Celebrities Who Made The Most Ridiculous On-Set Demands

Sometimes, when stars know they can get what they want, they take every advantage to ask for the most ridiculous things they can think of. Even stars who seem chill on the surface can be a disaster on set. Find out which of Hollywood's favorite actors and actresses were nightmares to work with...


For Adele's 21 tour, she had two very specific and sophisticated requests. Her rider stated that she needed one pack of Marlboro Lights and a lighter in her dressing room to start. She also insisted on two bottles of the best California red wine and one bottle of California Sauvignon Blanc.  She emphasized that she did not want Chardonnay. 

Justin Bieber

Early on in his career, Bieber's tour riders were super simple. All he wanted back in 2010 was a ton of snacks. Now that he's older, his demands are a little more refined. He asks for 10 luxury Sedans, a massage table, and a private jet on standby. 


Because the Queen is in contract with Pepsi, if you bring a bottle of Coke even near her, it will violate her terms. On set, she usually asks for heavily seasoned, baked chicken legs, breasts, and wings with hot sauce. She also requests that the temperature in her dressing room be set to a toasty 78 degrees at all times. 

Christina Aguilera

Aguilera hates to be kept waiting. In order to bypass traffic, she requests a police escort and "under no circumstances are the vehicles to encounter any delay due to traffic." Doesn't she know that sometimes you can't control traffic? I'd hate to see how she reacts to a red light. 


Though Drake has a pretty long list of wants in his tour rider, one stands out among the rest. He likes to have four dozen natural-scented incense sticks in his dressing room. He also requests a ton of alcohol like Hennessy, Patron Silver, Grey Goose, and Jack Daniels. Guy likes to party. 

Taylor Swift

In a predictable pop star move, T. Swift is obsessed with Starbucks. Her usual order must be in her dressing room before 11 am: a Grande iced Caramel latte with two Sweet-n-Lows and soy milk, as well as one slice of pumpkin loaf. Sounds easy enough to me.

Selena Gomez

After her big breakup from Justin Bieber in 2014, Gomez literally did not want anyone named Justin to work for her. Unfortunately, it's a common name, and a lot of crew members working on her projects were named Justin, so she made them go by different monikers until the job was done. Beyond that super reasonable request, she also likes to have chicken pot pies and pickles on hand. 


During her 2010 Last Girl on Earth tour, Rihanna's rider asked for one large fur rug for her dressing room so she could walk around barefoot. She also loved curtains and asked that large black curtains with "icy-blue chiffon" be placed on the walls to cover any lockers or bricks. 

Justin Timberlake

Did you know Justin Timberlake is actually kind of a germaphobe? Guess he was ahead of the game at the time because he requests someone disinfect all doorknobs at the backstage venue and hotel he was staying in every two hours. To make things even more extreme, he requests an entire hotel floor and elevator to himself. 

Jennifer Lopez

For whatever reason, Jennifer Lopez needs all the decor in her dressing room must be white. But not white white. She prefers off-white. Can anyone explain this?

Katy Perry

"Extraterrestrial" isn't the only extra part of a Katy Perry tour. Her list of snacks includes unsweetened dried apples and pears and lightly salted, dry-roasted edamame. If you ever send her flowers, too, you'd better not send her carnations. She seems to be pretty hot and cold with what she likes. 


During his 2009 tour, his rider stated that he has seven different dressing rooms. Nobody knows why. He also asked for some "good quality peanut butter" and "good quality jelly" for what would appear to be pretty obvious reasons. 

Mariah Carey

Two ends of the extreme spectrum can be applied to Mariah Carey's demands. First, she wanted a bottle of Cristal champagne with a bendy straw. Second, she needed someone whose only purpose was to throw away her gum. I'd prefer to help her with the first request. 

Joe Jonas

Always the comedian, Joe Jonas's rider has asked for a dozen puppies for years, but most places can't make that happen. Occasionally he's been surprised with some furry friends in his dressing room, but not always. A more realistic request is his usual order of beer and meat pies.

Kanye West

Kanye made a point to bold the most important demands on his tour rider. They included Carmex chapstick, Sunkist salted pistachios, Propel water, and a bottle of Hennessy. During his "Saint Pablo" tour, Kim K posted a photo of the two of them sipping on alcohol-infused slushies in his dressing room.

Lady Gaga

Gaga has always been a fan of dramatics. During her Monster Ball tour, she requested a mannequin with "puffy pink public hair" (along with what we can only assume is a typo), as well as some extra long straws for sipping her various teas. 

Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart's problematic demand certainly wouldn't fly today. He asked for five women between the ages of 21 and 27 to be waiting for him at the venue and then they were supposed to hang out with him for an hour after the show. He said outfits would be provided for them, but only in the sizes x-small, small, and medium. Why hasn't he been called out for this?

Britney Spears

When Spears performed at London's O2 Arena, she asked to have a framed photo of Princess Diana for her dressing room. Apparently she loves the monarchy and was inspired by Diana growing up. She also really wanted McDonald's cheeseburgers, without the buns...

Lindsay Lohan

This one-time rider is incredibly weird. Lohan appeared on a Russian talk show, and before filming, she demanded that she meet President Vladimir Putin, be given a one-year visa, a private jet, and $650,000 for her appearance on the show. I don't know about you, but I don't even remember this particular interview. 

George Clooney

While filming "Gravity," Clooney requested a hot tub, custom beach hut, and a basketball court to be installed near his trailer. I never pegged him as the demanding type, but Clooney certainly gets what Clooney wants. 

Mary J. Blige

Like a lot of people, Blige doesn't love public toilets. Her rider asks for her own toilet, complete with a new seat. And, any hotel she stays in must have king-sized beds, because "twin beds are unacceptable." I wish I could have made that same demand for my freshman year of college. 


Madonna once asked for a 200-person entourage. That's probably the craziest demand any celebrity has ever made. She also appreciates when her dressing room looks like her own home, so all of the furniture—and even the scents—are identical. 


Food-wise, Eminem's requests are pretty weird. He asks for six Lunchables, 3 turkeys, and 3 hams. He also has a thing for Diet Coke and asks for a total of 48 bottles of it. Is Eminem okay?


Ne-Yo has a thing for Ketel One vodka, but he doesn't drink it. He asks for a full handle for his dressing room to clean things. The rider doesn't state what exactly he'll be cleaning, though...


Cher and her people won't wear backstage passes, period. And why would they? She feels that the staff should familiarize themselves with the faces of her team because they won't be wearing any identification. And she needs a separate room for all of her wigs, of course. 


Prince took the cake for requesting the most expensive rider demand ever. In 2007, he played London's O2 Arena and asked that a luxury five-bedroom home be built near the venue. His 2004 rider also said "all items in dressing room must be covered by clear plastic wrap until uncovered by main artist. This is absolutely necessary.” We all knew Prince was a particular guy. 

Whitney Houston

Houston always requested to be transported in an armored Mercedes Benz or BMW 740 whenever she traveled on tours—a pretty reasonable request when you're the world's biggest pop sensation. 

One Direction

While they were still active, One Direction made some pretty goofy requests in their rider. The "On The Road Again" tour asked for a stocked mini-fridge, a lot of KFC, a ping-pong table, and soft toilet paper. This is honestly probably the most modest request of the whole gallery. 

Will Ferrell

Ferrell's requests are typically funny and toe the line between needing to be laughed at and taken seriously. He's asked for an electric three-wheel mobility scooter, a flight of stairs on wheels, a fake tree on wheels, and a rainbow on wheels. I sense a theme. 

Paul McCartney

McCartney requests that all items in his dressing room be animal-free. That includes food, materials, and prints. His rider states "there will be no meat, or meat by-products allowed to be served in the dressing rooms, production office, or areas within the backstage area." If he's a vegetarian, you're a vegetarian.

Van Halen

The rider for Van Halen's 1982 has gone down in history as one of the most insane lists of celebrity demands to date. It included a bowl of  M&Ms without any of the brown candies and herring in sour cream. The band said they only snuck in a couple of weird requests to make sure their rider was read in full. I feel for the intern who was tasked with the candy sorting, though.

Marilyn Manson

The death metal star's tour rider is surprisingly very wholesome. He doesn't ask for much, as long as he can have gummy worms, Doritos, 2% milk, a Manwich, and microwave popcorn, he'll be happy. His list lends itself to the theory that Manson is actually Paul from The Wonder Years all grown up.

David Hasselhoff

This is probably the craziest demand yet. While on set, David Hasselhoff requires a life-size cardboard cutout of himself set up backstage. Yep. Is the guy that vain? Or is he just trying to spread some of that confidence around to everyone else when he's busy filming? Who knows, but it's weird. 

Foo Fighters

This band isn't afraid to have a little fun. Their riders are typically pretty ridiculous, and during their 2011 tour things got a little out of hand. They asked for "visual enhancements" and banned all wallet chains and tridents. They might be jokesters, but they take their image seriously.

Barbra Streisand

An OG diva, Streisand has perfected the art of high maintenance. Before she arrives at her venue, she asks that police dogs sweep the entire place. Then, she asks that the staff or crew all dress nicely—that means no t-shirts. 

Larry the Cable Guy

Larry the Cable Guy keeps things simple on tour. He likes 50 Hooters-style hot wings and 4 cans of berry-flavored chewing tobacco in his dressing room. However, even though this particular diet might not be great for his health, it lends to a lot of his jokes. 

Dustin Diamond

Saved by the Bell's very own Screech actually bans all promoters from referring to him as his most famous role. He's threatened a $100 fine for every offending PR stint that depicts him as the gangly high schooler. He also needs two pints of chocolate milk and somebody to greet him at the airport with a big sign that says "DIAMOND." 

Steve Martin

Steve Martin accidentally leaked his own rider, and it's hilarious. Considering he's one of the most popular comedians to date, we expect nothing less. He requests an entire roasted chicken to use as a dancing puppet, a bathing suit in case he encounters a pool, and a book called "How to Make Money From the Banjo."

Pauly D

DJ Pauly D, though the conductor of the chaos train on Jersey Shore, is actually pretty easygoing on his tours. He just needs a VIP table to himself and four bottles of "house champagne" to spray the crowd. Then he's out when the cabs are here. 


DMX takes the party lifestyle very seriously. Some might say even a little too far. His rider insists that he needs three boxes of either Trojan, LifeStyles, or Kimono condoms in his dressing room alongside a gallon jug of Hennessy. 

Grace Jones

Despite her powerhouse celebrity standing, Grace Jones is actually pretty easy to work with. However, the only truly notable request on her rider is for unopened oysters, "because Grace does her own shucking." Her rider also obviously includes an oyster knife. 

Jack White

Jack White has a thing for guac. But not just any guac. It has to be so chunky that his rider actually includes a specific recipe. He also explicitly states, "PLEASE NOTE: this is a NO BANANA TOUR" whatever that means. 

Jonathan Cheban

Known for being famous only through his celebrity friendships, Cheban has earned himself a reputation as one of the industry's biggest divas. He appeared on Celebrity Big Brother with a list of "off the wall" demands. He wanted to fly in on a private jet, then drive to set in a Rolls Royce. Then, he said he needed to be able to order gourmet food from his dressing room. 

Will Smith

Will Smith is definitely one of the cooler guys in Hollywood, but that doesn't mean he can't have some diva tendencies. He once requested a double-decker trailer costing $2.5 million just for him. It even had a kitchen worth $200,000. His main demand, of course, was that he also has to have a big enough parking space for the whole thing. 

Paris Hilton

Despite being a very okay actress, Hilton submits a three-page list of demands to every studio that hires her. One of the weirdest things she asks for is to have a tank of live lobsters in standby in case she gets hungry. She also needs Grey Goose vodka. Keep in mind that she's only on set for one day for most of these projects. 

Tom Cruise

One of Hollywood's most successful actors has a list of demands as intense as his filmography. He insists that his dressing room has 50 custom-made thongs, first of all. Yes, you read that right. Nobody asks any questions about it and lets the star go about his business, whatever that may be.

Ariana Grande

Ari prefers to be carried around while on set. Like, by another person. She claims that the shoes she wears are too painful and says this is her preferred method of travel. She could, of course, just buy new shoes and not make some poor intern cart her around all day. 

Nicki Minaj

Nicki was once late to her own concert because she claimed the grass was cut unevenly and it was too difficult for her to walk on. Despite being relatively new to the music industry, she's clearly asserting her place and making some crazy demands like asking the venue to re-landscape their lawn. 

Jessica Simpson

Apparently, Jessica refused to appear on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno unless NBC agreed to pay her $18,000 for her hair and makeup. Predictably, the studio said no and booked Sarah Palin instead. 

Jennifer Aniston

Despite her famous role on the show Friends, Aniston is allegedly anything but kind. She won't eat on set with other actors, likes to stay in her trailer, and parks her trailer miles away from the set. I guess if you ask her, she and the studio are on a break.

Kim Kardashian

Looks like Kanye's over the top demands rubbed off on his wife. Apparently, she won't eat any fruits or vegetables that aren't purchased that same day. I get being health-conscious, but it's not always easy to find farm-fresh produce in the middle of LA.

Geri Halliwell

When Geri was a successful solo artist back in 2001, she and her band Steps performed for British troops in the Middle East. She sparked controversy when it was revealed that she was paid tens of thousands of pounds by the Ministry of Defense and didn't allow any photos to be taken of the show. 

Naomi Campbell

This supermodel is no stranger to diva behavior. She once asked for a flight from London to LA to be delayed because one of her bags was missing. The airport, of course, did not comply. While filming "The Face" in 2014, she would not speak to any of her staff unless they said "hi" to her first. 

Kate Moss

In 2010, Moss reportedly demanded an entire smoking area be installed at a Selfridges before her launch with Longchamp kicked off. She also asked that the space be filled with champagne and scented candles. Whether or not her demand was met, it's hard to imagine Moss dipping out for a smoke break.

Tyra Banks

Former employees of "The Tyra Banks" show say the supermodel was a disaster to work with. Everything was either her way or the highway. The show had a high employee turnover rate because Tyra was brutal to the hard-working staff.

Gary Busey

Gary Busey, known weirdo, demanded that every mirror be removed from the set while working on "Quigley." Another strange thing he did was when he filmed a scene that was supposed to take place in heaven, he walked off the set and said he couldn't do it, claiming he'd been to heaven and it didn't look anything like that.

Jack Nicholson

Nicholson allegedly requested a dildo for his dressing room while working on "The Departed." Most of the things he does on set are unscripted, but this one was a pretty notorious stunt. He also wanted to "dust the [posterior] of one of the actresses with cocaine. Marty [Scorsese] said, ‘Go for it!'”

Ben Affleck

Affleck asked to wear a Mets cap instead of a Yankees cap while he filmed "Gone Girl." It's no secret that the actor proudly hails from Boston, and he stuck to his guns about wearing what he wanted. He said if he wore it then he'd "never hear the end of it."

Daniel Day-Lewis

While filming "Lincoln," Day-Lewis requested that nobody with a British accent speak to him. He is an intense method actor and did not use any technology that wasn't available to the former president while filming. He also didn't want to speak to anyone with an accent because it would "throw him off."

Nicholas Cage

Cage wanted a live bat for "Vampire's Kiss," which is one of his known crazier films. His character gets bitten by a bat at the start of the movie, and he wanted to use a real one for authenticity. The studio ultimately ended up going with an animatronic one instead.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.