These People Got Revenge In The Most Extreme Ways Possible

Sometimes, the person you thought was "The One" is actually bad news. Cheaters can make one mistake in one night, or have a long-standing affair for several years. Either way, it's enough to break a heart and send someone off the deep end. These people got revenge on their unfaithful partners in the most insane ways possible...

Couldn't Hack It

There's nothing like an axe to the ex's Audi to send a very clear, very aggressive message to the one who wronged you. That message is: "Hey. I caught you red-handed." It seems that although they could outrun their mistakes, they certainly should not bother to try to out-drive them. The only thing that would make this better would be a surprise parking ticket. 

Attention Please

This sign is a direct message to Steven, who clearly made a serious error in his marriage. This might just be a guess, but Emily seems like she might be upset with his actions and is going to leave Steve. Oh sorry, dirty, sneaky, immoral, unfaithful, and poorly-endowed slimebally Steven. Even worse, now he has to call the bank. There's just no easy solution here. 

Kindhearted Goodbye

This wife found out about Kelsi, and thought she should let her loving husband know that she knows about Kelsi. She even went through the trouble of putting all of his belongs in a fun little scavenger hunt. The little hearts make it seem like this wife is very excited for her husband's game. The "have fun" and "happy hunting!" really seal the deal on this break-up. 

Scott Kelly

This disgruntled girlfriend thought the best way to let her boyfriend, Scott Kelly, know that she knew about his cheating was with an airplane that the whole concert venue would be able to see. Those who saw it knew all about how poorly endowed Scott was, and he was likely very embarrassed. let this be a warning to anyone who thought they could get away with cheating. 

Public Posting

One hundred and seventy one people liked this post, but a few people were definitely unhappy with what was going on in this photograph. Those 58 comments hopefully all disparage the boyfriend who was caught in bed with another woman. Though her caption says "That's nice," there is a fairly high chance that she doesn't like this set-up at all. Pack your bags, buddy...

Yard Sale

This yard sale probably didn't have a lot of promotion going for it, but there was certainly some planning in this ex-husband's cheating. Everything he claimed as his own was for sale in their front yard when this wife discovered his secret life. At least the Superior police (what makes them so superior!) are here to solve the case. Free! Ex-husband sale!

Riding Dirty

This person gets right to the point of why they're mad, definitely don't need to search for the hidden message behind this act of malice. This person didn't just spray their car either, that would have been too easy. Instead, they completely destroyed the windshield and front bumper of this cheater's car. The mechanic fixing this car is definitely going to have their work cut out for them. 

Post-Breakup Post-It 

Things did not go well for this couple who broke up after it was discovered the girlfriend was cheating. As a form of mild-mannered revenge, this angry ex decided to get revenge by placing suggestive post-its all over her car. It must have taken forever to remove every one of them, especially the wind shield ones. This is rough, but much worse would be discovering the infidelity. 

Neighborly Farewell

In order to stop the rumor mill, or maybe start the rumor mill, it's easiest to get out in front of the story and state your case as this person did. They put it right in front of their house, so anyone who didn't believe the stories could come and see it for themselves. At least they had the gratitude to thank their neighbors for all the happy memories before saying goodbye. 

Bucket Seats

This cheater definitely got themselves into a very stinky situation. If you think it's hard to get the dirt out of your car, imagine trying to scrub out an entire bucket of feces, not to mention all the glass from the broken window. This person has certainly got a lot of cleaning ahead of them, and none of it is going to be easy. This is definitely one of the worst ways to learn your lesson. 

Unreal Estate

This house is for sale right now, but be warned, it might be haunted by the ghost of marriage's past. Or even worse, the ghost of marriage's future, which looks a lot like a 22-year-old wedded to your ex-husband. You can probably get a pretty good deal on this house but just proceed with caution. You never know how much of a "steal" this could really be!

Must Go!

This cheating wife got caught, and now, she's getting sold out of her home. Whether this ex is selling her stuff or their actual wife, it's kind of difficult to say for certain, but she's being fought no matter what. She left, and now all her stuff will be gone too. Once everything is gone though, this disgruntled ex can remove the sign from the yard and go back to life as usual. 

Love, Luann & Vivian

Linnie was not up for the task of a faithful husband, so Luann and Vivian decided that it was only fair to get a little public revenge on him. After taking care of Linnie's sick mother for several months, this devoted wife found out that things were actually not what they seemed. He was managing to sleep around with two women at the same time, but couldn't stop this sign from going up. 

Couch Potato

When one partner has tickets to the big game, you better hope they don't discover your cheating habits like this girlfriend clearly did. She was wide-eyed and big smiles when she got to sit in the crowd at this massive football game while her ex-boyfriend sat at home on the couch, wishing he could have been there for the action. Sorry guy, you were after a different kind of touchdown. 

Car Note

Dave clearly made some bad decisions leading up to this car message. Written in white paint on his windshield, the note reads "Dear Dave, tell your girlfriend that your wife and kids say hi. P.S. I cleaner out the bank! You're broke. Love, Nikki, and the kids." While it certainly has a nice tone, something about it suggests that Nikki and kids do not send their love. 


Timeshia Brown did not use passive-aggressive measures when taking out this ad in the local paper. Patrick Brown and Shara Cormier messed up their affair big time, and Timeshia made the decision to take the high road and wish them good luck on their new bundle of joy. Maybe they are really in love and it really will work out, but just not with Timeshia watching. 

Happily Divorced

Some things are worth a big celebration, like graduations, weddings, and big life milestones. For some couples who knew they were better off apart than together, a divorce can be the best reason to celebrate. Decorate your car, shout in the streets, and dance in the rain once you finally leave someone who's not right for you. It can only go up from here on out!

New Dunce Cap

Cheaters never learn, but the people around them certainly can. These cars driving by are all thinking the same thing, "Wow, I'm glad I'm not that guy!" This public punishment is very common among people who cheated on their significant others, but it's still very surprising to see. You never expect it, but you also never expect to be cheated on, so maybe it is very fitting. 

GPS Tracking

Jennifer and Jessica, unfortunately for Michael, know all about his escapades. All it took was a $250 GPS location tracker, an $1,600 Nikon camera with a zooming lens, and a priceless billboard paid with a joint account to help Jennifer leave her husband for good. Paying for this message might cost quite a pretty penny, but at the end of the day, it was worth every dollar. 

Home Sweet Home

One partner came home to their house one day to find this painted sheet hung up outside their front porch, and they knew they had been caught. Even better, the neighbor across the street captured the whole thing with their digital camera. Though they didn't get a chance to actually catch the crime or the traitor on tape, you can only imagine how that evening went over. 

Blocked Back-Up Camera

Clearly, this guy did not know what he was driving around with on the back of his car. Honk if you think this guy should go home to his two children and loving wife instead of driving to his side-chicks house or going out to the bars every night. He might not know this is here for a long time, but once he sees it, everyone else will already know about this guy's terrible qualities. 

Text Ettiquette

Revenge has never been so easy or so cruel. Somewhere in the world, after this festival, this woman received probably an insane amount of explicit images sent to her phone. What did she do? There's no way to know, but it must have been pretty bad if her former boyfriend thought this was an acceptable punishment for her. She's changed her number by now, hopefully!

Worth It

This woman did not get a chance to finish her fine art, but there are many ways to interpret it. I hope she was pretty? I hope she was nice? I hope she was worth it? I hope she was unaware of your wife and kids at home? These are all possibilities, but the world will never truly know. One thing for certain though, someone really messed up and got their car destroyed. 

No Questions Asked

Although "sweetums" might have a cool ride, he no longer has a way to ride around. After this girlfriend caught her boyfriend cheating on her, she knew she had to be clever to get really worthwhile revenge, so she removed all of the tire lug nuts off of a Chevy Blazer. These lug nuts might be free, but getting revenge on an ex-boyfriend is truly priceless...

Wall of Shame

Whatever Mischa did, he clearly pissed off the wrong people. The heart has got to be a joke because these people are definitely not fans of lying, cheating, scumbag Mischa. This was written on a wall in a woman's restroom, which is a way to warn other women away from this red flag of a man. Once his dates go use the bathroom, they leave with a new lease on their relationship. 

Shameful Ride

Clearly, someone was pretty upset when spray painting this cheater's car. Granted, it wasn't very nice to begin with but at least it was still an acceptable car to take out in public. Now though, it won't leave the lot without a lot of shame and stigma attached to it. The worst part is, you can see that a parking ticket is stuck in the windshield wipers. There's no easy way out. 

Tattoo Titles

Jose L. Torres got swindled into a tattoo that highlighted his mistakes on January 2, 2019. It publicly identified him as a liar, cheater, manipulator, and more right there on his chest. He wants to be able to earn back his wife's trust by doing this, but really it might just be more of a constant reminder. Their marriage might have suffered, but certainly so did Jose. 

Bad Boat

Some people take their revenge on cars, but others make their point on the outside of a boat. Though the entire message cannot be read from this image, you can read that this couple was together for twenty years before the affair came to light. Even worse, it was going on for at least a few years. Whatever the full story was, something was making waves in this relationship. 

Cockroach Revenge

This is the grossest possible revenge option yet, and you can see on her face how she feels about the entire thing. If she knew one night of passion would end with a box full of bugs, maybe she would have thought differently. Even worse, she was locked in the car and locked out of his heart forever. No one had a good time with this terrible cheating scandal. 

Vespa Vengence

No matter what vehicle you're driving around, cheaters will always have their choices publicly written on the outside of it. This cheater left their Vespa out when their girlfriend found out about the great betrayal, so she decided a sharpie to the blue paint was the best course of action. It might be hard to get a date when your ride says "lying scum" on the outside. 

Toilet Tattoo

When your girlfriend cheats on you, as a tattoo artist, you wield incredible power. With that power comes incredible responsibility, like not permanently tattooing a piece of bug covered poop on your cheating ex's back. This girlfriend might be able to sue her former beau, but no amount of money can take away what she did to him. Who really betrayed who here?

Spring Cleaning

When this woman found out her boyfriend was cheating on her, she decided to take his clothing and her body to eBay to make some money in the bitter betrayal. She opened up an account titled "myexboyfriendscloset" where she modeled clothes formerly owned by her ex-boyfriend. Hey, might as well make a profit off of the heartbreak while you still can. 

Public Declaration

When heartbreak hits, it can be difficult to open up about it for some people, but not this scorned lover. He wanted revenge on his wife for her cheating, so he decided to do it in the most non-violent way sending out a letter to the neighborhood. While he's at Church, praying for forgiveness for this, he also secretly hopes someone will take down this couple. 

House Hunters Reject

Who wants to move into this house? It's got a lovely mid-century rustic feel, as well as two bathrooms, three bedrooms, and a huge basement. The only real issue you might come across would be the exterior of the building, which yes, is actually covered in angry ex-partner rage phrases. Once you look past that small detail though, this could be the home of your dreams!

Unfaithful Facebook Friends

Sarah learned the lesson many of us learned in middle school...never leave your Facebook account logged in on someone else's computer. She made a second secret account so that she could cheat on her husband, and be with someone she allegedly described as a "short and spotty stalker who she begged to go away." Lesson heard loud and clear...always sign out. 

Cheater On Wheels

While this might look like a standard cheater's car destruction, there is more than meets the eye upon first glance. This upset ex actually scratched these words directly into the paint job on the car. That's definitely going to be difficult to get out, and probably super expensive. Hey, if you can't afford the repercussions of revenge, maybe try not cheating first?

Hiding In Plain Sight

Though you might not be able to tell, this warning note was stuck to the bottom of a toilet seat. When this girl's boyfriend lift's up the cover to go pee, he'll see a secret note that she'd never find (most likely). Hey, bros come first, and this girl is not playing by the rules. "Sorry to tell you like this," he wrote, but at least he made the effort to tell him, and that's a true bromance.  

Lost Dog

If you're looking to adopt a new friend, consider this dog! This cheating psychopath is perfect with other dogs, maybe a little bit too perfect. He does not bite, but he is prone to licking. You might need to restrict him, otherwise, he will break away from his chain. He runs away quite often but will play dumb if found. He is for sale by owner right now, so please inquire!

Out for Revenge

This woman got revenge on her ex in the most disgusting way possible. When he cheated on her, she had the idea to pee in his sweet tea. Sweet tea, if you don't know, is brewed cold and then after being left out in sun, gets it's sweet and sugary flavor. Yeah, it definitely did not taste that sweet when it went down. Later on, she went to his house to get some more vocal revenge. 

Thank You, Dave

Everyone, be sure to thank David for his diligence in ruining this New York man's marriage. He doesn't seem too upset about it, but that might just be the exclamation points and fun graphics, but that wedding photo makes things a little tenser. If you have any interest in thanking David directly to his face, the scorned former husband listed the adulterer's address. 

Take-Out Dinner

Seems like no one enjoyed this relationship very much. These two, Jordan and Tara, underwent a terrible back and forth live on Facebook to all of their friends. Clearly, people sided more with Tara in the break-up, but Jordan retained one sole supporter. Hopefully whatever went down was able to be done behind closed doors, or at least in a private message. 

Late Night

This person did not see this chain of events going this way. They thought being out and about meant they wouldn't get caught, but obviously that was not the case. When they were caught not at work, but rather out for a drink with Mark, it became clear that things were not as they seemed. What an awkward but hilarious meet up by these two soon-to-be exes.

In the Doghouse

The Scooby-Doo hat really makes this punishment so much worse, but what could the other 6 tasks possibly be if this is only the first? His amazing girlfriend is out for public humiliation, and this bubbly balloon sign is not the last of it. He really got himself in the doghouse this time, and although he's smirking, it doesn't seem like he's really having such a great time there. 

Game Over

This wife found out that her gamer husband who she supported both financially and emotionally was cheating on her, so she took care of things very casually. She collected all of his clothing, video games, and minimal furniture and packed them all neatly away so he could move out that night. The only thing she didn't pack was this "GAME OVER" marriage tee shirt. 

Swipe Left

Meghan does not trust her boyfriend and will do whatever it takes to prove his worth of being worthless. Allegedly, he signed up for the dating app less than a week after finding out that his beloved girlfriend revealed that she was pregnant with his child. Alex S is going to be in a lot of trouble when these two finally swipe on each other, even though she says "he's the best!"

Cheater Cheater

This woman just put in a long day's work of exposing her cheating husband to the neighbors, and she doesn't look to be too happy about it. Though there are banners and balloons everywhere, it seems that this woman knows this is not a situation worth celebrating. Revenge is not an easy game to play, and this woman knows that, but she also knows that she's winning. 

Suggestive Suggestions

This person signed onto her and her husband's joint Netflix account and felt like the suggestions were trying to send her a message...her husband was cheating on her! From the Scarlet Letter (a story all about one woman's adulterous behavior) to Bambi (no idea how that one fits in), this selection clearly is trying to tell this woman her hubby's dark secret...

Money Math

This billboard reads like a textbooks math problem. If Jimmy Wilkinson divorces his 4th wife to marry his 5th wife, keeping in mind that the 5th wife is also his ex-wife from his second marriage, how much money does Jimmy Wilkinson owe his sister? The answer: Jimmy owes about $2,500 and a very big apology to his family for making them attend five weddings. 

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Upon first glance, you might not be able to tell what the contents of this package ever are, but know that it's definitely a stinky situation. Yes, that's right, this is a box filled with a plastic container of feces. As this disgruntled ex wrote, "One steaming pile (of poo) from me to you." Clearly, whoever they were mad at did something really rank to deserve this treatment. 

Wedding Dress, Never Worn

Being left at the altar is bad, but being left with the bill is worse. One bride found herself in the midst of a cheating scandal after she had already bought her dress and was well-prepared for her upcoming wedding. "Great condition," she wrote in the description box, "But needs dry cleaning before wearing to get rid of the stench of betrayal." Okay, ouch...

Permanent Mistake

The first rule of should never get matching ones if you know you've been cheating. Breyon found out that her boyfriend wasn't being faithful and thought that the best way to get revenge would be to not get anything at all. Now her cheating ex will always have a reminder of the one he let get away from him. Over 55,000 people liked it too, so she must have done something right. 

Wash It All Away

When this Twitter user discovered her boyfriend was cheating, she knew that throwing his electronics in water would send him over the edge. She didn't just throw in his cell phone either. She tossed in an iPad or three, a few chargers, and even an entire desktop. Though her caption is in Japanese, the message still comes through loud and clear: no more cheating!

Mature Plan

A wise man once said keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but what happens when those two people become the same person? When this woman discovered her best friend had betrayed their trust by sleeping with her boyfriend, she decided to take some disgusting measures to get her revenge. This piss will be hard to miss when it's coming through the AC vent!

Windows Down

Ah, when it comes to cheating scandals, nothing beats classic car destruction. A few sledgehammers to the window, some slashes on the tire, and an illegible scratched message on top of the trunk, and your betrayal car is all set to go. Don't forget to really take your time and make a meal of it, after all, how often do you get to revenge crush an entire vehicle?

Hi Ryan!

Heather and Ryan could have had it all, but sadly, Ryan decided to be a no-good, rotten, dirtbag instead. Heather has every part of his infidelity recorded on video, and even worse for Ryan, it's about to be the number one streaming movie among all his friends and co-workers. His (soon-to-be-ex) wife Heather is not messing around, but Ryan certainly was!

No Receipts on These Receipts

This guy opened up his Christmas present expecting to find a nice sweater or maybe a new video game. Instead, he found printed records of his months of cheating. His girlfriend had found his secret private messages with another woman, and they definitely were not G-rated. Sorry pal, you cannot return this gift, you can only try to get credit, but good luck with that. 

What a Steal

In today's economy, you have to know when you find a good bargain. For example, hitting a car twice with a sledgehammer, paying only a dollar is a pretty remarkable deal. You get to choose if you'd want to take your anger out with an ax to the hood or a hammer to the engine. For an extra $20, the disgruntled ex will invite you to spit right in their ex's face!

Ride of Shame

"I hope she was worth it!" reads this cheater wagon. Someone was caught in the act of cheating and now, their car is facing the repercussions. Thankfully, this scorned lover knew the value of a nice car though and decided not to bash in any windows or slash any tires. Instead, public shaming and an expensive paint job will do the trick just fine. As long as people know!

A Player's Playstation

Loosely translated, this woman found out that her boyfriend of several years was cheating on her with not one but two different women. She decided to take revenge by dunking her now ex-boyfriend's Playstation gaming system in a sink full of water. If this guy wanted to play games so badly, he should not have played games with these unaware women's feelings. 

Everyone Wave

In Section 129, Row 31, Seats 7 and 8, one man just felt his heart drop reading this sign. This woman discovered her husband of many years had been sleeping with another woman and even taking her on dates to games. This "homewrecker" as she puts it is sitting beside the cheater watching this all unfold on the big jumbo screen over the field. Everyone wave!

No Escape

Just in case this ex thought that their car had been covered in plastic wrap as a bizarre prank, the partner made sure to encase photographic evidence of the cheating within the wrapping as well. Someone else in the apartment building happened to catch this hilarious revenge before the cheater did, and decided to snap a quick photo for proof. Watch what happens to that picture!

Pack Up

Heidi took on a lot of different names and faces for this cheater. She was either Jared, Michael, or Derek at a moment's notice, but this was the only notice this man got of his eviction. They don't really sell "get out of our house you cheater" cards though, so this angry woman had to compromise and innovate a normal greeting card. It was not packed with good thoughts. 

Publicly Punished

When men cheat on their girlfriends of several years, those girlfriends want revenge on the men for wasting their time. Public humiliation, for some, is the perfect punishment and foolproof solution. This guy does not look too pleased with how everything went down, but maybe that's just because he got stuck with a neon orange sign. No hiding from that bright color!

New Paint Job

This cheater's car needed a little bit of a paint job, so with a bucket of paint and a heart filled with rage, this person gave them what they wanted. Nothing like a little red and black tie-dye look to really spark some conversation. That conversation probably went like "Why did you destroy my car interior?" "Well, why did you cheat on me?" Both solid questions...

No Love, Lisa

Paul, you really messed up. Lisa found out all about your cheating and you don't have time to explain. By the time you have read the billboard, Lisa will have already been packed up and moved out of your house. The best part of this is that all of Paul's coworkers will probably be able to figure out it was him since this is on the highway near his office. Gotcha, Paul!

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The More You Know

  • Walt Jr. never encountered Jessie in all 62 episodes of Breaking Bad.
  • In one month, the average person consumes about a Lego brick’s worth of microplastic.
  • You can hear a blue whale's heartbeat from more than 2 miles away.
  • An oyster's sex is fluid.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.