The Unexpected Rules and Customs of the Amish Community

The Amish Beard and Marriage

Yes, beards are sacred and an Amish man will always have one. But, the length of the Amish man's beard is something to take note of! A man will start growing his beard out immediately after getting married, which is usually a tell-tale sign if an Amish man is married or not.

Wedding Dress to Church Dress

After getting married, an Amish woman uses the outfit that she wore on her wedding for Sunday church services. The wedding day attire is usually handmade by the bride. Wearing it to Sunday churches showcases that she is married and committed to her relationship.


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The More You Know

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  • War pigs were used in ancient warfare to counter against war elephants, which feared the pigs (and their squeals) and would bolt. War pigs were sometimes lit on fire to enhance this effect.
  • Only 5% of the ocean has been explored.
  • May 22nd is the least common birth date.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.