This Lifeguard Saved a Woman's Life, Only to Be Sued For the Heroic Act

Dream Job

"Hobviously" was just his online persona, but the user's real name was Stephen. Stephen spent all of his summers at the beach and his school years in the pool. He was physically ready to become a lifeguard, but mentally? He was very nervous about the transition. Still. he exceeded in the tryouts and soon found himself on the high platform overlooking the beach where he worked...

California Dreaming

The California born swimmer had passed all the necessary training to get the job, but would he really be ready to take on a life-saving position? After all, he was only a swimmer as a hobby. Years down the line, Stephen would choose a different career path, but on this fateful day, he was still watching the beach. Thank god he was there to save the day for one woman...


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