These Haunting Pet Panoramic Photo Fails Will Split Your Sides

Pets are difficult to capture in-frame even when they're standing perfectly still. If you're really lucky, maybe they'll even look right at the camera. However, don't even think about attempting a panoramic photo of your pet unless you want to see some truly terrifying results. Some of these panorama fails will leave you in tears with just how badly the photographer missed the shot...

What Are You Lookin' At?

This dog's eyes are certainly bigger than its stomach, and they're looking right at you. This guy probably took a single step out of the frame and threw off the entire photo. Either way, he seems pretty proud of his new favorite portrait. 

Remember Scrappy Doo?

This is him now. Feel old? It's unclear what exactly happened with this one, but this pupper is missing half of his body. He looks like he was happily trotting along and wasn't even aware he was getting his picture taken. What a life.

How Many Legs Is Too Many?

This guy looks like something right out of a horror movie. Either that, or he's trying to pull off the "three very small kids hiding under a trench coat" trick. At first glance, this honestly looks pretty realistic and terrifying. 

Please Don't Bother Him, He's Very Busy

This little guy moves with a purpose. I'm sure the actual-sized version of him isn't really that much bigger. The person who took this definitely had to save it to their "favorites" gallery because this is an absolute gem of a mistake. 

Do You Have This Shirt in a Medium?

She looks like she's running right out of the fitting room to complain that this top doesn't adhere to all body types. Maybe she should try a turtleneck? It's a tragic fit, sadly. 

We Found Your Pet Camel?

This cursed panorama turned what looks like a doodle (?) into a little skeleton dog. This is the part of the gallery where things start to unhinge. Where did the rest of this poor dog even go? How did Apple really mess this one up so badly?

Small But Mighty

This dog is definitely meant to be at least four times bigger than the panorama cropped him to be. He looks like a caricature of a bear gone all wrong. At least the camera didn't mess up that cute face enjoying a treat. Then the whole thing would really be scary. 

Who Needs Four Legs?

Not him! This photo is almost perfectly-timed so it looks like the dog's front legs stopped walking and his back legs didn't exactly get the message in time. If you took a quick glance, you might not even question whether something was actually wrong. 

Is There Something On My Face?

No, nothing out of the ordinary with this one. We love all dogs, even if they're a little lopsided. Thankfully his buddy in the background is relatively unaffected. Both sides of his face are equally as cute!

Kangaroo on the Loose

How does the panoraic feature keep splicing out half of a dog's body? Where do the other legs go? It's a good thing dogs don't actualy understand what's happening, or else they'd probably get super insecure. 

So Close, But Still So Far

A regular selfie certainly would have sufficed for this picture, but he had to try and take a panorama and throw off his sweet Golden Retriever buddy's face. He looks super disappointed in what his owner has done, like he looked at the photo again and said, "Really?" 

At Least He's Unbothered

Can't say the same about anyone else, though. This cursed image probably ruined the vacation album that it came from. Pugs typically don't photograph well to begin with, but this? This is tragic.

Wannabe Seagull

They told him he could be anything he wanted, so he took his beach trip to the next level. He really blends in with the other seagulls here. The baby seagulls might even confuse him for their mom if they're not careful.

No, That's Fluffy From "Harry Potter"

Remember Hagrid's three-headed dog? Well, here it is, and it seems to be enjoying a new life outside of the Hogwarts dungeon. This pano-fail is incredibly spot on. There's virtually nothing else wrong with the picture, so surely the photographer tried to fool a lot of people with this one. 

A Whole Herd of Puppies

Okay, whoever took this had to try to mess it up this bad. How many dogs does this person have? There are at most two real dogs in this picture. Maybe this was before iPhones updated their software...

Tiny Elephant Photobomb

This tiny little dachshund seems to have sprouted an elephant trunk mid-photo. The rest of the picture is relatively unaffected, so on a first look, you'd definitely assume there's nothing wrong with it. He's actually kind of cute!

When You Check In On Yourself During the Party

This one's for all the Geminis... The two-faced nature in you really comes out when you have to vibe-check yourself during a party. On the one hand, you're feeling great. On the other hand, your reflection reveals pure chaos. Exhibit A right here.

What Are You Looking At?

You know when little kids ask if they're crossing their eyes, and then attempt to do it and fail completely? That's exactly what this dog looks like. Just tell him he's very very talented and everything will be fine.

Cat Fantastic

This cat face-off looks way more threatening than it actually was. How many panoramas did it take to photoshop this all together? Probably only one, because they typically always make mistakes this drastic. It probably took absolutely no effort. The cats are just minding their own (terrifying) business.

This Is Fine, I Am Fine

The face on that kitten says, "if I pretend nothing happened, maybe I'll be fine." How did this even happen? Poor kitten didn't even stand a chance. Now he has to live without his other legs. Don't worry though, they don't seem to need him either!

Creature From the Black Lagoon

Anyone who saw this emerge from a lake would definitely run the other way. This type of dog looks a little haunting to begin with, but that paired with the off-kilter pano shot just makes him look like a haggard sea monster. Poor guy, so misunderstood.

A Mighty Duck

This isn't the type of duck you want to stop and feed on your walk. It's the type you want to spring away from. Panos like this should inspire you to go out and shoot your own and see how terrifying the results can be. This is straight out of a horror movie.

"You Got Games On Your Phone?"

This is probably close to the discussion those giraffes are having. The almost snake-like neck action going on here is certainly a certified pano-mistake, without a doubt. If little kids at the zoo actually saw this, there would be tears.

Do You Smell Something?

If you need any help on a rescue mission, here's your guy. With a nose like that, he can track down whatever you're looking for in a second. This nearly-flawless pano transformed a sweet dog into more of a... duck? There are levels to this one.

Extra Happy To See You

With three tails, that means he's three times as happy to have you play with him! Finally, a wholesome panorama. If only all the others were this sweet!

Pizza? You're Making Pizza?

You need any help with that? Did you drop something? Anything I can do? This pano turned one sweet dog into probably the most annoying sous chef ever. The guy in the picture didn't come out unscathed, either.

Who's a Good Boy...?

We're not sure what the answer to that is anymore. Is this a dog? A cat? Anyone have a clue? We're all this girl on the right trying to figure out what went wrong with this one. 

You Don't See This Every Day

This picture is deeply unsettling. It's wholesome enough because the elephants are still mildly cute and they're doing that thing where they hold each other's tails, but if you look close enough, there is so much wrong. 

Before and After

The feeling you get when you ask for a treat, and your person says, "no!' The immediate loss in both confidence and energy is palpable in this one. The look in his eyes says, "I have given up...for now."

"Don't Mind Me"

Again, another headless dog with the same kind of "I'm staring right at you" energy. You don't need to see his face to understand that he's waiting for you to throw a toy for him. Though how he'll find it without eyes...

"You Want Me To Bring It Back?"

He looks like you just told him the rules of fetch and he's about to majorly disagree with you on the "bring it back" part. Look at the skepticism in those eyes. He's not doing anything you say.

Regal Cat

If only this were real. This cat would break records and win every show with that tail. It almost looks real enough if you look quick enough. He's on his way, ready to go sit and be beautiful somewhere else. You can't stop him.

Two For One

These dogs have both seen ghosts. Without a doubt, if you suffer from sleep paralysis, you'll have to look these two dead in the eyes. The longer you look, the worse it gets...

Pano Or Just Fat?

It's questionable whether or not this was truly a panoramic mixup, because if you overlook the extra legs, he's just a fat boy. He's cute regardless, but he could also use a diet. As a treat.

A Horse, Of Course

There's nothing wrong with this picture. Absolutely nothing. That's a perfectly normal horse. You could easily fit three people on its back, as is intended. Panoramic fail? Not here!


This looks like a flipbook sketch of what a horse should look like when it goes over a jump. One of the more believeable fails of this collection, because there's just no arguing that this isn't messed up. Somehow, the person ended up untouched.

Copy + Paste Sheep

This looks like a pretty normal scene if you're not looking carefully. This could really just be an actual enormous herd of sheep, or a lame Photoshop attempt. The only giveaway is the stretched out sheep in the front. But it could easily fool someone who doesn't know what to look for!

"My Ears Feel Weird"

Poor guy looks pretty freaked out about what he's got going on with his ears. Those eyes are heartmelting, but also slightly terrified. Who's gonna break the news to him...

Isn't This Cat-Dog?

It's likely that these two dogs were just walking past each other, but they got stuck together when the pano finally built the photo. This is essentially how the plot of "Cat-Dog" was developed. How else would anyone think of something like that?

Don't Shake, Whatever You Do

Someone didn't understand the meaning of "hold still, I'm taking a picture." Sadly, when you shake, the pano goes insane. The result is kind of cool, though, but definitely worthy of a redo.

Delete This Immediately

There has to be a line somewhere, and this might be it. Whoever took this... why ever share it? The entire horse is missing. It's just not there. Who allowed this?

Is This Not What Goats Look Like?

A bad panoramic photo is one thing, but a bad panoramic selfie? Traumatizing. The goat's ear looks more like a mouth, his eyes are all wrong, and the person (of course) looks fine! The unfairness...

How Many Legs Does One Dog Need?

The correct answer is four, but the correct panoramic answer is 6+. Poor guy in the front got stuck with the unflattering angle while the pup in the back is oblivious to the downright slander happening onscreen. It's definitely for the best.

Getting Ahead of Yourself

The horse was moving way too fast for the camera in this one. Half of its legs are off the frame, half aren't attached to a body, and its neck is just all over the place. Some of these feel like optical illusions. 

We're Fine, Everything's Fine

This cat says, "I already know it looks bad. Just do me a favor and don't show me." Everything is pretty much okay except for his squished face. But - is he still not completely adorable?

No Such Thing As "Too Fast"

These buddies are moving and only one fell mercy to the bad panoramic shot. This just looks like he's in an extra hurry to get to where he's going. Hopefully all eight of his legs help him find what he's looking for.


If this dog comes up to you and asks for something, you give it to him. He's here for a treat and he's not leaving until he gets one. That's just the rule.

You Shall Not Pass

You want to get to the door? You have to get through this aggressively long cat first. He won't even dignify you with a look, that's how serious he takes his job. Either that, or the camera was moving incredibly slow to catch this shot. He looks like a big boy either way, with or without the extra length.

So Close

This is an almost perfect pano. So close. It just looks like he's making a turn at a very strange angle. This might be the most successful panoramic shot of the collection, however, which really isn't saying too much.

Come Claim Your Pet Rabbit

The resemblance between this Frenchie and a rabbit is startling, especially with how the ears spliced themselves in this pano. Poor guy looks like he's having a classic case of identity crisis.

The Grass is Always Greener

This guy knows what's good and is leaving his former self behind. This literally looks like a transformative piece, not just an accidental panoramic shot. This is one worth saving for future laughs.

"What Are You Looking At?"

The innocent look on his face is really what makes this one. He's so confused, he has no idea just how messed up this photo is. Whatever he's looking at, it must have been very nice, because this final shot isn't.

"I'm Helpful!"

Hopefully the sad look on his face is just because he's too little to use the scissors, and not because half of his face was cropped out of the picture. Viewers probably couldn't handle two huge eyes, let alone one. It's heartbreaking!

Do NOT Stop Him

If you ever see this cat, do NOT get in his way. He moves with a purpose. He looks mean (and probably is). Even with the horrible pano crop, there's just something in his eyes that says "don't mess with me." Duly noted! 

Going to Target, Anyone Need Anything?

He's on his way. If you needed anything, it's probably too late. Whether or not he can actually drive with only two legs is yet to be determined, but either way, he's on a mission. 

You See This Coming Towards You, What Do You Do?

The lengths this corgi took to make it to shore... get it? He must have been swimming at light speed in order for this photo to work. The camera didn't even have time to process that this was a corgi and not the Loch Ness Monster. He's easily six feet long now!

Seeing Double

It's unlikely that there are actually two dogs in this photo. This looks like an impending Pokemon battle and the dog in the background sent out a slightly more haunted version of itself to fight off an opponent. A stretch, maybe, but does that not look exactly like what's going on here?

He Believes He Can Fly!

The rest of his legs are going, going, gone out of the frame. He left them behind. He doesn't need them where he's going. He looks like he's in mid-flight thanks to this pano-fail.

Something's Missing

Imagine: you're sitting in your living room, watching TV, having a normal time. Suddenly, he appears. He has no head, yet he seems to be looking right at you. What do you do? What happened to him? This pano-fail is hilarious and a little haunting.

Who Is She?

Her markings are stunning, and that pedicure? Flawless, all 18 of her feet. This pano turned out pretty perfectly, so it's better to just assume that's a real dog than to question anything. It's hilarious if nothing else. She has so much personality!

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.