This Lifeguard Saved a Woman's Life, Only to Be Sued For the Heroic Act

In Too Deep

Stephen was at his post when he looked out over the ocean and saw something he knew was wrong. There was a girl in the water and she was too far away. "By ‘too far,’ I mean way too far," said Stephen. She was almost doubly as far as anyone else floating in the water. Stephen blew the whistle to alert her back, but he saw something that made his heart stop...

Going Under

Upon closer inspection, Stephen realized that the whistle wasn't going to help at all. The girl was drowning, and she was losing energy fast. Exhaustion would soon take over, and she'd fall below the water and out of sight. Her head was barely above the surface, so Stephen knew what he had to do. He raced across the sand and dove into the water to go save the woman...


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