Doctors Share The Craziest Things To Show Up On X-Rays

Going to the doctor's office is very scary, but even scarier are the things inside you. These people went to figure out the source of their pain and were shocked by what they found. Whether it was a nail to the head or cell phone inside someone's stomach, these are the craziest images to ever appear on x-rays...

Cut It Out

When Pat Skinner, an Australian man, was on his way back to the hospital only a mere eighteen months after having an earlier surgery, he complained of strange and intense stomach pains. The doctors were confused but did an X-Ray anyway. Turns out that this man's surgeon had accidentally left their scissors inside him...

Thick Skull

A child was struck in the head with a bow and arrow, which would have been traumatic enough. The arrow went through his eye socket and back into his skull. Despite the obvious pain he lived through and the deeply traumatic incident, the child came out of the whole ordeal relatively fine, considering everything else... 

Clipper Choker

In China, a couple of friends were hanging out when one person realized they needed to clean their teeth. They asked for a pair of scissors to get the junk from their teeth. A friend told a joke during this cleaning period and things got a little bit messy after that. Without much trouble at all, they went down the hatch...

Warming Up

Though this might seem hard to see, you should know that this came from the stomach of a 12-foot python that swallowed an entire heating blanket. It even swallowed the electrical cord and control box of the device. To remove it, the veterinarians had to cut an 18-inch incision on the snake's stomach...

Soldier Down

Being on the battlefield can be very difficult and very daring, but most of all, very damaging. This soldier was hit right in the face, going 4 inches deep into his forehead. However, despite this intensely scary trauma, he survived without any long-lasting damage of difficulties with his cognitive ability. 

Poor Puppy

This X-Ray comes from a dog, specifically from the abdomen of a St. Bernard puppy. The poor little guy accidentally swallowed a serrated knife which sadly then became lodged between his esophagus and stomach. His owners took him to the vet when they noticed him crying. He lasted a whole 4 days before it was removed.

You're Glowing

Though this might look like something else, what you're looking at is a lightbulb stuck inside a large intestine. A man from Pakistan wondered if he could, so he did, but he should not have. Doctors were amazed that the lightbulb didn't break inside of him, and even more shocked they could get it out...

Call Waiting

Though a nail to the skull or a lightbulb in the groin is shocking to see, another layer is reached with an entire cell phone. A San Salvador prisoner tried to smuggle the communication device into the prison by hiding it inside his body. It worked until he started to experience pains, and the x-ray revealed his master plan...

Construction Conundrum

Tragically, this construction worker had fallen from a ladder while drilling only a few floors above the ground. When he fell down, his drill went flying straight through his skull and through his eye socket. It went straight out the back of his head, as you can see above. It's a miracle he lived to tell the tale...

Cobble Along

Somehow, this young girl in China swallowed over twenty cobblestones. She had spent the day arguing with her boyfriend and ate them as an act of defiance. She thought that eating and drinking would be able to get the stone out, but such was not the case. She ended up having them removed with surgery...

Key Chained

When one 17-month old baby ended up with mom’s keys, things got very messy, very quickly. He was playing around with them and accidentally ended up penetrating his eye socket and lodging the keys into his skull, as is seen in the x-ray. Don't worry though, this little boy managed to make a full recovery...

Bath Accident

Bathtub time can be pretty violent, apparently. When this man was washing up in the shower, he slipped when exiting the area. He fell backward into the tub and landed in the worst and most terrifying way possible. During the crash downward, he ended up with a piece of plumbing lodged into his head...

Sharp Thinker

This is what happens when there are too many cooks in the kitchen. Something always goes awry when you're cooking, but that usually doesn't mean you get a knife to the skull. Instead of over-seasoning the soup or burning a hamburger, this guy ended up standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. My compliments to the chef? More like my compliments to the surgeon. 

Held Together

Sometimes it's easy to feel like you're losing your mind, but this is definitely not the right way to keep it in place! How did this person even manage to get this many nails in their head? There must be around 25 different nails lodged into this person's skull and down to their neck. Clearly, things have gone very wrong for this person, but at least they got a cool x-ray!

Science Fiction

While this might appear to be some sort of science fiction set piece, it's actually a kidney stone that was surgically removed from a patient in Hungary. When it was finally taken out, it turned out to be seven inches in length and looked to be about the size of an ostrich egg. And that was inside them the whole time?

Batteries and Bed Springs

Prison hospitals see some crazy things come through their x-rays. In Raleigh, North Carolina, a collection of prisoners was found trying to smuggle batteries and bedsprings into the prison walls by swallowing them and hiding them in their stomachs. Someone let them know how dangerous swallowing batteries is, please...

Hemorrhoid Horror

This man mistakenly thought that his hemorrhoids had somehow moved inside his intestines. He was unaware that hemorrhoids can’t be “pushed” anywhere, so he had a bright idea to "push" them back. He used a bullet… somehow. It was surgically removed, but even worse, the bomb squad was called in because it was technically live ammunition.

Rough Roach

A woman in Israel thought that she had a cockroach and wanted to get it out of her body. Now, she didn't actually swallow a roach, but the idea alone was enough for her to swallow a fork to get it out. Clearly, it did not work, and she ended up in the hospital with a fork lodged in her stomach and needed surgery to remove it. 

Nailed It

This person had the unfortunate issue of getting a nail stuck in the center of their face, but how? It doesn't look like it went up their nose, and the angle kind of looks like maybe they had eaten the nail. Yeah, that's definitely not a healthy snack. Clearly they don't have very sharp thinking, or at least they didn't before. Either way, this person defintiely didn't nail this one. 

Ring, Ring

It's very easy to lose track of jewelry. Sometimes an earring will fall out, or a necklace will break off, or in this particular case, you might accidentally swallow a wedding ring. One way to get out of answering a marriage proposal, if it ever comes to that, is just to ingest the wedding ring. It's not the safest or easiest option, but it's the one that this person apparently went for. 

Magnetic Pull

A little girl was wandering around her house when she saw a few shiny objects laying around. She popped a few of these candies in her mouth, but things quickly went from bad to worse when it became clear that the toddler ate a handful or two of magnets. They were removed quickly and her parents had quite a scare...

What A Headache

Somehow, people keep getting nails lodged directly into their foreheads? One man in South Korea came to the ER with complaints of a pounding headache that could not be relieved with any medication. He and doctors alike were shocked to discover that there was a metal nail stuck in the front of the skull...

Battlefield Blues

You're not losing it, that's really a full grenade in the front of this soldier's head. No one really knows how or when it happened, as the memory is obviously a little foggy, but a trip to the ER made this stressful situation a bit more bearable. Impossibly, the doctors were able to extract the active explosive...

Stomach Bomb

In the stomach of this national terrorist, doctors discovered a grenade. While this was definitely scary, the madman didn't really think his plan through all the way. He had no way of activating the bomb after it was already in his gullet, so he was forced to confess and get the explosive out of his body before things went south. 

Sit Back

Don't look at this x-ray too long. A man named Shafique el-Fahkri got into a pretty gruesome bar fight that could have ended his life. Instead, though, he got a chair to the head. In the scuffle, he ended up with the aforementioned chair's leg going right through his eye socket. It went all the way down into his neck...

Internally Bugged

Keeping things fresh in the bedroom can be difficult, but this man took things to a whole new level. He inserted an entire bug spray can into his rectum for a bit of pleasure, but the results felt less than ideal. He was rushed to the ER and brought into surgery. The mystery man was admitted for an emergency colostomy... 

Experimental Experience

After having this sex toy lodged in his rectum for five days, this British man suffered tragic consequences. Nigel Willis's biggest mistake was that instead of going to the hospital to have it removed, he spent the entire workweek lying on the couch, waiting for relief. Tragically, he passed away from the toy... 

Bullet Below

Like so many others, one man thought that using a bullet to poke at his hemorrhoids would be a viable solution to the embarrassing medical issue. However, things got much more shameful when he accidentally got the bullet stuck inside his rectum. He had to get the ammunition surgically removed by doctors...

Peaceful Passing

Despite ingesting handfuls upon handfuls of nails, this issue did not require any surgery to remove. Somehow the nails all passed through the body without puncturing any internal organs. Doctors kept this man coming in regularly to check in on his progress, but after a while, he was completely cleared of nails. 

A Spoonful of Sugar

College students have a reputation for getting into some strange eating habits, but this really takes the cake. A 22-year-old college senior was scoping out some ice cream when his roommate came home unexpectedly. In a startled state, she accidentally swallowed the spoon. What flavor is that utensil?

Scissor to the Skull

This x-ray comes from a man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. At a bar fight, this guy wasn't even involved but got caught in the fire anyway. Thankfully, he made a full recovery, but the other two guys in the fight had to pay all of his medical bills. On the plus side, he got a free pair of scissors in the end!

Fire Tongs

In China, this man got caught in a bit of hot water. He came into the emergency room with a pair of fire tongs that had been aggressively thrown through the back of his head, broke through, and went out through the other side of the skull. His forehead now had a huge tong coming out the front of it. This is a serious injury... 

And Beyond

If you consider yourself a big fan of the Toy Story franchise, you don't have anything on this fan who has a real Buzz Lightyear lodged inside their body. Don't expect to see this star commander in the next big movie, he's going to be locked in the hospital for a little while. What a weird and painful injury to have...

Happy Holidays

The holidays are a weird time of year. People are coming in and out of your house, a decorated pine tree is in the living room, and people eat mints shaped like canes. Well, you're supposed to eat them, but sometimes they end up where they're not supposed to be. Hey man, whatever helps you deal with the season...

iPhone Debacle

There is nothing easy to access on this mobile phone. Though this model is supposed to be able to do everything you need and more, this might be taking that idea a step too far. Who knows how long it took to get in there, but it must have taken even more time and effort to get out. Can...can you hear me now?

90s Kid

Not sure which is more unbelievable, that this person managed to get a full cassette tape in their stomach, or that they owned a cassette tape at all. What year is it, 1992? We can only assume that this person really just needed to have some Nirvana lyrics with them forever, which is justified...

Calling In

Can you hear me now? Well, can you hear me now? Probably not, as my phone is stuck deep in my stomach! There's not much cell service when your phone is drowning in internal organs, so this doesn't make much sense. Nothing is quite as good as a full five bars of service, but this is a step too far... 

Paris Person

Not everyone can travel abroad, so maybe getting an Eiffel Tower keychain inexplicably trapped in your hand can give you a similar feeling. No one really knows how this person got the toy mixed up in their internal biology, but nonetheless, it's in there and likely very painful to live with... 

Swallowing Teeth

Dentures can be a blessing and in this case, a curse. An older gentleman was fast asleep when he woke up and realized his fake teeth were no longer in his mouth. After looking around desperately, he had a terrible realization. He went to the ER where the doctors confirmed his suspicions...

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Look closely for this one. While playing truth or dare, a group of teenagers came up with a very creative idea. They told another teen that their dare was to swallow an entire toothbrush, and obviously, they followed through. Turns out that there are many ways to do a cleanse, but this is one of the worst. 

Wolverine Foot

Somehow, this person got a fork stuck inside their foot. It all went down when a fork fell to the floor and this person thought "Eh, I'll just pick it up later, no big deal." It turned out to be a very big deal that ended up racking up their medical bills. This takes toe-stubbing to a nightmarish new level...

Barbie's Dream House

Though disturbing, this one is very true. This Barbie doll set up shop inside this person's abdomen and started building the Dream House. Soon there will be a pool out back, a working elevator, remnants of a sandwich for lunch, and a three-car garage. Ah, to live a life like Barbie, that's true bliss. 

Key Inside

This story seems a little far fetched but is somehow true. This woman decided to swallow a key, which was the metaphorical key to her heart so that no one would be able to break it ever again. It's some pretty twisted logic, and now it's twisted up in her organs. Heartbreak is the worst pain of all...

Trimming Hairs

People just love to test limits, don't they? This person, somehow, ended up with a nose hair trimmer inside their stomach. The only logical questions are these: What? Why? How? There was a thought process here that I cannot follow, but clearly, someone could. More power to you, buddy...

Unsafety Pin

Safety pins are usually used to keep things together, not rip them apart, but obviously no one told this person that. Somehow, they got to a point where this safety pin was lining the tissue around their esophagus. That sharp pin edge is definitely going to hurt when it comes out the other side...

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While in jail, some prisoners managed to get creative with how they smuggle objects in and out of the guarded lines. For instance, this prisoner thought he would be safe swallowing an X-Acto knife (used commonly for cutting fine lines and through boxes) if he wrapped the weapon in toilet paper...

Whisk It All

This person, unprompted, decided to whisk it all and put a cooking utensil up his rectum. If nothing else, this list should teach you just how many things people are willing to put inside themselves, out of either pleasure or strange human curiosity. He's really got something cooking down there...

Sea Sponge

This is why you never leave kids alone, even for a second. Everyone's favorite sea sponge, Spongebob Squarepants, found his way far from the Krusty Krab and his pineapple home and into the stomach of a 16-month-old baby. Oh, who lives inside a toddler under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants!

Coke or Pepsi?

The old commercial goes "Hey, share a coke!" but you're probably not meant to share your drinks quite like this. This is another case of someone who wanted to test the waters of what their body could handle, and things did not go according to plan. This soda fiasco was so dumb...

Sharp Shooter

Why test fate like this? For some reason, someone out there in the world thought to themselves "Hey, what if I stuck a pistol inside my body?" and then followed through on this utterly terrible plan. Loaded or not, this gun should not be cocked between the organs of any person, living or dead. 

Cleansing Brush

Another day, another toothbrush stuck up a rectum that shows up on an x-ray. Such is the course of a toothbrush's lifespan. Maybe this person was trying to accomplish an inner cleaning, but more likely it was something less than clean. Either way, they still had to get it removed by a very patient and very accomplished medical professional. Was it worth it?

Smuggled In

Prisoners love getting creative with how and what they're smuggling into their prisons. This guy decided to bring some utensils behind closed doors to use as tools. He managed to get a few spoons and plastic knives in his gullet before experiencing pains from this. Somehow, this guy managed to pass all of the items he put in, but it definitely was not easy. 

Fidget Spinner

I don't even want to know how this one happened. Sure, this trend is a little annoying, but putting the fidget spinner inside your body is likely not the best way to handle it. You might find yourself fidgeting under the pain of having this plastic toy inside of you. On the bright side though, you might get a lot better at spinning around and maybe even paying attention!

Hook 'Em

When this little guy was brought into his veterinarian's office, no one could figure out why this pup was whining and moaning so much. That is until they did an x-ray on the animal and saw a fishing hook lodged in his stomach. It required quite a bit of careful surgery to finally get it out of the dog. 

The Wire

Hooking up your television can get pretty confusing. You have a ton of wires mixed up and connecting wire A to part B, well it can all get pretty jumbled up. One little mistake flummoxed one user so badly he somehow got a wire up in his rectum. Yeah, that's definitely the course of events that led to this...

Cup Half Full

This list has become a real test of "Hey, What Can Fit Up a Person's Rectum?" The answer is, shockingly, so many things. Adding to the list today is a drinking glass, which one person decided to use to test their body functionality, because why not? Do whatever you got to do to pass the day, I guess. 

Bare Barrette

Usually, you find barrettes stuck in the scalps of frizzy-haired middle school girls, not floating around in their skeleton. A one-and-a-half-year-old girl was throwing up violently when she was rushed to the hospital. Doctors did an emergency x-ray and found that she had swallowed the hair accessory. 

Egg Head

When doctors recommend that women take care of their eggs, this is absolutely not what they're talking about. Maybe this person thought this was the perfect way to scramble eggs, but there's really no way of knowing. It is pretty impressive the egg didn't crack, though, so applaud them for that. 

I Can See Clearly Now

When the sunshine gets a little too bright, this guy is going to wish he had made some better choices. Actually, he might be thinking that already, because why did he think this would be a comfortable idea? You can't really blame this mystery man either, he could not even see what he was doing!

Where Are My Keys?

Imagine this: you're about to head out the door for work. You're running late and you cannot find your keys anywhere. Your little puppy Fido is staring up back at you, wagging his tail. You smile because that's so cute. He stands up and you hear a familiar jingle. Oh no, the keys are in the dog. 

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The More You Know

  • Sony’s PlayStation 4 costs $381 to manufacture.
  • Male seahorses bear their young.
  • The idea that a man should spend two months salary on an engagement ring was popularized by De Beers' ad agency.
  • A Nepalese doctor has restored the sight of over 100,000 often poverty-stricken people in the last thirty years across Asia and Africa using a 5 minute procedure and an inexpensive artificial lens.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.