These Time Travelers Claim to Have Proof of Their Journeys to the Future

Time travel is the subject of science fiction novels and fantasy movies, but the reality might be right around the corner. Two alleged time travelers have claimed that they returned from the year 6000 with what they believe is proof of their time in the future, but how legitimate is their evidence? Can these strangers be trusted? Find out if you believe the stories...

Meeting The Time Traveler

On Youtube, anyone can upload their own video, and that's exactly what one user did when he premiered a flick he made with some secrets below the surface. He claimed that he had been to the year 6000. While it might seem pretty impossible, the alleged time traveler brought up some pretty good points. Some of his facts had a little too much truth in them...

Facts and Figures

The man, fearing backlash from commenters, altered his voice and blurred out his face in the video. He revealed that he had some majorly weird experiences in the space-time continuum. According to the anonymous user, the government was hiding information about what the year 6000 will really be like. His predictions were pretty shocking to viewers...

All Around Us

As it turns out, accessing time travel devices is actually a lot easier than you might expect. The man in the video states that time travel has reportedly been around since the 1990s. This means that the technology has been right under our noses for almost 30 years. He hopes that by sharing his knowledge, he will expose the government's precious secrets surrounding time travel technology...

Classified Information

If what the mystery man says is true, then this means the government has been lying about everything. He says that he was chosen in the 1990s to participate in the time travel trial runs. The program was top-secret, so classified and under wraps that he thinks Area 51 was created as a distraction. The government was going to use him as an experiment...

Time and Place

The man doesn't disclose how many others participated in the aforementioned time program, but he does say that everyone was chosen to visit a designated period in history or the future. Some went back in time, which was considered a safer bet, but the man says he had a tougher task at hand. He was assigned the year 6000 as his final destination...

Soon to Be Released

If you're wondering how the American public can get their hands on this technology, don't worry. The man in the video confirms that the wait wouldn't be too long. The government is supposedly set to release the information starting in 2028, which is less than a decade away. Who knows—maybe in a few year's time, you could witness the marvels that this man saw...

Really Unbelievable

The anonymous YouTube user understands that his story is a stretch, but he hopes that people believe him regardless. He says that he wants to tell his story and bring awareness to the impending future. Not to mention, if it turns out that time travel is actually coming soon like he says it is, maybe it will be more obvious to viewers in the next few years...

Can He Be Trusted?

Sure, anyone can claim to have been to the future, but how could his story be trusted? Could his claims be validated? Well, as it turns out, the man had a secret up his sleeve. In the video, he insists that he has proof of his time in the year 6000. The physical proof is allegedly enough to dispel any arguments dismissing his tale as a lie. He knew he had the truth, but would others say the same?

Photographic Evidence

His physical proof of the adventure is a blurry photo from the year 6000. A muted landscape is depicted, and the scene seems fairly futuristic in appearance. You can see a lot of light features, blue coloring, and interesting shapes. The blur is frustrating, but he has a good explanation for the effect. However, it's one you might not expect...

Blurry Photo

In the photo, he claims that the picture is showing an average road for hovercars in the future. Apparently, we've never gotten all the way to flying cars, but vehicles are able to hover slightly above the ground, which decreases the rate of accidents. He also says that there are more planes, providing easy access to the entire world. If you squint, you can see some of them flying around...

Photo Effect

His reasoning is pretty sound in some senses. He claims that time travel can have harsh effects on media materials such as photos and videos. His prized picture suffered a bit of damage in the ringer of time and clearly didn't make it out the other side. Still, though, he believed it was still enough to make some people hear him out, so he took to the internet...

Secrets Revealed

People are always interested in all things that deny explanation. For this reason, as well as his convincing photography skills, many people decided to hear him out by clicking on his video. For those that were brave enough to listen to his story, they found out a lot of unusual secrets coming in the next few millennia. Here are some of the biggest ones...

Invention of Teleportation

Get ready everyone, because the first big change in the future is the invention of teleportation. In the year 6000, everyone is into this simple method of travel via particle building. It's fairly common and almost everyone has access to it. However, cars are still around, so it's really whatever you prefer in the coming decades. You have some time to decide!

Time Travel Is Easy 

If you ever miss the days before time travel, don't worry. Apparently, time travel is incredibly common in the year 6000. In the way that a plane ticket is pretty expensive for most people but inexpensive for important businessmen, time travel is more readily available for the elite class. Even in the future, the rich live a better life than everyone else...

Easily Invisible

Not surprisingly, invisibility is pretty easy to come across in the year 6000. It's actually how people travel to different time periods without messing anything up in the timeline. As long as they travel invisibly to avoid detection, the timeline won't be dramatically altered in any way. It's an excellent way to be a spy and gain further insight into people of the past. They might be watching right now...

Government Interference

So who is in charge of this incredible future? A president? A Dictator? Well actually, robots take over. Artificial intelligence is the wave of the future; machines will control the government. The reasoning behind this is that AI is supposedly much smarter than any human and significantly less emotional. It seems like a risk, but hey, maybe robot overlords really would solve a lot of problems...

100% Accuracy

Don't worry too much about the robot takeover though, because apparently everything turns out just fine. The robots can allegedly predict everything with 100% accuracy, meaning they aren't concerned with manipulation tactics. Since humans have a tendency to make decisions based on emotions, robots can avoid repeating our mistakes.

Big Things Coming

The time traveler explains that monumental advancements things are on the horizon for modern society. The first big change we can expect to see in the future is the cure for major diseases, especially cancer. Even more interestingly, he said we're very close to discovering the cure in the present day. This is big news, but the exciting new future doesn't stop there...

Curing Cancer

The time traveler said that the cure for cancer would be found fairly soon—sometime during the 2000s, definitely. When pressed for the details of these discoveries, the man claimed he couldn't give anything away. It's pretty difficult to believe someone who doesn't have the information to back his claims up. Still, though, there are more secrets of the future to be revealed...

Spread Your Mind

His next promise for the future is very strange, but an intriguing one. Apparently, in the not-too-distant future, humans will begin spreading their consciousness around to the other planets. What does that mean? Well, basically, the human mind will spread to other universes. He didn't really elaborate, but viewers can only assume this has to do with alien communication...

Forever Young

With advancements in medicine and youth retention, no one ever dies in the future. Apparently everyone is able to hold onto their youth forever. With no way to age and no disease to kill them, people pretty much live for as long as they want. They can even upload their consciousness to a robot if they want to. The options for ideal human existence are endless, but the future isn't all fun and games...

Not All Good

Not everything is so peachy in the future. There are certainly some pitfalls. Some things are seriously problematic, very scary, or just really, really weird. Dreaming of the future is one way that some people may escape their issues, but with that escapism, new problems will arise. The man in the video attested to the many difficulties he faced as a result of this incredible feat...

Time Travel Trouble

Time traveling, at least in its current stage, can be incredibly dangerous. People often lose limbs and brain functionality, according to the anonymous man. Even in the future, people haven't entirely figured it out, which is why we might not have met many time travelers yet. Surely they're all too scared to travel and risk injuring themselves permanently. If they do, though, they always have the option of becoming a cyborg...

Losing Friends

The time traveler said the process can be life-changing, but also deeply painful. He allegedly lost many friends to the perils of time traveling. One of his closest friends from the program got trapped in the year 6000 and hasn't been able to return home since. For now, he's locked in a piece of time that he can't leave. It was a freak accident gone wrong with terrible consequences...

Virtual Reality

His friend had tried a few fun tricks in 6000 that kept him trapped there. Apparently, he tried to upload his consciousness into a virtual reality server. This was pretty common in the year 6000, but they didn't realize there was no way to go back. Since he was time traveling, his consciousness remained in the VR set and has been stuck inside ever since...

Tiny People

So in the future, overpopulation is a huge issue. As a way to combat this, people were forced to shrink in order to save space on earth. Naturally, over time, people are going to become shorter and smaller so that they have more space to reproduce. Since they never die either, it's surely a huge issue. This terrifying reality is only a few thousand years away...

Mix and Match

People in this timeline can easily mix and match their DNA to look and feel exactly how they want. Everyone who exists can change their appearance with long consultations and experiments that can cost thousands of dollars (or whatever their new currency is). The process began with only the rich participating, but it soon became a common practice among teens and young people...

Gone For Good

The time traveler enjoyed his time in the year 6000 but knew he had to leave eventually. When he reported back in 2013, he brought news of tiny people, advancements in science and technology, and computers that could do everything imaginable and more. While his story may seem unbelievable, there are others who are willing to back up his claims with their own stories...

Chloe's Time Travels

Chloe was no stranger to the concept of time travel, and she was more than willing to back up the mystery man's claims. She also blurred her face in her response video for the sake of anonymity. She says she was part of the man's mission to the year 6000 and saw all the same secrets he did. She offered a few additional details to back up his story...

New Proof

While the blurry man only brought back a blurry photograph as evidence, apparently Chloe had something much more valuable. Even better, her proof could be studied by scientists and wasn't affected by the effects of time traveling. She, thankfully, grabbed a few different options to bring back to the modern (or at least current) age she was a part of...

Planting Ideas

Instead of a messy picture, Chloe brought back a plant from the year 6000. She claimed to have seen so many types of plants that had never been studied before. These were hybrids and new developments that had changed the earth over time. She plucked one stem from the ground and brought it back to the year 2013 to be tested by professionals. Maybe they would validate her story...

Real Rokorulo

The plant she brought back with her is called Roklorulo, a species that is not around in the modern age. In fact, it first appeared when the dinosaurs were still roaming the earth. In the future, it is revived by science and thrives in the ground. That's not the only prehistoric thing that's back and better than ever. There's one piece of history that makes quite a comeback...

Dinosaur Zoos

In the year 6000, zoos have gotten a bit of an upgrade. Dinosaur DNA is used to recreate the animals for scientific study. Once they've been studied, however, the reptilian beasts can be visited in zoos! It happens around the year 4529 and is a hugely popular attraction for tourists. While this is crazy to imagine, there are other differences that seem even more unbelievable...

How She Got There

You might be wondering, how do these people go through time? Well, it's actually pretty simple. Chloe described being strapped into a chair with leather binding. Her arms and legs were both fixed to the furniture with no way to move. They, being the government program officials, placed a metallic tube over her head and started a machine. The next thing she knew, she was in 6000...

Not Easy Being Green

“The ground was entirely green with trees and flowers, skyscrapers were peeking out of the trees. One of the most interesting facts was that plants were not similar to those which we used to see because of genetic engineering," said Chloe in her video "Also, I wanted to say that there were a lot of animals. Walking around I saw cats and foxes. I saw snakes and birds in the plants of skyscrapers.

What Is The Truth?

At the end of the day, there's no way to know what is the truth and what's just fiction. Their proof might explain some of the weird aspects of the future, but maybe it's all made up for attention. Our confidence in their story can only go so far. For now, we'll just have to wait until the rest of us can time travel. At least we only have to wait for a few more millennia!

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