The World's Largest Stone Sphere is Evidence of a Lost Ancient Civilization

When a groundbreaking scientific discovery challenges the conventions of what we know about human history, one man made it his life mission for his theory to surface. Now that he has support and attention, he is forced to question whether all of the research he conducted was in vain...

Stone from the Sky

In the spring of 2016, an enormous and unusual stone sphere was discovered close to a remote village in Bosnia. The reason the stone exists is unknown, and scientists are unsure if it was made by man or nature. Although this is not the only stone of its kind, this particular stone contains minerals that are not native to southeastern Europe. It almost seems as if the stone was dropped here by some higher power...

The Key to the Past

Although numerous scientific communities have denounced the stone’s importance, one particular archaeologist believes that this ball is the key to unlocking pieces of history that were lost in time. He believes that this ball was not made by nature and that it was placed there by ancient civilizations for modern humans to find. While his claims are being debated by the archaeological community, it’s undeniable that this man’s research holds some importance…

The Rock Doctor

Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich has been called the "Bosnian Indiana Jones" ever since he began formulating theories about the geology around Bosnia. He is the chief researcher and spearheads for all programs that investigate the supposed Bosnian pyramids and ancient rock formations that back up his theories. Dr. Osmanagich and his team were the ones that unearthed the stone sphere, and they believe that it's rightfully theirs to study independently.

That's a Big Rock

Currently, this stone sphere is the largest of its kind that has been found on Earth. It was originally discovered by a group of village-folk that stumbled upon the stone while digging a well about 15 miles west of where they theorized the entrance to the pyramids was in the Bosnian countryside. Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich believes that this stone is evidence that an ancient, lost society resided in these hills, and he has a career's worth of research to back up his theory...

The Ancient Bosnians

Before religion, recorded history, and agriculture, Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich theorizes that there was a highly advanced society that built and lived in the pyramids in the Bosnian hills. He believes that the stone sphere is an indicator that the society was so sophisticated that they had the tools and ability to construct this nearly perfect mass of iron and carbon. Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich believes that this society had technology that was similar, yet different, to the technology we have today, and they vanished without a trace before any history could be recorded about the area...

The Costa Rican Spheres

Strange round stones have been unearthed and researched in Costa Rica for nearly 100 years now. There have been hundreds, close to thousands, of these stone spheres discovered over time, but none are quite like the stone discovered in Bosnia. For starters, the stones in Costa Rica are significantly smaller than their European counterpart, and they are made of more readily available, softer rock. Although these characteristics would point to a higher likelihood of human interaction, some believe that a higher power intervened to help with the construction of the spheres...

Little Green Men

Although it sounds crazy, quite a few field researchers believe that aliens came to Earth and either constructed these spheres, or instructed people to construct these spheres. Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich thinks that aliens visited and helped advance this human society farther than history has suggested, which is why they were able to build such insanely large structures. Some believe that the aliens that visited taught these humans how to build vehicles and levitation devices to move heavy stones. 

Not as Bizarre as You Would Think...

This is a fairly common theory to explain the successes of early human life. The Egyptian pyramids, for example, are regularly rumored to have been constructed by aliens, or at least they gave people the technology to be able to do so. If the Bosnian pyramids are truly real, then they would have been 750 feet tall, which is just over three times as large as the Egyptian pyramids, and built 8,000 years before Egyptian society even existed. Conspiracy theorists believe that both the Egyptian and Bosnian pyramids served a multitude of purposes for alien lifeforms, but one particular use stands out above the rest...

A Signal from Above

The most common theory is that aliens used these pyramids as a waypoint beacon to navigate themselves back to, or away from the Earth. Some think that the stone spheres around the world served similar purposes, acting as waypoints or transceivers to send and receive messages from the stars above. Scientifically, this is absolutely preposterous, but, since there is no way to disprove these theories, people actually believe that aliens will use these objects to return to the Earth someday.

A World View

The Sphynx, Easter Island heads, and Stonehenge are all potential areas of alien intervention. The lack of recorded history from the percieved time periods of these structure's creation leaves plenty up to the human imagination. In addition to alien intervention, some think that the stone sphere phenomenon could be a direct result of a different, more popular lost civilization that currently resides under the ocean...

Atlantis and Some Rocks 

Atlantis is a theoretical lost society of extremely sophisticated technology and culture that disappeared before history began getting recorded. Some individuals believe that these stone spheres are a result of this lost civilization's impact on the Earth. These stone balls could have potentially been religious or culturally significant objects of these theoretical people, but there is no quality evidence that suggests that any of these theories are true. 

Could It Really Be True?

The potential of Atlantis existing has actually been increasing as more research and excavation has been conducted on the topic. The current theory that is dominating thought circles is that Atlantis was a civilization that was located south of Spain that was wiped out by a Tsunami that stretched 60 miles inland before European history started getting recorded. These outlandish theories might be heavily speculated, but its most likely that these stones were used for tangible human reasons if there was ever a purpose behind them, to begin with...

The Real Theories

A few scientists have constructed a world map that suggests that these stones were meeting points for humans traveling along a very specific path that is currently blocked by volcanic activity. These stones, theoretically, built a road map of both southern Europe and South America that pointed travelers to civilizations and safe spaces nearby. This is entirely plausible, yet impossible to prove, and it doesn't really seem like our Bosnian stone served that purpose at all. 

A Lone Stone

Completely isolated from anything like it, the Bosnian stone is likely unrelated to any of these theories because it is so huge and remotely located. This rock has a 3-meter diameter and weighs roughly 30 tons. If this stone was man-made, it would have taken a team of people many, many years to construct. According to Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, this is the leading factor behind his assumption that this stone backs up his theories about an ancient society once living there...

What We Know

Field researchers that are unaffiliated with Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich have concluded that the stone and the geological composition of the pyramids that are supposedly locked within the hills of Bosnia are almost identical. Pound for pound, both of these structures are iron dominated carbon rocks, and the samples were both from similar time periods. If this rock was actually made by people, it would have made sense that those people built the pyramids in the hills as well. 

But, What are the Chances?

Based on research theories that have been presented by Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, this society possessed carbon-based (non-metal) technology that could levitate infinitely heavy objects based on their geometrical shapes. The power of geometry and the flow of non-linear energy are two recurring concepts that get presented while discussing the likelihood of this society having advanced technology. In fact, Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich has discovered multitudes of geometrical shapes that back up this outlandish, and difficult to understand, theory fairly simply...

Grasping at Anything

In an attempt to back his geometrical theories, Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich traveled to Mexico, Easter Island, and Costa Rica to study ancient manmade structures that were never properly explained. Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich ended up primarily focusing on studying the stone spheres in Mexico and Costa Rica, and he spent a particularly long time building theories about the Easter Island heads. He likened the heads to the importance of the stone sphere of Bosnia, both in cultural significance and difficulty of composition. 

Tensions Rising

As Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich spent more time adjusting his theories, scientists and skeptics felt farther removed from his bizarre ideas and lack of evidence to back them. Although it seemed as if Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich entirely believed in his own theories, he began disconnecting himself from the most outlandish concepts, like the potential of alien intervention, and human levitating technology. His backpedaling almost entirely suggested that his 15 years of research was all in vain, but when he finally came back into the public eye, his opinions shocked even himself...

Drawing Conclusions 

When the doctor returned to address the public about his opinions of the spheres, he doubled down on his strange theories and suggested that his ideas were entirely valid because they were impossible to prove. After all, there was no written history of the Costa Rican society that either created or found the spheres, and there was never any evidence to suggest that the Bosnian society he hinted to even existed in general. Although his theories were pretty unhinged, there was actually no scientific way to prove him wrong, which supported both the validity of his research and the affirmation and funding he was receiving from his supporters. 

He Is, but He Isn't 

As angry as it might make you, people still hang onto Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich's theories and treat them like they're the truth. No matter how many times the scientific community can prove him wrong, his theories will always loom above the others simply because they exist and they are bold. However, in order to spread the truth, one man has made it his professional mission to debunk Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich's theories every step of the way, and he has made it a point to show that actions speak louder than strange, sensationalist words...

A True Doctor of Humanities 

Dr. John Hoopes is the sworn enemy of Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich. He has conducted numerous studies against the beliefs of Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich through the University of Kansas, where he is a geology and anthropology professor. He and his colleagues have spent years dissecting what the stone spheres could possibly be, and they came up with some actually convincing theories...

This is Legit

Dr. John Hoopes worked directly through UNESCO (United Nations Education, Science, and Cultural Organization) to both preserve and study the Costa Rican spheres in the early 2000s. Dr. Hoopes suggests that these spheres have "outstanding value to humanity," and he vows to protect them with the final dictations of his career. In retaliation to Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich's research and theories about the spheres, Dr. Hoopes has countered with an actual historical theory that holds more weight than anything else that has been said about the spheres...

Piecing it Together

Although the true history of the Costa Rican spheres was lost over time, Dr. Hoopes did a residency in a local village and he learned some community history that Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich never seemed to run across. Evidently, these stone spheres started popping up out of the ground because of erosion long ago, and the people who discovered them originally destroyed them because they thought they were full of gold. It wasn't until an American company purchased a large plot of land to clear into a banana plantation that the first cache of spheres was discovered...

History Has It

Dr. Hoopes attests that, based on his interviews with the locals, the stones were an impediment, to begin with. They were cast into local villages because they got in the way of building capitalist infrastructure in the formerly locally-owned farmland. This is when the real cultural research began, and the locals were able to deduce that these spheres were likely handmade by their ancestors thousands of years ago...

It's Probably True, Honestly

Based on the perfection and grit of the spheres found in Costa Rica, it was likely that each of these stones was painstakingly handmade to show respect to a religious deity, or as a status symbol. It is theorized, by both the locals and Dr. Hoopes, that if you owned a stone sphere, you were considered to be closer to God, as well as more important than those around you. Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich did not agree with this information though, and he slandered Dr. Hoopes for his realistic theory that countered his own...

Other Reasons

Although the Costa Rican spheres were likely handmade, the Bosnian sphere had some significantly different properties that would suggest that is was of a different origin. This brought Dr. Hoopes to the conclusion that these stones were most possibly created by a natural process called concretion. In fact, there are some rocks in New Zealand that are famous for being formed in this way, and they're called the Koutu Boulders...

Concretion, and Other Things

Concretion is the process of rock slowly being compressed by its surroundings. These rocks become spherical because of a process called spheroidal weathering, which is when a stone gets gradually weathered down because of exposure to mineral-rich water. The Bosnian sphere was most likely formed from a combination of both of these processes...

Composition Conversation

The Bosnian sphere is a unique specimen, its almost entirely iron, and only has a bedrock crust and mantle. This iron content was what Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich suggested was the similarity between this sphere and his pyramid research, when the ground surrounding these areas are regularly exposed to mineral-rich rains. The groundwater in the surrounding areas is rich in iron, and when the groundwater evaporates, it rains in higher elevations, thus drenching all of the surrounding areas with mineral-infused wetness...

Fearing the Day

At this point, it's almost safe to assume that Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich knows that his theories are imminently going to be disproved on a professional scale. He has begun to panic and retract his research grants for spending money and shrink away from the geological community in Bosnia. His massive following still supports his theories, and despite his own skepticism, he seems to have plenty of funding to continue to preach his theories without worry. His largest fear is his theories being discredited by the science community, not falling on deaf ears...

What is Pseudoscience?

Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich's theories are examples of pseudoscience. This is when people of high degree ranking make sensational, opinionated claims based on personal theories, not actual research. A lot of the time, pseudoscience is rooted in actual research, but in order to stand out of the crowd, scientists and speculists alike make outlandish claims that garter them attention, but not necessarily in the most respectable way...

The Dangers of Pseudoscience

As long as we live in a society that's driven by the acquisition of wealth, not the development of humankind and intelligence as a whole, we will struggle with pseudoscience. This is a real, dangerous method of data analysis that takes funding away from people who are actually trying to draw conclusions and better humankind and history through data acquisition. However, with more pseudoscience opinions getting debunked, this is actually a good thing for real, non-theoretical scientists to show their research and have their opinions be heard...

The Give and Take

Since we live in an era of constant, immediate stimulus, information travels insanely fast. Scientists like Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich got away with funding their absurd theories because not very many people were interested in the topics, and nobody was really educated enough to disprove them. Nowadays, debunking pseudoscience has actually helped build more organic funding for real scientific research because pseudoscience is usually pretty clickable. It's more likely that a person would read an article about an abstract topic and stick around to read the comments section than they would if they were reading an actual, annotated scientific journal. This has become an extremely important and overtly positive affect of a phenomenon that was quickly ruining the sanctity of scientific research...

Validity and Conclusions

At the end of the day, since we lack sufficient information to disprove either theory, both are considered to be just as valid as the other. Even though Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich's theory can be proven time, and time again that it is not plausible, the rest of the scientific world has to sit back and watch as he gathers more followers and attention. Ultimately, the decision us up to the individual whether you choose to believe in what is based in fact or theory, just know that your support of outlandish concepts has consequences in the real world.

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The More You Know

  • The world record for the tallest stack of doughnuts totaled more than 3,000.
  • Almost all chickens eaten today come from the winner of the 1948 'Chicken of Tomorrow' Contest whose genetics now dominate poultry farms worldwide.
  • Goats have accents.
  • Peanuts grow underground.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.