These Wedding Day Fails are Guaranteed To Make a Bride Cry

If your wedding day goes off without a hitch, consider yourself lucky. For these couples, anything that could have gone wrong did. You won't believe the lengths some of these people went to prevent an outright disaster...

Gone Fishing

Hopefully, this picture was taken after the ceremony. Whoever thought taking group photos on a clearly tiny dock was a good idea had it all wrong. The bride should be reasonably distressed that her gown is absolutely ruined. 

No Crowd Surfing

If you're going to crowd-surf your group photo, you should probably make sure the group is ready. You should probably also make sure they're strong enough to hold your weight. Unfortunately, this guy was prepared for neither. 

Is He Good?

An iconically awkward photo will probably be the most memorable part of this wedding. Look at how vaguely concerned everyone looks for this photographer's safety. One question: is he okay?

Don't Upstage the Bride

If this isn't embarrassing (and rude), nothing is. This mother-in-law had the audacity to wear her wedding dress to her son's wedding. Either she really hates the bride, or she needed a little extra attention. 

Say Cheese?

If you ever attended a wedding as a kid, you probably don't remember it because you were bored out of your mind. For these kids, they had the unbearable task of being in the wedding. No wonder only two of the nine are smiling. What a drag.

Money Saver

Do these people... own the porta-potty? Or are they just really proud that they saved some cash on their reception? Either way, everything about this picture is wrong.

Party Time

This photo lowkey looks staged, but also who doesn't love the bridesmaid who likes to turn up early? Either way, she made a serious party foul, and that stain is never coming out. Probably shouldn't have skipped the glass, Karen.

One Of Us Has To Change

What is it with mothers-in-law who can't respect the fact that only the bride gets to wear a wedding dress on her wedding day? Do they all hate their daughters-in-law? Don't they realize how ridiculous they look?

Don't Turn Around

Don't worry, this is an easy crop-out. Luckily, the couple didn't get hurt. The same can't exactly be said for the groomsmen. Why was he in such a hurry, anyway?

Eat It

Yep, that looks about right. If you're gonna drive recklessly you'd better be ready for the consequences. Thankfully, no one looks like they were seriously injured. 

Love On The Dance Floor

Everyone has wedding guests like these. People who go this hard on the dance floor shouldn't be allowed at the reception. Save everyone the embarrassment and sit this one out.

Fit Check

If you know you have a big day ahead of you, especially one where many people will be looking at you, make sure you wear the right underwear. These women probably died of embarrassment when they got these photos back. Comfort over style, ladies.

Picking the Wrong Fight

Even though the bouquet catch is a big deal for women who are of marrying age, what's the harm in a 10-year-old having some fun? Clearly, a lot. Then again, no self-respecting adult should seriously pick a fight with a kid.

Leave the Kids at Home

Again, further proof that your three-year-old doesn't need to be in the wedding party. Would you rather spend five minutes posing for photos or an hour trying to get the kid to sit still and smile? The answer is pretty clear.

At Least He Was Outside

At least a kid probably wouldn't have done this, so choose your fighter. This sweet bridal puppy had to go, though. The photo is classically comedic and the couple will definitely look back on the moment and laugh. 

Wedding Crasher

No, not the Owen Wilson-type wedding crasher. A disgusting squirrel-type wedding crasher. This photo had all the potential to be cool and artsy until this little guy literally hopped in. 

Fashion Emergency

What's the rationale behind this picture? This kid doesn't look too pleased to be looking up his aunt's skirt. It's a pretty weird and definitely not "niche" wedding photo idea. 

Can Someone Explain?

Did the groom run away and accidentally snag the bride's dress in the process? Is this the groom? Is this the wedding?

Out Like a Light

Just so we're all on the same page: this couple tied their one-month-old daughter to the bride's train so she could walk down the aisle with them. Is this completely unheard of? Is this legal?

Hope Those Dresses Are Strapless

Everyone loves a classy strapless dress. Unless you're sitting behind a group of women who look like they showed up to their best friend's wedding naked. They probably should have thought this through a little better.

Watch Where You Walk

This father was so eager to give his daughter away that he accidentally tore out her veil in the process. If only he'd contained his excitement and watched his steps. He probably tore out a bunch of her hair, too. 

Body Paint For a Wedding?

If you're asking yourself, "are these people naked?" The answer is yes. This three-way wedding decided to paint on their clothes, and whoever greenlit the photoshoot should be fired. 

She Doesn't Like to Share

This is the face of a bride who doesn't want the party to end. She just accomplished months of wedding planning, let her celebrate! She's shooting daggers at whoever wants to take her drink. 

Tiki Matrimony 

This is definitely a spin on a classic beach wedding. Looks like this was a last-minute affair too. And the jean shorts? The icing on the cake. 

An Edible Disaster

From the front, this cake is of Jabba the Hut from Star Wars. From the back... it's certainly not. This George Lucas superfan couple probably should have thought through all of their cake options when deliberating. 

Party Foul 

Actually, this looks like it was intentional. Whatever this guy was thinking, he probably just shouldn't have. Now, this poor bride's dress is covered in beer. 

Caught In The Act

Wouldn't you be absolutely humiliated if your new husband felt up some other woman during the ceremony? If he was cheating, he could have at least waited 'til the reception. Either way, he sucks. 

An Actual Nudist Wedding

For this couple, they felt the need to literally bare it all while professing their love for each other. And why not, right? Wedding dresses are grossly expensive anyways. 

When Planking Was a Thing

Planking was one of the biggest trends of the 2010s, and it's likely this photo was taken during its peak. The groom is also wearing Sperry's, can we acknowledge that? He probably thought this image would be hilarious in ten years, and it's not!

Medical Emergency

The maid of honor literally fainted during the ceremony. And no one is concerned about her! Someone should definitely check on her... after the vows. 

She Lost a Bet

Unfortunately for this bride, her groom wanted to wear a full suit of armor. As a compromise, she said he could only wear the arms. Marriage is all about sacrifices, right?

One, Two, Three...

Is he in the wedding party? Or is he just an annoying dude who thought photobombing someone's vows was a classy move? Either way, this couple is going to look back on this image and cringe. 

Watch the Face!

If you're going to take a jumping photo, at least space yourselves out. This woman 100% ended up with a black eye. Also, did the dude rip his pants?

A Ceremony With Style

The perk of the spray paint is that everyone in the crowd can tell who everyone is. But the point of attending a wedding is that you're probably at least related to one of the people getting married.

This Is Fine

Most of the typical wedding traditions aren't practiced anymore because they're so dated. However, if you're going to do it, might as well put your own spin on it. This guy's removing the garter with the help of... a lamp?

Too Much Dip

If only he'd stopped a second earlier, then neither of them would have fallen. It's a classic image and one that they'll definitely laugh about later. Thankfully he didn't injure her in the process.

Ease Up on the Cake

This couple took the cake smash way too seriously. If you both end up with a bloody nose, you've taken it too far. At least it looks like neither of them broke anything. 

All About Me

When a bride says it's her day, she means it. Look at this cake! It's nearly a perfect replica of the bride. 

There's a Bathroom Inside

Looks like this sweet candid moment has been ruined by a guest taking advantage of the bushes to use as a restroom. Um, bud? There are bathrooms inside. 

Explain This?

In the circus and entertainment industries, weddings like this are actually pretty common. Suspension ceremonies are really a thing, and if you're an acrobat, why wouldn't you take advantage of your skills? Their outfits and hair are another story.

Classic Elvis Wedding

If you choose to get married in Vegas then this will likely be your wedding, too. For whatever reason, people love to have Elvis officiate their ceremony. And yes, that's really him...

Garter Fail

Face it, nobody really wants to see the garter tradition anymore. Everyone is always uncomfortable and it usually takes far too long to finish. Look at that woman in the back - she's just expressing what everyone else wishes they could say. 

That's What Friends are For

It's a classic scene. There's always that special bridesmaid who's in charge of helping the bride pee. After all, wedding dresses are nearly impossible to get into or out of alone. 

Catch a Wave

The before image was probably awesome, but the after? A mess. Hopefully, this wasn't taken on their wedding day because both of them need to completely change. 

What Kind of Theme Is This?

Girl, no. A crown? A dress that looks like a birthday cake? And the guy? What are we looking at here. One thing's for sure, that's a whole LOT of orange.

An Even Worse Party Foul

In the moment this was probably a hilarious accident for everyone to witness, well except for the bride and the groom. Wedding cakes are extremely expensive. 

Stole the Show

That handsome llama deserves his own photoshoot. The blur was definitely intentional. That couple will forgive the photographer for the adorable mistake. 

When's This Thing Over?

Same thought, kid. To be fair, both of the boys look miserable, but one is just saying what they're both thinking. I'm sure they wouldn't have minded if they could just stay home.

Where Are Her Legs?

The bride either tucked her legs in too far, or the photographer thought it would be funny to just photoshop them out. Either way, a hilarious effect. She looks like she's three feet tall.

Adjust Your Angle

The photographer just wanted a cool picture of the couple under the umbrella, but they should have considered a few other factors. The pears are at exactly the wrong place and now this photo looks like a meme. 

Now's Not the Time

If you don't want your dogs to steal the moment, maybe don't let them hang around your wedding pictures. Or another thought, don't bring them to your wedding at all. Both options work here. 

Hey Kid, Help Me Out!

People who force their dogs and kids to be at their wedding need to check themselves. Look at how miserable they both are. The dog has to be dragged down the aisle in an uncomfortable suit. Poor thing.

It's a Little Deep

Everyone else seems calm, cool, and collected chilling for this beachside photo shoot. Except one groomsman misstepped and fell into what looks like a hole. Now he's gonna be soaked for the ceremony.

Territorial Fur Baby

The groom better behave himself because this bride has one territorial little guard dog. However, it looks like her dress is facing most of the damage from his heroic move. He's also super cute. 

There Goes the Party

Another classic example of why you should never stage a group photo on an unsteady dock. Yes, the water is a beautiful backdrop. But is it worth all this? There is a weight limit on those things.

Someone Get a Ladder

The groom probably wasn't expecting to catch this much air when they started throwing him around. What dance is this? And is he going to be okay? 

So Who's Paying for This?

The cake always seems to get the least amount of love at the wedding. Smashed in faces, or even accidentally toppled over. Why do people pay so much or these things anyways?

He'll Be Embarrassed Later 

This photo will fuel fights for decades to come. How could he fall asleep at their wedding reception? Unless he was blackout drunk, I don't want to hear it. 

So When Is The Divorce?

This bride is in for a shock when she gets these photos back. How rude of him to blatantly stare at another woman on their wedding day. This marriage is doomed from the start.

Better Out Than In

Honestly, props to the kid for missing the woman's dress. If she'd moved a few feet, she wouldn't be laughing. Thankfully the little girl is getting their attention to take care of the situation.

(Firing?) Squad Goals

A lot of things aren't working in this picture, but the biggest red flag is for sure the guns. They all have their own long-gun. Who allowed this?

Interesting Choice For the "Silly" Picture

When you can't get doves, get the next best thing, right? I guess. The shot is weird all on its own, but it's not cool to yuck someone else's yum. 

Get a Room

This bride is counting the seconds until they can get home. She's got quite a reach there, too. Everyone else seems pleasantly oblivious to it. 

Not the Photographer

No, that's not the professional photographer they hired. That's a family member who had to cut the aisle and take a cellphone pic of his own during the vows. Dude, sit down.

Can We Go Now?

When clingy kids want their mom, they want her now. This kid didn't care that she was getting married, he needed a nap. Looks like he got it. 

Can You Go Away?

The classic, "maybe the ring bearer will end up with the flower girl" situation. Heck no. He looks pretty disgusted when really it should be the other way around. 

Do You See Him Too?

Does anyone else think this is the creepiest thing ever? Was Waldo supposed to be there? Do they know he's there?

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