These Temperamental Celebrities Need to Clean Up Their Acts

You might think that celebrities have it easy, and for the most part, they do. But, when you're constantly in the public eye, there is a good chance that your mistakes will follow you around for the rest of your life. 

However, it's important to remember that we're all human, and human beings are flawed. Regardless, most of these celebrities deserve the criticism they received...

Jennifer Lawrence

Although Lawrence may seem like a sweetheart on the big screen, her interactions with fans indicate that she's someone else in real life. She has been aggressive with fans on multiple occasions. She has even been accused of "attacking" paparazzi for approaching her. 

Personal Space Bubble

Lawrence doesn't like to be approached in public. This would be a reasonable complaint if she wasn't so explosive about it. J-Law has been known for causing scenes when reasonable fans approach her for pictures on the street or in restaurants. Seeing as her fanbase is largely made up of children, this is definitely a bad look. 

Michael Jordan

Who said only movie stars could be divas? Michael Jordan is basketball's greatest asset, but he inspired many people outside the court as well. Specifically, he was the idol of the legendary rapper and personality, Chamillionaire. 

Cough Up the Money

When the two ended up in the same club in Chicago, Chamillionaire went out of his way to introduce himself. Jordan was dismissive of Chamillionaire, despite his importance in the celebrity world. When Chamillionaire asked Jordan to take a picture with him, Jordan said that the picture would cost him $15,000. Needless to say, Chamillionaire did not get that picture he wanted. 

Mandy Moore

Mandy Moore has a track record of being professional, quirky, social, and fun. Her work on movies like This Is Us and Tangled helped her create a positive screen image that carried over to her real life. All of that changed when she was spotted acting up in a grocery store one day...

Refusing to Help

Moore was out shopping at a grocery store in Pasadena, CA, when she bumped into another shopper, knocking all of his groceries on the ground. Instead of helping the man clean up the mess she caused, she told him that he was "wasting her time" and stood above him angrily until he cleaned up the mess. This was definitely out of the ordinary for someone like Moore, but we may not know the whole story. 

Dan Akyroyd

Akyroyd has been in the public eye for a few decades now. From his time on Saturday Night Live to his legendary performance in Ghostbusters, Akyroyd has solidified himself a place in the ladder of important actors. However, just because he's important doesn't mean that he's particularly nice...

Security Please

Celebrities face a certain amount of threat by going outside into the public eye. But, Akyroyd's efforts to protect himself from the potential risks in the world seem to be a bit extreme. According to witnesses, Akyroyd constantly travels with hired bodyguards that intimidate fans from approaching Akyroyd. Oh, and he's supposedly very rude to service workers. What a jerk!

Jon Hamm

Despite his comfortable and philanthropic public demeanor, Hamm has been known to have a bit of a harsh side. In fact, his relationship with Kathy Griffin has shown that Hamm isn't the angel we all thought he was. 

The Emmy Debacle

The Kathy Griffin beef came to a public head when Hamm and Griffin bumped into each other in LA. When Griffin engaged Jon Hamm in conversation, he preceded to tell her that the Emmy she earned was "not a real Emmy." Later on in the night, Hamm butted his way into a conversation that Griffin was having with Jack Nicholson to tell her that she was "old." 

Cameron Diaz

You'd think that the many years that Diaz has been in the public eye would have desensitized her to what being famous in public is like. But, she has proven time and time again that she has not adjusted well. 

No, No, No, and No

Diaz has gone on record multiple times saying that she "loves her fans" but her actions say otherwise. She refuses to give out autographs or take photos with her fans. The way she views it, she thinks that if she does it for one person, she'll have to do the same for everyone else. 

Rachael Ray

Rachel Ray is the Food Network's biggest sweetheart. Her bubbly demeanor, bright smile, and well-honed skills have made her one of the most important figures in food television. However, it's not always fun and games with Rachel Ray on the set.  

Stupid People to the Back

Ray can get a little snippy with her show's crew from time to time. Recently, Ray was accused of shooing off a member of her staff that was trying to get her attention by saying "I need stupid people to not talk to me." This move was pretty uncharacteristic, but we all snap from time to time.

Mike Myers

Mike Meyers is one of the most important movie stars in history. From his work on Austin Powers to his character portrayal in Wayne's World, Meyers has a prolific resume. However, just like his most famous characters have been a bit polarizing, his personality matches that polarization as well. 

A Nightmare to Work With

Meyers was a stickler when it came to his on-set demands. He wanted to make absolutely sure that the time he spent on shoots was 100% efficient. He used to make PAs build tents around the outside of his trailer so nobody would know when he was coming in or leaving. He was notoriously difficult to reach, but that behavior may have paid off with the momentous roles he ended up playing. 

Mariah Carey

Everyone knows that Mariah Carey is a bit of a drama queen. That's part of her personality, and it honestly pulls people towards her. People like someone with an honest edge, that makes celebrities relatable. But, when you're in the public eye 24/7, those behaviors will eventually come back to bite you.

The Jury is Out

Carey came under massive fan scrutiny when she performed on Good Morning America a few years ago. Carey's live act incorporated the help of multiple background singers. However, in this particular performance, Carey got fed up with one of her background singers and snapped at them. "Stop covering up my lines," Carey said snarkily to the audience's shock. People thought that Carey was trying to make sure that the attention was all on her, but some believe that Carey was just thinking about the audio quality of the performance. 

Orlando Bloom

Bloom appears to be relaxed at all times, but everybody slips up eventually. His presence in interviews is usually overwhelmingly positive, and his career mirrors what the public thinks of his personality. However, one outburst changed everything for Orlando Bloom...

Please Stop Recording

Orlando Bloom was acting in a play in 2018 when he decided to stop his performance to confront an audience member. The member in question was holding a tablet in her hands during the performance and Bloom assumed that she was recording. He stopped the show to confront the audience member, and when she didn't put her tablet away, he stormed off of the stage. Evidently, the woman was using the tablet to block an air vent that was blowing cold air onto her face which made her unable to focus on what was happening on stage. 

Amy Schumer

Nobody said being a celebrity was easy. Amy Schumer, for example, hasn't adjusted to stardom as well as others. In fact, she has a track record with unruly fans, but one instance, in particular, stands out from the others. 

"I Don't Take Photos"

Last year after her show in Greenville, South Carolina, a fan approached Schumer while recording the experience on his phone. The kid meant no harm, but Schumer claimed that she was scared by his advance and she roasted the fan on her Instagram. Evidently, the person continued to film even after she told him to stop, claiming that she "doesn't take photos" and was "scared" of him. 

Pierce Brosnan

Nobody is perfect, well, except for James Bond himself. The former Agent 007 has been accused of being a jerk in the past. Don't believe us? Take it from James Cordon, since he recounted a particularly unnerving experience to Khloe Kardashian on "The Late Late Show" in 2017. 

Yeah, Yeah, Whatever...

Cordon and Brosnan were at the same U2 concert in England a few years back. Cordon was starstruck when he saw Brosnan, but he went to approach him nonetheless. To his dismay, Brosnan ignored Cordon and pushed right past him to get further into the crowd. Talk about giving someone the cold shoulder...

Will Ferrell

Ferrell is one of the most recognizable and heartwarming comedians to ever act on a world stage, although we are finding out now that much of his comedy isn't an act. Evidently, his personality seems to align with the style of comedy that his typical characters exhibit. 

Victimizing the Crowd

Ferrell doesn't seem to know when to stop lately. He has been accused of attacking fans verbally while they were looking for photos or autographs. He has been known to verbally attack people's appearances, personalities, and methods of approach relentlessly until fans walk away. 

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Tyson didn't get his celebrity status from his looks, style, acting, or sports prowess. He got it from being the smartest person in the room in pretty much every room he goes into. Tyson has been commended for getting children, specifically underprivileged children of color, interested in sciences and mathematics. But, even though his influence is of utmost importance, he too can become subject to negative emotions. 

Man for Hire

Tyson charges clubs and universities up to $85,000 for a single appearance. Lots of venues are happy to pay that price so he can educate the masses on his vast and unique intellect, but others think that this number is too high. Either way, he's making his money where he can. 

Ashton Kutcher

Kutcher is a legendary heartthrob who just can't get away from the camera. He has admittedly tried to remove himself from the celebrity personality and he has chosen to spend his time by contributing to philanthropic groups and helping underprivileged children. But, nobody is perfect. Kathy Griffin had a negative experience with Kutcher long ago that she recently shared with the world...

Making Sure His Voice is Heard

When Griffith and Kutcher were working together on The View, Griffith had numerous complaints about Kutcher's behavior. Evidently, he would stifle her ideas every time she came up with one. He even rudely took over an on-air conversation that she was having with P-Diddy. Kutcher hasn't defended himself from these allegations, but we think that people are flawed and they deserve second chances. 

Ariana Grande

Absolutely nobody is perfect. Even Ariana Grande, the queen of composure and patience in the pop music world, can lose her composure from time to time. In fact, she's done something that you might not even believe...

Who Cares?

Grande had a meet and greet scheduled in 2013 that was decided by a competition raffle. However, she only spent about half a minute with them before retreating to her dressing room. Her PR team said that she viewed the situation as a "safety hazard," but the winners of the raffle believe that she just didn't want to do it. 

Carrie Underwood

Underwood was America's sweetheart in 2005. Her performance on American Idol changed her life completely. She went from a small-town sensation to a full-blown global pop star in the matter of a few months. That quick transition can cause some negative traits to highlight themselves...

It's All About Me

Underwood has a history of being selfish in her past. Although, she has admitted this flaw to the media and sincerely apologized to those she hurt numerous times. Everybody has flaws but through honesty and hard work, you can learn to be the best version of yourself. 

Chevy Chase

Chevy Chase has a reputation. He is notoriously difficult to deal with, and even more difficult to drink with (he's got a problem with alcohol, but he's getting the help he needs). Despite all of his shortcomings, he is still one of the most important figures on American television. 

He's an Angry Grandpa

Chevy Chase isn't getting any younger. Part of his aging has changed his personality to that of a bitter, angry, spiteful old man. When he's not yelling at his costars and taking low blows at them about their real insecurities, he can be found angrily mumbling to himself at the craft table. 

Jamie Foxx

Jamie Foxx is one of the greatest actors of this era of film. With pieces like Django Unchained and Ray, Foxx has created a colorful resume for himself. But, his successes may have started to get to his head...

Striking a Nerve

Foxx is pretty composed on and off camera, but there was one instance where he lost his cool. Foxx walked out of an interview session for a role after one of the interview panelists asked him about his relationship with his ex, Katie Holmes. We can see this problem from both sides because that question is very personal. 


Rihanna has become a figurehead for positivity and self-worth over the past few years. She is unapologetically herself, and she inspires many others, especially young black women, to love themselves unconditionally. However, when embracing your emotions and living without restriction, sometimes that can lead to some bad press...

That Ain't It Queen

Rihanna used to be an absolute powerhouse on Twitter. She used to clap back hard when people would come at her with criticism. But, when a 16-year-old tried to recreate one of her looks for prom, Rihanna had nothing but negativity to offer. That's a shame. but she's apologized since. 

Sandra Bullock

We could write a novel about how much we love Sandra Bullock. Her career is legendary. She's an icon. She's versatile. She's humble. But, sometimes, she snaps just like the rest of us...

Keep Your Distance

Bullock doesn't like to interact with her fans outside of scheduled meet and greets. She's been known to cover up her face when people try to take pictures of her, and she asks fans to leave when they confront her at restaurants and other public places. She even refused to talk to a fan in a wheelchair, which really reflected poorly on her. Can you blame her for wanting to live a normal life though?

Adam Levine

People have a lot to say about Maroon 5's frontman. On one hand, his incredible music speaks volumes about his thoughtful personality. On the other, people think he can sometimes act out in a negative way...

Full of Himself

You can infer from Maroon 5's music that Levine can be a bit convicted. He's an attention hog, and that behavior has led to him burning some bridges with important people in his life. Also, he only gives out autographs to people that he isn't attracted to, which is pretty disgusting in our book. 

Christian Bale

Bale was actually the perfect candidate to play Batman. His anger issues led to an outburst in 2009 that practically defined his entire career. He has always been cast as the tough, angry guy because that's who he is. 

He Lost His Marbles

In 2009, Christian Bale blew up on his director of photography while he was shooting Terminator: Salvation. His words were extremely flagrant (that's why we're not repeating any of them here) but he seriously ripped into this guy. From then on out, Bale's career changed forever. If you want to learn more about this instance, google "Christian Bale freakout," but do be warned, there is plenty of foul languages. 

Jerry Seinfeld

Seinfeld is arguably the most influential comedian of the 1990s. His work essentially drove the script of what a comedic sitcom should be. Without him, It's Always Sunny, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Modern Family, and New Girl wouldn't exist. However, with great power comes great ego-trips...

Do Not Touch Me

Some fans witnessed an awkward exchange between Seinfeld and Kesha several years ago. When Kesha saw Seinfeld on the street, she walked towards him and attempted to give him a hug. Seinfeld reacted by putting his hand out to stop her approach and said "no, thanks." Now, not everybody likes getting touched, but this was a bit rude.

Christina Aguilera

Aguilera never had a single break from showbusiness since she was a kid. In fact, she might not even remember what it was like to not be famous. Incidents like these ones indicate that she might still be completely tone-deaf to non-celebs...

Demonstrating Her Privilege  

Evidently, Aguilera demanded that a luxury store closed midday so she could do her shopping. That's normal, plenty of celebrities make those demands. But, she demanded that all the store's employees clock out so she could be completely alone in the store. That doesn't reflect positively on her. 

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Catherine Zeta-Jones may "dip beneath the lasers," but there's no dipping the consequences of being a bad person. Jones has gotten some harsh criticism from fans in the past about her behavior, which is odd because she usually avoids the press. Maybe her negative behavior is the cause behind that...

That's Unfair

Jones has been accused of being unnecessarily critical to her fans and colleagues. One might even say that she was a "bully" for a large period of time. In fact, there's a record of her responding to an eight-year-old's statement about wanting to be an actress when she grew up by saying "pretty enough, I suppose." Ouch, that's harsh. 

Julia Roberts

Oh no, not Julia Roberts! This just goes to show that nobody is infallible. Not even the pretty woman herself...

Choose Your Words Better Next Time

It's extremely sad to say, but Roberts' sister committed suicide a while back. In the letter she left behind, she said that her sister constantly bullied and belittled her. On top of that, she apparently stopped service at a temple in Bali to film a scene for Eat, Pray, Love. 

Iggy Azalea

Oof, Iggy Azelia has made quite a few mistakes in her career. This Aussie pop star practically dropped off the map after fans and critics denounced her for being generally problematic. She also loves starting social media battles with strangers over the things she's been accused of doing in the past.

You Mess With the Bull...

Azelia has proven time and time again that she loves to instigate fights with people who are more important than her. This may sound harsh, but that's actually a marketing tactic that some people have used successfully in the past. However, Azelia wasn't able to hide the fact that she is inherently problematic, and she will fade into obscurity.

Eric Roberts

Like brother like sister, Eric Roberts had his fair share of slip-ups as well. In fact, the Roberts family might not have been the lovable group that we formerly thought they were. Instead of dealing with entitlement issues, Eric Roberts struggled with greed...

That'll Be About $3.50

The Roberts family is absolutely loaded. So, you wouldn't expect any of them to demand cash for arbitrary things, right? WRONG! Eric Roberts has demanded $50 for an autograph in the past. We're unsure what his current going rate is, but considering inflation, that might be more than we can afford.

Justin Bieber

Bieber has had his fair share of breakouts, considering that he was a troubled kid from the beginning. Fame got to his head quickly, and he began demonstrating acts of wildness pretty much as soon as he hit puberty. There have been a few incidents on Justin's record that reflect poorly on his image, but his entire image was affected by a rebellious spree that he had when he was much younger...

Off the Deep End

Bieber lost it for about two years. There was a stretch of time where he would cause problems on purpose for attention. He has confessed to spitting off of balconies onto adoring fans, peeing into restaurant mop buckets, and pausing his live shows to tell fans to "shut up." It's likely that the fame just went to his head at the wrong time, and he's actively working towards creating a better future for himself as we speak. 

Lindsey Lohan

Lohan started her career at just three years old before she started to descend into a life of drugs and madness. Despite her current state, she gave the world some incredible performances like Mean Girls, The Parent Trap, Freaky Friday, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, and many more. Unfortunately, turning to a life of substance abuse can sometimes lead to some negative PR decisions...

Taking Steps Away from the Screen

Lohan's party-heavy lifestyle interfered with her acting in a major way. She didn't wash out of Hollywood, she was asked to leave. However, since she moved to Dubai, she has been making a huge turnaround and she may re-enter the acting world if she decides to go for it. 

Hilary Duff

This child star had the world in her hands for a few short years. Disney made her a larger than life celebrity by having her star in Lizzie McGuire (the show still holds up, by the way). Everyone wanted to be like her. But, people stopped thinking that way when they started to learn about her real personality...

Unprofessional and Uncalled For

Duff loves causing problems. She loves to gossip and spread rumors about celebrities that are not always warranted.  She's beefed with Chris Brown, Karrueche Tran, and Faye Dunaway, all of them, aside from Chris Brown, were practically unwarranted. 

Kate Winslet

Fans absolutely love the star of the Titanic. Her impact on the acting world is unforgettable, but her impact on her social status is a bit scuffed. For instance, Winslet had a little run-in with some fans while she was shooting Labor Day in Massachusetts a few years ago...

Do You See Us?

Fans flocked to the film site to say hello to Winslet on a particularly rainy morning. When Winslet's car arrived, the fans were drenched but ecstatic to see her. Instead of saying hello like anyone else would do, Winslet ignored her fans and simply walked forward into the film tent. We all have bad days, but this was pretty cold.

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