When the Cameras Stop Rolling, These Celebrities Aren't Very Friendly

Celebrities live their lives under microscopes. Most of them can't even leave their homes without hoards of paparazzi following them! Since they're always being watched, many of them have come under fire for how they treat fans, employees, and fellow celebrities. Nobody's perfect, okay?

Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray seems to be sweet as pie, but those who have met her say differently. Sure, she's charismatic and her TV show is a total hit, but that doesn't mean things are always peachy keen...

Just Plain Mean

Apparently, being in the TV industry can be so stressful for some people that they snap. Ray is known to snap at fans and employees, apparently. At one point, she told a member of her staff, "I need stupid people to not talk to me." That's not very nice! 

Mike Myers

Mike Myers has made movie history, with lines from Austin Powers and Wayne's World still having cultural significance despite being decades old. He was a powerhouse back in the day! His funny and silly characters didn't quite reflect his personality, though...

Diva Status

Myers has been on many sets in his day. According to the people who have worked with him, he can be a huge diva on set. Each day, he would have a list of on-set demands to make sure that his time was being utilized perfectly. Some workers have said that he would make them get a huge tent to cover his trailer so no one could see when he was entering or leaving the trailer. 

Amy Schumer

Amy Schumer is a comedian who Americans seem to have a love/hate relationship with. Some of them love her raunchy humor, while others detest it. Schumer is also known for speaking her truth on social media and isn't afraid to call people out... even it that means calling out her own fans.

Back Off! 

Schumer was on tour and had a stop in Greenville, South Carolina. Apparently, she was out on a walk with her crew when a fan ran up and put a camera in her face. She claimed that she was scared and blasted the fan on Instagram for their inappropriate actions. "No more photos," she said. 

Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell is one of the most well-known comedians and actors out there. Most would agree that the face of comedy wouldn't be the same without him! From his time at SNL to founding Funny Or Die, we've all laughed at a Will Ferrell joke. 

Going Overboard

Apparently, his sense of humor can be a bit much sometimes. Those who have spent time around him have said that he doesn't have an off button and can get mean-funny sometimes. He's made some pretty harsh jokes towards people in the past, even his fans who just want an autograph! Making fun of someone's appearance is never a good idea, but Ferrell doesn't really seem to care.

Orlando Bloom

Orlando Bloom has always seemed to be a chill, easy-going guy. His on the stop red carpet interviews were always charming and nonchalant. So, fans were pretty shocked to see him have an outburst...

Storming Off Stage

In 2018, he was performing in a play. He suddenly stopped the performance to yell at an audience member for having her tablet out. He thought that she was recording the show and told her to knock it off. The audience member put it in her lap but continued to use hold it up during the show. Bloom was so outraged that he walked off stage, ending the show. According to the audience member, she was using it to block an air duct from blowing ice cold air onto her.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence's biggest claim to fame was her quirky personality. Fans loved her because she seemed "real" and owned her awkward shyness. Many people seemed to relate to her, but that personality trope was far from the truth...

Intentional Rudeness

Fans who have run into her out in public claim that she's quite rude in person. Apparently, she's intentionally rude to keep them away from her. It makes sense for someone like her to want their privacy, but rudeness is quite a drastic way to go at it! 

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz was a huge component in Hollywood for a long time. She will forever be immortalized in films like The Mask, Charlie's Angels, and even Shrek. People really adore her, which could very well be why she might not be the ray of sunshine many believe she is...

Strict Policy

Diaz may love her fans, but she also loves her privacy! She has strict no photos and no autographs policy. She's said in that past that if she does it for one person, then she has to do it for everyone, which could end up taking a lot of her time. That makes sense! 

Pierce Brosnan

Pierce Brosnan was the face of the James Bond movies for quite some time. Many aspiring actors looked up to him because he played a hero. Sadly, comedian James Cordon was one of those kids who looked up to him growing up who got a rude awakening when he finally met him...

U2 Wouldn't Do This

According to Cordon, he and Bronson were at the same U2 concert a few years ago. Cordon said that he was starstruck... until Bronson shoved past him in the crowd to get out. That hurts. 

Jon Hamm

Everyone loves Jon Hamm, right? He's painted as that loveable, goofy character who everyone in Hollywood loves. Apparently, formerly shamed comedian Kathy Griffin is not a fan... Well, they're not fans of each other! 

You're Old

As the story goes, Hamm and Griffin were at the same party. The two ended up crossing paths and Hamm asked Griffin why she was there. Then, he said, "Your Emmy isn't a real Emmy." Griffin apparently had no follow up to that attack. Later, he interrupted a conversation between her and Jack Nicholson where he called her old... Are you good, Jon Hamm?

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is easily a household name, even for those who aren't fans of basketball. He's met thousands of people throughout his career, including fans who look up to him. Apparently, rapper Chamillionaire had a run-in with Jordan when he was just a kid meeting his idol...

You Got Money?

Young Chamillionaire wanted a picture with his idol when he ran into him in public one day. Michael Jordan told the youngster that he would take a photo with him for $15,000. That's rough!

Dan Akyroyd

Dan Akyroyd is most notable for his stint on SNL and Ghost Busters. He's been in the spotlight for years with tons of Academy Award nominations under his belt. You would think he knows how to deal with being in the public eye, but that doesn't quite seem to be the case...

Bodyguards Only

Apparently, Akyroyd doesn't want anyone near him ever. He brings his bodyguards wherever he goes, which stops fans from getting a picture for a handshake. Although that is acceptable, he's apparently rude to wait staff and fans who do end up meeting him without his bodyguards present...

Mariah Carey

We all know that the Queen of Pop can be a bit testy... After all, she's the queen. She can be as dramatic as she wants! Anyone who has worked with her knows how difficult she can be...

Queen of Pop

Some rude celebrity encounters have been caught on camera. During a performance on Good Morning America, Carey snarkily told one of her backup singers to stop "covering up" her lines... while singing! Fans were not pleased with her behavior towards someone who was just doing their job.

Mandy Moore

Many Moore has that classic girl next door look. She's always had a sweet demeanor and fun interview style. It was off-putting to see her reaction to someone speaking up about a difficult encounter with her...

Rude Encounter

 This Is Us star apparently bumped into someone while grocery shopping. The person dropped all of his groceries in the process. Instead of helping him pick them up, she stood there and berated him for knocking into her and wasting her time. Okay, relax! 

Jerry Seinfeld

Jerry Seinfeld is basically the father of all sitcoms. Seinfeld is still on the air, even decades after concluding! At first, Seinfeld was a struggling comedian. Then, he quickly became so successful that some say the fame went to his head...

Get Outta Here

Apparently, this particular instance was between him and pop-singer Kesha. They were at a party together and she tried to approach him to say hello. Apparently, he put his hand up between them and said, "No, thanks." The audacity! 

Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet has a diehard fanbase. Her work in Titanic and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind warrants that, for sure! Apparently, some fans flocked to the shooting location of Labor Day in Massachusetts to try and meet her. All they wanted from her was a little wave! 

Totally Shut Down

According to the fans, she showed up late to set. It was rainy and cold, but the fans didn't care. They wanted to see their idol! Hours later, she finally showed up. She got out of the car, head down, hood up, and scurried into the filming location. Needless to say, her fans were severely disappointed.

Jamie Foxx

Jamie Foxx has always been a popular celebrity. His down to earth nature and incredible acting prowess make him a likeable celebrity. All of that means that more people are watching him than normal, and he was bound to have a human moment in the public eye.

No Way

During an interview, someone brought up his relationship with Katie Holmes. That topic is notiorusly off-limits, so the fact that the reporter had the gall to bring it up says something about the publication... Either way, Foxx was not happy with that and stormed out of the interview.

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock has an incredible resume. She's been in huge hits like Miss Congeniality, The Blind Side, and Bird Box. Many fans love her attitude and sweet demeanor, but she's now always like that!

She's Human, Too!

Sometimes, being rude is part of human nature. Bullock is known for refusing autographs and hiding from fans in public. One time, she rejected a fan who was in a wheelchair. The tabloids saw that and published it all over, trying to make her out to be a bad person. 

Adam Levine

Many people have mixed feelings about Marron 5's Adam Levine. Currently, he's one of the main judges for The Voice. He's got a Victoria's Secret model wife and his best friend is Blake Shelton. His life seems like it's out of a book, but he's still very human. 

Somewhat Shallow

As it turns out, people have claimed that Levine is a bit shallow at times. He's also admitted that he has a burning desire for attention which has ruined some relationships. He's also got this rule that he doesn't give out his autograph to anyone he doesn't find attractive... That's a bit weird! 

Carrie Underwood

Young Carrie Underwood found stardom through American Idol back in 2005. Since then, she's become a country music sensation. She has a sweet voice and perky attitude, but that might just be for the public...

Admittedly Selfish

Underwood has said that she can be selfish... but not on purpose! She's admitted that she feels guilty for not thanking people after interviews or about telling presenters not to mess up her entrance when she appears on TV. She's said it's a bad habit, and that she's trying to break it! 

Ashton Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher has come a far way from his days on That 70s Show. He's not one for the big, flashy celebrity life. Instead, he likes to offer his time helping underprivileged children and donating to charity. He seems to be a pretty good guy, but apparently Kathy Griffin has a problem with him...

Snubbing Kathy Griffin?

Kathy Griffin wrote in one of her books that she and Kutcher were hired as hosts for a show. Apparently, Kutcher wasn't interested in listening to her and he snubbed her at every chance he got. Kutcher wasn't responded to the story.

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Neil deGrasse Tyson's fame is a bit different from everyone else's... He reached his celebrity status through the power of science! His calming voice has taught everyone about science and space. Now that he's reach god-tier, his time comes at a pretty penny...

Pricey Appearances 

According to deGrasse Tyson's camp, a two-hour club appearance is $85,000. It seems like a lot of venues have agreed to pay the fee so he can show up and talk about space for a bit, but a lot of fans seem disappointed at that insane price tag. 


There isn't a person in this world who doesn't like Rihanna. She's a music guru, makeup mogul, and fashion icon. She doesn't take anything from anyone and isn't afraid to stand up for herself. Her fans usually love her attitude, but that sometimes can backfire...

A Bad Move

One time, Rihanna took her joking around a bit too far on social media. Back in the day, she openly made fun of a fan who tried to recreate one of her looks for prom. The 16-year-old prom goer was not expecting to be made fun of by her idol...

Chevy Chase

Chevy Chase is as notorious as it gets. He's famously hard to work with and doesn't hide his alcohol problem while on set. His face continues to grace TV screens every year around Christmas time. His stint on Community was hilarious, even if he did butt heads with directors and cast members...

Bully On Set

As time goes on, Chase gets harder and harder to work with. Many of his recent costars have called him a bitter old man and difficult to work with. Apparently, he's a bully on set!

Christian Bale

Christian Bale has had his fair share of scandals. His roles in Batman and American Psycho have been engrained in Hollywood history as very successful. Things went downhill after a specific outburst from him...


ost remember his expletive outburst in 2009... After that video surfaced, he apologized for his actions and even tried to get help for his anger issues. Apparently, he also had a history of shouting at young fans and have even made some cry! 

Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande has had a drastic narrative change since her Nickelodeon days. She's had her fair share of controversies (don't forget the donut licking incident), but this most recent one was too much to forget about... Her fans really let her know what they thought of her after this! 

Her Biggest Fans

Back in 2013, a bunch of fans signed up for a meet and greet. According to them, the pop diva only spent around 15 seconds with two fans who won a competition and then went back to her green room. She didn't even look at the people who paid to be there! Her team claimed that there were too many people, but her fans didn't think that was the case...

Christina Aguilera

Xtina got her claim to fame for her incredible voice. She's been in the spotlight since she was a teenager and quickly became an alternative pop star. Most people probably won't remember a time where she wasn't a name in the headlines. Apparently, neither does she! 

I'm a Celebrity, Get Out of My Way!

Hopefully, this was a one-time thing, but apparently Xtina's manager paid a grocery store to fully close down so that she could shop there. Not only is that rude to other people, but she also didn't allow the workers in the store to enter... So, they lost their wages for the time that she was shopping there! Xtina, what?!

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber has had quite the upbringing in the spotlight. He was found by Usher on Youtube as a young, aspiring singer and songwriter. Well, he may have been too young... His rebellious teen years were extra rebellious, and he's had some unfortunate run-ins...

Rebellious Teen

Bieber has quite a list of scandals... From spitting off of a balcony and onto fans to stopping shows to yell at fans who are talking while he's singing, he's had some rude outbursts. After a while, people started to realize that his outbursts probably had something to do with his quick upbringing. He took a long, long break from the spotlight to work on himself. Now, he's happily married and working on music on his own time.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Catherine Zeta-Jones is mostly an on-screen celebrity. We don't know much about her personal life except through interviews. You wouldn't think that she's got a bad attitude, but some fans have proof that she's not the kindest person to run into...

Harsh Words

Apparently, Zeta-Jones can be a bit of a bully! She once told an eight-year-old fan that she was "pretty enough, I suppose" to be an actress. Yikes! 

Julia Roberts

We all thought Julia Roberts was sweet as pie... She has a bubbly personality and is a rom-com icon, after all! According to her sister, she's not all that...

Harsh Words

Roberts tragically lost her sister to suicide. In the note that she left for her family, Roberts' sister claimed that she was constantly bullied and belittered by her celebrity city. After the note went public, a lot of her fans felt upset to hear that their relationship was so strained. For others, their breaking point was when she forced people to stop people from praying at a temple so Eat Pray Love could film on her schedule. 

Eric Roberts

It seems like Julia Roberts isn't the only one who's had problems in the spotlight. Even though Eric Roberts is the black sheep of the family, he seems to have the family spirit!

Black Sheep Status

Apparently, fans have tried to get an autograph from the famous celeb, but he refused... unless, of course, they paid up. According to fans who've had the terrible experience of meeting him, they were told that they had to pay $50 to get a picture or an autograph!

Hilary Duff

Hilary Duff was basically born to be famous. She became a huge hit on Disney's Lizzie McGuire and even went on to have an awesome music career. Of course, nobody is perfect...

Sharp Tongue

It seems like Duff has quite a sharp tongue! She's known to gossip about other celebrities to literally anyone who would listen. She's had run-ins with Chris Brown, Karrueche Tran, and Faye Dunaway all started by her! She even called Faye Dunaway old... Ouch!

Iggy Azalea

Honestly, the Aussie pop star wasn't totally welcomed into American soil. A lot of people didn't like her style of music and made fun of her for it. She's got some thick skin, though! Due to all of the bullying, she's become quite a combative person on social media...

Picking Fights

She's had fights with everybody on social media (well, so it seems). She's had very public battles with Zayn Malek, RuPaul, and Azealia Banks. She's lost a lot of support just because she couldn't stop starting fights!

Lindsey Lohan

Lohan used to have a pretty decorated career. She was a budding child star in Mean Girls, The Parent Trap, Freaky Friday, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen... She's also a good reason as to why child stars need protection in Hollywood. Unfortunately, she went downhill pretty quickly...

Leaving Acting

Lohan was basically forced to quit acting due to the bad habits that she developed over her career. She was always late to set, difficult to work with, and addicted to drugs and alcohol. She seems to have turned herself around in Dubai, though!

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Post originally appeared on American Upbeat.