These Inventions Are Changing the Way We Eat and Drink in the Best Way Possible

Whoever’s coming up with these ideas must be a time traveler, because these ideas are from 3019.

The More You Know

The next time you’re poking around for avocados at the store, keep an eye out for one of these bad boys. This trend is getting more and more prevalent, and the color-to-ripeness scale is applicable to other fruits as well, not just the creamy green guys.

Would You Look At That

This microwave comes specially equipped with a barcode scanner to read the exact settings to cook certain dishes! These convenience store microwaves are popular in Japan and Korea and they’re slowly making their way to America.

Mind the Gap

I’m sure most people would think that the “dip” in these Dixy cup lids serves no purpose, but those people would be wrong. This conveniently placed plastic hole is for your nose! When you get down to the bottom of your coffee, this cool invention will cradle your nose and allow you to take the final sip of your favorite beverage.

Just a Little Off the Top

Few Americans know, but in Italy, a lot of the pizzas that you can buy at take-out shops are cut with scissors. This invention is bringing us closer to the ideal method of pizza consumption, personalized pieces, untainted by the hands of the consumer.

For Now and Later

This Korean gum brand includes small pieces of recycled paper with their sticks of gum, so when you’ve finished chewing the gum, you have somewhere to put it. This would solve the ages-old gum-shoe epidemic that plagues every sidewalk in the world.

Bake and Wash

This oven uses the residual heat from cooking to heat the water that gets sprayed on these dishes! This is not a custom made dishwasher-oven combo, you can find these in most appliance stores, and you can order them online!

All the Way Round

This is for those folks who like drinking their beers out of glasses, this circumvents that issue completely! Breweries around the world have been including screw off tops on their beer cans to maximize the surface area of which the consumer can drink. This also aerates the beer, which brings out some of the brighter flavors.

Bowl With a View

This popcorn container was constructed this way so the consumer can add whatever flavored powder they want to the basin and shake it up. Plus, it doubles as a bowl for sharing in the theater, and a cap for when you wanna put your popped corn down for a minute!

Beer is Here

This German alehouse presents an incredibly detailed description of their beers, all the way down to how much is left in each specific keg. This is great for bartenders to keep an eye on the status of the kegs, and it’s even better for the customer so they know which beer is going to be the fastest to pour.

Seeing is Believing

Have you ever wished that you could see exactly how much juice is in a serving? Well, look no further. This cool Sweedish brand is bringing transparency to the beverage industry, literally.

Pick and Snip

Tearing herbs with your fingers pulls out all of their oils, and chopping them with a knife can be rough and it can pull flavor out of your herbs. Using these scissors minimizes the herb’s exposure to blades, and it keeps them fresher, longer.

Taco Kickstand

Using leftover tortillas, some taco shops are frying their chips into these “nose” shapes to act as a barrier between different ingredients on plates. Don’t want beans stuck to your tortilla? We’ve got you covered.

The Important Things

This hotel phone has direct lines for all of these necessities, especially pizza. You can get a steaming hot pie, charged to your room, with the push of a single button. Talk about convenience!

Bottle on Ice

This amusement park in France sells soda encased in ice. Literally, there is coke inside of that giant icicle. IF you didn’t notice the fine details, this ice tube is actually frozen in a mold of a classic coke bottle!

Cracking Open a Cold One

There is nothing better than cracking open a coconut on a hot day, but dealing with the shell deters 99% of people from getting into one. Now, you can crack that coconut open just like you’d crack open a can of ginger ale, with a tab.

Eat and Drink

These edible cups are going to dominate the future. They are made of corn starch and maltodextrin, similar to how you would make a tempura batter. They dry clear, take color on well, and they can even be flavored!

Take a Walk-Through

This revolutionary walk-thru is new to McDonald’s locations in certain cities in southeastern Asia. This particular one is near the night market strip in Taiwan, so when people come through to grab some food from the market on the way home from work, McDonald’s is just as convenient. Although it is uncool to market over the local businesses, this could spur a more positive movement to promote car-free visits to the closest fast-food chain.

At an Angle

This is actually more common than one would think, a lot of restaurants are now stocking these sauce holders with an angular holster to make your life even easier. Now, when you want some of the yummy red stuff, you can just let er’ rip, no shake required.

The Ultimate Solution

Have you ever only needed HALF of an avocado instead of the entire thing? This is your best option for keeping your other half green and fresh. Forget lime juice, just leave the pit in the side that you want to pack up and cover it up with the rubber sleeve. This will insulate the avocado and no air will get in, thus, no oxidization.

Toaster for the People

This toaster is what everyone has been looking for their entire lives. The “lift and look lever” alone makes this toaster a thing of the future. The “frozen” setting and “a bit more” pull this whole thing together.

Bread Booth

The future is here, and it’s crusty. This machine will bake you a fresh baguette for ONE DOLLAR. Have you ever tried to buy a baguette at a fancy bakery or grocery store? They’re like 4-6 bucks. This is a steal.

Not the Best Application

We cannot condone dipping your cereal in milk, we think that’s a genuinely bad idea. But, this dish can be used for so much more than selectively dunking your cereal like a sociopath. Chips and salsa, BOOM, solution right there.

Dip With a View

This is perfect for all foods served in cones. Obviously you can’t sauce finger food, so providing a sauce flap is essential for modern society.

Microwave Down Under

For those who don’t have space for a microwave, you might want to consider wedging it into something a bit more ground level. This beautiful invention can fit your microwave into a cramped kitchen space and provide even more drawers and surfaces to work within a compact area.

Thinking Double Time

The genius owner of this bag of rice seals their special grains with velcro! If you have some velcro laying around, this is a positive application that will keep all your rice nice and insulated.

Omitting for You

Some select restaurants around the southeast of America are omitting ingredient costs if the customer opts not to have them included. This brings the overall cost down but does not promote healthy eating. The duality of man.

Pizza on the Go

This is one of the only functioning pizza vending machines in the world. In 2 minutes and 30 seconds, this machine will dispense a restaurant-quality pie made by robots for a fraction of the cost of a normal pizza.

Freshen Up Here

Complimentary mouthwash in the bathroom of an Italian restaurant? That’s a pretty slick move, considering how much garlic they serve on a daily basis. Keep an eye out for one of these guys in a restroom near you.

No Mess, No Stress

Carrying a pizza is always a hassle, so someone invented a bag to specifically carry pizza with! The sides are cut out so the pizza can sit propped up like it’s in a sling. No more worrying about nasty toppings slipping around everywhere.

Technology Has Gone Too Far

Luxury car brands have just started manufacturing some interesting additions to their cup holder situations. This particular Lexus has a beverage warmer AND cooler. You legitimately cannot beat that.

Keep It Cool

This puts a whole new meaning to the term “ice luge.” This Netherlands bar installed a tube of liquid nitrogen to run through the bottom of this frozen chamber. The nitrogen keeps the water frozen at all times, so the patrons can rest their drinks on a freezing cold surface, keeping them icy cold until the last drop.


There has never seemed to be a solution to the “microwave beeping sound problem” until now. Why haven’t all microwaves adopted a “sound off” button yet?

Perfect for Kids

This is a genius idea. Candy is strategically placed in front of the cash registers at child eye-level so kids would pick up candy in front of the register, which has a higher chance of being purchased. Without those distractions, children have nothing to scream about when they’re waiting in line anymore.


For those who are visually impaired or people who have dyslexia, it’s notoriously difficult to read the text on a milk carton. By circumventing the nonsense and just printing the important info in a bold font, people who don’t have the luxury of perfect eyesight will thank you.

That’s a Bottle

You’re a busy adult, you and your friends are constantly on the go, we all know this. Now, some bottles of wine are available stacked in biodegradable pods. This is a whole bottle of wine, right here.

Taking Out the Trash

This is another example of ethical gum consumption. This package comes with papers and a small container to spit your used gum into, instead of spitting it onto the ground.

Snack While You Shop

Although some grocery stores in Australia became famous for handing out produce to snack on for free, for 25 cents you can enjoy a tasty and nutritious snack to boost your energy while you poke around. Giving out produce has also increased the amount of produce purchased in stores!

Pizza Poke Through

This game store is located next to a pizza place in a strip mall. There are tables set up in the store for friends to play their newly purchased games, and by simply walking over to the intersecting side of the store, you can order a pizza through a pickup window without even having to leave the building!

Golden Delicious

Isn’t this just the coolest method of advertisement for fruit? This mango looks like it’s ready to party right now.

The Breakdown

Receipts that break down the nutritional value of all of your food are the future of consumerism. This is going to help people check themselves making unhealthy decisions.

How Kind

Not many people know this, but if you use scented soap before you eat, the smell of the soap might add some unpleasant attributes to what you’re eating. Waiting until after dinner to use scented soap is the way to go.

Balancing Act

Some cutlery will come with a line etched into a specific place on the neck. This is perfectly normal, it just demonstrates where the center of balance is on the instrument.

Personal S-Trainer

America hasn’t gotten that far with on-the-go meals quite yet, but this Korean cup of noodles comes fit with a strainer to drain your precious noodles without worrying about losing any of the ingredients.

Perfect for Anxious Folks

If you’re like me, sometimes you have a hard time talking to other people. That’s okay! With advances in restaurants like this, people won’t have to worry about dreaded unwanted interactions.

Now That’s What I’m Talkin’ About

Organizing brownies by the cut? That’s absolutely genius! No more rifling through, no more guesswork, AND they’re color-coded to be recognizable by people who are colorblind!

Stop and Refill

These are getting more popular as more people carry water bottles with them everywhere they go. It’s important to stay full, stay hydrated, and keep sippin’.

Put Er’ There

Now, THIS is smart. This is a temporary holding shelf for your coffee so you can safely walk out the door without spilling your hot bean juice. This is a pretty cool gesture.

Farm Fresh at Your Fingertips

This is being implemented in grocery stores all around the world lately. Farmers will rent vending space in one of these machines, which they replenish daily. You can get farm fresh eggs, produce, milk, and meat, right there at your grocery store.

Keep That Wine Fresh

Tossing a disposable, recycled rubber wine capper onto a bottle of red prevents the wine from going bad! No more day two red wine blues.

Cola on the Rocks

This genius restaurant freezes their house-made cola into ice cube molds so it doesn’t get watered down by conventional cubes.

Sauce Pocket FTW

Forget the sauce pocket, even though that’s a great idea. Those fries look so good, where can you get a cone of these bad boys?

Two for One

This bar in New Orleans has handle attachments connected to every cup that lock into one another. Never spill another drink!


Never use another utensil again, with this bad boy, you can eat anything you want wherever you want, provided it doesn’t need to be cut. Plus, you’ll have a toothpick to chew on when you’re finished eating.

ICED Coffee

These cubes are made of coffee! This Portland coffee shop makes coffee cubes for their customers. As the cup sits, more coffee is available for consumption. This helps customers drink their coffee more slowly, AND it’s fun.

For Those Who Don’t Know

Sometimes, all we need is a detailed infographic. This sign was spotted in the Paris airport, and it helps American tourists determine what’s what in a different world of coffee.

Edible Spoons

You can have your spoon and eat it too, now with the Atlanta born “Peesapathy” ice cream spoon. This spoon is made of the same ingredients an ice cream cone is made of!

Self-Delivering Beers

First, we have robot waiters, now we have an electric train bartender? What’s next, horse chefs?

Playful Seating Arrangement

This restaurant in Legoland, Florida uses legos to keep their seating chart updated. Red legos mean that the table is occupied.

Lift and Snack

These Japanese potato chips prevent the consumer from ever needing to bury their hands into this tiny tube. With a simple lift of a stick, you can pull your potatoes straight up into your mouth.

Gross, but Cool

This is a breathable, recycled, reusable, antimicrobial second skin that can cover fruit, Tupperware, glass, meat, pretty much all you would want to cover. This second skin is washable and can never rip.

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The More You Know

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  • The average person living in Sweden eats about 22 pounds of chocolate a year.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.