These Snapchats Are Too Good Not To Screenshot

This Would Turn Heads

If you didn't look twice, you'd assume this van was driving the wrong way on the highway. This is probably... illegal. It would definitely make any driver pay closer attention to the road.

When You're Just That Comfortable

This looks like one of those perpetually terrifying CPR dummies that they have in hospitals and health centers. The permanently surprised face makes it look like it's impressed by everything. You can't beat comfort like this, apparently. 


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The More You Know

  • Mike Tyson once offered a zoo attendant $10,000 to let him fight a gorilla.
  • March 20th is known as Snowman Burning Day.
  • You are always looking at your nose; your brain just chooses to ignore it.
  • Eye of newt, toe of frog, and wool of bat are just archaic terms for mustard seed, buttercup, and holly leaves.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.