The Most Popular Urban Legends From All 50 States

Cropsey – Staten Island, NY

Cropsey was originally an urban legend and eventually manifested into a true story. The legend was about a man with a hook for a hand who was an escaped mental patient. He liked to kidnap and kill children. In the 70s, children of a Staten Island neighborhood began going missing. Eventually, their bodies were found, and Andre Rand was convicted of the murders.

Boo Hags – Southern Coastal, SC

The Boo Hag runs rampant in South Carolina. They are evil souls who jump back and forth between the living world and the underworld. They tend to take the form of a skinless vampire. Some people call them witches. Since they have no skin, they like to steal the skin of living humans.


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The More You Know

  • The first breakfast cereal had to be soaked overnight before it could be eaten.
  • The glow around the moon is called a "broch."
  • A quarter of all the bones in your body are in your feet.
  • The idea that a man should spend two months salary on an engagement ring was popularized by De Beers' ad agency.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.