Roller Coaster Pictures That Deserve To Be Framed

When you're loop-de-looping on a rollercoaster, you might not remember that a camera is about to permanently capture your expression. Some of these ride-goers came prepared, while others were simply unfortunate souls whose priceless faces will now live on in infamy...

Care For A Shave?

There must be some serious trust between these two guys for one of them to be wielding a razor blade on the log flume! Talk about a close shave. It's probably safe to assume that the "client" didn't make it off the ride without a few nicks.

Remember to Floss

Dental hygiene is important no matter where you are. If anything, this group was setting an excellent example for the other ridegoers. We're just wondering where they chose to spit... 

Date Night

Need to spice up your weekly date night? Try making a reservation for two on the log flume. Props to the waiter—that turkey looks heavy!

Instant Regret

The three stages of riding a rollercoaster: excitement, panic, and serious regret. These kids learned the lesson of a lifetime. We hope the boy in the middle made it to a trashcan.

Game Night

They say that a game of Monopoly can last for days. Sometimes, you just can't quit in the middle of a game! Obviously, these people were determined to play it through until the end. They probably started this game in the 6-hour queue line...

No One's Laughing

It looks like the Joker has retired from terrorizing Gotham. These days, he lurks around the amusement park, hoping that rollercoaster rides will give him an adrenaline rush. It's just not the same...

Circle of Life

Fans of The Lion King might recognize this infamous scene from the classic Disney film. It turns out that Rafiki the baboon loves rollercoasters. Nants ingonyama, bagithi Baba... 

Say "Yes!"

This is one way to stage a proposal. Hopefully, his now-fiancé is looking a little less distressed. It's the thought that counts!

Hulking Out

Rollercoasters can give you an adrenaline rush, but for some people, it's a little overwhelming. This guy could hardly contain his excitement. He had to rip his shirt in half!

It's Fun to Stay at the...

YMCA! The song goes, "You can do whatever you feel." Well, it looks as if these guys felt like taking off their clothes on a rollercoaster. You can bet they were singing along as this picture was snapped.

First Timer

It was clearly that little boy's first time on a rollercoaster, or at least his first time sitting all the way up front. He's holding on for dear life! This was certainly a ride he would never forget.

Troll Dolls

These little kids were going so fast that it made their hair stand straight up, just like Troll Dolls! Hopefully, gravity was on their side, and their hair went back to normal after disembarking...

Not Happy

Everyone on this log flume ride was having a great time... with one exception. This woman was not thrilled to be there. Even so, the lady sitting behind her wasn't exactly having the time of her life, either.


Did Tyra Banks consult this passenger before he got on the rollercoaster? He's a natural in front of the camera. It is impressive that someone could appear so composed while traveling at 100 miles per hour.

Too Fast

Remember when your mom used to say, "Stop making that face, or it will get stuck that way!" Well, in this particular case, she might have been correct.

Too Late to Turn Back

Sometimes, people agree to things for which they simply aren't prepared. This woman was obviously regretting her choice to get on the ride. Fortunately, we are sure that she made it out in one piece.

The Matrix

This group of friends posed as agents from the Matrix with one of their choirmates on a trip to Disneyland. Fans of the franchise will love this one!

Party On

Who said you can't play beer pong on a log flume? Well, plenty of people, probably. These guys decided that they would party on no matter what.

Collective Regret

Dad thought that the log flume would be a nice, relaxing ride. Oh, how wrong he was... Good luck explaining to Mom why the kids are soaking wet!

Genuine Terror

Rarely does one get to see the face of genuine fear. This little girl and her mom were not prepared for what this ride had to offer them. No turning back, now!

Keep Your Arms Inside the Vehicle

The couple in front had no idea what was happening behind them. What a great way to freak out your buddies! Does this theme park have a policy regarding lost limbs?

Don't Let Go

This little boy is holding on for dear life! His expression is priceless. Even though he was terrified at the time, this photo provided plenty of laughs in the future.

The Most Dangerous Game

Jenga can get boring after a while. Why not up the stakes? This guy is lucky that the tower didn't come crashing down.

Gentlemen Only

Tired of the same old bars? What better place to sit down with a dry martini and a good book than... the log flume. He better have tipped extra!

Mixed Messages

Needless to say, there's a lot going on in this photograph. Half of the people look disappointed, but the woman in the back is having quite a moment. Hopefully, these ladies were a little more cheerful after finding out the big reveal!

Beauty Queen

One of these faces is not like the others. They say that fear is for the brave... try telling that to the redheaded woman on the left.

It's Snacktime

How long did he have to stand there until the opportunity for this hilarious optical illusion came along? We hope all of that metal machinery didn't give him an upset stomach.

Raging on the Rager

This guy is ready to rage on the Lightning Rager! The girls behind him definitely got a kick out of his silly expression. Party on, dude.

Don't Forget Your Dentures

Maybe it's just the angle, but it looks as though this man left his teeth at home. He seems to be experiencing some very intense regret either way. We're sure he made it home in one piece!

Dwayne "The Rollercoaster" Johnson

Everyone on this ride looks small compared to The Rock. Regardless, The Rock is certainly "rocking" this picture. The guy in the back may or may not be made of cardboard.

Taxi Driver

Hey, does this kid even have a license? Either way, the guy behind him doesn't seem too bothered... unlike the driver himself. Too much responsibility in those little hands!

Is She Okay?

Did she forget to put on sunscreen in the morning, or is she possessed by a demon? Somebody should call a doctor. Faces aren't meant to be that red.

Scarred For Life

It remains unclear as to what, exaclty, is going on with this little boy's face. Certain people react differently to gravity, it seems! He's holding onto Dad's hand for dear life.

Don't Let Go, Jack

One thing is for sure—if this kid was on the Titanic and Rose didn't make room for him on that door, he would never have let go. At least the rest of the family was having a good time!

Getting Ready to Go

Don't you hate it when you absolutely must go to the amusement park before you even have the chance to get ready? Clearly, this family had no time to spare. Applying mascara on a rollercoaster? Now that's dedication.

So Close...

This is more intense than any sports game in the last century. Did he catch them? Did they fall? We need to know... for science!

The Ring

This guy must have watched the video from The Ring seven days earlier. There is simply no other explanation for that level of distortion. If not, those are some crazy facial gymnastics.

Foiled Again

This is the face of regret. His hand gestures say it all: How did I get here? Why have I chosen to suffer? It's all for the thrill, buddy.

An Important Call

What phone call is so important that you have to take it in the middle of a rollercoaster ride? At least flip-phones were, at one point, virtually unbreakable. Maybe he had a skateboard business meeting with Tony Hawk.

He's Seen Things

That child has seen his own fate, and it's not looking pretty. His mother doesn't seem particularly optimistic, either. Hold on tight, kid!

Goodbye, World

That is an excellent sweatshirt. Don't feel like facing the world... or your fear of gigantic rollercoasters? The solution is easy! Just zipper up.

The Gang's All Here

What is this, a college dorm? We've got the chess player, the ukelele guys, and the... dude holding stuffed chickens. If you walk through any residence hall, you're more than likely to see these people hanging out together.

Hold Your Horses!

It looks like this guy bit off more than he could chew. Who let a horse on the log flume? Go back to the pasture before somebody calls PETA!

Selfie Nation

They say that millennials are addicted to their phones... and honestly, that may be true. Who could resist such good angles, especially on Space Mountain? It's only natural to snap a selfie!

Bold Ask

What would you do if your significant other proposed to you this way? It's cute in theory, but this isn't exactly the kind of photo someone would want hanging in their living room. Hopefully, she said yes!

Gamer Mode

When you gotta game, you gotta game. Only real gamers are this dedicated to the sport. They couldn't even take a break for the log flume!

Tea, Anyone?

Although a rollercoaster is certainly not the most practical place for a hot cup of tea, it's definitely the most exciting. There is the risk of burning yourself... and everyone behind you. We hope this epic picture was worth it!

Jenga Level: Expert

Everyone here is deeply involved with this game of Jenga—even the spectators! Talk about expert-level. We'll never know who won...


Although these two guys appear to be playing chess on a checkerboard, we'll cut them some slack. What better way to up the ante than making your next move on a theme park ride? This is one high-stakes game!


Sometimes a book is so good that you just can't put it down. Clearly, these guys are invested in their reading materials. Let's just hope those books don't get soaked once they hit the bottom.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Who's going to tell this guy that you can't rob a rollercoaster? Even the girl on the left doesn't understand how a burglar ended up sitting next to her. She better hold on tight to her wallet.


One thing is for sure—this kid isn't letting his little brother go anywhere. That's one heck of a grip! Luckily, it looks like almost everyone else is having fun.

Go Fish

Yet another high-stakes game of Go Fish. Haven't these people considered that it might be easier to play cards at home? It seems pretty obvious who won this round.


No one on Space Mountain has been less happy to be there than this little girl. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen! Or, rather, off the rollercoaster.

We Hate Rachel

Poor Rachel. What did she do to these guys? It must have been something pretty bad, considering that Sharpie won't be coming off their chests anytime soon.

Wild and Free

We do not recommend doing this on any ride. Especially during the winter, when it seems as though this picture was taken. Always stay seated with your arms and legs inside the vehicle... and your clothing securely adhered to your body.

Clean Shave

This is what happens when you have to ride the log flume at 7, but you have a dinner date at 8. Not only is this a bad idea—there's no way you'll get a good shave while flying down the track!

Sun's Out, Tongues Out

You know what they say: sun's out, tongues out! Hopefully, she didn't catch any bugs or other unsavory debris. Always keep your mouth closed on fast-moving rides!

One of These Things is Not Like the Other

Nothing to see here. Definitely not the guy with Perry the Platypus for a head. Nope, everything is totally normal.

Horsin' Around

Maybe all of these people are BoJack Horseman superfans. We were lost and now we're found... we're just horsin' around!

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The More You Know

  • If you sneeze while driving at 60 mph, your eyes are closed for around 50 feet.
  • Lightning can heat the air it passes through to 50,000 degrees.
  • The first roller coaster was invented to stop sinful behavior.
  • Danny Devito used to work as a hairdresser. For corpses.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.