completely useless…


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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.