The Worst Designs That Should Have Never Been Approved

Designing can be a challenge. You have to think about what's aesthetically pleasing to the eye while being functional. Many times, designers can miss the mark. Fashion designers, graphic designers, architects, typographers, interior designers... No one is safe here. 

Giant Baby Jesus

This statue is quite a statement. Not only is his face extremely unsettling, but the sheer size of the statue is also alarming. Why didn’t a simple cross suffice?

An Ad For Stainless Steel Bowls

The advertised products are the ones (poorly) photoshopped in the foreground. What makes this a bad graphic is that the mother and daughter duo are using a glass bowl while they’re cooking… Not smart!

Poor Pup

It looks like the product being advertised is a cover that goes in the backseat of your car. I’m not sure who’s dog looks like that though… He’s a bit squished! 

Jom and Pem?

This pin is cursed. Where are Jim and Pam? Who let someone design this pin and absolutely butcher their faces? 

Sneaky Pole

For folks who aren’t paying attention, this could give you a big bruise on the forehead. The original poster of the photo said that they almost got nailed by this pole while they were riding their bike. It’s hard to see. Why not just put it on one pole?

Infant Toddler For Sale!

I’m assuming this is a clothing store, and not child laborer shop. This isn’t the industrial age, you can’t just buy a kid to work in your factory! Although, I feel like an infant wouldn’t be of much use…

Pay Attention to Hierarchy, People

Hierarchy in graphic design and type basically refers to what your eyes deem most important. With the way that this is laid out, your eye immediately reads “RevGenille” which is obviously not what the city of Greenville wants you to read. 

Manufacturing Blooper

The handle on the mug is upside down. Usually, the larger space is at the top since it needs to fit more of your fingers. This was probably just a manufacturing accident… Hopefully…

… Flavors?

There must have been some sort of miscommunication. Unless you’re supposed to eat these knock-off Fitbit’s, I don’t think that flavor is the correct word.    

Can You Spot the Difference?

Why was the other sink not worthy enough for a faucet? What did it do so wrong? Or, who forgot to add the other faucet? Lots of questions for the otherwise pretty cool public bathroom.   

This Looks Normal, But It’s Not…

The stars that are on the balls are actually just on the packaging. Who thought that was a good idea? I can’t imagine what the people who bought them thought about that… Hopefully, they don’t mind!

Squishy Dog

Another case of the squishy dog. When will these graphic artists stop putting these dogs through so much stretching! Also, it’s not very hard to not stretch out a photo… These guys are amateurs. 

College of Graphic Design

This is the front of the building at a college campus. The building holds the graphic design school… And it basically broke the first rule of graphic design: no comic sans!

They Say the Eyes Are The Window To The Soul 

Usually, the cutout gags have the faces cut out instead of the eyes… Apparently, the Mickey Mouse designers didn’t quite catch on. Now, it just looks super creepy. 

This Cocktail Cup Looks Like a Toilet

Like, that’s just a fact. I’m assuming that it’s supposed to be a shell of some sort? They kind of missed the mark… But, at least the drink looks pretty cool. And expensive. 

Hope You’re Good at the Limbo 

The purpose of a gate is to make it easier to access a certain part of the yard… That purpose is kind of defeated when a hedge is blocking ¾’s of it. You can still crawl under it though, but what’s the point?

Don’t Pull Up Too Far Now

This is a parking spot in someone’s apartment building’s parking garage. It needs some sort of buffer or something! I wonder how many car bumpers met their grizzly fate at the hands of this gray cement pole… Probably too many.

So, What Is It?

It’s not a dating app, it’s an app for dating… That’s like saying Google isn’t a search engine, it’s an engine used to search for things. Hello? Who is in charge of the branding on this app?

Better Safe Than Sorry

This railing doesn’t seem to do much. It’s about three steps to the floor and the railing itself is short enough where you can hop over it… Was this a waste of money? Probably. 

When a Left-Brained Person Tries to Be Creative

This graph is supposed to mimic what the United States of America looks like while also showing the minimum wages across each state. Not only is this super overwhelming to the eye, but it also barely looks like the shape of the country. Fail! 

There’s Nothing About This That Makes Sense

Thank us at 3rd floor hit yourself you will 3 months from now. From now 3 months you will hit yourself at 3rd floor thank us. 3 months from now you will thank us at 3rd floor hit yourself. I have no idea. I really don’t. 

Was This the Smartest Choice?

I’m not sure if I would trust someone who doesn’t even know how to make a readable sign… Especially if they are in product development! Oh, sorry, I meant “Prod uct De velop ment.”

People Don’t Read in Squares

This would have been a fine sign if they didn’t make the decision to set up the lettering in a square. It can be read, but it’s not a very fun process. 

Please, Someone, Tell Me What This Says  

None of the word combinations make sense!“Don’t Die Safely”? “Do Die Safely”?  “Do Drive Safely”? “Don’t Drive Safely”? Which is it?!

The Irony

The National Geographic magazine had its cover story about the plastic epidemic. Unfortunately, they didn’t take the initiative to not ship the magazines out in plastic bags. That was a huge faux-pas on the production designers’ side…

Who Did This To Her?!

I don’t think this model signed up for her face to be completely skewed on the side of a public bus. Can you imagine walking around town and seeing your face on the side of a bus but it looks like… That?

Lauren, Please Stop

If Lauren is an interior designer, she needs to quit. Please, don’t ever stack your books back to front. This is a crime against humanity and interior design. 

Death Stairs

This is not the illusion you want to see in real life. The bridge looks like it just slants downwards, but it’s actually steps! I would easily fall down the steps and eat the concrete. This would be horrible for someone who wasn’t paying that close attention!        

So, Which Is It?!

This isn’t a big deal, but it could be embarrassing if you walked into the wrong bathroom and got some weird stares. This pretty much just someone being extremely lazy and not paying attention to what they were doing…

Is The Future They’re Referring To… Death?

The graduate is on the train tracks, which is something everyone advises against, and there’s a bright light on the horizon… The train? Is this photographer suggesting that we should look forward to death? It’s quite confusing and bad.

Using a Petite Model to Showcase Plus Size Clothes

In no world is this okay. How would this get someone to buy these clothes? If anything, it just looks like the model is stretching them out… This is super embarrassing. 

Super Climbable Security Gate

Thank goodness the apartment building decided to make it easy for people to climb right into the property. Honestly, is the “aesthetic” of the outside of a building more important than safety? Apparently!

Talk About Poor Advertising

I’m sure that the sliding door company didn’t have much power over the outside doors, but still. They could have at least tried to make it a little less ironic!

Enjoying a Cup of Coffee and Pain

This mug is only cute. It’s totally not functional, and this guy proved it! Maybe it’s best to put a little succulent in it instead of an actual beverage. Unless you like the thrill of it all. That’s fine, too.

Smooth Move, Facebook

Granted, this only happened because he put his mother’s grave on Facebook, but still! Maybe Facebook should reconsider the little icons and cartoon characters… You never know what they’ll be put on! 

Is She Okay?

This image was supposed to showcase the growth of the tiger in 10 years, but it honestly just makes it seem like the tiger ended up eating that girl! Maybe a different, menacing photo could have gotten the point across. 

Someone Between the Ages of 45 and 54 Made This

Ah yes, you know, 18-year-olds! AKA, babies! Whoever made this hates millennials and is also upset about the fact that they’re old. Or, they’re just lazy. Pick your poison!

Where Does It Go Then?

I can understand that the Apple Card is a “look” but it probably isn’t worth it if you can’t put it in your wallet or jeans. You could get a new wallet, but why go through the struggle? Lately, Apple has been all about bad design decisions. 

She Looks Thrilled

What a bizarre fashion choice. If you want to look like a shiny rectangle, I guess this is the dress for you. I hope you don’t like being able to move your arms!

Glass Bathroom Doors

Once again, aesthetics were valued over privacy. Sitting on the toilet is one of the most vulnerable positions you can find yourself in… When someone else can see the outline of your body, it makes everything much worse. Why would they do this in a public bathroom?! Why?!

Was It Worth It?

They must have had to make custom blinds for this tiny window. What was the point of installing this? I wonder how much sunlight it actually brings in…

When You Accidentally Set off the Alarm

The women’s restroom is right next to the emergency exit. For some reason, they have the same exact signs. The men’s room is around the corner, but one particular guy didn’t realize that and ended up setting off the alarm. Whoops!

Gotta Be Careful

You better have a good grip on your keys. That grate has definitely swallowed a good amount of house keys. A simple outdoor carpet could be the solution.

How Is This Useful?

So, you put your hand through the hole, pull the alarm, and then wait there for the fire department to help. This is supposed to stop people from falsely pulling the alarm. It’s a bit inconvenient if there’s an actual fire… Is that person supposed to just burn alive? 

What Console Is This? 

There isn’t a controller in the world that looks like this. The buttons are wrong and there are a bit too many. It’s also not cool or interesting looking… It just looks weird.

I Guess That Works

I mean, if that worked out then it worked out. My question is why didn’t they anticipate this and design the column or stairs differently? Might have just been laziness on the designers part… Oof!

That’s Not a Fun Message

Graphic design and typography are super important. My brain immediately read, “Jesus Scares.” The message is actually “Jesus Cares” but the lettering was laid out poorly. Make up your mind!

Maybe Rebrand

I don’t think that “Fat Forever” would be the best name for a gym. Maybe a fast food place or restaurant, but not a gym! It’s probably meant to say “Fit Forever” but the little person in the middle didn’t quite work…

Ominous Minnie

She looks like she’s about to tell a spooky story to your kids as they fall asleep… It’s adorable when the lights are on, but at night… Not so much. 

A Brand New Species

Wow, I had no idea that there was a dinosaur that looked like that. Honestly, though, the poor guy didn’t get a chance! When you have a particular print on a piece of clothing, you have to make sure the patterns at least look good!

World War 11

According to this plaque, there will be nine more World Wars. That’s gonna be rough! Pro tip: If you want to write it in Roman numerals (like this person attempted) just use two uppercase “i’s”. World War II. Easy!

This Is What You Really Look Like

Did you know that you brain makes you look 75% more attractive than you actually are? This mirror shows you what you really look like… Face reality!!!

Wow, Walmart

The lines are Walmart takes forever because this is what the keyboard looks like! Why would they put the keyboard in alphabetical order like that? Menaces!

You Have To Think These Things Through!

Anyone who wears this will always have to have the hood up… I think this sweatshirt might have worked better as a crewneck.

Don’t Worry, It’s Just the Design

A bad one! Someone decided that the countertop with brown marble swirling would look perfect in a bathroom… Instead, it looks like someone, well, you know…

So… Why Is It There?

If the child needed the nickel, why is it in this mailer? Wouldn’t it be of much better use with the child? Someone didn’t think this one through…

Braille On a Bumpy Surface

Braille is super helpful for blind folk. It helps them navigate throughout the world! It was a nice thought for this building to add braille, but it’s a bit lost when it’s on an already bumpy surface…

Okay, I Won’t

Grammar is everything! If they added an extra word like “caution” then maybe this wouldn’t have ended up in a bad design article… 

Groundbreaking Results

This is like when you ask someone a “this or that” question and they just respond with “yes” which means they weren’t listening!!! Instead, this just ended up in a newspaper and kinda ruined their integrity. 

Are Those Even Classified As Jeans? 

How do you even wear underwear with this? Or anything? What’s the style? What’s the point? How much did this cost to make? How much does it cost to own? 

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The More You Know

  • The oceans contain 200,000 different kinds of viruses.
  • May 22nd is the least common birth date.
  • Nearly 15 percent of Los Angeles is used as a parking lot.
  • Shakespeare is easier to understand, makes more sense, and is punnier when it's recited in its original pronunciation instead of a modern English accent.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.