These Hilarious T-Shirts Will Make You Do A Double Take

A person's style can say a lot about them, especially when their clothing has words on them. However, sometimes these quirky tees can be worn in some pretty surprising, unpredictable, and hilarious ways. There is a collection of typos and accidental misprints that can make your fashion statements go from drool to cool. These funny tee-shirt fails will definitely make you do a double-take...

Uh, What?

There is no way to read this in a way that makes sense.

 Why are we in Australia? What was she, THC Wa? Why was he wearing a tooth, and where was it really from? Who is going to get you out of here, and why? Nothing about this yellow shirt makes any sense, but that's kind of the fun of it. Make people squint at your back as they try to figure out this impossible message. 

Can You Hear Me Now?

If you want to get attention in a room full of people, this might be the most effective method. 

No one listens until you fart, and then all of a sudden, everyone goes silent. Finally, some time to talk! This funny farting friend now has a tee that tells new people exactly what she's all about. Hopefully, they have a sense of humor and a very poor sense of smell!

One At A Time

Ladies and gentlemen, get in line for this man. You might not be first up, but do not worry. 

According to his T-shirt, there is plenty to go around. As long as everyone keeps their composure and stays cool, calm, and collected, everyone can get a chance to talk to this man. Just take it one at a time, and before you know it, it could be your chance with Prince Charming.

My Thai

The smile on his face says it all. Someone in Thailand loves this Thailand guy, and he couldn't be happier about that fact. 

From the looks of it, he might be in an airport on his way to see his beloved right now. Hopefully, when he gets there he can alert them of his very iritating typo. If you didn't spot it the first time, look again. There should be an "S" after "LOVE," right?

Safety First

In a lot of places, riding in the back of a pick-up truck is definitely normal, but also definitely not safe. 

This guy though is risking it all for the ride of a lifetime. Hopefully, the driver knows to avoid potholes and road bumps ahead. If this guy in the trunk is annoying though, he might want to hold on extra tight. There's no seatbelt back there and no rules. Safety is not first here. 

Words Don't Matter

There's no better way to say it than just to say "Don't choice a wicked want funny!"

Actually, there are so many better ways to say this, becuase this sentence doesn't make any sense at all. It's a shame that it's on such a cute sweatshirt, because there's no way you could wear this out in public without getting a few strange looks. Hey, fashion can be strange...

Seinfeld Fans

This is a family that loves the show Seinfeld and even made a family outfit to honor the famous Larry King sitcom. 

However, there's a clear favorite character among the crew, and that man is George Costanza. George is famous for complaining about anything and everything, but no one has any complaints here. Also, Jerry Seinfeld just wouldn't look as stylish... 

Almost There

Fame is almost always the name of the game, and this lady wants to be in the spotlight. 

The only question is, which spotlight can she get? In today's day and age, a viral photo might be enough to seal the deal and get her on a reality television show. There's no telling where her career will go, but the future looks almost as bright as her hair. Fake it until you make it!

DUI Mugshot

"I'm not an alcoholic. I'm a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings."

The shirt is funny most of the time, but definitely not when you've just been pulled over for drunk driving. The DUI ticket practically wrote itself. Luckily, she was taken off the streets, and by extension, took this shirt off the road. The officers who took her in probably had a good laugh about this outfit. 


These friends went on an adventure retreat team seminar, and all they got was this lousy tee-shirt. 

The power stance says that this guy was a very big fan of this hilarious fail. How did no one notice that their team acronym spelled out farts? At this adventure retreat, the biggest adventure of all is risking passing gas in front of your closest friends. Is it a risk worth taking?


In case you can't read the, um, not so fine print, his shirt says "FBI: Female Body Inspector." 

This is also a mugshot of a man who was arrested for public intoxication. Thankfully, he wasn't actually inspecting any female bodies out in public. This shirt has become a popular choice for teenage boys who want a funny tee, but apparently, the older crowd got a kick out of it too. 

A Closer Look

Some shirts really require a double-take, like this one. While it might look like a cartoonishly beautiful woman from the back, look twice and you'll see the real body donning the purple bikini. 

In a lot of ways, it's an easy diet plan and exercise hack. Why spend those hours in the gym or eat terrible salads when you can buy this shirt and enjoy some fun in the sun?

Tumblr Teens

Teens on the internet love to pick certain trends, fashion statements, and memes to latch onto, including this album art from Joy Division's album Unknown Pleasures. 

The famous album has become a fan favorite for generations, but now, it's kind of lost it's uniqueness. This tee-shirt is poking fun at the commonality of an image that most teens might not even know the origin of. 

Morbidly Ironic

Upon first glance, this "I heart bacon" tee might not seem so bad, but look a little closer and you'll see this guy really squirming when he stares into the face of his favorite breakfast side. 

Everything about this tee says wrong time, wrong place. Maybe this ironic moment will make him reconsider his firm meat-loving choices and turn to a life of devout veganism. 

Not Wrong

You've got to hand it to him, this man's shirt makes a good point. 

He probably recognizes that he's not exactly the smallest on the scale, so this hilarious clothing includes a little bit of self depreciation. He's also not making himself hard to track down, his hand is raised high in the air. There are a few ways to stay safe, but this guy has few unique ideas up his sleeves. 

Unexpected Winner

This man is fifty years old, is overweight, has diabetes, and somehow you're still way behind. 

Hard work allows you to overcome any obstacle, and this man is the perfect example of that. He's definitely not having an easier time running this race, and yet he's still pushing himself to the limit. You have no excuse to be sitting around when he's out there crushing his workout!

Angry Old Lady

Let the people know. This grandma might have a smile on her face, but behind those kind eyes is a heart of pure ice. 

She hates everyone, and she means everyone. She hates the people in this store, the customers in the background, the cashiers, and even the person taking her photo. Until these produce prices go down, she's angry with everyone she meets. 

Hello, Goodbye

Crop tops are back and better than ever, thanks to this iconic option. 

This old man is telling everyone his deal before they even get a chance to say hello, and then expressing his total lack of disappointment when they leave. Haters have no place in this exciting dance club. If you can't dance to this old man's beat, then there's only one thing to say: bye hater!

Mixed Up

Take me drunk, I'm home. Yeah, someone definitely got a little mixed up when making this funny shirt, but it worked out absolutely perfect. 

Whenever you're drunk, the only place you're thinking of heading is home. However, this is often easier said than done. Sometimes when you're inebriated, you have to rely on your friends to get you back to civilization in one piece. 

Don't We All?

Honestly, this guy is just speaking his truth in the form of a T-shirt. 

He's out with some friends, maybe his wife, and he wants to let the people around him know about his hobbies, interests, and fascinations. In this case, he's letting the people know he likes a good dump, and honestly, who doesn't? Just to clarify, he is talking about a garbage dump, obviously. 

Find Rita

Rita has gotten into this situation before. One way or another, her beloved husband gets lost in the public and crowded areas. 

Instead of going through the extensive process of finding him, she just put the tracking details on both of their backs. As an added bonus, now Rita can make new friends when she's out and about without even needing to introduce herself to them! 


"Don't laugh," this tee warns, "It's your girlfriend's shirt!" This man is set to take you girl, and he does not feel any qualms about it. 

He's got a powerade and a power stance. It's probably what made your girlfriend so attracted to him in the first place. After looking at this shirt, you probably get what she was seeing. After all, it is a bright and confident look for anyone. 

Seen Nice

This shirt could definitely use a spelling checker. It's only only one word off, but that one word is really distracting. 

Clearly, this woman hasn't seen the issue yet. Maybe she has and thought it was a hilarious thrift store find. Either way, she clearly could not care less. She might be trying to tell you that your boyfriend has seen nice things done before, but that sounds unlikely. 

Ready for Love

Yeah, shame on those girls! This guy has got a stellar smile and a heart of gold, why hasn't anyone snatched him up yet? 

This man should have been off the market years ago. People are getting married later and later though, so this guy just needs a little patience and surely the right woman will come along. If not, then this shirt will work for years to come. 

Grab Hold

Whoa, look again. Though this looks like a giant hand has taken a hold of this man, the reality is that it's just another t-shirt illusion. 

Still, though, he doesn't look very relaxed or comfortable in this position. His waist is being gripped by an imaginary giant, which has got to be a weird position to be in. However, it does make his core look slim. Diets? Not necessary. 

Fun and Games

He's got a point. It really is just fun and games until the cops show up, but once the cops show up, they have to pull you in for a mugshot. 

This guy learned that in the worst and most ironic way. He probably looked quite a lot like that stick figure doodle on his shirt, absolutely shocked, scared, and wishing he was anywhere else. Offciers defintiely got a kick out of this!

Uneven Ratio

This woman is 98% naught, only 2% angel, and 100% under arrest. Her guilty face says it all. 

Obviously, she needs to even out those numbers if she wants to stay out of trouble next time. She still has some angel in her, so there's still hope for this woman yet. It will take some time, but hopefully she will eventually become more nice than naughty, or risk being caught again. 


Like most bad ideas, this definitely seemed like a good idea at the time, and they have the t-shirt to prove it. 

No matter what, they've certainly found themselves in a sticky situation. Somehow, these two bros drove a boat into shallow waters and high grass, and that's not an easy escape to make. At least they know not to try this again, no matter how good the idea seems. 

RIP Mickey

Uh oh, this is awkward...This guy found himself wearing a deadmau5 tee (pronounced dead mouse) at Disney World, the home of the most famous mice in history. 

Minnie was clearly not a fan of the DJ or his threatening merchandise. The tee wearer is obviosuly very embarrased by his outfit choice as well. No one was having much fun in this magical kingdom.

Warning Sign

At least he knows what he's up against. This reckless teen just so happened to be wearing this shirt when things went from bad to worse. 

His hand is brutally broken, but the emergency room nurse definitely laughed at this hialrious contrast. He does dumb things, and now has the proof. What came first though, the dumbness or the dumb things t-shirt?

Chick Magnet

This girl just couldn't stay away, and honestly, who could blame her? 

This man is an aboslute chick magnet, he's even got the uniform on to prove it. Neither of them look very enthralled with the other's company, but it simply cannot be helped. She was drawn to him, like moths to a flame, like trouble to a troublemaker, and like a magnet to a magnetic surface. 

Slide to Unlock

Hmm...not so sure how this one is supposed to work. This shirt tells the people "slide to unlock" but that won't do much of anything. 

It's a humorous take on the old iPhone lock screen, but since that phone is so outdated, this shirt is more of a thrift store find that anything. Hey, at least it gets more and more retro with every new Apple update. So vintage!

Clocks Ticking

Red hoops, red shirt, red flags all around. This girl has a grin that says this shirt is more fact than fiction, and she wants a smooch in record time. 

"Kiss me before my boyfriend comes back" might seem like a good idea at first, but think it through and even the most desperate will recognize that this is not a smart choice. He could be around any corner...

Not Yet

This photo suggests that this girl is ready to have a big night full of drinking, partying, and good vibes only. 

Her shirt says not to bother, she's not drunk yet. Once she is though, get ready for a huge raging partier to break loose. In a few hours time, she'll be dancing on tables and having the time of her life. Someone make sure she gets home safe though!


Sorry everyone, but God isn't taking any more prayers today. Please refer to the stand-in, this man, for all your religious and personal questions. 

He has the confidence and all the answers. His shirt says "God is busy, may I help you?" so he's got to be the next best thing. He is here and ready to listen to all your trials, tribulations, and unanswered questions.

Pee Police

Every part of this photo makes this shirt even more hilarious. He's clearly walking around a crowded pool area. 

He's wearing a swimsuit, ready to dive into the waters himself. Even his facial expression looks mischievous, devious, and ready to cause some chaos in this public pool. The easiest way to clear the waters? Wear this shirt and the people will exit ASAP. 

Do I?

You might need to read this one over again. Her shirt says "Do I make you look fat?" which is something only a skinny person could really get away with. 

The answer is obviously yes, she's so dainty and petite. The low rise pants and bikini bottoms really drive this point home. However, her lack of bloating means she's not having as much fun as everyone else, right?

Admitting It All

His shirt might say guilty, but this mugshot man defintiely doesn't have any guilt in his eyes. 

If anything he might be feeling pretty proud of whatever he's done. While the crime is unknown, it had to be pretty funny to those arresting him that he was already wearing this shirt. They didn't even have to ask if he did it, his shirt gave him away before he even opened his mouth. 

Either Or

This officer has a very specific way he wants to be seen. 

It's always better to be a little too strict and stay ahead of the game, than to feel like a fool when you get taken advantage of, and this guy knows that. However, he is looking kind of foolish with those old man sandals. His face says that he's definitely a hard guy to be around, but it's surely well worth it in the end. 

High Standards

Sorry ladies, most of you won't be able to get a slice of this hunk. 

This professional chef has some pretty high standards, and he's not going to lower them for just any old thing. She's got to be drop-dead gorgeous, beautiful at every angle, and appreciate a finally ekpt mustache. Never settle for less than you're worth. This guy knows that and lives by that rule. 

Good Things

Good things come to those who hustle, but apparently this doesn't include the bus. 

This woman is on her hustling grind, but the payoff hasn't come quite yet. For now, she's stuck in the hustle, and has not yet come to the aforementioned good things. Hey, everyone has to start somewhere. In this case, she's starting on public transportation. 

Think More

Listen, being impulsive and not overthinking is always a good thing to practice, but that doesn't mean that you should get rid of all logic and reason in the process. 

This woman clearly was thinking less, which might have been good if she didn't goof up the second half of the sentence. You cannot stupid this tee up any more than this, no matter how hard you try. 

One Letter

Oh no, if only that "R" was an "L" than this would be a totally normal shirt. 

Instead, it becomes a very terrible demand from a tee. He doesn't even seem to be aware of the typo, which makes it even worse. The smaller comment underneath, "make noise!", makes this way worse. Hopefully, this unfortunate turn of events makes no noise at all. 

Are You Sure?

Unfortunately, this shirt should read "I heart college," which she would have known if she really did heart college. 

Instead, this shirt is just telling people that she has a real passion for picture cutting crafting. Her confidence in the shirt is what makes this photo so much more terrible. Hey, once she goes back to college she'll finally figure this one out. 

Old Youngster

Someone call Justin Bieber and tell him to protect his swag, because this man might just swing by and steal it. 

He's got the confidence of a teenager, with a shirt that says YOLO (which of course stands for "You Only Live Once") as well as swag on. His swagger is definitely one to be envied, plus he's got the edgy bangs and cool guy sunglasses. It's overwhelming. 

Get Back!

Oh no, the fart is almost finished loading. There's only so much you have before you're caught in the flatulance zone, so it might be time to clear the space. 

You certainly don't want to be caught once everything has been fully uploaded, or you might risk getting the full, smelly download. By the hand on her hip, she clearly doesn't care much, so get back while you can. 

Close Enough

Listen, geography is hard. What's the real difference between Asia and Africa aside from being two totally different continents, filled with varying cultures, histories, and populations?

In a way, this is celebrating both of these beautiful locations on the globe, which is honorable. These continents are filled with countries that definitely never get mixed up, so how did this happen?


Huh, Kurt Cobain looks different in this picture. That's because this isn't Nirvana, this is 1990s boyband Hanson under the title of the popular 1990s grunge band. 

The two groups could not be more different, aside from the abysmal 90s hair styles, which are nearly identical. The Hanson brother probably would have loved to have written "Smells Like Teen Spirit."

Hey Haters!

Say hey to the haters like this old man is doing. His shirt is making the introductions for him, and getting the hate out of the way before it even starts. 

He's got his groceries, an umbrella, and an unbreakable spirit walking through the crowded city streets. Hopefully, the back of the shirt says "Later haters!" so he can make a tasteful exit on the same piece of clothing. 

Full of Fuel

Someone call a gas station, because this man is full of the stuff. 

His shirt is a hilarious one that will make anyone who reads it laugh out loud. It's so simple, but at the same time, says so much. It's funny, but also probably deters people from making any small talk (or should it be smell talk?). His face says it all. In fact, his face says he's probably passing gas right now. 

Hamberger Friend

Ah, fries, the best friend of hamburgers and the delicious additions to any meal. 

It's hard not to feel absolutely giddy whenever you eat one, but rarely are they refered to using human pronouns. This shirt is full of spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and just unsettling imagery. Do you feel happiness When you eat a him? Don't think about that too much. 

Please Explain

Maybe the randomness is the point of this shirt, but otherwise, there is no explanation. 

The shirt says "I'm sorry, little friend...I was hasty...You're not a duck..." There is no way to justify the words on this shirt. Are they song lyrics? A part of a poem? Maybe just a text message that he put on the back of his shirt? If this is what the back says, who knows what the front could be...

Success Story

Anorexia is a disease that affects the mind and body, where people are convinced they are overweight and then restrict their diets dramatically, often to fatal effects. 

This man, however, certainly isn't in that headspace yet. He's very proud to be the size he is and even prouder to not be anorexic. To be fair, not having a terrible disease is always positive.

Keep Chugging

Every part of this picture paints more of this story. His short says "drink until you want me" while he's looking at a girl beside him. 

She's chugging a giant beer while also avoiding eye contact. It seems like no one is really enjoying their time at this function. Thankfully, she's got that exciting pink zebra bandana to keep her hair out of her eyes and out of her drink. 

Bieber Boys

Before he was getting into trouble and living a reckless life, Justin Bieber was the teen dream of every middle school girl, and in some cases, guy. 

These two bros have no problem blasting some teeny bopper pop music through their speakers, and they want the world to know. Boys don't like Justin Bieber or his music, but men know that "Baby" is actually a hit. 

All That Matters

In the forest, you don't need to be smart, you just need to be safe. 

Who else is going to be able to reel the fish out of the water, build the fair, and pitch the tent? Maybe not this guy, but if you need something lifted, he's your man. Doing hard work is sometimes more helpful than being intelligent, especially if you're out in the middle of the woods and ready for a night of camping. 

Room For Improvement

There's always room to improve yourself, as demonstrated by this woman who is clearly just 20% hotter than you. 

Twenty percent is not a lot, you could defintiely catch up to her. Just make sure you're taking care of yourself, making good choices, and bettering different parts of your life, and soon you could be just as hot as her. No promises though...

Bad Times

"This really sucks" next to a drawing of a vacuum is pretty funny, but not nearly as funny as next to an arrest. 

This guy found himself in quite a predicament, but at least he was wearing the perfect tee for the occasion. The police probably really enjoyed the joke, just look at that one cop's face. You can just tell this is the funniest arrest he is going to make all month...

Dumb and Dumber

These two clearly don't have a lot going on upstairs. This girl was caught wearing a shirt that doesn't make much sense grammatically. 

Think less is always a pretty good rule to get out of your own head, but to stupid more? that just doesn't make any sense. At least she's not the guy who got hurt wearing a "I do dumb things" shirt and went to the emergency room. 

Not Possible

The confidence it takes to wear a shirt like this in public is one that most people don't possess, but clearly, this woman is not like most people. 

This shirt is very bold because it leads with a fart, and lets those who read it know exactly what she's about before they even speak. The best part is the letter "A" on the short, which is gold and bold for some unknown reason...

Four for One

This guy went to the bus stop and found himself cloned three times over. 

There were two people sitting on the bench behind him in the same black and white striped tee, but then behind them, there was a third person! What are the odds of this situation? Thankfully, this man had the forethought to take a picture of the insane circumstance. The proof is right there. 

Free Range

This man is a free-range human, which is very important in today's day and age. 

Not only that, but he's also organic, contains no additives, no preservatives, and is made with all natural ingredients. This man is purely vegan in his presentation. He's probably also gluten free, but there's really no way to tell. So healthy, but really, what's the cost of such health?

Famous Face

Oh John Travolta, time really has changed you. This is clearly a picture of movie star Nick Cage, but with Hollywood being so crowded, you might not even notice this famous face mix up. 

Imagine John Travolta trying to steal the declaration of independence, or even worse, imagine Nick Cage as the leading man of Grease. It just would not be the same...

Steer Clear

Stay away boys, this girl has an overprotective father. Her dad made her wear this shirt, complete with his face and muscles scaring away any potential dates. 

As you can tell, she clearly is not happy about her new uniform. He, on the other hand, is absolutely ecstatic. One thing is for sure, this girl is not going to have anyone standing up to her father any time soon. 

Just Kidding

Yoga is a popular way to relieve stress and get a workout in, but the best part is definitely the cute and comfortable workout wear. 

However, you can use those clothes just to hang out, drink some wine, and enjoy yourself. The best way to enjoy yourself though is to actually just not wear any pants at all. Ah, nothing like drunk, pantless, bliss. No yoga needed.

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The More You Know

  • February used to be the last month of the year.
  • A cow-bison hybrid is called a "beefalo."
  • The majority of polar bears live in Canada—not in the Arctic.
  • Tic Tacs got their name from the sound they make.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.