The Unexpected Rules and Customs of the Amish Community

When thinking of the Amish, people most likely imagine horse and buggies, barn-raising events, modestly dressed men and women, and hordes of children. While those things are very much ingrained in Amish society, there are a lot more rules and regulations that you must follow to truly be Amish. 

No Physical Interaction During Courtship

When courting, the couple must not touch. No hand-holding, hugging, and especially no kissing. This is done so that the integrity of the relationship in the eyes of the community stays intact. 

Amish Women's Hair Must Be Up 

An Amish woman's hair must be up in a bonnet at all times in public and during the day. It's also against some communities for women to cut their hair, similar to that of the men's rule. The bonnet can come off in the evenings when the women are indoors with their families. 


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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.