These Heartwarming Stories Might Just Restore Your Faith in Humanity

Family Prevails 

Unfortunately, this is far more common than one would think. Some adults have a difficult time emotionally navigating their relationships with their families, and this pulls people apart from one another. In the end, the people who truly care will make sure they are in your life.

Father’s Words

Sometimes, all you need is a little encouragement from dad. This father custom-designed his son a wallet so wherever he goes, he knows he’s loved. Thank you, dad, and thanks to all the dads out there that got inspired to do the same thing by reading this. 

Calculated Acts of Kindness

This lovely wife wanted to surprise her husband by shoveling the snow off of his car after he got home from a 12-hour overnight shift in the trauma bay at the hospital he works at. Unfortunately for her, her husband hadn’t fallen asleep yet, and he had the brilliant idea to expose her good deed via facebook. 

Grandma vs. Grandpa

Every day since 2001, these two play one game of Mario Kart on their Nintendo 64 to determine who has to make the morning tea. Grandma has been on a winning streak since 2017, but Grandpa just likes to play the game. He likes to make his wife tea too. 

Cindy-Lou, Who?

Every year on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, this nurse dresses up in full holiday attire and delivers special meals and gifts to kids that are stuck in the ICU during the most anticipated holiday of the year. She has been doing this for 10 years in the same hospital she spent two Christmases in a row when she was a child. 

Like Father, Like Daughter

This airline pilot father quit his job at his airline and took a risk by applying for the same airline his two daughters pilot on. He was the top pilot at his former airline, and he took a massive pay cut and had to start as a rookie, just so he could spend time flying with his daughters. 

Through the Fire and the Flames

This dog was left for dead earlier this year when this man’s entire farm burned down in the hills of California. This man was completely gutted, his buddy had been there with him for the past 7 years. One week after the farm burned down, authorities found the man’s dog digging through the rubble that was leftover from the man’s house, presumably searching for his owner. 

You’re Just Like Me

This man with vitiligo hand-makes dolls with missing patches of pigment for children who suffer from the same disorder. This man has been doing this since the 1990s because he remembered feeling like he was so different, and society didn’t have any category of toys that represented someone like him

The World Needs To Know

In her retirement, this woman stands on this same street corner holding this sign, and other iterations of it, to help check passing motorists on their own prejudices. She’s had food thrown at her, food purchased for her, she’s gotten death threats, and she's gotten invitations to family gatherings and community meetings. No matter what, she stands on that corner with her sign, and she has been for the past 8 years. 

Saving Mr. C

Mr. C is the neighborhood sweetheart on this quiet block in Southern California. Everyone on the block knows and loves him, so when a group of neighborhood young adults saw smoke billowing out from his house, they knew they had to act fast. These men got into Mr. C’s house, carried Mr. C out, and put out the fire, all before the fire department arrived. Mr. C was unharmed.

Hard Work Pays Off

This family did a photo shoot in the cherry field that they worked in when they emigrated to America after their daughter was born. Every penny they made went to fund their daughter’s life, they kept virtually nothing. Now, they own that cherry field, and their daughter just graduated from Harvard with a degree in horticulture. 

Checking in 

This dog sanctuary fosters pups that are in line for euthanasia, if they think they’re fit to be adopted. This sanctuary loves when people send them progress photos of how their pups are getting along with their families. This photo, in particular, was extremely moving. 

Win Some, Lose Some

This golden lab’s puppies were killed in a barn fire right after she gave birth to them. For an entire week, all she would do was cry over the ashes of the barn and search for her lost babies. The family turned to Facebook to find her an orphaned litter, and one day later, 8 orphaned puppies showed up at the family's door. 

Look, We’re Twins

This young lady saw another young lady walking through the grocery store wearing the same exact outfit as her. She ran from her family and stopped the other little girl and exclaimed: “look, we’re twins!” Of course, her parents had to snap a picture to post on Facebook. 

Loved by Someone

A homeless man ended up in this hospital with a bad infection from untreated lacerations. Shortly after his admittance, these 4 street dogs showed up and waited patiently outside the door to the entrance of the emergency room lobby. Evidently, this man had been feeding these stray dogs with what little extra food he had. They came by the hospital to wait for him to come out.

A Change of Heart

When this man was younger, he was in a gang, selling hard drugs, and committing armed robberies. This man dropped his illicit lifestyle to start raising orphaned animals out of his house. Initially, he just did this as a passion project, but eventually he was able to turn this into his fulltime job. 

RIP George

George was a fiery Jack Russel terrier that protected two children from trained fighting dogs. He defended these children until help came, but the injuries he sustained while fighting the other dogs unfortunately ended his life. He is forever memorialized in this monument, which was placed at the site of his final fight. 

Sometimes You Just Know

The woman in this photo was having a terrible day. She had been fired from her job, her boyfriend left her, her car broke down, she didn’t know how to make rent for the month, and she didn’t even have enough cash to eat that day. For some reason, this dog came out of nowhere and sat on the bus bench that she was on and put his paw on her hand. 

Once a Year

This couple owns a convenience store in north London. Both of them understand that you can’t always be where you want to be during the holidays, and even though they do not celebrate Christmas, they invite anyone in, no questions asked. The love and kindness they extend are remarkable. 

Someone Has a Little Crush 

When Christmastime came around, this Ontario couple put out their decorations just like they usually do every year. However, this year they made a new friend. This wild fox would come and sleep on their porch in efforts to try and woo the fake, decorative fox that the family puts on their porch every year

Come Get These Hands

The next-door neighbors of these black young adults constantly call the police on them for whatever reason they can find. The fire alarm goes off, they call the cops. They have friends over, they call the cops. They come home late, the neighbors call the cops and accuse them of attempting to break into their apartment. This time, they were hosting a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament in their house, and the cops rolled up only to catch a savage whooping from these guys. 

Please Reach Out

These grandparents thought this text from their granddaughter was so sweet that they decided to frame it and display it in their living room. This just goes to show how important it is to reach out to your relatives. 

This Intersection Right Here

These crossroads in Charlottesville, VA is where Antifa and Neo-Nazi protestors clashed during the “Unite the Right Rally 2.” This young artist was consigned to make a street mural that mirrored the local public’s opinion of the ideal outcome of that rally, even though that was not the case. 

We Don’t Want This Cat, but We Really Do 

This old man protested against his wife bringing this stray cat into their home, but now he can't get enough of her. He even carries the little princess into their bed to sleep with them because she gets so lazy when she’s tired. 

Like Father, Like Sons

For their 24th birthday, this father took his twin sons to a waterpark in upstate New York. This is something that these boys had been planning out for the past year. Never forget, your parents like to have fun too, sometimes you just have to ask.

A Helping Hand

There is a lot to unpack here. Unfortunately, this publicly owned area is no longer wheelchair accessible, which is both illegal and despicable. People like the original poster here are angels to society, thank you for helping out. 

Thank You, Ashton

Ashton Kutcher stopped acting for a period of time to put a significant amount of money and attention into creating a foundation that discovers the source of human trafficking and shuts down rings, as well as provides futures for their victims. It’s good to see a celebrity actually giving back with the money they earned.

A True Miracle 

This woman has diagnosed with stage 3 cancer when she was 7 months pregnant. She had to undergo chemo 4 weeks before her due date to survive, and miraculously, she gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby on the exact day she was due. 

Pump it Up

These nice police officers stopped to help this young man change a tire. He said he had never done it before, so the cops gave him a hand and showed him how to replace his own tire if he ever runs into this problem again.

Good Job Dad

The proof is in the pudding in this photo. This cool dad took all of his holiday time to sit business class on an airplane and chase his daughter all around the globe. No, that is not a bad thing whatsoever. 

In Darkness, There is Light

This police officer pulled this infant out of the car that her father flipped while driving drunk. Her father died instantly upon impact, and she was completely unharmed. This police officer faced her away from her father’s car so she wouldn’t have to see the wreckage. 

Doing Good Deeds

This police officer saved this baby from his drunk driving mother’s car. The baby was covered in vomit and feces when he was saved, so the police officers gave him a bath in the sink at the barracks. 

Taking a Break

These young children had to take a break from playing when the younger of the two started feeling the effects of the chemotherapy he was going through. His big sister followed him to the bathroom to comfort him while he got sick.

Dogs At Work

Where does this dog keep finding these potatoes?? On a serious note, this is a really beautiful relationship. Sometimes all people need is a little laugh when things are bad. Goofy dogs are the best for that. 

Bonding Experience

This father and son gave their two-week premature twin sons (and brothers) skin contact while their mother recovers from her c-section. These babies made a full recovery and were up to average weights in less than a month. 

A Mom and Her Babies

This mother duck used to walk up onto this person’s porch to get some free breakfast. She did this every day for an entire year, and one day she came back to show off her babies. She even let the people who lived there touch them. 

Good Dad Material

If my kid made me a tie that had a bunch of cool Pokémon imagery on it, I wouldn’t wait until his college graduation to wear it. I would have worn it to every special occasion he was involved in for his entire adulthood.

Full of Smiles

People who were formerly at their rock bottom generally have a better appreciation for their new lives than people that had been living a similar lifestyle for a long period of time. This guy earned himself a new life, and he couldn’t be happier. 

Listening In

This couple is listening to their son’s heart. His heart was donated to an organ donorship when he passed away from an opiate overdose at the age of 23. His heart was given to this man when he had critical heart failure. 


Sometimes life just throws you a bone after it’s done you wrong. This is the definition if a success story. 

Happy New Family

This is the first African American couple to adopt white children in the state of Georgia. Obviously, someone had to snap a photo of this momentous experience. 

Keeping Tabs on Grandma

Sometimes people can’t always be around their loved ones when they need to be. Thank goodness that there are good people in the world that will go out of their way, multiple times a day, to make sure that someone they know is safe. 

What You Should Be Doing

Instead of throwing away their excess food, this cafe in Portland makes all of their leftover ingredients into nutrient-packed burritos for local folks who can't afford a hot meal. They do this every single night, and some people stick around to grab one every time because they taste so good. 

Always With You

This daughter never got to meet her mother. She died during childbirth and her daughter was raised by her father. Later in her life, the daughter consigned an artist to combine these photos of her and her mother, obviously, that went very well. 

Looking Out

This young man should be viewed as an example for his peers. It is so important to be able to read the people around you and address common issues without stigmatizing them. Good on this guy.

Going Above and Beyond

Police officers typically conflict their priorities for protecting and serving communities. Being in this position gives people an opportunity to see deeper into the lives of their community, not that this kind of action is expected, but more people in this person’s position should be active in their communities. 

Merry Christmas Everyone

This bus driver saved up all year, and around Christmastime, he asked every student who rides on his bus what they wanted for Christmas. He then bought every single student the gift they wanted. 

She Will Always Remember

People with dementia and Alzheimer's disorders tend to not remember names or other important information about the people around them, but they always remember their relationship with that person. Sometimes, feelings are stronger than details. 

He’s Doing His Best

This woman’s mother made her a cake every year for the past 44 years of her life. When she passed away, her father did his best to make her a cake just the way her mother made it. He’s not a very good baker, but he is a good father. 

Winning the Battle

This Amazonian tribe and their team of volunteer lawyers fought and won a lawsuit to prevent an unnamed (*cough* *cough* BP) oil company from demolishing millions of acres of the most important ecosystem on Earth. 

The Water Man

This man drives 250 miles back and forth to and from the desert with thousands of gallons of water to hydrate an entire reserve of endangered animals during human-caused droughts. Talk about commitment. 

The Curry Champion

This man makes dozens of individual containers of curry for people who cannot afford to eat. He does this every single day, and his funding comes directly out of his pocket.

Looking Out for Youngsters

This old dog just wants to see the young bucks of our generation succeed. My parents never taught me how to tie a tie, but a stranger on a bus on my way to a job interview did. Always look out for your fellow man. 

Dads for Days

There is an inner-city school in Chicago where nearly half of the students do not have structured father figures. Every year there is a “bring your dad to school day.” This year, over 200 men from different walks of life came to support these kids. 

Once in a While

After his wife started to come out of a deep seasonal depression, this husband put bird feed in a heart shape outside of their window. When she woke up, she called him sobbing. 

Come on in

This old lady would wander into this grocery store to read the books that she couldn't afford. One day the manager noticed, and he bought her a comfy seat to read on. Now she comes every day. 

Just Taking a Little Breather

These trash men in Mexico are just talking a little break from their long day of collecting waste. Don’t you wish you could do this with your friends?

This Man is Loved

This entire group of people spent 48 hours sleeping in shifts while making sure that this stranger didn’t jump off of this bridge. They offered him money, counseling, housing, jobs, friendship, but most importantly, they extended their humanity to him. 

People Make Mistakes

Sometimes people end up going down the wrong path, and the road to recovery is much longer than the fall to rock bottom. This person took matters into their own hands, owned their mistakes, and tried to atone for them. 

That’s Just Incredible

This ballerina walked around the south side of Chicago introducing herself to children, and explaining to them that they can do whatever they want to do with their lives. Just because someone is born under a certain socioeconomic status doesn't mean that they can’t pursue their passions

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The More You Know

  • A Nepalese doctor has restored the sight of over 100,000 often poverty-stricken people in the last thirty years across Asia and Africa using a 5 minute procedure and an inexpensive artificial lens.
  • The majority of polar bears live in Canada—not in the Arctic.
  • In 1567, the man said to have the longest beard in the world died after he tripped over his beard running away from a fire.
  • If your kids have gotten creative with their crayons and your walls, there's an easy fix. Simply heat the offending portion of the wall with a hair dryer for a few seconds to soften the crayon's wax and wipe the writing away with a soft cloth

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.