These Cheaters Got Exactly What They Deserved

Maybe you just got out of a bad marriage. Maybe you caught that person cheating. Maybe you want to get back to that person in a way that they would never forget. Follow these guidelines if you want to make a lasting impact, just don't say we told you to do it...

Pick-ed a Winner

This message resounds loud and clear. If you're going to own an expensive car and act like a jerk, you might want to hide that car from the person that you betrayed. Don't say we didn't warn you. 

Going All Out

Steve, you should have done the right thing. If you don't want to be with someone, especially someone this intelligent and ruthless, you should have just been honest from the get-go. Now you have to call your bank to try to get this figured out. 

A Scavenger Hunt

This lady seems like she's a lot of fun. Clearly she's not intimidated by Kelsi, or she wouldn't have gone to these lengths to get you the heck out of her life. We hope you lost all of your belongings, jerk. 

Tell It How It is

So the story behind this is: Scott Kelly's girlfriend found out he was cheating on her. Instead of folding and breaking up with him, she wanted to humiliate him in front of thousands of people. We think that was a good idea. 

Show Off

What an absolute disgrace. If this guy has the nerve to be in bed with someone else, he deserves to be broadcasted all over the internet. Make better decisions, and you won't get publically humiliated. 

Free Ex-Husband

We did a little deep dive into this story. As it turns out, this cop is the ex-husband in question. When he went to work, he would actually go to his mistress's house. A classic tale, but a tragic one indeed. 

Now We're Learning

If you thought the outside of this car was trashed, you should have seen the inside. However, this wild act of malice is definitely going to point right at the person who committed the crime. Whether they can be persecuted is another thing. 

Cheating Gets You Nowhere

This is the sad story of a couple that split up because the boyfriend found out that his girlfriend was cheating on him with another dude. She walked out of work one night to find these post-its stuck to her car. Most of these notes have little messages on them that we cannot zoom in on for the sake of the children reading our articles. 

Freaking Out the Neighborhood

This poor couple had to change their lives completely after the husband decided to make one of the biggest mistakes of his life. Don't worry, this probably wasn't the last time he was reprimanded for his poor decisions. We're sure the neighbors weren't too thrilled about this either. 

That's a Lot to Clean

As much as we wish we could tell you that this is something else, someone got a bucket of poop thrown through their car window. Can you imagine having to deal with this on your own in the rain? We have no idea what this person's process was, but we're hoping that they just got their car towed. 

Good Riddance

Even though this person went through a terrible experience. this is an opportunity to start fresh. Screw your old husband, get out there and cut loose. You're better without him anyways. 

Getting Your Money's Worth

Cheaters need not venture further. Let's hope that this lady had some expensive stuff to get rid of. If you can't salvage your relationship, at least you can make a couple of bucks off of your breakup. 

Wow, Just Wow. 

Linnie sounds like a real loser. If you were his mother, we bet you would abandon him and adopt his ex-wife instead. At least she cares enough to take care of you when you get sick. 

We Hope He Sees This

Being left out is never fun. But, when you cheat on your significant other, you deserve to be left out of everything. Especially the things you enjoy the most. 

Don't Hold Back

Based on the outfit decision of the person in the reflection (assuming that this is Dave), this man has a lot to tend to in his life. It's a miracle that he had a wife AND a girlfriend. Most people wouldn't touch those relaxed fit jeans with a 10-foot pole. 


Yikes, this is the worst-case scenario for any cheater. Not only are you deceiving the people that are supposed to trust you the most, but you're also creating an entirely new life for yourself. We hope that Patrick never felt the same after this went down.  


To tell you the truth, getting divorced might be the best thing that can happen to you in life. A wise man once said: "you learn more from what you've done wrong than from what you've done right." Strictly speaking, getting a divorce can be "righting a wrong," if you catch our drift. 

What a Moron

If this guy has man brain (which, judging by his outfit choice, we assume that he does), he probably thinks that this is the end of the road for his stupidity. He most likely thinks that he's in the clear if he performs this humiliating task. Well, buddy, we can assure you that you're not in the clear. You're probably going to get broken up with as soon as you step away from this intersection. 

Get Wrecked

If Michael had any idea what he was getting into, he probably wouldn't have cheated. But, he had to learn the hard way that he was married to a spy. The keywords here are "WAS" and" married."

Doesn't Seem Too Welcoming

Storytime. This lying husband claimed that he was working late the night before, and he came home right while the sun was coming up. His wife was no dummy. Behind this curtain is every single expensive thing he had in the house that she completely soaked by the hose. This moron got what he deserved.

We Hope He Never Noticed

Man, we wouldn't be surprised if this guy was still driving around with this sign on the back of his car. Take a little lesson from the pros, don't cheat on your wife, don't desert your family. You'll be a much happier person overall if you just act like an adult. 

Keep it Clean

Although we do not condone any unwanted sexual harassment, we are merely just journalists reporting on things that we find. If you decide to text this number, you might find that it's actually disconnected. We bet you can figure out why. 

She Doesn't Care at All

Typically, good vandals conceal their identities. This photo probably incriminated this woman when it was shown in court, but that doesn't mean that the dude she did it to "won." Nobody wins when someone is unfaithful, its not worth it. 

Violating Some Traffic Laws

Again, we can't believe that we have to say this, but we do not condone any violent behavior. However, it's unlikely that this person made it very far on wheels with nothing holding them on. For both of their sakes, we hope that nobody got hurt, but the Chevy Blazer got mangled. 

Now That's What We Call: Comedy

We don't know Mischa, we don't know what they did, but we do know one thing for sure: They're a cheating, lying scumbag. The next time you decide to cheat and lie, make sure you don't do it to someone who will publically retaliate. Actually, just don't do it at all. 


Maybe this was the incentive that this person needed to finally trade in their clunker. Although, we don't know anyone who would take this rust bucket off of their hands. Maybe they can sell it to a collector who strictly buys cars from losers. 

What An Absolute Idiot

You know she's not going to take you back after this, right? Seriously, if you were this moron's ex-lover, would you continue to trust him after all of these terrible things? You're better off forcing him to get this tattoo and then dumping his ass right then and there. 

Big Waste of Money

Boats are some of the most universally hated things by wives around the world. The only thing that is less tolerable than a boat is a cheater. Here, we have a combination of the two. 

Buggin' Out

She's lucky that he didn't give her something worse. We're extremely thankful that this dude got this insanity on tape. She deserves to be publically humiliated for cheating, everyone does. 

Wow, Owning a Vespa Wasn't Embarrassing Enough

The fact that any self-respecting person got into a relationship with someone who owned a Vespa is beyond us. Maybe this will serve as advice for the future generation of cheaters. Don't be unfaithful, and don't buy a European motor scooter. 

That's What You Deserve

If you had any sense in your head, you probably wouldn't have cheated on your tattoo artist boyfriend before he tattooed you. People aren't stupid, but some are definitely stupider than others. This lady is the cream of the stupid crop. 

Making the Best of a Bad Situation

When this lady found out that her idiot boyfriend was cheating on her, she changed the locks to her apartment and started an eBay account. Her username was "myexboyfriendscloset," and she sold all of his expensive clothes online over the course of one month. He never came back home, and she was better off without him. 

Expose Him

Although we are huge proponents for "minding your own business" here at Inside Mystery, we can't blame this guy for going out of his way to expose this dude. Although, he should be focusing his energy into divorcing his wife, ruining the other dude's life isn't a bad tradeoff. Cheaters never win.

That's a Bit Extreme

We will never understand when people protect their cheating significant others and focus on the people that they're cheating with. But, we're sure that the dude behind this got his just desserts too. Moral of the story, don't cheat.

Bring Her Friends Into It

It's pretty crazy that this dude was able to get into his wife's deleted Facebook account, but smart people always find a way in. We couldn't be happier for this dude for getting his wife out of his life. If she wants to be a different person, she should do it elsewhere.

Going Mobile

If you can't afford to get your paint replaced, you probably shouldn't have cheated. It's unbelievable that people think that they will get out of these kinds of situations by just apologizing. Your behavior is forever buddy, that's going to follow you for the rest of your life. 

People Helping Eachother Out

This secret note was placed int the one location that a woman would never look, on the underside of the bottom toilet seat. This is a pretty harsh way to break the news, but it's also probably the most effective. We commend this dude for being open about his mistake, even if he didn't know he was doing anything wrong. 

That's Pretty Serious

This is an extremely creative way to expose someone who's done you wrong. This person pulled no punches when they created this poster. We wouldn't have it any other way. 

Pee in the Tea

So, this lady found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her. So, as retaliation, she peed in the batched iced tea that she made him and his friends for his apartment. This isn't the sanest or most sanitary way to send a message to someone, but it's definitely effective. 

Dave, You Messed Up

There are a lot of bad Daves out in the world, but this Dave might just be the most despicable. Hey man, the next time you decide to knowingly ruin someone else's marriage, make sure they don't work as a printmaker. These signs were plastered all around Dave's neighborhood. How embarrassing. 

Dinner is Served

Revenge is a dish best served cold, but if you got a pizza within 20 seconds of ordering it, your revenge might be served hot. This dude's Facebook comment was immature and deserved the retaliation that it got. It seems like this lady was lucky to get out of her relationship with this man-child. 

No Second Chances

When you make up stories like this, it's hard to believe that you got a second chance in the first place. Do yourself a favor and grow up. If you don't want to be in a relationship, just end it and have your fun. Don't lie at another person's expense. 

Part of a Losing Formula

If public humiliation was step one of this six-step process, we don't want to see what the other ones looked like. By the way, why would you want to get back together with this dude even after he completed these tasks? It doesn't sound like he was worth your time to begin with. 

Raising Red Flags

If your boyfriend owns a shirt that looks like this one, run as far away as you can. Evidently, this lazy moron was cheating on his girlfriend. She packed up all of his things and set him free, these were the only items that she chose to display for him when he got home.

Avoid at All Costs

This person's boyfriend is a selfish prick. Deceiving your pregnant girlfriend is probably the lowest thing a human being can do. Get off of dating sites and get into your therapist's office.

Cheaters Never Win

This lady found out that her husband was cheating. When she confronted him about it, he deflected and lied. She set these signs up for him to come home from his girlfriend's house and see. Needless to say, they're not together anymore. 

A Little Perspective

When you share a Netflix account with someone, you get to learn a lot about their personality based on what they're watching. Here, you can see that this person was most likely cheating. Bambi doesn't fit in, but it seems like that movie might be the outlier. 

That's a Mouthful

Jimmy Wilkinson got himself into some hot water with this one. Someone who is spread that thin romantically probably should be taking a step back from marrying people and focusing on his own mental health. But, that's not how adulterers think, is it?

Message Received

This is NOT takeout. This is a literal box full of human excrement. We hope that this one reached its primary target because this message is pretty extreme. 

One-Line Story

If you find a "never worn wedding dress" being sold online, you can pretty much infer that something terrible went down. Keep your eye out for posts like this online. Sometimes these posts are cries for help, and reaching out to a stranger might mean more than you could ever imagine. 

The Trickiest Trickster

Well, depending on the tattoo, this might have been beneficial for this dude. However, if the tattoo was something corny and relationship related, this dude is going to feel the sting from his actions for the rest of his life. Don't get matching tattoos with your significant other, it's a bad idea. 

Just Cleaning His Things

It's best to avoid behavior like this because you can get taken to court for destroying someone else's property. But, if you've ever been cheated on, you might understand where this person is coming from. Don't destroy your ex's things, destroy their life, that's perfectly legal. 

Revenge Can Be Simple

This is pretty gross, we don't recommend that anyone tries to replicate these actions. But, we do have to commend this person on their creativity. This is like, the perfect situation because she likely will have no idea where the smell is coming from. 

New Convertible

Look on the bright side, now you don't have to pay a premium for a new convertible car. Well, you might have to spend a convertible's worth of money to get your other car fixed. But, if you didn't cheat, you wouldn't have to deal with this. 

Good Job Heather

This new wave of people renting billboards to expose their ex-lovers is pretty cool. This might be one of the most effective ways to expose someone who has done you wrong, especially if you live in a tight-knit community. Ryan probably got what he deserved, and then some. 

Happy Birthday!

No cheating bastard deserves a gift from the person that they hurt the most. This was hopefully an eye-opening experience for the loser who decided that a quickie was more important than his integrity. Whatever dude, there's a special place in hell for you. 

Don't Mess With Her

We hope that this lady made enough money off of this fundraiser to pay for her legal fees after her ex-boyfriend sued her for property damage. Although, we can only assume that the courts swayed in her favor. Cheaters deserve to get their cars destroyed. 

If You've Got It, Flaunt It

No, she probably wasn't worth it. It's unbelievable that some people are capable of separating their actions from the consequences. This dude even had the nerve to drive the cheater-mobile out in public. What a scumbag. 

Giving It a Good Wash

Sometimes the inside of gaming consoles get dirty. This lady just wanted to show her cheating boyfriend how much she cared about him by cleaning out the inside of his PlayStation. Oh, and she kicked him out of the house afterward. 

Fan-Cam Exposure

This lady used to go to football games with her husband all the time, but as soon as she found out that he was cheating, she started going on her own to try and spot him with his new girlfriend. Today was the day that she decided to pull the trigger and publically humiliate him. She's probably reading his rage-fueled texts from when she exposed him on the big screen. 

You Can't Escape your Actions

Every single one of these pictures is the same scene that this dude's ex-wife found on his computer. She filed for divorce, contacted his job about his cheating, and then did this. Don't worry, he got thoroughly dragged in court. 

You Need to Leave

Multi-offense cheaters are the absolute worst. This woman was living a completely different life behind her husband's back. She got out of their relationship and begged him to take her back, but he stood firm and refused to listen to her. 

You Deserve the Humiliation

People like this make us sick. There shouldn't be a series of punishments to try and work through a major relationship issue. This dude deserved to be kicked out into the street, but for some reason, he got a second chance. We guess that this dude's girlfriend is much more forgiving than we are. 

The Factory Special

There's nothing like catching your (ex)husband outside of Home Depot with another woman. All you have to do is go inside, purchase a bucket of paint, and toss it all into his convertible. We are not saying that you should do this, we're just making sure you know that it's possible. 

Hit the Road Paul

Good for you Lisa. The best way to deal with a cheating partner is to leave them without any defenses or an opportunity to manipulate their way back into a relationship. We respect you Lisa, and we bet you're much better off than when you were still with Paul. 

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