These Hilarious T-Shirts Will Make You Do A Double Take

Can You Hear Me Now?

If you want to get attention in a room full of people, this might be the most effective method. 

No one listens until you fart, and then all of a sudden, everyone goes silent. Finally, some time to talk! This funny farting friend now has a tee that tells new people exactly what she's all about. Hopefully, they have a sense of humor and a very poor sense of smell!

One At A Time

Ladies and gentlemen, get in line for this man. You might not be first up, but do not worry. 

According to his T-shirt, there is plenty to go around. As long as everyone keeps their composure and stays cool, calm, and collected, everyone can get a chance to talk to this man. Just take it one at a time, and before you know it, it could be your chance with Prince Charming.


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The More You Know

  • Shakespeare's plays feature the word "love" about 10 times more than the word "hate."
  • A U.S. park ranger named Roy C. Sullivan held the record for being struck by lightning the most times, having been struck — and surviving — seven times between 1942 and 1977.
  • There's an asteroid that's worth $95.8 trillion.
  • The idea that a man should spend two months salary on an engagement ring was popularized by De Beers' ad agency.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.