The Most Influential Drummers of All Time

The world has seen a multitude of fantastic drummers—but where did they come from? These drummers are the greatest of the great, the cream of the crop, and they sit far above the rest in the historic record of percussion. 

John Bonham

John Bonham led the band Led Zeppelin through their absolute best years. Bonham was an early adopter of polyrhythms that complicated otherwise normal songs in standard time signatures. He also popularized the rock and roll sound on songs like Good Times Bad Times due to their sloppy nature and "poor" recording quality. 

His Claim to Fame

One of Bonham's most incredible achievements was writing the polyrhythm intro to Fool in the Rain. If you've ever listened to that song, just know that Bonham literally had to do the math to make sure the drum part he wanted to play would work. That's pretty impressive for a self-taught musician. 


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The More You Know

  • Gwen Stefani, Celine Dion, and Mark Wahlberg are all distant relatives of Madonna.
  • After Kurt Cobain passed away, Dave Grohl almost joined Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers after they played together on Saturday Night Live.
  • Layne Staley asked Jerry Cantrell to play in a funk band and agreed to sing in Cantrell’s band in exchange. The funk band didn’t last but Cantrell’s band became Alice in Chains.
  • Soft Cell's “Tainted Love” is actually a cover. The original is by Gloria Jones and came out in 1964.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.